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Authors: Jo Beverley

The Demon's Mistress (12 page)

BOOK: The Demon's Mistress
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Looking for Captain Drake.

Her heart was racing with panic and she stayed there, breathing as slowly as she could, forcing herself back into control. Panic served no one.

If Gifford was here with troops, wouldn't he have acted by now? She stretched every quivering sense to detect soldiers concealed in the gorse, muskets trained toward the beach.

After long moments she found nothing.

Soldiers weren't that good at staying quiet in the night.

So who was it, and what was he planning to do?

Heartbeat still fast, but not with panic now, she eased forward, trying not to present a silhouette against the sea and sky behind her. The land flattened as she reached the top, however, making it hard to crouch, making her clumsy so some earth skittered away from beneath her feet.

She sensed rather than saw the man turn toward her.

Time to show herself and pray.

She pulled off her hood and used it to wipe the soot around so it would appear to be general grubbiness. She tucked the cloth into a pocket, then stood. Eccentric to be wandering about at night in men's clothing, but a woman could be eccentric if she wanted to, especially a twenty-six year old spinster of shady antecedents.

She drew her pistol out of her belt and put it into the big pocket of her old-fashioned frock coat. She kept her hand on it as she walked up to the still and silent figure, and it was pointed forward, ready to fire.

She'd never shot anyone, but she hoped she could if it was necessary to save David.

“Who are you?” she said at normal volume. “What is your business here?”

She was within three feet of him, and in the deep dark she could not make out any detail except that he was a couple of inches taller than she was, which made him about six feet. He was hatless, and his hair must be very short since the brisk wind created no visible movement around his head. She had to capture a strand of her own hair with her free hand to stop it blowing into her eyes.

She stared at him, wondering why he wasn't answering, wondering what to do next. But then he said, “I am the Earl of Wyvern, so everything here is my business.” In the subsequent silence, he added, “Good evening, Susan.”

Her heart stopped, then raced so impossibly fast that stars danced around her vision.

Oh Lord. Con. Here. Now.

In the middle of a run!

He'd thought smuggling exciting eleven years ago, but people changed. He'd spent most of those years as a soldier, part of the mighty fist of the king's law.

Dazed shock spiraled down to something numb, and then she could breathe again. “How did you know it was me?”

“What other lady would be walking the cliff top at the time of a smugglers' run?”

She thought of denying it, but saw no point. “What are you going to do?”

She made herself draw the pistol, though she didn't cock it. Heaven knew she wouldn't be able to fire it. Not at Con. “It would be awkward to have to shoot you,” she said as firmly as she could.

Without warning, he threw himself at her. She landed hard, winded by the fall and his weight, pistol gone, his hand covering her mouth. “No squealing.”

He remembered. Did he remember everything? Did he remember lying on top her like this in pleasure? Was his body remembering . . . ?

He'd been so charming, so easygoing, so dear, but now he was dark and dangerous, showing not a shred of concern for the lady he was squashing into hard, unforgiving earth.

“Answer me,” he said.

She nodded, and he eased his hand away, but stayed over her, pressing her down.

“There's a stone digging into my back.”

For a moment he didn't respond, but then he moved back and off her, grasping her wrist and pulling her to her feet before she had time to object. His hand was harder than she remembered, his strength greater. How could she remember so much from a summer fortnight eleven years ago?

How could she not? He'd been her first lover, and she his, and she'd denied every scrap of feeling when she'd sent him away.

Life was full of ironies. She'd rejected Con Somerford because he hadn't been the man she'd thought he was—the heir to the earldom. And here he was, earl, a dark nemesis probably ready to destroy everything because of what she'd done eleven years ago.

What could she do to stop him?

She remembered David's comment about feminine wiles and had to fight down wild laughter. That was one weapon that would never work on the new Earl of Wyvern.

“I heard Captain Drake was caught and transported,” he said, as if nothing of importance lay between them. “Who's master smuggler now?”

“Captain Drake.”

“Mel Clyst escaped?”

“The smuggling master here is always called Captain Drake.”

“Ah, I didn't know that.”

“How could you?” she pointed out with deliberate harshness, in direct reaction to a weakness that threatened to crumple her down onto the dark earth. “You were here for only two weeks.” As coldly as possible, she added. “As an outsider.”

“I got inside you, Susan.”

The deliberate crudeness stole her breath.

“Where are the Preventives?” he asked.

She swallowed and managed an answer. “Decoyed up the coast a bit.”

He turned to look out at the water. The sickle moon shone clear for a moment, showing a clean, strong profile and, at sea, the armada of small boats heading out for another load.

“Looks like a smooth run, then. Come back to the house with me.” He turned as if his word were law.

“I'd rather not.” Overriding her weakness was fear, as sharp as winter ice. Irrational fear, she hoped, but frantic.

He looked back at her. “Come back to the house with me, Susan.”

He made no threat. She had no idea what he might be threatening, but a breath escaped her that was close to a sigh, and she followed him across the scrubby heathland.

After eleven years, Con Somerford was back.

Be sure to look for the other two stories
in my Three Georges triplet


Available in print in August 2011



Available now from Signet in print and e-book.

BOOK: The Demon's Mistress
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