Read The Consequence Online

Authors: Karin Tabke

Tags: #Chronicles of Katrina#4

The Consequence (8 page)

BOOK: The Consequence
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She pushed away from him, wrapping her arms around herself. She was suddenly very cold. God she wanted to believe him. She turned back to face him. “Thank you for coming clean, but even with the truth, I—I’m letting

He jerked against the chair. “The hell you are. We belong together damn it. Stop being so stubborn and admit it.”

“Every time I turn around, I find out something else. What’s next, Simon?”

“I can’t predict the future, Kat. I can only predict that I would never do anything to hurt you.”

“I believe you, Simon. Really I do, but you’re so overpowering sometimes and I feel as if I don’t really have a say in anything.”

“I can be domineering, but I’m that way because I’m protective and,” he grinned. “Sometimes I know what you want before you do.”

“I want a part in arresting Evan.”

“That’s my job, princess.”

“I have to be a part of it Simon. He destroyed my career, I want a part in getting it back and I know how we can get him.”

“So do I, and it’s legal.”

“So is my way. Just wire me up so I can get Evan to confess to everything.”

“No fucking way.”

Crossing her arms over her chest she said, “I’m not budging on this Simon. Either I do it with you or I have Rosie come up with a contraption and I’ll do it myself.”

“When I get out of these cuffs, I’m going to spank you within an inch of your life, Katrina, and then I’m going to lock you up out of harm’s way until I have that bastard dead to rights.”

Katy couldn’t suppress the smile that twitched at the corner of her lips. “Oh, I’d like to see you try.” Her heart thumped wildly. She didn’t know who she was kidding, there was no way she was letting this man go. Even though he had the absurd idea he could tell her what to do all of the time. Oh no, he had come clean and in the end he really didn’t do anything wrong, and she only allowed him his bad because she knew in her heart that even though he hadn’t said it yet, he loved her.

Liking the control, she picked up the black scarf and tied it around his head again.

“I’m not going to warn you again, Kat,” he growled. “Uncuff me now or pay the consequence later.”

She knelt between his legs and pushed his knees apart. “I’m going to give you a few minutes to rethink that, hot shot.” She stroked his cock to rock hard. “And while you do, I’m going to enjoy this rare moment of control.” To give herself greater access, she pulled his pants down. As she stood up, she lifted her sweater and unsnapped her bra. As she let it sink to the floor, she slid her panties off and dangled them in front of his nose. His nostrils flared. Her power thrilled her.

“Do you know what that is, Simon?”

“Your pussy scent isn’t going to change my mind.”

“Oh,” she purred, “That’s too bad.” She rubbed a nipple against his cheek to his lips. Steadfast, he refused to take her bait.

She licked his bottom lip, then slid her tongue along the tight seam of his lips. “Oh, Simon, why are you playing hard to get?”

“I—,” the second he opened his mouth, she slid her tongue along his lips. He groaned and tensed, but turned his head away.

“Stubborn man can’t have his way, so he doesn’t want to play,” she purred and kissed her way down the hard contoured planes of his chest until she came to his happy camper. When she licked the bead of precum from him, she smiled. “Happy Gilmore here has a mind of his own.”

Pushing his thighs wider apart she settled herself in-between them and proceeded to suck him until his hips thrust wildly at her. But she had to hand it to him he didn’t make one single sound of pleasure. She was going to take care of that.

Lifting her skirt, she straddled him and as she lowered her dripping wet pussy onto his rock hard waiting cock, she said, “Tell me you don’t want me, Simon, and I’ll stop.”

His jaw ground as he strained toward her. He wanted in, so she gave him a taste, just an inch. He groaned. “That feels good doesn’t it, baby?”

She gave him another inch. He swallowed hard. “Say you want me, Simon or I walk away.”

His body strained against the cuffs and ties at his ankles.

“You can’t get away from me, West,” she taunted and nipped his earlobe. “You can’t even crawl away.”

Digging her fingers into his thick hair she turned his head upward toward her and ravished his lips. She had not given him any more than the two inches. Straddling him with just the tip of him inside of her as she controlled him was wildly thrilling. Captain Simon West, heart throb lady killer was at her mercy. It made her so wet she was dripping.

“I’m so hot and wet for you, Simon, all you have to do is say the words, ‘fuck me, Kat,’ and I will.”

His hips jerked against her.

“Oh you like it when I talk dirty to you?”

She kissed him long and deep and, although he didn’t kiss her back, he didn’t refuse her. “I love your cock, Simon, It’s so thick and full, and—,” she gave him another inch. “Willing to fuck me.”

His slick body trembled. “You’re as helpless to deny me as I am you. You said I owned you, but Simon…,” she kissed him. “You owned me the minute I looked up into your green eyes.”

His body shook with tension.

“That’s it, baby, shake and shimmy for me. Hold yourself at bay.” She nuzzled the spot behind his ear. “Because when you finally say the words, fuck me Kat, and I slide all the way down on you, you’re going to cry out my name.” She licked the shell of his ear. “Because we both know there is nothing more sublime than the feel of that deep delicious first thrust.” She thrust her tongue into his ear and swirled it around.

His body capitulated at the same time he rasped, “Fuck me, Kat.”

She answered with her body. And as she predicted, the moment she impaled herself fully onto him the first time, he cried out her name in a harsh primal gasp. He did the second, third and fourth time too.





imon’s big body was drawn taut, his muscles shaking, his skin slick, his breathing labored as she slowly fucked him. She gave him no quarter. Moving up and down, grinding onto his cock, she gave then took then gave some more. Her hands clasped the back of his head and she savagely ravaged his lips. He was powerless to stop her. She took, undulating slowly against his hips, her breasts sliding against this chest, her lips eating his with a fervor she had not known before.

Throwing her head back, she arched, tightening her thighs around his as an orgasm tore through her. “Ah, Simon,” she cried. “That feels so damn good.” Fierce tremors rocked her to her core as she rode him and the orgasm out. She loved that he could make her feel this way.

Breathless and slick she grasped his face and kissed him long and hard. He groaned beneath her assault, and truly that is what it was. Because she was in control now. She had to be. Not only did she need to know that Simon trusted her enough to give her this control, but she needed to trust herself enough to know that her instincts, though swayed by those who wanted to hurt her, always came to roost as true. All along she knew in her gut Simon would not use her and in so doing, not hurt her. They sparked at their first meeting, not because of his job but because of their natural chemical reaction to each other. And now they were on fire.

As she felt his body prepare to release, she pulled off the blindfold. His eyes were a dark thundery green. She smiled at his stormy expression. Cupping his face between her hands she said, “I’m going to make you come so hard, you’re going to howl at the moon.”

He growled as his hips thrust up into her. Throwing his head back, his jaw tightened. He bit back a deep primal moan. Katy ground her hips into his. “Now, Simon,” she breathlessly commanded, “Come with me now!”

Wildly he thrust, animalistic sounds erupting from his tight lips as he came in a violent explosion inside of her. His body jerked so hard, the force of it nearly toppled them. “Kat,” he hissed, “I fucking love you, baby.”

Her orgasm shattered into a beautiful bright light inside of her, the intensity so sublime, tears stung her eyes. When she looked down at Simon in wonder, he looked at her with the same expression of amazement. Collapsing against him she caught his lips with hers and together they slowly came down to earth, reveling in the warm embers of their passion.

With her clad only in her skirt and Simon half dressed, they clung to each other in her kitchen. Katy smiled as she imagined taking a picture of Simon in his disheveled condition.

“If that smile has anything to do with keeping me tied up, forget it,” he roughly said.

Slowly Katy lifted herself off of Simon. He slid out of her, still semi hard. “Does that thing ever go to sleep?”

“Not around you it doesn’t.”

She smoothed down her skirt and reached for her bra.

“I like the view,” he said.

She smiled as heat flushed her cheeks. He grinned. “After that you’re blushing?”

“Go figure.” She knelt down and untied his ankles, then the tie from around his hands.

“The key to the cuffs is in the case on my belt.”

She reached around and opened the little leather case and found the key.

Grinning she wagged it under his nose. “How bad do you want to get loose?”

He stood and raised the chair high behind his back.

“No! No, don’t break the chair! I’ll uncuff you, turn around.”

Once he was free of the chair, she leaned into him and handed him the cuffs and the key. “I liked that.”

He raised a brow and buttoned his trousers. “You liked controlling me?”

“Yes, and all indicators point to the fact that you liked it too.”

He kissed the top of her head and shrugged his shirt back on. “I plead the fifth.” When she moved to get dressed he held her tighter. “Kat, I swear I didn’t set out to use you but damn if I could help myself from accepting your offer.”


“No, listen, I know I should have told you I’d been assigned the case when we met, but I didn’t want to lose you.” He grazed her lips with his. “It just comes down to me wanting you that badly.”

“And you were willing to accept the consequence if I found out?”

He grinned that bad boy grin that undid her every time. “I figured by then you’d be so hung up on me it wouldn’t matter.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah, but I what I didn’t count on was being as hung up on you and it mattering like hell that you trusted me not to hurt you even when I came clean, and I need to you believe me when I say I would have.”

“Simon, I never doubted you, I doubted my own judgment. I need to start believing in myself a little more.”

“You’re doing great so far.”

“Thank you.”

When she reached for her bra again, he frowned. “I’ll concede the bra but I never want to see that sweater on you again.”

“That’s cashmere!”

“It’s ugly.”

“Fine.” She tossed it into the trash can. Simon nodded his approval then pulled his shirt off and settled it around her bare shoulders. “Much better, now let’s eat, I’m starved. Then we’re going to have a long talk.”

Sitting arm to arm and thigh to thigh on the sofa, they dug into dinner.

“Oh my God, Simon, this scaloppini is crazy good,” she said with her mouth full. As she swallowed she pointed to the half-eaten container of gnocchi with her fork. “So are those.”

He had ordered several entrees that they shared. She could never remember being so hungry.

He smiled softly, “I’m glad you’re enjoying them.”

She returned the smile as her gaze swept his bare chest. “I’m enjoying the view too.”

He leaned into her and kissed her. “You taste good.”

When there was nothing left in any one of the containers, Katy set her empty plate down on the table, then sat back feeling like a stuffed baby Buddha. She’d never eaten so much food in one sitting.

“Simon, I can’t move.”

After putting his plate down on the table beside hers, gathered her into his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head. “That’s okay, because I just want you to listen.”

She swallowed hard, not caring for the seriousness of his tone.

“Are you going to break up with me because I handcuffed you?” she teased.

“It would take a lot more than handcuffing me, then having your way with me while I was cuffed, to get rid of me.”

Smiling, she said, “Because you love me.”

His eyes softened, then became serious. “Being loved by me may not be the easiest thing you’ve ever done in your life, princess. I predict lots of overprotective chest beating in your future.”

“I can handle it.”

“I hope so.”

Cocooning her in his protective embrace, he settled back into the cushions and said, “My brother Mark was a year younger than me, but he always tried to act older.”

Katy’s heart thudded as she realized he was finally going to open up and tell her about his brother. Entwining her fingers through his she hugged his arms tighter around her.

“He mirrored everything I did. I tried to be a good big brother but like a lot of little brothers, he annoyed the hell out of me. I had my group of friends but he wanted them too. Finally, I just threw my hands up and let him in. I’m glad I did. That was the best time of my life to that point. But I’d committed to the Army before dad got sick. I felt bad leaving mom with Mark and an ailing husband, but I wanted to go.
to go. And I loved it, Kat. I loved the structure, the camaraderie, and most of all my deployments. I loved jumping. I thrived at war, I was a damn good soldier, I would have gone career. But then dad died, and Mark started causing problems. I told mom if things weren’t better when my four were up, I wouldn’t reenlist.” He let out a long sigh. “Things with Mark were worse. I managed to talk him into joining the Army, but he only lasted a year. By then I had been hired by the Santa Clara Sheriff’s Office on top of taking a full college load. I tried my best keeping on top of Mark, and making sure mom was okay, but it was hard. Then my little brother decided he wanted to be a cop, too.”

He reached to the bottle of Guinness on the table and took a long swig. “I met Amanda in college. She was helping me study and hell, I took what she was offering. It was over in one night. A few months later we hooked up again, and that was the last I saw of her until Mark brought her home with a ring on her finger.” He took another long swig.

“I had every intention of telling Mark about Amanda if she wouldn’t. But she begged me not to tell him, she said it would not only destroy their relationship but mine with Mark as well. Mark looked up to me, trusted me, and he always competed with me. I always won. If he knew I’d had Amanda first, he’d feel like he lost to me again. So I let that sleeping bitch lie. We agreed never to tell him. And we didn’t until the day he died.”

Simon’s heart thudded dully against her cheek. “It was supposed to be me who died that day, Kat. Instead,” his voice choked, “My little brother caught the bullet with my name on it.”

“What happened?”

“I’d been working a big human trafficking case in the South Bay. I busted the ring leader Jae Won Moon, a Korean boss who was importing little girls and selling them to the highest bidder. It was a crazy trial. I don’t know if you remember it but there was jury tampering, one of the clerks was assassinated as well as a jurist’s wife. But damn if that jury didn’t suck it up and convict that prick. When the verdict came down, Moon stood, turned to me and swore in open court that he would destroy me.

“Things with Amanda and Mark had hit a rocky patch. Hell, from the beginning it wasn’t right. But he loved her. The day after the trial, Amanda and Mark got into it, and to hurt him, she told him I had slept with her. He was furious and drove out to my house to kick my ass. I don’t know if he was pissed I didn’t tell him or pissed I’d slept with her. I’ll never know. As he came storming up the sidewalk to the front door, one of Moon’s henchmen drove onto my fucking lawn and, thinking it was me, gunned him down.”

“Oh, Simon,” Katy softly said. How horrible! Hugging him close she pressed her cheek tightly to his chest. “It wasn’t your fault!”

“I should have gone with my gut the day he brought her home and come clean with Mark. He may have disowned me but he’d still be alive today if I had.”

“Simon, you didn’t pull the trigger. You’re not responsible. It was a terrible, unfortunate chain of events. You had no control over any of it. Please, you have to let go of the guilt.”

His arms tightened around her. “It’s been two years and I’ve let the guilt eat away at me. Every time I look at Livy, I see Mark and the dad she will never know.”

“And to compensate for that, you’ve allowed Amanda have her way with things because it eased your guilt.”

“Yeah. It didn’t matter to me, her always being around.”

He reached down and nudged her chin up. “Until you stumbled into my life.” He grinned. “I’ve never been so happy to be bumped into as the day you came out of that elevator.”

BOOK: The Consequence
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