The Billionaire's Bodyguard Bride (8 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Bodyguard Bride
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“I’m delighted to be of service.
Viens avec moi
. Come with me. I have just the gown to do your beauty justice.”

Standing in the midst of a veritable sea of fabulous dresses, Lauren decided Paul DeChamps was positively brilliant. He had a gift for meshing fabrics, garment lines, and colors to create one-of-a-kind masterpieces. Considering his talent and charisma, it was no wonder he was the heartthrob of the fashion world.

Seeing her eager perusal of the fashions, he held up his hand and shook his head. “None of these,
ma chère
. They are merely rough-cut stones. For you, I have a diamond in mind.”

He disappeared into a cavernous walk-in closet and reappeared moments later holding a garment bag, a look of triumph on his face. “I knew this gown would have its moment.”

Unzipping the bag, he removed the dress with a flourish. Even on the hanger it was easy to see it was exquisite. The design melded timeless elegance with a splash of daring. It was temptation captured in flashy red silk.

“Wow,” she murmured, awed.

“Go ahead and try it on,” he encouraged. “The dressing room is on your right.”

Moments later she stared at her reflection in amazement. The elegant mermaid-style gown accented her slender figure to perfection, its cut making the most of her subtle curves. The daring shade wasn’t one she would have picked herself, but it worked. The color brought out highlights in her hair she hadn’t known existed.

Making a final adjustment to the gown’s softly draped cowl neckline, she took a deep breath and stepped out of the dressing room.

Anxious to gauge Rafe’s reaction, she searched his face. She found his approval reflected there in spades in the darkening of his beautiful eyes and the affected leap of the pulse at his jaw.

“It’s perfect,” he pronounced, his husky murmur sending a wave of heat coursing through her.

the designer concurred. “As is your lady. She is positively breathtaking. If you hadn’t already snagged her, I’d have to claim her for my own.”

Rafe told himself the poker-hot sensation that lanced through his gut with all the burn of pure battery acid couldn’t be jealousy. Why should it matter to him if the handsome French designer found Lauren attractive? And yet he couldn’t deny that Paul’s remarks got his hackles up. He tamped down the urge to wrap his hands around his friend’s neck and wipe the flirtatious smile from his face. “Then it’s a good thing I found her first,” he drawled, his tone warning the man he was straying into dangerous territory. “Thank you, Paul. I’ll take the dress.”

Paul turned his attention back to Lauren, biting back a grin at his friend’s newly developed possessive streak. Hard to blame him. The woman was enchanting. “Wear your hair down and keep your jewelry to a minimum,” he advised her. “You already compliment the gown perfectly. There’s no need to get fussy with accessories.”

With the gown purchase completed, they tracked down footwear. Rafe delighted in Lauren’s enthusiasm when she found the perfect pair of stilettos amongst the myriad of styles to choose from.

Lingerie was all that remained on the list, but she drew the line at letting him select her undergarments in the exclusive boutique he brought her to.

“I’ve got this. You can just relax over there,” she insisted, pointing out a leather sofa flanked by an end table piled with various sports magazines. The corner had clearly been designated as a masculine safe haven amidst all the satin and lace seduction.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like some help? I have excellent taste in lingerie,
agapi mou

“I’ve no doubt you do. However, as you won’t be seeing mine, your taste is a moot point. Now sit.”

When she made her way to the counter with her selections, he joined her there. Much to her chagrin he added a slinky thong-backed teddy that practically screamed “tear me off.”

Lauren glared at him, raising an eyebrow. “Are you sure ivory is your color? I think it might make you look washed out.”

“Very funny. Think of the teddy as window dressing. Though I’m certain the Fullertons’ household staff are not in the least bit nosey, they will think it strange if they don’t see at least one piece of honeymoon-appropriate nightwear in our room.”

“If you say so,” she shrugged. “Since our mission is complete, I’m going to call it a day. I still have to pack for tomorrow’s trip. Then I have a date with a tub full of bubbles.”

Rafe’s gut clenched at the sensual image her proclamation conjured. She was killing him. It was bad enough watching her model the figure-flattering outfits he’d selected today without adding another seductive mental snapshot to his collection. Now he was picturing her shapely legs and pert breasts covered only by a thin veil of bubbles, every delectable inch of her rosy and slick from her bath. He was hard in a heartbeat, thinking of what he’d like to do with her in that tub.

Given the sexual vibes that had hummed between them all day, he knew he could easily convince her to include him in her plans for the evening. But he’d given her his word he wouldn’t pressure her. He’d have to postpone the pleasure.

“I’m afraid your tub time is going to be delayed,” he told her with a teasing glint in his eyes. “Our next stop is the Roundup Steakhouse.”

“Why?” she queried, her brow knitting in puzzlement at the unexpected addition to the day’s plans. “I’m not having dinner with you. My time may be yours as of tomorrow, but tonight it’s mine, and I plan on spending the evening alone.”

“Relax. Your dinner date isn’t with me. Stephanie phoned my secretary earlier and asked her to relay a message. I’m to drop you off at the restaurant at six. Apparently only a disaster of apocalyptic proportions is an acceptable excuse for missing girls’ night out. Our upcoming nuptials don’t qualify.”

“But it isn’t Friday.”

“The ladies decided to bump up your weekly get-together since you’ll be away. I’ll take your packages back to your house and then head back to my estate. Stephanie assured me she’ll see you safely home.”

“Well then I’ll happily delay my bubble bath for a few more hours. A cold drink and a hot, juicy sirloin enjoyed with friends will be fabulous.”

“I’m glad you approve. Although I must confess I’d rather take you home and give you a hand with your bath. I could scrub your back.”

“In your dreams,” Lauren shot back. But her saucy retort lacked bite. Instead the thought of inviting him to share her bubble bath Jacuzzi teased at her. Heat pooled low in her belly as an image of his impressively muscled bare chest sprang to mind.

She imagined the path the glistening water droplets would take as they slid down his taut, bronzed torso. She’d explore all that male perfection, from his sexy collarbone and gorgeous pecs down to his six-pack abs and lower still, taking her time as she reacquainted herself with his virile maleness.

“We’re here,” the subject of her erotic interlude announced, interrupting her fantasy.

They entered the steakhouse, and the hostess led them to the restaurant’s private function room.

“Surprise!” a chorus of feminine voices yelled out the second Lauren crossed the threshold. She was swept up in a wave of greetings and friendly hugs.

“Wow!” Lauren exclaimed, surveying the room her friends had transformed into a pre-wedding wonderland. Festive streamers, balloons, and floral arrangements created a celebratory atmosphere. On the far wall, a table groaned under the weight of an elaborate cake and a pile of gifts. “This is amazing!” She turned to Rafe. “Did you know they were planning this?”

He nodded. “I was sworn to secrecy.”

Bending his head, he melded his lips to hers. Lauren knew his passionate embrace was simply for the benefit of the women assembled there. Rafe had no idea the women were fellow agents as well as friends—or that they knew her sudden engagement was a ruse. Apparently they’d decided to throw the surprise party to add credibility to her cover.

Though her mind registered the fact that Rafe believed he was simply playing the part of devoted fiancé, the only thing her body computed was the scorching caress of his lips against hers. It longed for more while she tried to convince her raging hormones that the kiss was just for appearances’ sake.

“Enjoy your evening
, agapi mou
,” he murmured silkily. “I look forward to tomorrow.”

Stephanie fanned herself with her hand as she watched him walk away. “If you weren’t my best friend, I’d be insanely jealous. He’s sooo hot.”

Lauren’s lips still sizzled. She was already yearning for a replay, but she pushed those confusing emotions aside in favor of preserving her sanity. She rolled her eyes before drawing Stephanie in for a quick hug of gratitude. “And I’m supposed to be guarding all that hotness, remember? Parker doesn’t take over for another couple of hours. I’m going to have to pass on tonight.”

“You’ll do no such thing,” Stephanie refuted. “Liz is aware I’ve hijacked you for the evening. She’s asked Parker to start his shift early, and he’s already on duty. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. She also asked me to tell you she’ll be along as soon as she can escape from the office. Your pseudo-marriage gives us a great excuse to party. This is your night. All you have to do is kick back and enjoy it.”

It wasn’t long before Liz joined them, and the evening flew by amidst great food and animated conversation. Giggling and friendly banter ensued when the group moved on to the gift table and Lauren began unwrapping her presents.

The last package was from Megan, the newest member of the team. Undoing the gorgeous wrapping and opening the box, Lauren peeled back the tissue paper to find a wisp of silk and lace that would reveal more than it concealed.

“It’s gorgeous, Megan. Thank you.”

“I hope Rafe will be gentle with it,” the young operative teased.

“Rafe doesn’t have a shot at seeing it. I’m serious about keeping our deal strictly platonic.”

“I’d be changing my mind about that in short order,” Jessica, the team’s research specialist, interjected with a grin.

“I second that,” Bethany, Sentinels’ technology guru, piped up. “Our original thought was to surprise you with some creature comforts to help you weather the sacrifice of the next year. Now that I’ve laid eyes on that amazing specimen of XY chromosomes you’re assigned to, I’ll be disappointed if you need any of this stuff. Except the negligee, of course.”

“Yeah. Some sacrifice,” Megan added. “What a hunk. I think you’re crazy for not burning up the sheets with him.”

Stephanie waggled her finger at the rookie operative in mock displeasure. “Don’t you remember rule number four in our rule book?”

“Keep a clear head at all times,” Megan dutifully parroted.

“Very good,” Stephanie affirmed. “That especially means not muddying the waters by getting emotionally involved with a subject you’re guarding.”

“The rule book doesn’t say we can’t enjoy an emotionally unencumbered tumble or two,” Megan pointed out with a wicked grin.

“She learns fast,” Liz chuckled. “Anyone for dessert?”

It was a fabulous evening, and Lauren was grateful to have such wonderful friends. She made it a point to tell them so as the women said their good-byes.

Stephanie drove her home. “Would you like a cup of coffee,” Lauren invited, “or is it too late?”

“You know I’m a slave to your java. I’d love a cup.”

A short while after they’d begun working together, Lauren had learned she and Stephanie had more in common than their proficiency on the shooting range. Both women had been raised by widowed men who’d been victims of addiction.

Lauren’s father had turned to liquor to dull the pain of his wife’s untimely death in a car crash. The alcohol that anesthetized his emotional agony made him mean and vindictive. Each time he’d gone on a binge Lauren had lost a little more of him until all that remained was a shell of the man she loved.

For Stephanie’s father the demon had been gambling. Lured by the false promise of easy wealth, his dance with the devil left him destitute and desperate. He’d been shot and killed holding up a neighborhood gas station.

Stefanie understood what it was like to grow up trying to pretend everything in your life was normal when it wasn’t. It had been easy for Lauren to forge a strong friendship with her because of the common ground they shared.

Once inside, Lauren set the coffeemaker brewing and grabbed two mugs from the cupboard. Placing the mugs on the table, she noticed Stefanie checking her phone, a frown of worry creasing her forehead.

“Is everything okay?”

“What? Oh yes, everything’s fine. I sent Frank a text message earlier this evening, and I was just checking to see if he’s replied yet.”

“So that’s why you’ve been jumping every time your message alarm goes off. Seems like an awful lot of anxiety over a simple text. What gives?”

Stephanie drew in a breath, puffing out her cheeks before exhaling a sigh. “Liz told me today she’d like to hire Frank. She’s given him an overview of our operation, and he’s interested in coming on board. She wants him to tag along on one of my shifts so he can see what a typical day in the field is like before he makes his final decision. I’m waiting to hear from him so we can set something up.”

BOOK: The Billionaire's Bodyguard Bride
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