Read The Depth of Darkness (Mitch Tanner #1) Online

Authors: L.T. Ryan

Tags: #action thriller, #suspense thriller, #mystery suspense, #crime thriller, #detective thriller

The Depth of Darkness (Mitch Tanner #1) (33 page)

BOOK: The Depth of Darkness (Mitch Tanner #1)
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I went back through the screen door and stood
in the middle of the driveway for a few minutes. The sun was
setting and the sky turned several different shades of red, orange
and pink. It felt refreshing and gave me hope that there was a
chance for new beginnings, even in an old life.

I pulled out my cell and placed a call down
to Savannah. Cassie answered on the second ring.

“I wanted to thank you, Cassie. Your tip paid
off. We got the girl, and we caught the bad guys.”

“Always happy to help, Mitch. How’s

I paused for a second. “She’s doing okay. On
her way to her next post as far as I know. Anyway, any updates on
that other thing?”

“Your missing wife and child?”

That’s what I loved about Cassie. No
hesitation. “Yeah, that’d be it.”

“Sorry, Mitch. Nothing. If there ever is,
I’ll let you know.”

I said goodbye and hung up. A gentle breeze
blew across the porch. One of my neighbors was cooking steaks on
their grill. Seemed like a good idea to me.

I walked over to the mailbox and pulled down
the plastic door. There were a few bills and a couple coupon
mailers. I hated those things. They never had anything I wanted.
Buried at the bottom was something I did want, a postcard. My heart
skipped a beat at the letter written in pencil. I ran to the porch
and flipped on the light.


Hi Daddy! I’m having a great time on this
vacation with Mommy. I sure miss you and Ella Kate, though. We’ve
been all over, even through Texas. Too many of those blue stars
there, though. I’m not allowed to tell you where we are right now,
only that we are doing good. Mommy says I’ll get to see you soon.
She says that a lot, though. I miss you. Love, Robbie.


Through watery eyes, I searched the postcard
for a postmark. It had been sent four days ago from Denver,
Colorado. Soon, Robbie, I thought. I’ll find you soon.



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The Recruit: A Jack Noble Short

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Other Books by
L.T. Ryan

Noble Beginnings: A Jack Noble Novel

In March of 2002, while the eyes of the world
focused on Afghanistan, Jack Noble finds himself on the outskirts
of Baghdad, Iraq. A Marine in name only, Jack is on-loan to the
CIA. Normally an integral part of the team, he finds that he is
nothing more than a security detail in Iraq.


Jack and his partner Bear have a run-in with four
CIA special agents over the treatment of an Iraqi family. Within
hours Jack and Bear are detained.


All Jack wanted was to finish his enlistment and
move on with his life. All he did was intervene and save a family
from unwarranted violence at the hands of four CIA agents. But he
soon discovers that he did far more than intervene. He has placed
himself dead square in the middle of a conspiracy that reaches the
highest levels of the U.S. government.

for more information.


A Deadly Distance (Jack Noble #2)

Washington, D.C. Midday. A man waits at a bus stop,
his intentions unknown. Two government operatives have been
stalking him for days, waiting for him to make his move.
Unexpectedly, the man takes off running and heads for a deserted

Jack Noble and his partner, Frank Skinner, believe
the man to be part of a terrorist organization that is involved in
smuggling drugs and guns and men into the country. But it turns out
their plan involves far more export than import, and hits a lot
closer to home.

As the case unfolds, the man behind it all reaches
out to Jack with a simple message... 37 hours.

for more information.

Also Available:

Noble Intentions: Season One (Episodes 1-5)

Noble Intentions: Season Two (Episodes 6-10)

Noble Intentions: Season Three (Episodes 11-15)

The Recruit: A Jack Noble Short Story

for more information.


Coming Soon:

Untitled (Clarissa Abbot #1)
Never Go Home (Jack Noble #3)
No Way Home (Jack Noble #4)
Noble Intentions: Season Four
Untitled (Mitch Tanner #2)


Table of

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

Chapter 52

Chapter 53

Chapter 54

Chapter 55

Chapter 56

Chapter 57

Chapter 58

Chapter 59

BOOK: The Depth of Darkness (Mitch Tanner #1)
11.18Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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