Read The Billionaire's Woman Trilogy Online

Authors: Keana Black

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Interracial, #African American, #Romance

The Billionaire's Woman Trilogy (3 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Woman Trilogy
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“Now, I’m about to cum. I want you to swallow every last drop.” Though his voice was calm, there was a note of pleasure in it.


Sharise gave a few last long, languid pulls to his cock, and felt it begin to spurt the hot, white substance into her mouth. She swallowed as much as she could, but some escaped into her hands. She took one look at James, and then licked the salty fluid off of her fingers. She was more turned on than ever, and she felt another thrill of satisfaction that she had made him cum.


James stood, and without saying a word, pushed Sharise down onto the bed, spreading her legs. He tugged the now-soaked panties from her body, exposing her wet slit and finely toned bottom. James gazed at her hungrily, eerily similar to a lion about to attack its prey, and leaned down to run a tongue over her nipple. Sharise jerked, gasping for air as sensation washed over her. James continued his assault, nipping her skin, moving down her stomach to her snatch.


He looked up at her. “Not a word, not a sound. You are to make no noise until I say so, is that clear?”


“Yes, sir.”


His eyes narrowed, and he gave a sharp slap to her ass. “Not a word.”


Sharise just nodded this time, grasping the fabric around her as James’s mouth attacked her inner thighs, nibbling at the sensitive skin there. His tongue had a velvet touch, sending electricity across her body as he did the most delicious things to her. She ached for him to give her satisfaction, to give attention to the spot where she most needed it. Sharise felt like all the nerves of her body had migrated to a single bundle between her legs, a spot that now flowed freely with every passing second.


James’s hands wrapped around her ample ass, giving it a firm squeeze of appreciation, and his tongue darted across her clit. Sharise bit her lip in an attempt to keep quiet when she wanted to scream. Over and over his tongue circled her, toying with her in the most sensitive ways, and he worked a finger into her throbbing slit. She didn’t think she could keep quiet much longer as her hips bucked upwards to give him as much access as she could. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, as she felt the pressure building between her legs reach a breaking point, James spoke. “You may make noise now.”


As he said that, he bit down gently on her clit. Sharise exploded, screaming, “Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she rocked her hips skyward, her body wracked by wave after wave of orgasm, her muscles caught in spasms she couldn’t control. The tremors continued until she was left a twitching heap on the bed, her breasts heaving skyward as she fought for each breath.


When she again opened her eyes, James stood, staring at her, a look of satisfaction in his eyes. Or rather, the look of a man who knows he is good at what he does, and who always gets what he wants. His cock was fully erect once more, twitching with each beat of his heart. He sat down on the bed and faced Sharise.


“Now you’re going to climb up on top of me and ride my cock until you make me cum again.” There was no note of pleading, no note of argument. Just simple command.


Sharise turned and straddled James, and he reached around her, spreading her pussy. She lowered herself, a bit anxious for the pain that was to come, but she dared not show it. She lowered herself down, little by little, until she felt the head of his cock pressed against her hymen. With a deep breath and a jerk, she dropped onto him, a flash of pain passing over her. Sharise was surprised it didn’t hurt as much as she expected, and opened her eyes to look at James.


His gaze was knowing. “You were already loosened up from your previous orgasm. I couldn’t very well enjoy fucking you if you were in pain, now, could I?”


Sharise sat, growing used to his size. His cock penetrated deep inside her, stretching her wide, but the sensation quickly shifted from one of discomfort to pleasure. She began to rock her hips forward, finding a rhythm with James as she rode him. The pace quickly increased, and she screamed in ecstasy as he filled her each time.


A small portion of her brain still produced coherent thought, and she realized her boss was balls-deep inside her, and she was attempting to fuck her brains out. But soon even that part of her brain was lost to the pleasure as he flipped her on her back, pushing her legs together and thrusting deep inside, the tip of his member brushing against her g-spot and producing shudders than ran through her body. She trembled as the orgasm built inside of her, more and more until once again her body locked and spasmed, James’s cock caught between her legs and she squeezed it with every bit of her power, her pussy milking it for all she could.


James pulled out and placed his cock at her mouth, and she opened just in time to catch the hot spunk that flowed from its tip, filling her mouth as she swallowed every drop. James nodded to her when he finished, and Sharise collapsed to the bed in exhaustion. James crawled over her, climbing under the covers and settling down on the pillow. “You are welcome to sleep here tonight,” he said, his demeanor still one of command. And with that final phrase, he turned over to sleep.


Sharise lay there in the quiet for a few moments, her heart pounding in time with the ache in her loins, until she stood to go to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, quietly trying to figure out if there was anything different about her.


She’d just given her virginity to her boss. And he’d lived up to his promise — she doubted she would ever forget the fucking he had given her. And they were in New York together for several more days. What else would happen? At the very least, she thought, her job was likely secure.


Sharise walked into the office building and nodded to the security guard. Since James had restructured the company and taken complete control of it, eliminating the entire board of directors, there had been a large staff change. In a twist the surprised no one, however, the company’s profits had increased dramatically.


James. Since their night in hotel, things had been very different between them. While in the office, he acted just as cold and calculating as ever — but the minute the two found themselves alone, a ravenous hunger came over him, and his eyes took on a dangerous look as he gazed at Sharise’s body. Their dalliances had continued on a nearly daily basis since then, and in Sharise’ opinion, it was one of the best job perks she could think of, although she sometimes found herself sore the next day.


Just thinking about what today might hold made her wet. The way James’s long, elegant fingers trailed over her skin, bringing her to within an inch of climaxing, then drawing back at the last moment…Sharise shook her head. If she started the day like that, the time would creep by impossibly slowly.


As she stepped into her office, a messenger stopped her. “Oh, Sharise. There’s a letter on your desk. Arrived from priority mail this morning.”


She nodded. “Thank you, I’ll check it out.”


Another perk of the job was that after the restructuring, her status and pay had risen. Though there could be no outward indications of their relationship, she was now the one person standing between James Waldorf and the majority of the visitors that came by each day.


She cast a glance towards the enormous office room behind her, but it was empty. It seemed James hadn’t gotten in to work yet. The letter lay on her keyboard, marked from the university she had applied to. Excited, Sharise slashed it open with a letter opener and began to read.


“We’re pleased to announce your acceptance to our university…” she gasped. She’d been accepted! But how would she pay for it? Her salary would help a bit, but it still wasn’t that much. As she read further, the next lines made her eyes nearly pop from her head. “Your tuition has been paid in full by one mister James Waldorf.”


Sharise’s brain came to a full stop. What had James done? She had never asked that of him. Why would he do something like that?


And what would he expect of her in return?


Sharise sat down at her desk and began plotting all the different ways she could repay him. When the door opened a few minutes later, James strode into his office, the same air of power radiating off of him. His normal, emotionless gaze rested on his face, and it was very clear she blindsided him with a hug from the side. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!”


James stepped back out of her embrace and looked at her quizzically. “What has gotten into you?” he asked, a bit annoyed. “What did I do?”


“Don’t play coy!” Sharise almost shouted. “You paid for my tuition!”


James blinked. “Oh. That. Yes, I did. It’s no big deal. A perk for working for me.” He tried to keep walking into the office, but Sharise stopped him. He glanced sideways at her. “Sharise, if anyone happens to be watching us, you are acting far too familiar with your boss.”


She huffed in frustration. But then she saw the look on his face, and realized he really didn’t think it was a big deal. That was sweet of him, Sharise thought, so she leaned up to whisper.


“Mr. Waldorf, you’ve made a very large, very charitable contribution today. That deserves a reward. Can’t you think of
that you would like in return?”


The same dangerous and familiar look flashed across his face. “I’ll tell you what, Sharise,” he said, leaning in conspiratorially. “You meet me here after the end of the business day, in my office, and I’ll tell you what I want in return.”


Sharise smiled, stepped back, and nodded. “Good morning, Mr. Waldorf.”


James smiled. Sharise knew he liked their little game. “Good morning, Sharise.”





Sharise stepped out of the building and started the short walk to the nearest cafe. She was starving, and half mad with lust. She and James’s encounter that morning had gotten her excited, and she had spent half the morning squirming in her seat, trying to stave off the burning desire she felt every time she thought of him. Sharise had even made excuses to step into his office during the course of the morning, but James had been utterly inscrutable. That had frustrated her even morning, to the point she had considered throwing caution to the wind and jumping him right then and there, ripping that tie from his perfectly-tailored shirt and biting down, nibbling on that strong jaw line…


Sharise shook her head. If she kept up that thought pattern, the rest of the day would be worse. She needed to focus on what to get for lunch — since starting hHoer fling with James, she’d tried to watch her figure. She’d even been to the gym a few times! Luckily, the office building had a gym on the bottom floor, so she didn’t have to go far to work out. And if she were honest with herself, her nightly activities were exercise enough. That man had no limit.


She paused a newspaper stand and did a double take. A picture of herself and James was the headlining image, and the image of the two of them together dominated the front page. They were leaving the hotel room in New York. Sharise felt her blood run cold. How had someone gotten that image? The paparazzi must have been on to them. The headline read, “Has James Waldorf finally picked a partner?”


He may have been the rising star of bachelor-dom, but Sharise knew he wanted his privacy. He would freak over this. She darted up to the stand and paid the cashier for all copies of that tabloid, and quickly returned to the office, lunch forgotten.




When she made it inside, James was nowhere to be found. She finally found him downstairs, going over some data with one of the IT techs. “James! Er, I mean, Mr. Waldorf!” she shouted, entering the room. He shot her an annoyed look, but excused himself from the computer and walked to where she stood.


“This is the second time today you’ve acted completely out of character, Sharise. Someone is going to catch on if you aren’t careful.” His tone was extremely low, and Sharise knew he was angry. She didn’t know yet whether that would play out in her favor or not, but it didn’t matter. This was too important.


“Someone already did, I think.” She handed him the stack of magazines, and his eyebrows rose.


“Well then.” He stood quiet for a minute. “Clear your schedule. Any tasks you have to attend to, put them aside. Find who owns this tabloid, all the way down to the publishing company. And find out where they got this photo.”


“What are you going to do?”


James looked at her with an odd expression, as if it was the simplest answer in the world. “I’m going to buy the tabloid, of course. And then I’m going to destroy it.”


Ellie nodded and turned to walk back to her office, now more at ease after the conversation with James. Still, the look in his eyes when he said he would destroy the company made her shudder. He could be truly frightening when he wanted to be, but she guessed that he had to be in order to maintain his position. And even as frightening as he was, something about that absolute confidence made her excited in ways that had nothing to do with work.


She reached the office, settling into her chair, and began to hunt down that company. Maybe time would pass a bit quicker now.



The clock ticked over to five, but Sharise barely noticed. Her brain was fried from the work she had been doing earlier, and even all thoughts of sex had been banished from her mind. Once she realized it was time to stop, she leaned back in her chair and wearily closed her eyes. Her desk chair was surprisingly comfortable, and she found herself drifting in and out of sleep. The day had been tiring.


After her tabloid discovery, she and James had set about hunting down each segment of the company and buying it, all the way to the freelance photographer who had taken the image. Once she found his contact information, James had stepped into his office and closed the door. A few minutes later, the photographer’s website was gone, as was any trace of the photograph. She had no idea what James had said to the photographer, but he had gone totally underground. It seemed that whatever it was he heard, it terrified him.


Sharise was awoken by a movement behind her, and James leaned against the wall. He had taken off his tie, and the hard muscles of his chest could be seen through the unbuttoned top of his shirt. “Are you that tired?” he asked, an easy smirk resting on his face.


Fucking hell, that man was hot, Sharise thought.


“Stand up,” he said, his tone snapping to one of absolute command. Sharise knew this part of the game, and she loved every second of it. When James took control, all of her cares and concerns could be forgotten. She had to worry about nothing except what he told her to do. And though he was tough, she trusted him not to harm her — well, not in any way that wasn’t the best kind of way.


She did as he said, pulling herself from her chair, and standing to face him.


“Now kiss me.” She stood on the tips of her toes, leaning up to kiss those luxurious lips. She loved the way he tasted. Slightly sharp, with hints of the dark oak scotch he enjoyed. Her tongue played over his lips, touching and prodding, but never going any further. Not until he said it was okay.


When she felt James begin to return the kiss, she knew it was her turn to push the kiss deeper. Her tongue plunged into his mouth, only to be met by his own. The two organs intertwined, slithering and sliding around one another in an erotic dance that left Sharise gasping for breath by the end. When she broke the kiss to take a gulp of air, James made a


“Now, I didn’t give you permission to stop. I suppose you’re just not up for it today. Maybe I should let you relax, then…”


Sharise glanced up at James. There was something about the way he had said that last sentence. He turned on his heel and strode into his office, and Sharise followed out of habit. When she stepped into the room, she gasped. Against the wall, a pair of handcuffs had been hung at arm level and shackles placed near the floor. James turned at her gasp, and followed her eyes to the wall. He smirked.


“It’s been a long day. I thought you might be tired, so I thought you could just hang out a bit. Come here.”


Sharise nodded, her mind not processing what she was seeing. She’d never been put in handcuffs before, but she trusted James not to hurt her.


“Wait.” She paused, and looked at James, waiting for his next order. “I want to see your body. Your breasts. Strip.”


She unbuttoned her shirt, taking a few liberties in the presentation. She slid the fabric slowly from her shoulders, dragging it across her skin and letting it fall to the floor. A snap of her wrist freed her skirt from its restraints. As she stood in nothing but her bra and panties, James gave her an appreciative look, and Sharise felt herself flush. All the gym work must be paying off, she knew, and she loved the way his eyes lingered on her curves.


James flicked his tongue out and licked his lips in a way that was not at all innocent, and Sharise felt heat rush between her legs. When she saw the way he looked at her, she couldn’t help but be turned on. The most eligible bachelor in America, and easily one of the richest men on the planet, and he wanted
. That fact had not ceased to amaze her since New York.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Woman Trilogy
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