Read The Bohemians Online

Authors: Sean Michael

The Bohemians (3 page)

BOOK: The Bohemians
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Oh. No one had ever called him magical before. He was going to fall for this one, just like he had for all the others. He just never did learn, did he? He gave Topaz a smile. “Let’s go shopping.”

Thin fingers slid into his and squeezed for a second. “Yeah. Let’s. What’s your favorite dessert of all time, Gemini?”

“Ever? Banana Split.” He didn’t even have to think about it. He didn’t have one very often because it was a kiddy dessert, but it was still his number one favorite. He did surprise himself by admitting it though -- he’d learned to keep it, like his first name, to himself.

“Oh, cool! What kinds of ice cream? Just vanilla or three different ones? I like cherry nut ice cream best.” Topaz led him outside, voice soft and happy, almond-shaped eyes watching him like he was fascinating.
Topaz was going to be hard to lose. And if he kept dwelling on the inevitable ending, he wasn’t going to enjoy the ride.

“Yeah? For me it’s always been the traditional split. A whole banana, sliced down the middle with three scoops of vanilla ice cream between them, strawberry sauce on one scoop, caramel on another and hot chocolate fudge on the one in the middle, chopped peanuts and a maraschino cherry on each ball of ice cream.”

He was suddenly craving a good old-fashioned sundae -- it had been ages since he’d indulged.

“Mm... sounds good. We could get the stuff for them at the store.” A wicked grin flashed up at him. “Or we could stop and split one now, a pre-shopping snack.”

“Really? You don’t think it’s childish to still want to sit down in an ice-cream shop and have a sundae? I usually get all sticky,” he warned, already heading them across the street toward Aunt Bevie’s Olde Fashioned Shoppe.

“Did you know that five year olds laugh out loud an average of four hundred times a day, Gemini? Adults only average fifteen. We’ve got three hundred and eighty-five laughs to catch up on just today.” Topaz was grinning ear to ear. “I think a sundae’s the perfect place to start.”

And laugh he did, Topaz’ bright smile and happy attitude infectious. “I’ve got to warn you -- I might hog the banana.” Quince winked.

“Just so long as I get my share of nuts...” They were laughing as they ordered the ice cream -- with two spoons and a big glass of water. The little teenager behind the counter seemed to recognize Topaz, asking about the shop and something about a drumming circle. “That’s tomorrow, Jennie. You tell your mom that I’ve got some new yarns that she might like, would you?”

Quince paid for the sundae and they went and sat at a table in the corner where they could see the street and still feel private. He didn’t want to be rude, but now that they had the sundae in front of him, he couldn’t wait to dig in.So he did, cutting the banana with his spoon and adding some ice cream and a bit of each sauce to it before sliding the spoon into his mouth.

Sheer bliss. He moaned just a little.

“Oh...” Topaz watched him closely. “Do that again. Please.”

“What? Eat the sundae? Don’t worry, I will -- more than my share I imagine,” he said with a chuckle.

“Oh, Gemini, watching you eat it is going to be a deep, involving religious experience.” Topaz gathered some whipped cream on one finger, licking it clean. “Yummy.”Quince had been about to make a joke about Topaz needing a TV or something if watching him eat was so special, but found his attention caught by that tongue working Topaz’ finger. “Yeah. Yummy.”

“Want some?” That finger dipped in again, offered over to his lips without so much as a blush.

He moaned again, body going tight. Leaning forward he opened his mouth and took Topaz’ finger in, eyes never leaving the bright ones gazing at him.”Unquestionably a religious experience.” Sweet and soft, Topaz’s fingertip was smooth on his tongue.

He wrapped his lips around it and started sucking. He was hard, cock throbbing in time with the pulls he was taking on Topaz’ finger. Those warm eyes flared, Topaz breathing with him, completely focused on him. A pale pink tongue slid out, traced over that full bottom lip.Jesus, why were they in a store? Why were they in public?

He pulled his mouth off Topaz’ finger and focused down on the banana split, trying to catch his breath.

Topaz took up the spoon -- his spoon -- and took a bite. “It’s good. Very good. Did you know your eyes change color when you’re hard? They get darker.”

His mouth dropped open. “How did you know?” “I was looking at them. They went from one color to the other, just like that.” Topaz scooped up a bite of ice cream and popped it into his mouth.

Quince chuckled and blushed. “That’s not what I meant.”

As Topaz knew anyway, he reached down and adjusted himself so his pants didn’t feel quite so constricting and then quickly started to eat.

“Oh? Oh! The hard part? Your breathing. That’s one way to know, and the flush.” Topaz ate another bite. “If we were sitting closer, you could probably smell me, feel that you made my skin hot.”

“You’re something else...” He wanted to touch, so he reached out and slid his fingers along the back of Topaz’ free hand. Oh, that hadn’t been a good idea because now he really wanted to keep touching and they were still in public.

Topaz turned his hand over and tangled their fingers together. “I’m just me. Would you be insulted if I told you I wanted to kiss you and taste you with the ice cream? I know we can’t. I just thought you should know I want to.”Jesus. Fuck. Quince was going to cream in his fucking jeans any minute. And it wasn’t just what Topaz was saying, it was the way he was saying it, the look in his eyes, the way he conveyed that every word was absolutely meant.

“I wouldn’t be insulted at all. Of course you’d have to taste me some other time too when there wasn’t any ice cream. Baseline comparisons are important.”

He was flirting again, only this time it was leading to something and it felt good and fun.

“Absolutely. Although I love the way you smell, so you’ll taste good to me. We’ll have to try with honey and apples, too. Excellent for kisses.”

He chuckled. “What about peanut butter?” He was having such fun. “Would you stick to the roof of my mouth?”

He got a bright laugh, Topaz clapping. “I don’t know! We’ll have to have a test. Will I melt in your mouth or your hands?”

“Both if I’m doing it right,” he murmured, almost breathless.

“Oh.” Topaz’s thumb brushed over his hand. “That is a lovely answer. I imagine your eyes would steal my soul if I looked in them while you came. You have good hands, though. My soul would be safe.”

Quince closed his eyes, a shudder going through him.Banana splits were never going to be the same again. “Hey, want to see a trick?” He looked up as Topaz grabbed a cherry and popped it into that pretty mouth, stem and all. Topaz wiggled his nose and winked and then stuck out his tongue, stem tied into a knot.

His mouth dropped open again. “I thought that was just something they pretended to do in movies!” Quince reached for the cherry. “A tongue that can do that has some major potential.”

“It’s a handy skill.” Topaz chuckled. “And I got the cherry, too.”

“Maybe we could share it,” he murmured, voice husky as he imagined eating half the cherry from Topaz’ mouth.”I would like that, Gemini.” Serious again, serious and so sure.

He nodded. Yes, so would he. Very much.

“I think the ice cream is all melted,” he whispered.”Yeah.” Topaz nodded, eyes unwavering. “I want you, Quincy.”

He nodded too, insides melting. If Topaz fucked as good as he talked? He was lost.

He looked around almost as if he expected a bed to suddenly materialize along with walls or something.

Topaz squeezed his hand, bringing his knuckles up to be kissed. “Come on. Let’s go shop and go to the house. We know what we want and, if you want, after dinner you can see my bed. You’ll look good in it.”

“I’d like that very much.”

He stood up and threw out the mess that had been their banana split.

When he turned for the garbage, Topaz’s lips met his in a quick, chaste, sweet kiss. “Thank you, Gemini.”
He stroked Topaz’ cheek. “Thank you.”

“Shopping and then home. I need a real kiss.” He got a quick smile and a chuckle. “I’ll buy peanut butter while we’re out.”

Chapter Five


The mahi-mahi was perfect, the weather cooperative, the patio the perfect temperature. The candles flickered and the hibiscus scented the yard.

Leo stretched back, watching Stephan with a tiny grin. They’d managed to wipe off any telltale assprints from table, counter and kitchen sink before Topaz brought the newcomer home.

Life was good.

Stephan was flitting from flowerbed to flowerbed, stroking each blossom, speaking gently to the buds, admiring and admonishing and coaxing. His lover was convinced the flowers listened and, given how well the gardens grew, he would not be surprised to find out it were true.

Topaz brought Quincy in through the gate and Stephan changed the course of his path, going to them and welcoming them in with a wide smile.

“Hey Daisy-love. I found you that key lime pie you like. Smells like heaven, Ku. Pure heaven.” Topaz sounded dreamy, lost, drunk and giddy.

Leo would worry more if it weren’t so common.

Quincy looked a little shell-shocked, but Stephan was welcoming him, taking his arm and leading him to the table. “You must be starving! I know I am. Although the temptation is to have the pie to start.”

Stephan glanced over at him, brown eyes dancing behind the glasses.

“And you, my lover, are too well-acquainted with temptation for comfort.” He stood and shook Quincy’s hand. “Can it be true? Did our spirit-led boy lead you on his odd dance he calls shopping and you survived intact? Stephan, this man is blessed by the gods.”

Topaz’s laugh filled the air, one bright orange gerbera daisy tucked behind one ear as he bowed. “Indeed he did and well, too. He’s a natural.”

“It was fun,” declared Quincy. Oh, the man was already caught if he could say that.

Stephan laughed. “The words shopping and my Leo don’t mix together well and he plans his shopping moments like a military strike -- in and out and any deviation from the plan sends him into utter panic.”

His Stephan came to him, laughing up at him, hands sliding automatically over him.

He bent for a kiss, tongue pressing deep as Topaz’s laughter sounded again, light and giddy.

Stephan melted against him and he could feel his lover’s cock twitch, knew it would take little more to make Stephan forget all about their guests and the mahi-mahi.A sliver of ice slid down the back of his pants and he jumped, growling at Topaz, who stood and grinned on the far side of the table. “You’re being rude, Leo. Quit making out in front of Gemini without sharing.”

Leo stuck out his tongue. “Why can’t you go for the neck like a normal person, little bit?”

“Can’t reach, mountain man. Should I get the tea pitcher?”

Evil little bastard -- Leo grinned and gave Stephan another quick kiss.

A soft rose painted Stephan’s cheeks. “I’m sorry, you two, Leo just makes my heart go and my mind disappear. Please, sit, be at home, eat.”

Topaz chuckled. “No stress, Daisy. I’m just playing. You look so pretty when you blush.” Leo watched as clever almond eyes flashed up at Quincy. “Do you? Blush for me, Gemini, and let me see.”

Right on cue the poor man’s cheeks flooded with color. “Sunshine! Behave!” Stephan patted the man’s hand. “Have some fish, Quincy.”

“Wild, like sunrise, and rich.” Topaz took a piece of fish in his fingers and fed Quincy. Leo looked over at Stephan with an arched eyebrow. Besotted.

Stephan smiled at him and guided him down to his chair. “Eat, lover -- you need your strength.”

“Do I?” He sat, drawing Stephan down with him. “I thought I’d already earned my supper, lover.”

“Oh you have, but what about dessert?” Stephan’s eyes twinkled at him, the long fingers finding a piece of fish and offering it to him.

“Mm...” He nibbled at the firm flesh of the fish, lips teasing his lover’s fingers. “Key lime pie. That is an incentive.”

“Technically we brought the dessert,” Quincy pointed out. “Oh. Not that I meant. I...”

Topaz giggled, leaning against Quincy’s side. “Of course, we had our dessert already, didn’t we, Gemini?”Quincy’s smile grew, the man appearing as besotted as Topaz.

“Oh?” Stephan sat up, attention turning from him to their dinner companions. “You must share what’s put that look on your face, Sunshine.”

“Whipped cream and cherries and bright blue eyes, Daisy.” Topaz fit well in the crook of Quincy’s arm.

“Oh, Quince -- he didn’t show you his cherry trick already!” Stephan laughed, the sound bright. “You’ll have all his secrets discovered in no time.”

Leo nodded. “He can make balloon animals and cooks the best baklava on earth.”

Stephan giggled. “And when he’s aroused he smells like lilacs and sandalwood.”

Quincy’s color was back, but he didn’t look scared off.Topaz ate a cherry tomato, then a spear of asparagus. “You forgot the important stuff. I love pineapple juice and strawberry smoothies, I love to swim and rabbit fur makes me itchy.”

BOOK: The Bohemians
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