Read The Christmas Journey Online

Authors: Donna VanLiere

The Christmas Journey (7 page)

BOOK: The Christmas Journey
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n an incomprehensible,
humbling move, the Son of God left the majestic splendor of heaven and stepped down into our world to become an infant, to become a man. There were no royal robes or parades, no trumpeted arrival. At a birth where there should have been the finest marble and linens, there was only dirt, a few bales of hay, and the filthy rags of animals. Where there should have been a legion of angels, there was just a handful of bleating sheep, a couple of anxious camels, and a few tethered donkeys. And where there should have been a king and a queen and the pomp and circumstance of a royal court, there was only a frightened teenager and her tradesman spouse. Angels did announce the birth of the King but only to a few shepherds guarding their flocks. And that brilliant star was shining in the night; but with the exception of three foreigners, no one even bothered to notice it.



nd so, in
that little town of Bethlehem so long ago, a simple peasant girl and her carpenter husband quietly sang lullabies to the King of kings as he drifted off to sleep.



Also by Donna VanLiere

The Christmas Secret

Finding Grace

The Christmas Promise

The Angels of Morgan Hill

The Christmas Shoes

The Christmas Blessing

The Christmas Hope

. Copyright © 2010 by Donna VanLiere. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

Illustrations copyright © 2010 by Michael Storrings ISBN: 978-0-312-61372-3

BOOK: The Christmas Journey
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