The Billionaire's Baby (Key to My Heart Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Baby (Key to My Heart Book 3)
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Chapter Five




We didn't even linger long enough to congratulate the bride and groom before Sebastian had us on a flight back home.

In fact, we didn't even go back to the room after the wedding, he paid the bellboy to pack up all of our stuff and ship it back.

For much of the return flight, we didn't even speak. I sat on the window side, leaning against the warm glass and staring down at the soft pillow like clouds that easily breezed past. It was an easy flight, to which I was grateful. While my stomach had been holding steady, it wouldn't take much to send it back over the edge. I'd almost lost it when the person in front of us had ordered a very strong smelling chicken pot pie.

Sebastian shifted in his seat, either extremely ignorant or pretending likewise of the heavy, tense silence that we shared.

I was sick of this.

I was sick of pretending not to notice strange things, I was sick of letting Sebastian do and say whatever he wanted just because we weren't in love.

We were married dammit, emotionally invested or not.

"What happened last night?" I asked, voice much more accusing than I would have liked.

I couldn't help it, I had so much pent up aggravation and frustration, I felt like a tea kettle - ready to explode. My patience had frayed just a bit too far gone.

I could already feel my heart pounding away in my ribs, making it hard to hear the English lilt of Sebastian's voice. I was even too angry to appreciate how lovely his words sounded on my ears.

"What do you mean?" He asked, blinking innocently as his Adam’s apple visibly tightened like the squirming little worm of a liar he was.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I was getting a bit too intense there.

Now, typically, I was not an angry type of person. Sure, I could get worked up and anxious pretty easily, but not angry.

Unfortunately for the unsuspecting man unlucky enough to currently be married to me however, I was one to bottle up. When the pressure got too much, that meant someone had to take the brunt of my explosion.

This person, today, was Sebastian.

Not that he didn't deserve it. Right now, in this particular moment, I was extremely convinced of the fact that he did deserve it. He deserved every inch of my frustration that I was about to unload upon him, and he had nowhere to escape to in this tiny metal flying place he would call a prison for the next two hours.

At least his first class prison cell was comfortable and had ample leg room.

"What do I mean?" I scoffed, arms crossing over my chest in a way that showed I meant business, buster, "What do I mean!?"

I could hear my voice growing higher in octave, desperation to reach this man who felt miles away and yet sat right in front of me peaking.

"I mean, where the hell were you last night? Why did you run off when you found out Alissa was pregnant?"

"I slept in the lobby." Sebastian replied, glancing around as people began looking our way, "Listen, can we just...calm down for a moment?"

"Calm down?" I cried, standing up straight, "Did you just tell me to calm down?"

"Ma'am!" A flight attendant rushed over, fake smile that would make Karina proud on her pink lips, "We have the 'please remain seated' light on for a reason, dear."

"Don't you call me ‘dear!’" I yelled at the attendant, tears bursting into my eyes, "You don't know me!"

"Okay, now let's calm down..." She said, eyes widening in faint alarm.

Now it was one hundred percent of the rest of the passengers were staring at us. One was recording it on a cell phone, I could see the familiar red light flash. I didn’t give one single I had to work on my language with the baby coming, after all.

"You don’t tell a pregnant woman to just calm down!' I hollered, bursting into frantic tears as I buried my face in my hands, "I can't calm down!"

Another attendant joined the first, who stared pointedly at my clueless husband for help, he just held up his hands, muttering, "I already tried to calm her down."

So much help he was.

Finally, another woman carefully stood in her place, round belly bulging, "Send her over here." She sighed, patting the empty space next to her, "Let's have a chat."

"I don't wanna." I replied, perfectly aware of how petulant I sounded yet seemingly unable to help it. I sniffled loudly, like a pathetic little girl.

Begrudgingly, though, I allowed the first attendant to walk me to the other seat.

She knelt down on in the aisle as I settled in, comfortingly saying "Let me get a nice new pillow and some water." with a wink of her eye, she disappeared down the hall.

I resumed sniffling, big tears rolling down my cheeks. I didn't even both to look at what Sebastian was doing. He'd showed how much he cared already.

"Call me Melanie." The woman next to me said, patting her belly, "And this is little Riley."

"Riley such a sweet name." I bawled, turning to the woman, "What is happening?!" I couldn't stop the tears.

Fortunately, everyone had gotten bored with watching the grown woman cry and had resumed their own activities.

"Get used to it, sweetheart." Melanie sighed with a shrug, "I cried yesterday when I accidentally sat on a slice of bread."

"You could have eaten that bread!" I gasped, eyes wide.

My new friend nodded solemnly, lips almost quivering before she shook her head firmly, "No, no. There’s more bread in the world."

Quickly, she changed the subject before I could start grieving with her over lost toast, "How far along are you?" She asked gently, "Not far?"

"A little over 12 weeks." I said quietly, "It's like it's not even real yet, and still, it's all I ever think about."

"Your life is changing." She replied, patting my hand, "Everything is changing. Your life, your body, your marriage," She began, gesturing towards my utterly befuddled husband who was now on the phone with someone, "it'll never be the same, and that takes some adjusting. It's overwhelming and it's scary, but this is what you were made for."

I stared at her, wondering just how this person had gotten so wise. She looked my age and yet, she could articulate all of that?

"You're amazing." I whispered, ready to cry again.

"I'm on my second." She smirked, patting her round tummy again, "I'm basically a professional."

"Oh, wow." I sighed, leaning back in the seat as the flight attendant returned with the water and pillow.

"Hubby there has a lot of learning to do too." She informed me, still holding my hand. I clung to her as though she were a lifeline, or my mother, “I’m sure he’s doing his best just like you are.”

"I know." I replied, "This was... an unexpected situation that we got ourselves into."

"Even when it's expected," Melanie chuckled, "It's still a shock. We read every book on the market before Susan was born."

The woman leaned back in her chair, eyes going misty as she remembered, "And the first time she cried, it was as though the world was ending. It stayed like that for three months."

"It couldn't have been too bad," I laughed, "If you went for another."

"Baby one was planned, this little guy, not so much." Melanie responded with a smirk.

I laughed, shaking my head as I sipped on my water.

Tentatively, I glanced back towards Sebastian. He was off the phone now, having moved to the window seat and was staring contemplatively out the glass.

What was he thinking? Was his world ending as this new life was beginning? Is that what he was afraid of?

"You know, sometimes the dads have trouble connecting with baby until they hold it in their arms for the first time." Melanie said softly, observing me, "To us, we begin to feel the baby’s every move inside them, it's like it's not real until they can look them in the eyes."

I turned back to her as she smiled knowingly.

This woman, who barely even knew me, was trying so hard to comfort me.

Why was it that a stranger would go out of her way to hold my hand and talk some rational sense into me, but my husband would go clammy and cold?

Was the problem with me, or was it with Sebastian?

Maybe...maybe it was just a problem with the both of us.

It seemed that every corner we turned just led into a darker hallway.

Would we ever find our way out? Were we meant to make this passage together?

I knew love was not supposed to be easy, but was it supposed to be as hard as this? Was it supposed to be a struggle ever damn step of the way?

Were Sebastian and I just forcing fate? Were we even meant to be?

Chapter Six




I stood outside Sebastian's bedroom that evening, hand resting on the doorknob for a whole ten minutes.

We'd quietly returned home that afternoon, and almost instantly headed back to our own rooms. Karina was nowhere in sight, apparently at the bakery still. She wasn’t expecting us back today, as it was.

It was nice to be home, it was nice rest in my own bed, it was nice to relax again.

What wasn't nice was the tension that had only grown more harsh between myself and my husband. He was obviously unsure how to act around me, and I was equally unsure of what I should say.

While I regretted how uncontrollable I'd become on the flight, what remained true was that I needed Sebastian to come clean with me, I needed him to give me answers. I was desperate for that, in fact.

I needed to know what was going on between us, if anything.

Taking a deep breath, I held it in my lungs for as long as I could, feeling the way my chest expanded, grounding me. The breath whooshed out noisily as I bit my lip, gave myself a firm nod, and gently turned the knob on the door.

It was only as it began to push open that I realized it would have been more polite to knock.

Sebastian sat in his bed, shirtless and tired, only the single lamp on at his bedside. He glanced towards me, did a double take and straightened up fast, slamming the book cover down on his table.

"Hi." I whispered shyly, lingering in the doorway, " it okay?"

"It's always okay." The sexy man replied quickly, swinging his legs out from underneath the covers of the bed as he patted the space beside him, "What's going on?"

His deep ocean colored eyes followed me, dark brow creased in concern. His gaze shifted towards my belly then back up to my face.

"Oh, it's not that. Everything’s good." I said back, giving an uneasy laugh and hesitantly settling onto the bed a good arm’s length away from him.

"Oh." The billionaire murmured simply, large, warm hands folding in his lap.

Was I just supposed to outright accuse him of being Alissa’s baby daddy? After my explosion this afternoon, I couldn't see that ending well.

"I was so worried last night." I decided instead, treading cautiously into the conversation, "You didn't come back to the room, and I waited for you."

"I’m truly sorry for that, Macy." He sighed, closing the distance between us as he scooted across the bed towards me, “It was never my intention to make you worry. I needed a bit of time to clear my head and take a breath.”

Closer now, though still not touching, I could smell the faint lemongrass scent of his body wash. His hair was still damp from the shower he'd taken not too long before.

I cleared my throat, trying to push away thoughts of his naked body in the shower. A body that I'd longed to touch for months. Even if we never spent another night together I would never forget what he felt like beneath my palms, or what his lips felt like against mine.

"Are you sure you’re alright?" He asked, pressing a hand to my forehead, "You look flushed."

'Oh sure, just imagining you naked.' I mentally quipped.

"I'm really fine. Just a little tired." I responded instead.

I could tell that I was not going to be able to broach the conversation tonight. I just couldn't.

For all of my determination to have a real, true conversation for once, here I was chickening out yet again. Why was it so difficult to speak to him as a partner, as my husband? Between the concerned frown on his lips and the way his ocean eyes swirled like a sea storm, I just melted. It wasn’t fair.

"Don't do that again." I murmured, turning my gaze to his, "Don't just run away from me I…I’m your wife, Sebastian."

He looked at me, fully this time, and it felt to me as though he hadn't truly looked at me since he found out about the baby.

What were his reservations? What held him back so rigidly? He'd been there that night three months past, he'd help create the tiny person growing in me. Why did he act as though I'd done something worthy of betrayal?

Why was he always running?

His lips parted, tongue seeking the words that he so clearly struggled to find. His hand instinctively lurched forward, sweeping the curve of my chin as his smooth palm pressed into my cheek. I leaned against his warm support, my own hand curling against the backs of his fingers.

Even with this connection, this touch, our bodies so close, I could feel that invisible wall up high around my husband.

Both of us stood on either sides, desperately wanting to reach each other and leap into each other's arms, but completely unknowing of how.

If only it were easy.

"You should go." He finally spoke, his voice pained, "You should rest. For the baby."

"Sure." I responded, his hand sliding away from my fingertips, resting helplessly in his lap.

I sat there for a moment longer before standing, turning my back on my husband and walking towards the door.

Even still I lingered, wishing against hope that he would ask me to stay.

When his voice did not ring out, I slid into the hall and closed the door behind me.

I do not remember the walk back to my room. I do not remember carefully changing out of my clothes and into my pajamas or brushing my teeth or washing my face.

What I do remember, is lying awake in my bed, staring at the moon's illumination on my ceiling, as no tears fell down my cheeks.

I had no more left to cry.

When I woke up the next day, Sebastian was already gone. An early morning plane flight had stolen him back overseas yet again. I wasn’t even surprised when I got the news.

Karina, finally home again, sat at the dining table and sipped her tea.

"Good morning." I said as I walked into the dining room.

I'd gotten so used to not having the woman around, it was rather surprising when she showed up again.

"Not with Harry this morning?" I asked, trying to hide the smirk behind my coffee cup.

"He's out of town presently." She responded starchily, not meeting my gaze.

"Then the bakery's closed?" I asked, startled. I usually received word of such things.

"You weren't supposed to return until tomorrow." My mother in law shrugged, "I told him it was fine. He deserved it anyways."

There wasn't much I could do about it now, the bakery was already closed. Harry worked so had all the time, Karina was right that he could use a free day.

"It's fine." I finally said, thanking the chef, Tricia, as she brought me my usual bagel.

"I know it is." Karina snipped back, staring at me levelly. Her arched eyebrow dared me to disagree.

As I took the first bite of my bagel, the woman continued to stare at me, questions burning behind her eyes. I knew she wanted to ask about the wedding d I knew she wanted to hear all the gritty details.

All that I wanted though, was for one freaking Davis to actually say what was on their mind.

"Oh my god." I said suddenly, turning my attention sharply back towards Karina with a sudden realization.

The new Davis baby.

Did she know about Alissa’s pregnancy? Was I supposed to tell her?

The dark haired woman's eyes widened a bit, leaning forward so her elbows touched the table in a way that was completely unlike her.

"Yes?" She asked, slight grin sidling onto her expectant face, gleam in her dark eyes.

She only smiled like that when here was good gossip to be had. This, unfortunately for her, would probably not make her happy.

I was just glad she was already seated, or else she may very well swoon like some dainty woman in an old film.

"Karina, there is something that I need to tell you." I said softly, "Something that you may not want to hear. But I think it’s best you get word from me.”

For a moment, the woman's face melted clear of any gossipy joy, "The baby?" She asked quickly, leaning forward over the table, "Is he okay?"

"Little one's fine." I said quickly, holding up my hands, between her and Sebastian it was like a needed a constant disclaimer that the child was fine, "...but I'm not the only one that's having a little one."

Karina frowned at me, giving a slight shake of her head, "I'm sorry, Macy, but you'll have to be more clear."

"Alissa." I whispered, lips pursing tightly shut as I struggled to deliver the news in the least painful way. After all, the woman had been struggling so much with her divorce and her ex's new engagement. Now I was supposed to tell her that he was already having another child?

"She’s pregnant. She announced it at her rehearsal dinner." I finally managed to sputter, ready to jump up and grab my mother in law if she did decide to elegantly collapse right over.

Karina stared at me, frown on her usually straight lined lips, confusion in her eyes.

"Are you sure?" She asked slowly.

"I mean. She said she was." I responded, likewise frown on my face, “It’s not like saw the pregnancy test.”

Then, slowly, the strange woman began to laugh. Her laughter rolled out of her, one single hand pressing firm against her heart as she hunched over the table.

"...What is going on with you?" I asked, utterly bewildered, "What's so funny about that?"

"Macy, George can't have any more children." She finally said, wiping a single tear away from the corner of her eyes, "I don't know whose bastard child she's carrying, but it's not my ex-husband's."             

BOOK: The Billionaire's Baby (Key to My Heart Book 3)
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