The Billionaire's Secret Mistress - Part 1 (Contemporary BWWM Romance) (The Billionaire's Secret Mistress (Contemporary BW) (3 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Mistress - Part 1 (Contemporary BWWM Romance) (The Billionaire's Secret Mistress (Contemporary BW)
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Chapter 5

              Angela seriously deliberated not meeting him for dinner. He could send his driver over for all she cared but she was beyond sick of him constantly brushing her off whenever she tried to discuss something unrelated to sex. Yet, as eight edged nearer, she knew that she had no choice. Truth be told, somewhere along the line she had fallen in love with her boss. She had no idea when - or how - but the crush she’d had on him had quickly morphed into something deeper. As much as she tried to ignore it, she knew that he didn’t feel the same about her and he’d made that clear from the very start. It was going to be just sex. Nothing more.

              Still, she found herself reaching for her skimpiest denim shorts and pink tank top that hinted at her bare waist. She slipped into a pair of bronze gladiator sandals and as an afterthought grabbed a blanket and two towels from the linen closet. She glanced out at the window on her way downstairs. It was already twilight.

              Yeah, that’s’ exactly what you need,
she inwardly berated herself.
A moonlight picnic on the beach with the man who doesn’t do romance.

              She was surprised to see his limousine already outside her house when she walked out. A uniformed driver got out and tipped his cap at her.

              “Hello, Josh,” she smiled at him. “Thanks for picking me up.”

              “It’s my pleasure, ma’am.” He handed her a small carrier bag lined with red and black tissue paper. “Mr. Fox requested me to give this to you with his sincerest apologies for not picking you up in person.”

              “Did he, now?” Angela muttered under her breath as Josh opened the door for her. “Thanks, Josh.”

              A small card was waiting for her as she slipped into the now-familiar interior. One single honeysuckle was lying across it. She couldn’t help but smile as she opened the card.

              Can’t wait to see you, beautiful…

              Angela held the honeysuckle up to her nose and inhaled deeply. She had no idea how he’d known this was her favorite flower. She didn’t even know how she felt about him anymore. What she did know, however, was that it was no longer a mere crush. It was so much more than that no matter how much she tried to deny it. It was a dangerous game that she couldn’t - and didn’t want to - get out of.

              The limousine pulled alongside the beach and she thanked the driver as he opened the door for her. She could see Dimitri’s BMW in the distance. Swinging her towel and blanket across her wrist, she awkwardly fished in her purse for her compact mirror. She was smoothing down a few strands of stray hair when a familiar husky voice whispered in her ear.

              “There’s really no need for that, you know. You always look gorgeous.”

              Muscular arms wrapped themselves around her from behind. She closed her eyes, savoring the sensation as he rested his chin on her head, his fingers interlocking with hers over her stomach. The sun was just starting to set, bathing the beach in golden pink hues that were slowly paling into lavender. Waves crashed against the shore, echoing loudly on the twilight-tinted sand.

              “Hi,” he whispered, nuzzling his cheek to hers.

              She swirled around and quickly kissed him. “Hi, yourself.”

              “I can see that your mood has improved,” he commented, taking her beach bag and towel as they walked closer to the shoreline.

              “You think?” She said dryly. “Aren’t you overdressed for the beach?”

              Dimitri tugged self-consciously at his collar. “Yeah. I didn’t want to be late so I came straight from the meeting.” He held up a picnic basket that looked very out of place on his muscular forearm. “I did bring refreshments, though.”

              Angela smiled as he spread the blanket on the fine sand and sat down against a large piece of driftwood. She sat between his legs, resting the back of her head against his chest as they watched the sunset.

              “It’s beautiful,” Angela whispered, lacing her fingers through his as she watched the sun sinking slowly behind the watery horizon.

              “Not more than you.” He nuzzled his cheek to hers.

              Angela smiled. “That’s such a cliché. Hey!” She cried, giggling when he wrapped both arms around her waist, effortlessly lifting and turning her body until she was facing him.

              Dimitri opened the picnic basket and took out two champagne glasses. He opened a bottle and filled both glasses before retrieving some chocolate-covered strawberries from the basket.

              “Allow me,” he whispered, guiding a plump strawberry to her lips.

              Angela moaned at the sweet, tangy taste. He reached for his wine and took a deep gulp but didn’t swallow it. Instead, he grabbed the back of his head and pressed his mouth to hers, allowing the gloriously dry fluid to flow into her mouth.

              “Mmm…” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Champagne never tasted so amazing before.”

              Dimitri held her close, burying his face in her hair as he inhaled her familiar scent. “I have something for you,” he whispered.

              “Oh, yes?” Her eyes shone in the moonlight-tinged darkness.

              “Yes. Hold on.”

              Holding her close with one arm, he fished into the basket again and pulled out a flat, rectangular velvet box. “Here you go, sweetheart. I hope you like it.”

              Angela stared at the box before looking at him again. “What is it?”

              “Open it and you’ll see.”

              “Dimitri, I…” She shuffled uncomfortably off his lap and sat next to him, crossing her legs. “I can’t…”

              “It’s just a present, baby. Open it.”

              Shaking her head, Angela slowly opened the box. A river of diamonds twinkled back at her, nestled in deep red velvet.

              “It’s a bracelet,” Dimitri murmured. “I thought it would look nice on you.”

              “It’s gorgeous,” she breathed, her fingers trembling as she hesitantly touched the bracelet. Even the moonlight couldn’t dim the sparkling clarity of the diamonds. She stared at it in wonder and then ruefully shook her head while pushing the box back towards him. “I can’t.”

              Dimitri frowned. “What?”

              “I can’t accept it, Dimitri.”


              “Don’t get me wrong. It’s absolutely stunning. And I’ve never owned something that wonderful before. But I can’t accept expensive gifts from you. It just… I don’t know… it feels wrong somehow.”

              Dimitri rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on. It’s just a gift, Angela. How can it feel wrong?”

              “Exactly.” She firmly put the box back in the basket. “It feels wrong because to you, a row of diamonds is just a gift. To me it’s… well it’s something that I’ll only be able to afford after saving up for months and months,” she said with a small smile. “I just don’t feel right accepting it.”

              “You and your pride,” he muttered. “I would love to lavish you in silk and diamonds every day, Angie. If only you’d let me.”

              “There is something you can do for me, though.” Angela buried her toes in the silver sand as she grinned up at him.

              He brushed a slow, lingering kiss on her lips. “Anything.”

              “Take me back to your place,” she said.

              He grabbed her waist and pulled her to him, crushing her large, soft breasts to his chest. “Are you that eager to get into my bed, Miss Banner?”

              Angela shoved him away with a smirk. “You wish. I just want to see your place. Do you realize that you’ve never taken me home?”

              “That’s because we’re always so busy at yours.”

              “Oh, shut up.” Angela stood up and playfully tried to yank him to his feet. “Let’s go.”

Chapter 6

              Angela couldn’t believe the sheer scale of his mansion as he gave her the tour.

              “You have a fantastic house,” she breathed, looking around his kitchen. “I bet my entire flat could fit in here.”

              It was artfully decorated in white and black with a glossy gold marble floor. Two shiny black island counters were positioned in the center of the room and she grinned as she ran her fingers across the granite surface.

              “Two counters?”

              He grinned, suddenly looking much younger than usual. “Why have one when you can have two?”

              Angela rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right.”

              He yanked open an impressive double-door freezer and peered inside. “All we seem to do is drink and have sex,” he commented, rummaging through the freezer.

              Angela plopped herself up on a bar stool and crossed her legs. “Well, I wonder why that is?” she mused dryly.

              He winked at her and pulled out a cartoon of ice cream. “You want a sundae?”

              She arched an eyebrow. “You’ll make me a sundae?”

              “If you want.” He produced an oversized sundae glass and set it on the counter.

              “Yeah, why not?”

              “Your wish is my command, Ma’am.” Dimitri crocked his head to the side as he retrieved more ingredients from the fridge.

              Angela giggled and rested her chin in her hands as she watched him scoop out the ice cream before tossing some nuts in a small marble mortar. He grabbed a pestle and began grinding them, a small smile playing on his lips.

              “Something funny, Miss Banner? Any reason why you’re laughing at me?”

              “Well, if you could see what I’m seeing right now, you’d be laughing, too.” Angela grinned, running her eyes down the length of his body. The sight of Dimitri Fox holding a mortar and pestle in his crisp blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up sent her into another fit of the giggles.

              “I’m glad you find me amusing,” he said dryly.

              She watched him with a contented glow as he bustled about the kitchen for a bottle of chocolate sauce which he dribbled generously over the ice cream. Humming quietly under his breath, he topped the sundae large dollops of whipped cream before adding some more chocolate sauce on top.

              “You seem very much at ease in the kitchen,” she commented as he sprinkled on the nuts and added a dash of grated coconut to the top.

              “I happen to enjoy cooking.” With a flourish, he added one cherry on top and reached for two spoons. “I find it very… relaxing.” He sat opposite her and set the sundae on the counter between them.

              “Really?” She accepted a spoon and toyed with the whipped cream. “I wouldn’t have pictured you as the cooking type.”

              “Is there such a thing as the cooking type?” He scooped a spoonful of ice cream and brought it to his lips.

              “I take it you like ice cream?” She smiled when he took another huge spoonful.

              “Hell, yeah. Don’t you?”

              “Love it.” She took a spoonful and closed her eyes as the sweet, decadent flavor invaded her mouth. “This is scrumptious.”

              “You’ve got some ice cream here. Allow me.” He brushed his thumb against the corner of her lips and brought it to his mouth.

              Her skin tingled at his touch but she dove into the sundae again. She couldn’t afford to get distracted by sex at a time when he was finally opening up to her.

              “You know, that’s not really called cooking,” Angela said with a teasing smile. “You should make me a meal.”

              He laughed. “As much as I enjoy bustling about the kitchen, I just don’t have time for it. My staff does all the cooking, I’m afraid.”

              “Your staff? How many people work for you?”

              “Well, let’s see.” He took another thoughtful spoonful. “There’s Peter, the gardener. Josh, the driver. Melanie, the cook. Oh, yeah, Thomas and James. Butler and waiter.”

              Her eyes widened as she stared at him over the sundae. “Why do you need so many people?”

              He shrugged. “I like my comfort.”

              “Spoiled brat,” she muttered with a teasing grin.

              “That I am.” He laughed. “Although I have to say that I did enjoy my non-spoiled brat days in Paris.”

              “Oh yeah? Tell me about it.”

              “There’s not much too tell.” He fiddled with his spoon. “I won’t lie to you, I did enjoy the wealth and luxury amidst which I grew up in. But I’ve always been rather…” He hesitated.


              Dimitri flashed her a rueful grin. “Yes, proud. I decided to go to college in Paris. My father insisted on paying for my schooling but that was it. I earned every single cent myself. I worked in this fast food joint for a while and then found work as a chef in a five-star restaurant. It was fun.”

              “Hmm. What else did you do in Paris?” She asked, a small blush touching her cheeks.

              His eyes twinkled at her. “What do you mean?”

              “Paris is known for its glamorous women. Did you have a French girlfriend or something?”

              He leaned forward, ever so lightly brushing his lips to hers. “Are you asking me if some glamorous older Parisian woman robbed me of my virtue?”

              She flushed even deeper, trying to hide the fact that this was exactly what she’d been thinking.

              “I hate to disappoint you, babe,” he said before she could speak. “But I was robbed of my virtue when I was sixteen. Or fifteen. I don’t really remember it except that it was quite quick.” He frowned. “And we robbed each other’s virtue, I suppose.”

              “Oh.” Her eyes widened. “Oh, I see.”

              “What about you?” His foot caressed her ankle under the table.

              She gave a nervous giggle and looked down at her glass. “Nineteen. In college. Brad the science nerd. It was awful. The second time was much better. Twenty-one with Terrence Nelson.”

              “Terrence Nelson, huh?” Dimitri gave a mock growl. “And how many more were there after him, Miss Banner?”

              “Let’s see…” She pretended to count on her fingers.

              “That many, huh?” His eyes narrowed into two dangerous slits.

              She pushed the sundae out of the way and leaned forwards, knowing full well that her ample cleavage was on display. “Actually, Terrence Nelson was the last. He dumped me after three years together for my best friend. I never dared trust anyone with my heart after that.”

              His caramel gaze scorched into hers. “And yet, here you are.”

              “Yes. Here I am.” She held his eyes.

              He leaned back, the same guarded look creeping over his face again. “Don’t fall in love with me, baby. You’ll only wind up with a broken heart.”

              “What if it’s too…”

              But he pressed a finger to her lips, silencing her mid-sentence. “It’s not too late.” Dimitri said firmly.

              “Okay,” she muttered, pushing his hand away. “If you say so. But we do need to discuss our relationship, you know.”

              “Later.” He stood up and grabbed the sundae glass. “Right now I’m too distracted by visions of you in my bed. And I can think of quite a few uses for this ice cream.”

              She stood up and took his hand, allowing him to lead her upstairs. Somewhere in her lust-befuddled brain, she registered that his bedroom was just as lavishly decorated as the rest of his house but then his lips found hers and she forgot everything, forgot where she was as she lost herself in the kiss. Their bodies found each other again, legs and arms twined as they clung to each other, unwilling to ever let go.

              There was something different about how he made love to her that night. There was an… urgency, a deep sense of intimacy that wasn’t there before. And, for the first time, Angela couldn’t help but hope that this relationship had started to mean more to him.

              Afterwards, she lay sprawled in the sheets naked while he showered. Part of her wanted to join him but the stronger part was too lazy to move. Angela was still deliberating when the door opened and Dimitri walked into the room wearing a loose pair of pants and a white shirt that clung to his still humid chest.

              “Hey.” He beamed at her. “You missed out on a great shower.” Leaning over, he planted a soft kiss on her lips. “Hi.”

              “Hi, yourself,” Angela whispered, giggling as several drops of water landed on her cheek. “Your hair’s all wet. Come here, I’ll dry it for you.”

              She parted her legs wide, patting the space between them. Dimitri laughed as he sat in front of her, resting his back against her full, soft breasts. Angela wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling herself into his body as she grabbed a towel and started to dry his hair.

              “You know,” she said, slowly. “There were some things I wanted to talk to you about yesterday, but I didn’t have a chance.”

              “About what”

              Angel dropped the towel and pressed her lips to his back. “Us.”

              His shoulders stiffened at once. As gently as he could, Dimitri detangled from her embrace and sat on the edge of the bed. “Are we back to the same topic, Angie?” There was a trace of exasperation in his voice.

              “Well, we never got around to talking about it last night.”

              “We did talk about it after our first night together,” Dimitri reminded her gently. He reached over her and took an antique cigar case from the bedside table. “I don’t do relationships, Angela,” he said, holding the case towards her. She shook her head and he lit one, taking a long drag. “I fuck. Hard. But I can’t date you.”

              She winced. “Ouch. That was brutal.”

              He sighed and stubbed the cigar out on an ashtray before drawing her into his arms. “I wish I could date you, baby. But things are… things are complicated.”

              “Complicated how?”

              “There are things going on in my life… things that I can’t tell you about. It involves… my family,” he said reluctantly. “And you.”

              Her face darkened. Without a word, Angela pushed off the sheets and swung her legs over the bed. He sat up and frowned.

              “Babe, what’s wrong? Look, let me explain, alright?”

              “Explain what?” She sneered, glaring at him over her shoulder. “Your family won’t accept me because I’m black, right?”

              “Babe, come here.” He wrapped a powerful arm around her, effortlessly pulling her back in bed. “You’re the very first black girl who ever seriously caught my eye, yes. But, do you honestly think this has anything to do with pigmentation? I couldn’t give a flying fuck about your skin color. Actually, I do,” he amended with a smirk as he ran his long pale fingers up and down her arm. “There’s something about the darkness of your skin that just drives me wild.”

              She arched an eyebrow. “Are you trying to change the subject?”

              He ran his fingers through his hair, looking sheepish. “This is all coming out wrong.” He kissed the corner of her lips. “Angie, my future has been mapped out for me from birth. Everything that I am today is because of my family. My mother has very strict… principles about how my life ought to be.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “My life has basically been mapped out for me since the time I was born.” An uncharacteristically sad smile touched his lips. “And… well, shit happened.”

              She placed her hand over his, touched by the sadness in his eyes. “What shit? Dimitri what happened to you?” She hesitated. “Is it because I don’t come from a rich family?”

              His eyes flashed in anger. “Cut it out, will you? You think I care about your money?”

              “Then what?” ‘She pressed. “Dimitri, what is it?”

              Instead of answering, he kissed her lips, fierce and hard. “I’ve trained myself not to love, baby. Let’s leave it at that, shall we?”

              Angela knew that the safest course of action for her would be to just leave his bed and go away. It wasn’t like there were a lack of men in this world. People walked out of relationships every day. Besides, this wasn’t even a relationship. This was a… fling, or however he wanted to label it. She could just get out of bed, get dressed, leave, and forget all of this ever happened. After all, they’d only been together for a few weeks.

leave if I were you,” Dimitri whispered, sensing the tension in her body. “You’ll only end up with a broken heart if you stay.”

              “I know,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled him on top of her. “’I know.”

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Mistress - Part 1 (Contemporary BWWM Romance) (The Billionaire's Secret Mistress (Contemporary BW)
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