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Authors: Serena Pettus

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

The Cub Club (6 page)

BOOK: The Cub Club
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Everyone sipped their drinks and congratulations were given to the soon-to-be parents.

“So when are the two of you going to give us a grandchild?” Angela asked Lacy and Ethan from her perch on her husband’s lap.

“I think we can work on that,” Lacy replied, giving Ethan a heated look.

He responded by pulling her down for a passionate kiss. “I’ll just handcuff her to the bed until things are settled,” he teased.

“I can
handle that.”

Another round of cheers and catcalls went up as the party continued.

“Are those Eva’s sugar cookies I smell?” Erik sniffed loudly and rose to head into the kitchen licking his lips.

“Stay out of my cookies!” Adam shouted, taking off after him. The crash that came shortly after had both Eva and Sarah shaking their heads. It seemed the battle was on, but Eva decided she would just wait until she told them there was a batch for everyone.

The Wolfe family was a rowdy bunch, but they were loyal to each other no matter what, and the strength of their love was something that ensured they would always remain close to each other.

Well, as long as cookies weren’t involved.

About the Author

Hello, all! I am a mother of two and am happily married to my high school sweetheart. I work full-time in the medical field and spend my down time with family and friends, reading or, (of course) writing. I am currently writing paranormal romance and hope to branch out to Contemporary soon.. The paranormal element allows me to give reality a new depth by integrating paranormal creatures into my everyday world. I mean, come on, who wouldn't want a little excitement added into their everyday life? The Southern/Gulf Coast culture that I have grown up in plays a big part in my writing, forming not only the cultural traits of the characters, but also the ambiance of the geography in many of my stories.

I am new to the writing world, and who knows where it will take me? But I'm having fun nevertheless, and if people enjoy reading my work, then it's all been worth it. HAPPY READING!!

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BOOK: The Cub Club
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