The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1)
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Her smaller hand was completely consumed by his big-callused hand.

Mildred brought their food and they started eating.

    “Macy, Roy will take you to the ranch. I have some errands to do for Mom before I go back.”

He noticed she had a little disappoint
ed look in her eyes.

It made him wonder why she would be disappointed he wasn’t coming with them to the ranch.

She had expected him to ride back to the ranch with them and even though she didn’t get along with him at least she felt like she knew him a little bit. She didn’t know Roy at all.

noticed Turk was looking her over closely. This was making her feel self-conscious. She didn’t like men sizing her up like that.

Turk finished his food, got up and walked out leaving her setting with Roy with a blank look on her face.

Roy sat there while Macy finished eating.

She had fully expected Turk would be the one taking her to the ranch. Now she was with another stranger. At least Turk
was kin, well sort of anyway, but now she was with a ranch hand.

She felt like Aunt Maude had thrown her to the wolves and it made her uncomfortable.

When she finished eating she looked at Roy and motioned for him to get her bags. 

Roy looked at her and said, “Ma’am we pull our own weight around here.  If you want to take those bags with you, you better get them loaded in the back of the buggy.”

She looked at him with a disgusted look on her face, picked her bags up, toted them out and put them one at a time in the buggy.

“Just wait till I tell Aunt Maude how I have been treated.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

Once they left town the roads turned to dirt. The ride to the ranch was slow, bumpy and dusty.

She looked at Roy and asks, “Isn’t there any paved roads out here?”

“No ma’am they didn’t pave the roads out here because the tractors and other farm equipment out here would keep it torn up. They just scrape the road once in a while after a rain to smooth them out.”

She sat silently as she was jostled by each bump. The smell of the horse was starting to make her nauseous.

She finally told Roy, “That Turk is a real pain in the rear isn’t he. I don’t think he and I are going to get along.”

“You have Turk all wrong. He is a very kind person and he would give you the shirt off his back. He even plays Santa Clause at the Orphanage Christmas. I don’t see why you didn’t get along.”

“We can’t possibly be talking about the same person. 

A man has never treated me so rude. The men in Boston are real gentlemen around a lady.”









          CHAPTER III



Macy looked kind of haggard when she finally arrived at the ranch. The bumping and rocking of the buggy had taken its toll on her.

The confrontation with Turk at the café hadn’t helped
her attitude any either.

She took one look at the house and decided right then she didn’t like it. To
her it was a shack after her house in Boston. Even though it was a nice two-story ranch house to her it looked run down and cheap.

It had a nice tree lined front yard with the driveway coming right up to the front porch. There was a modern looking stable next to it with a large
shed attached. Next to the stable stood a big red barn with a silo attached at one end. There was an odor of horse manure permeating the air around the house.

Her aunt walked out on the porch as they rolled up. She was a small lady with a stern face. Her hair was in a gray bun on top of her head. She wore an old fashioned dress that went all the way down to her ankles
and it was covered with an apron.

A young girl that looked about eighteen was standing on the porch beside her. Her blonde hair in a ponytail and a pair of the shortest cut offs Macy had ever seen. She had a big grin on her face.

When Roy helped Macy out of the buggy she brushed the dust off her suit. Then she walked up the steps.

The young girl watched her as she climbed the steps.

Roy spit out his chew, pushed the hat back on his head and said, “Ma’am you forgot your bags.”

Macy looked at her Aunt in disgust, turned around fast and stormed down the steps. She grabbed the bags out of the back of the buggy and staggered back up the steps carrying the heavy load.

Maude could tell Macy was going to be a hand full by her attitude.

“Aunt Maude you are going to have to teach these men on the ranch how to treat a lady. They are all rude,
ill-mannered and obnoxious.”

“We’ll have to see what we can do about that Macy.”

Roy was grinning at Maude the whole time. He knew she was just trying to appease the young woman.

Maude and Megan looked at each other and just shook their heads. Macy’s Aunt put her arms around Macy and hugged her.

“Goodness child you have sure grown up into a fine young woman since the last time I saw you. Why you were no bigger than a minute.”

Macy could smell the flower on her from baking in the kitchen. It brought back memories of the last time Maude had hugged. That was the one distinct thing that hadn’t changed about her aunt. 

She had been in the kitchen all morning preparing a special meal for Macy’s arrival. She wanted very much for her to like it there. 

“Macy I am so glad to see you. I haven’t seen you since you were a little girl.

This is your cousin Megan. You were so little the last time I saw you, you probably don’t remember her.”

Macy shook Megan’s hand and said, “Glad to meet you Megan. I don’t remember a whole lot about the last time you came to visit us in Boston. I have heard so much about you though from Aunt Maude.

I can’t say as much for your brother though. I think he is a very crude and disrespectful person. I guess he being adopted and all has a lot to do with his rudeness.”

Megan gave Macy a questioning look. She loved Turk and she couldn’t see why everyone else didn’t feel the same way about him she did. She thought he was the grea
test guy there was. He and Megan were always very close.

“Megan, why don’t you take Macy and show her to her room? I’m sure she is tired from her long trip. I have to get back in the kitchen.”

Megan led her into the house and showed her the room she would be staying in. she showed her the bathroom and which bedrooms belonged to each of them. When she saw Turk’s room was next to hers she wasn’t too happy about that.

Macy looked around at the house and the inside of her room. As she was looking around she was thinking to herself, “Man how can anyone live so crude.” She wondered why at least a designer hadn’t furnished the inside of it for her aunt. She knew right away she wasn’t going to like her visit at all.

She already missed Boston and her big house. She could be playing tennis with Beth about this time at the Country Club or maybe out with Michael.

Turk went to the department store down the street from the café.

Macy’s aunt had sent him there to pick up some western stile clothes that she had ordered for Macy. She wanted her to blend in with the rest of the people that worked on the ranch.

He picked them up and grabbed a six-pack of beer to drink on the way back to the ranch. After his encounter with Macy he knew he needed a drink to cope with her. She had been a real snot to him. It bothered him the way she acted. He would much rather get along with women than to be fighting them.

He put everything he could in the saddlebag and he hung the rest over the saddle horn. He finished off the six-pack before he got back to the ranch.

As soon as he got back to the ranch he rode straight into the stable. He sat Macy’s clothes on a table and unsaddled his horse. Turk looked at his horse and gave him a big hug before he put him in a stall. He loved his old horse. They had been on many adventures together.

When he had the gate closed he picked up the clothes and walked to the house. 

Turk walked in carrying a load of bags in his hand.

He threw them on the couch beside Macy looking at her with a contemptuous look on his face. Maude spotted it right away and knew things were not going well between Macy and Turk.

“Well did you get everything I sent you after Turk?”

“Yes ma’am the only thing I did different was got a size larger bra. After I saw her I knew that the size you gave me was too small. She has a pretty good rack for a city woman.”

Macy looked at her aunt with a look of surprise and embarrassment on her face.

“I can’t believe you two are discussing my bra size. I don’t think my bra size is up for discussion. We don’t discuss things like that in Boston in mixed company.”

Maude and Turk looked at each other with a grin on their face.

Miss. Maude said, “It’s for sure that Turk is very observant on that sort of thing. I have a feeling that he has seen his share of bras. Out here we talk about all kinds of topics to each other. It’s just another piece of clothing to us.  You might as well get used to it. These men say what’s on their mind.”

Turk just grinned one of his full-faced crooked grins and he winked at Macy. He knew Macy probably wouldn’t like his blasphemous wink but he wanted to keep her fired up.

Macy thought to
herself, “He’s sure got nerve looking at me like that. He’s such a pig. He probably got his hands in women’s bras all the time around here.”

She wasn’t far from right. He was wondering what she looked like under her short skirt?  The way she was setting on the couch half her thigh was exposed, there wasn’t a lot to imagine.

   Turk sat down in a chair and looked at Macy. “Did that smooth skin go all the way up to her butt cheeks?” Another couple inches and he could see for himself? It was a good thing Macy didn’t know what he was looking at and thinking.

He turned his eyes away from Macy’s legs and said, “Mom I’ve got to take a few men and go to the line shack in the morning.  Buck came in this morning before I left for town and told me there is some fence down and we are going to have to round up the cattle that got out before the wonder off too far.

Maude got a disappointed look on her face. She wanted Macy to spend some time with Turk and work out their differences. She was hoping to set around with them and talk about something that wouldn’t cause any confrontations.

After she thought about it for a few minutes she came up with an idea. “Macy I would like you to go with the men in the morning. This is a perfect time for you to see what ranch life is like.”

“Aunt Maude I am tired from my trip.  Besides I can’t ride a horse and I have no intention of going off with a bunch of strange men I know nothing about. I came out here to relax and visit with you. Not go riding all over the country with people I don’t know.”

“Mom I don’t want her along anyway. I don’t think we can get along and she will just get in the way. We have work to do and I bet she has never done a lick of work in her life. It would kill her if she had to lift a finger to do anything.”

Macy stood there with a funny look on her face. Even though she didn’t care for Turk, a man had never told her that he didn’t want her with him.

Most of the men she had been around would love to have her around. She knew how beautiful she was and she couldn’t understand why Turk didn’t see that.

As they finished their lunch Maude said,

“Macy, why don’t you go
upstairs and put on the clothes that Turk got you and he can take you out to the corral for a lesson.”

“But Aunt Maude I just don’t want to go with them.  It’s too hot and I won’t fit in.

Turk will give me a hard time and I think he doesn’t want me out here anyway. He made that perfectly clear in town and I don’t have to put up with his attitude.

If I am not going to be able to get any rest out here I might just catch the train in the morning and go back to Boston. I don’t think I am going to like it out here anyway. I have a business to run and I can’t be gone to
o long.”

“You won’t be out there all by yourself and it will be more relaxing then you think. You have to give it a chance out here. We will see to it you have a good time.

I will send Megan along to keep you company. Tonight you and Megan can get acquainted.”

“No Aunt Maude I don’t care anything about things like that. I would like to just stay around here and drink some cappuccinos and talk.”

“What in the world is cappuccino?”

“It’s a type of coffee. We drink it all the time in Boston.”

“Well we have plenty of coffee.”

Maude handed her the packages and said, “It is about time you learned how the poor side of your family lives. Riding a horse is just a small part of it. You will have time to rest and visit when you get back.”

BOOK: The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1)
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