The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1)
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Her head raised off the bed but she didn't say anything. He punched a button next to the dial and the sound of Hungry Eyes filtered quietly into the room. He was more of a rap fan, but he knew the women generally preferred something like this.

"Stop me if you hate it," he told her, then approached the bed when she said nothing, his footfalls loud on the bare floor. He slowed himself as much as possible, watching her, assessing her. His plan was the same as it always was: to play off of her reactions, push her boundaries, and give her as much pleasure as he possibly could before taking his own. He'd never had a complaint yet.

She dropped her head to the flat pillow as he approached, pulling slightly at her restraints with her arms. Her head arched backwards, exposing her neck. That's where he would start with her. Her neck.

He kicked off his shoes, making sure she heard each loud thud. He bent and slowly removed his socks, smiling at the way her breath was coming faster. He couldn't wait to get his fingers inside her and see exactly what he was doing to her without ever even touching her. In fact, he was going to take a peek.

He plucked a corner of the sheet off the bed and pulled it towards him. Was she wearing her bra and panties still? Or naked? He had her pegged as a bra and panties girl. Not quite badass enough to go naked the first time out.

The sheet slipped across her skin and her head whipped to the left, her breath coming faster. Her back arched as the satin whispered along its path.

Her bare breast was revealed, making him smile even wider. He'd been wrong. He loved being wrong about a woman. Maybe she had more surprises for him.

He admired her round, full breast for just a moment before pulling the sheet farther. Her nipples tightened as he watched, making his cock throb painfully. He stroked it lightly through his pants.
Relax. Not time yet.

Knox pulled the sheet all the way off, his hand opening and dropping it on the floor as his eyes traveled down her smooth belly to her mound. No panties either. She was beautiful. And his for the night.

Her legs were too close together though. Knox stepped to the foot of the bed and pulled one round restraint latch out of its notch, moving it along its groove until her leg had to open wider. The movement teased a gasp from her. He kept his eyes on the restraint latches, not wanting to spoil the unveiling with a partial view. He moved the other leg out as far as it would go, then slowly followed the line of her calf and thigh to her sex.

Her pussy was ripe and beautiful, and as completely wet as he knew it would be. His erection swelled as he watched her hips tip downwards, possibly trying to hide herself from his view.

"You're beautiful," he said, meaning it. Her lips pressed together for a moment and then her hips relaxed. Her tongue darted out and wet her lips. She was excited, but nervous. He needed to take care of that.

He began taking off his clothes, talking to her as he did so. "Ok gorgeous, you're not here to be a submissive. I'm no dominant, although I love a bit of rough play as much as anyone. You're here to be my plaything for the night, and in return I will make sure you feel very, very good. Remember, your safe words are easy. No, don't, and stop. If you say any one of them, I will stop what I am doing immediately and untie you. I won't try to force you to do anything, but I will encourage you to do everything."

Completely naked, cock standing at attention, Knox climbed onto the bed next to her, heading for her neck as he had decided already.

"Is there anything you'd like to request?" he rumbled, then knelt to suckle her jaw line, moving lower as she pressed into it.

She didn't speak, only moaned lightly and arched her head back, giving him more access.

"You let me know, gorgeous," he whispered into the slight hollow of her collarbone. "Anything goes in this room. I won't say anything. You won't say anything. If you tell me your deepest darkest fantasies, there's a good chance I'll do my best to fulfill them."

Again she didn't say a word, only mewled in the very back of her throat.

Gentleman's choice, then.

He brought his hand up the length of her body and palmed the tantalizing weight of her breast, then began slow, languorous circles around her nipple with two fingers. Darby arched her back and pushed into his hand. He kissed his way down to the breast, stopping his kisses just long enough to look at the tempting globe as the music in the room changed to something slower, deeper. He loved breasts. The sheer beauty of them. If there was anything more perfect or attractive in nature he'd never seen it. They sucked a man in, made him forget who he was. Made him cross any boundary for the right to touch, to taste.

The right he had at this moment. Overcome with desire, he suddenly pinched her nipple possessively, perhaps a mite too hard, earning a sudden gasp and then a low moan from Rach—Darby.

Thrown off his game for just a moment by the slip of the wrong name in his mind, Knox breathed deeply and mustered all of his predatory focus. This wasn't Rachel, but it didn't matter. Darby was soft and willing and
. Rachel was not. Rachel had run from him. Rachel might even be dead. A dull pain hit Knox right in the chest at the last thought. He gritted his teeth and flung the thought away. With a growl he dropped his head to the nipple in front of him and began to suck until the primal act drove all thoughts from his mind.

Darby whimpered and rolled beneath him. Knox continued his attention to her breasts, switching from one to the other while reaching down with one hand to run lazy circles over her belly, sometimes dropping just low enough to graze her sex. He would do this until she begged. They always begged at some point.

And beg she did.

Knox lost himself, lost time, lost cohesive thought. All that existed was the breasts, the body, the sensation of soft under his rough fingertips. Her little moans and whimpers became part of the music, part of the room. Until she spoke her first words.

"Knox, I can't take it anymore. Stick your cock in me. Please."

Knox smiled into the nipple he was worshiping. There was nothing better in life than to hear a woman beg him to fuck her.

"Say it again, gorgeous."

She whimpered and pulled on her restraints. "Fuck me, Knox, please fuck me."

Knox let the nipple pop out of his mouth and worked his way up to her lips, mauling them, making them his, ruining them for any other man. "Don't worry gorgeous, I'll fuck you. But not yet. Fucking is dessert. There's four other courses to get through first."

She whimpered again and her lips sought his, trying to get him to kiss her again but his cock throbbed so hard it grabbed his attention for a moment. He scooted up the bed and knelt by her head. "Kiss my cock, Darby. It's aching for you."

She turned towards him eagerly, her mouth wide open, wanting him. He grasped his cock in his hand and gently pushed it home. Her mouth stretched wide to accommodate him and he watched, fascinated, loving the look of his flesh disappearing between her beautiful swollen lips. She swirled him with her tongue a few times but he pulled away at the first light graze of her teeth. Blowjobs made him vulnerable, and that was something he couldn't stand to be.

He kissed her lips, hard, grabbed a condom off the nightstand, then traveled down her body, trailing light kisses as he went. Darby pulled against her restraints and arched her body, trying to push her sex into him.

Knox kept going till he was there, his eyes devouring her perfect pink folds. She squirmed beneath his gaze. She couldn't see him eye-fucking her, but she sure as hell had to feel the desire radiating out around him.

She was swollen and dripping, her petal-smooth lips flushed with obvious passion. Knox brushed her sex with his tongue, gently tasting her. She tasted lightly sweet, like a strawberry or melon left in the sun too long. She moaned, long and loud, letting him know she wanted this badly. Knox began his exploration of her center, being careful to avoid her clit, wanting to hear her beg him again. He couldn't get enough of a woman begging him.

Using his tongue, he caressed her lower lips with care and precision, starting from the very bottom of her sex and working his way as far up as he could without touching her where she strained for him to. When her cries became desperate, he pulled back for a second to find her U-spot, then lowered his head to it, determined to find out if she even knew about this sensitive area on her body. He licked it lightly, then applied pressure with the flat of his tongue, straining upwards to sweep around her clit.

He heard the restraint locks rattle in the headboard as her top half came off the bed. "Oh God!" she cried.

Knox smiled to himself and went back for another pass. He'd always studied women, their anatomy, and the art of genius, mind-blowing sex, because he loved giving pleasure. To him, the cries of a woman in the midst of a killer orgasm were almost better than his own release. Judging by her reaction, he'd bet a thousand dollars that she'd never had a lover give this spot attention, or that she'd never discovered it herself. It was an upside-down, u-shaped area below the clitoris. Knox thought of it as the underside of the clitoris, because if he approached it like he was trying to stimulate that underneath bit, the woman always went crazy.

Knox swept across Darby's U-spot, then around the clitoris again, before finally focusing directly on her clit. He closed his lips around it and suckled like it was a nipple, dropping his tongue to her U-spot every few seconds.

Darby bucked her hips off the bed, her thighs clenching. She cried out, one long, punctuated scream, and Knox knew she was close already. "Cum, gorgeous," he snarled into her flesh, his tongue still in place. She broke then, thrusting her hips forward one more time and holding them, her scream of pure pleasure loud enough to wake the neighbors. Knox curled his arms around her thighs, refusing to alter his pace or technique as her orgasm went on and on. He could feel her heat clenching around him as the hot, hard contractions shot through her. Finally, she dropped to the bed, satiated. Done. Or so she thought.

Knox ripped the condom wrapper open with his teeth and rolled the condom down his thick, throbbing shaft in one movement. He couldn't wait one more second to be inside her. He positioned himself between Darby's quivering thighs, took his cock in his hand, and thrust into her with one deep, hard movement.

Darby cried out and her head lifted off the bed again. Knox pulled out and thrust back in, imagining her eyes wide beneath her blindfold as she dealt with the sudden intrusion as best she could. Her pussy was dripping wet, her honey coating him, her walls clenching at him. He fucked her hard, looking only for his own release, loving the feeling of her after her orgasm. She'd come, now he needed to, so they could move on to the next part in the game.

Chapter 7




Mica boarded the airplane quickly, knowing she couldn't avoid it any longer. Justin had to know she wasn't coming in. Thank God he was competent. He'd been wanting to head a runway show for months. This was his chance. She'd do what she could from the San Francisco office but he was going to be mostly on his own.

She had left her car sitting on the grass and called a cab. She didn't know what story her car sitting there with the big dent in the trunk told, but she didn't much care either. She had just wanted out. Out of Dick Bailey's reach, out of the city, out of the mess he was creating around her.

Mica found her seat and sat quickly, then pulled out her phone, texting Justin.

I can't come in tonight. Emergency in San Fran. How would you like to run Tuesday's show?

She only had to wait a few moments before his reply came back.

GIRL! I thought you'd never ask. You know I am all over it!!!!!!!!

Mica huffed out a breath in relief. He would do a good job. The models would look sassier than she liked them, with crazy hair-styles and ostentatious makeup, plus she knew he would hire as many male models as he could get away with, just because he liked to look at them, but the show would be top-notch.

A moment later her phone buzzed again.

What kind of emergency? You ok?

I'm fine. Just personal stuff.

Personal stuff? Since when? What's going on?

Mica sighed. Justin knew her too well. He knew she had no family, no kids, no boyfriend, no friends, and no life, so any personal stuff she was dealing with had to be hers alone. He cared about her. He would keep prying till he found out. She took the easy way out.

Nothing big. I'll tell you tomorrow. Stewardesses are ordering phones off. Bye.

Mica turned her phone off quickly, punching the power button like she could ward off evil with it. Hopefully that would hold him for a while.

Until she figured out what the hell to do with the mess she was in.




Mica's plane touched down in San Francisco an hour and thirty-five minutes later. She had no luggage. Nothing but her purse and the clothes on her back. Luckily, she had everything she needed at her townhome in the Sea Cliff subdivision. She just had to get there. She found a cab and gave her address, then leaned back to watch the city go by. There was something soothing about San Francisco at night, and it lulled her into a relaxed feeling, a feeling that she had made the right choice by coming.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1)
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