The Bond That Built Us (10 page)

BOOK: The Bond That Built Us
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Over the loud music and yelling in the bar, I can hear a moan escape her mouth. Her hand grasps mine and she digs her nails into them making my dick even harder than before, which I didn’t think was possible.

My hand at her thigh travels up slowly, her hand still over mine. When the tips of my fingers reach the edge of her panties I hear her gasp. I quickly assess our surroundings but nobody is paying us any attention. Except Cara who is glaring fiercely at us. I use this as an opportunity to tell her where my attraction lies as I slip a finger under Aubrey’s thong.

She throws her head back and her eyes close. She looks euphoric and I want to see her come, right here in front of everybody. Even though I’ve been with a lot of girls I have never done something like this in public. I continue working under her dress, paying attention to her reactions to each of my motions, taking mental notes as to what she likes best.

My mouth makes contact with her neck again and I lap my tongue, tasting the sweet sweat on her skin. It’s intoxicating, and the beers I’ve already had seem to multiply. My mouth in addition to my
fingers under her panties seem to push her over the edge. Her fingernails dig into my skin as she comes for me. Her head drops forward and her hair covers her face so I can’t see the pleasure her face reveals.

I want to grab the mic from the deejay and tell everyone what I just did because it was quite possibly the most erotic and b
oner-inducing thing ever. I can imagine the high fives from the guys and the wishful looks from the girls. I’d be the most popular and wanted man here. This must be what Brad Pitt feels like every day.

I breathe in Aubrey’s ear, “Your last orgasm of the year goes to me,” sounding a little pompous, just as everyone starts to count down from ten. She flips around so she is facing me. I half expect her to smack me for humiliating her and storm away, but she looks at me like she wants to rip my clothes off.

Everyone around us is counting down, but the two of us are just staring at each other. When the voices yell the number ‘five,’ I grab the back of her neck and pull her close so we are only an inch away. I faintly hear the last of the numbers, and it feels like a minute has passed before I finally close the distance. My other hand grips her jaw as I kiss her forcefully, the muffled sounds of cheering around us. Aubrey’s arms enclose around me and her hands clasp at my back. I want to take her into a storage room and bury myself inside her but I know how drunk she is, which worries me.

Suddenly I feel guilty; kn
owing what I just did to her because she is drunk. She wouldn’t have let me touch her at all if she wasn’t drinking. I pull away and let out a curse.

Her eyebrows furrow together in confusion. Her lips are swollen and slightly red around the edges from our intense make out session.
I can see the hurt in her eyes and even though I should let her be, I lean down and give her a soft kiss on the lips, easing her pain slightly. I can feel her heart rapidly beating and it does strange things to me. I feel it in my gut.

“Happy new year, Aubrey,” I say, staring right into her eyes.

She opens her mouth to speak but sighs and snaps it shut instead, and nods. Her body is still reeling and I know if I was a total jerk I would just take her home and screw her before the alcohol wears off. If I was truthful with myself, I would do it if I knew I wasn’t going to see her again.

Then, in true bitch fashion, Cara comes up and ruins our moment.

“I see the slut in you finally came out, good for you, AJ.”

“Cara,” I warn, clenching my teeth.

“What?” She asks innocently. “Are you saying getting fingered in a fucking bar isn’t slutty? I haven’t even done that. Not that I wouldn’t…” she trails off, giving me a look over. Jesus, this chick doesn’t take a hint at all.

“Just leave us alone,” I snarl and protectively put an arm around Aubrey’s back.

Cara’s eyes widen and her brows shoot up so her bangs cover them. What was she expecting? Me to throw Aubrey to the side like garbage and take
in the storage room? Fat chance. I don’t know what it is, but there is something about Aubrey that I can’t get enough of. I know I need to be careful around her, that she is a little fragile, but I don’t really know how to do that. I’m afraid I will end up going too fast and scaring her.

I need to stop fucking thinking like that. I can’t be with her; she is way too nice to be with someone like me. If she even wants to.
And it’s not something I do anyway, so I don’t really know why I’m thinking about it. I am still in college, I don’t need a whining chick at my side at the end. I decide that tonight’s events, while amazing, were just a spur of the moment, drunken mistake. I don’t want to call it a mistake but until I know where Aubrey lies, it is what it is.


Three hours later we are all stumbling into the villa, laughing at something Josh said. Aubrey snorts loudly, triggering more laughter. Looking back at the night, it was perfect… minus Cara. MJ and Aubrey actually had a good time together. I think Cara saw that and tried to break them up a few times. But MJ stood her ground, even defended Aubrey once or twice.

We all go our separate ways once inside the
villa and Cara pouts up the stairs and slams her bedroom door. Aubrey is chewing on her bottom lip, looking at the couch and her bag that is beside it. After the kiss, we toned it down a lot. We stuck to only PG-13 dancing and spent most of the time talking. I am still not sure where Aubrey stands as far as what she wants, but I know I want her in bed with me.

She looks nervous, like she is afraid to ask. It’s been
three nights since that girl was over and I’ve washed the sheets twice since then. Aubrey has been sleeping on the couch, but the way she is eying it like it’s going to swallow her up and eat her I doubt she wants to tonight.

Even though I said I would let her decide what to do between us, I speak because I never listen to the reason in my head. “The left side of the bed is open for you,” and I add a shrug to try and fake some indifference. But really I want to pick her up and drag her into the bed.

She smiles and her eyes glisten. If I was a chick I would think something like ‘her smile makes me melt and I want to make love to her forever.’ But I’m a guy so things like what she looks like completely naked and ‘I wish she would sink to her knees and give me the best blow job ever’ circle around in my brain. Though recently a few sappy thoughts have popped up and I don’t know why or how they got there. Maybe I’m becoming a romantic. Ha.

I leave her downstairs while she digs through her bag. I brush my teeth quickly
and strip down to my boxers. I slip into the cool sheets and close my eyes just as I hear the bedroom door squeak open. Aubrey pads through the room and I feel the mattress move and compress as she climbs in.

I roll to my side and drop my arm around her waist, pinning her against my chest. I can’t see her face but I know she isn’t asleep yet. One of her hands reaches up and finds mine.
I dig my nose into her hair and smell her, feeling a little lightheaded at the action. I squeeze her tight and we both fall asleep that way, extremely content.


Three more days go by and Aubrey and I haven’t gone beyond what happened that night. During the day we all hang out and do boring shit, at night we all hang out and do stupid shit, and afterwards she crawls into bed with me and we sleep. It’s become quite the routine and while I enjoy waking up to her, I am a little bummed that she hasn’t put out yet. But I know why she hasn’t. She is that kind of girl and I actually like that about her. It’s confusing, really. I don’t want her to change, but I want her to change at the same time. Just that one little thing.

Our days together are dwindling and I have a feeling once this trip is over I won’t see her again
, except maybe in passing. We have two full days left before we board the plane and I start to become desperate. We are all sitting around the dining room table eating lunch when I hatch a plan. It might be the most brilliant or the dumbest plan, I won’t know for sure until it is in motion.

Aubrey is sitting in the chair to my right and I wait until she leans forward to take a bite of a quesadilla when I touch her on her bare thigh just along the hem of her tiny shorts. She sputters and drops the wedge, it luckily landing on her plate.

“What the fuck was that?” Josh asks, looking at her with an eyebrow raised.

“Um, nothing,” she mumbles, her face turning an embarrassing shade of red. I smile and sit back in my chair, leaning so the front two legs lift off of the floor. She eyes me from the side,
covering a smile with a frown.

MJ smacks my arm and I lose balance and my chair jolts back on all fours, making an annoying squeal on the tile. The way she is looking at me I know she saw me. I wait for her to call me out but she doesn’t. Instead she winks at me and looks at Aubrey with a smile. I grab my water bottle and throw my head back to chug. I know Aubrey is watching me so when I finish it I slam it down, wipe the droplets from my mouth with the back of my hand, and with the other I rest it on the back of her chair and begin playing with her hair. This time she is ready and she barely flinches.

I see small bumps forming on her skin and I smile, then look at MJ who is nodding her approval.

Later we are out on the back deck listening to music. The girls are in their bikinis lying on beach towels while Josh and I are on Adirondack chairs, shamelessly staring at them.

“Dude, I am so not ready for classes to start back up,” Josh complains beside me. He leans over, his muscles bulging as he reaches for the cooler, and cracks open a beer as he straightens up and settles back in the chair.

“Just think, it will be the last first day of school forever. Or until grad school, I guess.”

“Fuck, no. No more for me. I barely survived last semester. I was one bad exam away from being on academic probation.” He shades his eyes from the sun with a cupped hand and licks the beer off his lips as he watches MJ flip over onto her back.

I think if you went to half of your classes that wouldn’t have happened. Most professors give participation points, they add up, man,” I say unsympathetically. He’s had multiple excuses for his grades for the last three semesters, which was coincidentally when he found weightlifting.

“That’s bullshit and you know it. My parents pay good money for me to attend there, the least they could do would be to give me some freebies every once in a while. Hell, our tuition pays for their salaries. They owe us.”

“That’s one was to think of it, Josh,” I give in, knowing he isn’t going to back down from this. Aubrey sits up to flip over onto her back again. She has little red indentions on her cheek, chest, and belly from being on her stomach on the towel. She is glistening from the sun and my mind goes back in time to when I licked the sweat off of her.

My dick jumps in my shorts and I have to adjust myself before grabbing a beer. I get up and walk over to the girls and stand over Aubrey so I cast a shadow over her body. Her eyes are closed and I wonder if she knows I’m there.

“You’re in my sun,” she mumbles. When I don’t move, she slightly opens an eye to look at me. The other eye is squeezed shut and for a second she looks like Popeye, without the pipe… and enormous chin. “Helloooo?” She singsongs, “You listening to me?”

I give her my most charming smile and say, “No. I’m too busy looking at you.”

“Hmm, what every girl wants to hear.”

I let out a laugh and so does MJ. Cara snarls something unintelligent from the other side of MJ. I shift down to my knees and lean over her so our heads are only inches away.

“I heard you. I just wanted to make you flustered. You’re adorable when you are mad.”

“I’m glad you think I look like a
pathetic puppy when I’m mad.” She isn’t letting up. I knew she was feisty but I really thought my flirting would break her a little. She doesn’t miss a step. “So tell me, what do I look like when I’m horny?” Hearing that word come out of her mouth does some crazy shit to my lower half.

I be
nd lower so I can whisper in her ear. “You look like a fucking goddess and it makes me want to rip your clothes off and bend you over until you scream my name.” Ha, take that.

I rise back up on my arms and look her in the eye. She’s speechless.
I place a chaste kiss on her lips and saunter back over to the chairs. I can’t help but grin in my seat because I totally won.






So out of the blue Kellan decides to flip a switch and charm the shit out of me. I’m not complaining, but where was this the last three days? After New Year’s I was practically a walking hormone, just waiting to finish what he started on the dance floor.
Granted, I’m still a little like that, but now I can at least control myself.

I don’t know if we were both waiting for the other to act on it or not, but I knew there was no way I was going to make the first move. I was hoping for the impassive approach, since normally girls throw themselves at him. I thought if I was different then he would pursue me with vengeance but he hasn’t.

But today he has pulled out all the stops. The pterodactyls are back in action and pissing me off royally. Will they ever go away?

BOOK: The Bond That Built Us
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