The Escort Series (Billionaire Bachelors) - Complete Collection (7 page)

BOOK: The Escort Series (Billionaire Bachelors) - Complete Collection
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will be joining my bosses at the Pirata Domingo, ma’am. It is a newly opened
BDSM club,” the uniformed driver said lightly.


carefully collected demeanor almost shattered at that revelation. Why on earth
would…what in the world would they be…She couldn’t even process; she needed to
tell the driver to turn the heck around.

But she
didn’t. Instead, she swallowed her panic and stared out of the tinted windows with
a heart beating more wildly than ever.

She had
to admit she was terribly curious. Why a BDSM club? She’d certainly never seen
the inside of one but she did have a faint idea of what could go on there. That
they’d want her to meet them at such a venue did not look reassuring to the
nervous Bea…

* * *

On her
arrival inside the club, she was shocked to see that it was nothing like she’d
expected. No, it didn’t look like a den of debauchery, and neither did it look
like a brothel or anything. Sure, there were some eye-popping erotic art
hanging all over the walls, and there was a lot of black marble going on, but
it was streaked magnificently with gold. The dim lighting and the overall
ambience was one of iconic cool, what with the fantastic looking mirrored bar
gleaming from across the room. The place was far from crowded but then it was
still quite early. There were tables and booths as well as a dance floor, just
like any other club.

As she
strode in deeper, she caught sight of the medium-sized platform in the middle
of the room, which had a lot of weird looking machinery and equipment placed on
it, including chains and ropes hanging from the ceiling. Those things looked
more like they were meant for torture than pleasure, and Bea couldn’t help but
wonder fleetingly in amazement if folks were really into this kind of stuff! In
its pride of place was a bed, and Bea had to keep from stumbling as she made
her way to where two men suddenly rose from their seats beside the bar.

concern about her environment faded to the back burner when she met the
admiring eyes of both Ryan and Jason. She reached their side with steps as
steady as she could muster though she was quaking inside.

Ryan. Hi, Jason,” she said calmly enough.

It’s great to see you again,” Ryan said as she took her seat between them. She
tried not to start when Ryan took her hand and kissed it, his lips falling like
butterfly wings onto her skin. Jason, to her surprise, was a lot more forward.
It was he who leaned close to place a whisper of a kiss on her cheek. Both
gestures from the two brothers were warm and even possessive, yet lighthearted.
Still, it sent large bolts of arousal shivering through her.

Oh no
. She was in trouble. She knew
this in a second.

look…breath-taking,” Jason said, as he drew back from her cheek. He had the
same look of heated approval his elder brother had. Bea shifted on her stool.
She thanked him lightly while she took the chance to view them both without
showing her emotions. Damn, they were
That was all she could say to herself. They were dressed less formally than
last time, yet with far more swag to their masculine hotness. And their accents
sounded even spicier after not hearing them for so long.
, thought Bea with an inner pang as she strove to keep her
expression neutral.

moment they took their seats, a very sexily dressed waitress wearing nothing
more than a black leather thong and corset over knee-high boots appeared to
take their order of drinks. Bea let them choose something for her though she
swore she wasn’t going to be taking more than a glass. She needed her wits
around these two, she knew.

“How do
you like the place?” Ryan asked with a teasing smile, the music playing in the
background helping to ease Bea’s inwardly nervous mood. She found herself
relaxing without meaning to, as she got over the jolt of seeing them again. One
things for sure, their attraction hadn’t waned. They still had that
“fuck-them-in-a-heartbeat” appeal but Bea reminded herself there’d be
fucking anyone tonight. No way.

quite tame from what I’d expected,” she murmured, refusing to let them see how
nervous she was when she’d found out about their chosen venue.

only you knew,” Jason said with a deep chuckle. “There are many inner viewing rooms
where interested patrons can watch…a lot of exciting things going on. And out
here in the club area, well, the place really starts to rock around nine
thirty, say ten p.m.”

casually, he continued, “We’ll just enjoy our drinks out here and then if it
gets much too crowded, we can retire to a private lounge area. The owners are
close friends of ours so we can basically go wherever we wish to.” He flashed a
killer grin, and Bea had to look away because seeing Ryan smile was always such
a stomach-tilter. She was right; their sexual appeal hadn’t waned one bit in
the two weeks or so since she’d last seen them.

drinks were brought by the kinky-looking waitress who then left to wait upon
the other patrons present
. In a bid to calm her nerves, Bea
took a sip of her drink and it was delicious. She had to quell the urge to look
around wide-eyed because she’d never expected to ever be in a place like this
and certainly not with these two sensually lethal males. That sense of being on
her guard came over her as she figured they had something up their sleeve
picking this club.

Bea,” Ryan said with a quiet smile, as if noticing, despite her efforts, how
nervous she was. This is just a cool, normal nightclub with just one
difference; people are offered a place to express and safely practice certain
lifestyles if they wish. It’s all about the inner self. That’s why we wanted
you to join us here. We felt you needed a little more…self-expression.”

gulped down more of her drink, unable to meet his piercing gaze. What more
“self-expression” did a woman who’d had a
with two strangers

guys,” she said bracingly, “It was really nice of you to want to see me again,
but I only came because I…well I had some things to get off my chest.” She
tried not to squirm when Jason’s eyes in particular swung down to that said
part of her anatomy, and she saw his eyes burn when they fell on her hinted-at
cleavage, the v-neck of her dress low enough to draw some extra attention. She
could kill Lisa for convincing her to wear something so risqué!

said with understanding, “You didn’t cash the check. We noticed this,” he said

“Oh you
did? I was sure you would,” she said with cool sarcasm. “I mean two hundred
grand would be a lot to just overlook if I’d actually decided to make use of
your over-generosity.”

you didn’t,” Jason put in, his fingers toying with the stem of his crystal.
“You surprise us at every turn, Bea. You’re very different from any woman we’re
used to. That’s why we needed to see you again. You intrigue us – as well
as drive us crazy.”

drew in a sharp breath as his hand covered hers on the bars edge. This first,
warm contact did strange things to her insides. Shivering, she snatched her
hand back. “Look, if you two are expecting a repeat performance of that night,
forget it. It should never have happened.”

shouldn’t it have happened?” Ryan asked, making her turn to him quickly, as his
hand reached up to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. Once again, the breath was
stolen from her. Hell no, she didn’t need to start this up again. Each man,
taking turns driving her slowly to the brink. She needed to focus, arm herself…

it was just so…I mean, I don’t do that kind of stuff!”

“We got
that,” Ryan said patiently. “But you’re a very sexy woman, Bea. You have to get
used to the fact that no matter what, we’d want to fuck you. Again. Once could
never be enough.”

“So is
that why I’m here? I’m going to get fucked?” Bea said tightly, her heart
pounding like a bass drum in her chest as she looked from one pair of smoky
eyes to the other. Part of her wanted to just fly out the door, while another
part of her was rooted to her seat, dazed with pent-up desire for these two sex
gods. She could hardly breathe waiting for a reply to her question. But deep in
her heart, she suddenly decided that maybe she didn’t really want to know…


Chapter Four

you were made for pleasure,” Jason said in a reasonable tone, when Ryan paused.
“You’re not just beautiful, you’re irresistible. We’ve already established that
sleeping with your clients is not your style. But we’re banking on becoming
more than just clients to you.”

swallowed, as she remembered another reason why she was here tonight. To tell
them the truth: she wasn’t really a professional escort; and no, she didn’t
work for the escort service. She wasn’t the kind of woman they were looking
for, period. So basically, she wasn’t really their escort, and they certainly
weren’t her clients. They had to find some other chick for whatever they had in
mind. A woman who could handle this with the true professionalism they

that, there’s something I have to tell you guys. You’ll need to find some other
chick for whatever you have in mind. A woman who can really handle your
um…expectations. Because I’m not really a…”

suddenly moved, and the next second, he was kissing her. Bea’s words cut off in
a squeak as his firm, smooth lips slanted over hers. Instant electric volts
zapped through her system. A man’s mouth had never felt as good as these two
did, and Jason certainly shocked her once again with his unexpected
forwardness. He was usually the laid-back one, the one who watched and waited.
Looked like that wasn’t going to be him tonight.

gasped in surprise, her lips parting unknowingly beneath his molten onslaught.
Just a few moments of heat and moisture, but her mouth was clinging like Velcro
to his when he finally pulled back, his eyes half-lidded.

don’t want “some other chick”,” he said huskily, suddenly grasping her hand and
tugging her up with him before she could recover. “Come on, let’s dance.”

she finally managed, still struck down by that kiss while Jason totally ignored
her protest, leading her straight to the dance floor. She was spun around in
his arms so that she was resting her back against his chest. To her utter
trepidation, his hands on her hips brought her ass in contact with his crotch,
as he started moving to the beat of the music. She was incapable of breaking
away, what with the way he kept a tight hold on her hips, pinning her to him.
She shivered when she felt his lips suddenly caress her ear, the warmth of his
breath teasing her.

go, baby,” he said in a whisper, as his solid, large body rubbed up against her
from neck to legs. “You’ve done it before. And it was perfect. Why would you
want to fight this?” As he spoke, he smoothed his hands down her arms to clasp
her wrists, which he guided up to link around his neck. Bea felt her breasts
push out even more, and she bit back a moan.

no no
That crazy chemistry she seemed to have for either half of the Wallace duo was
acting up again. She felt the unmistakable ridge of his erection straining
against her buttocks, and she trembled. Her neglected hormones only seemed to
react when they were around. She worked and interacted with men every day, but
none of them seemed to get to her the way Jason and Ryan did.

No one
even came close.

couldn’t deny her shivering body a few seconds of relaxing back against Jason,
closing her eyes and casting herself into the moment and the music. Promising
that soon enough, she’d break away. She
fight this. She had to.
But no…not yet.

resolve was soon to be tested when at that
felt another body press into her front. All male, hard and warm, it pressed
into her breasts while at her belly, another rigid cock aligned itself. Her
eyes flew open and she was looking into Ryan’s feral, dark gaze.

think you handle our expectations very well, sweet Bea,” he murmured; in
reference to her last comment at the bar. “And Jason was right. We sure as hell
don’t want another chick. We want you. Only you.”

. Bea saw Ryan’s head edge slowly
down to hers, and she knew she had plenty opportunity to move away, to stop
him. But she didn’t. His lips slid over hers warmly and somewhat questioningly,
even tentatively. Both men had her sandwiched between them, with Ryan moving so
that his body blocked hers from prying onlookers. She felt Jason’s hands
rubbing up her sides in gentle motions, moving higher and higher while Ryan’s
mouth teased and cajoled her.
moaned, finally responding with a helpless parting of her lips and then having
them invaded by his tongue sliding in hotly to taste her.

couldn’t help but gasp in arousal as she felt those roving hands of Jason’s
reaching past the outside of her breasts to suddenly scoop them in his palms,
massaging them in a hard, possessive caress. His thumbs flicked over the
suddenly hard nubs straining against the thin fabric of her dress and bra, and
she whimpered into Ryan’s mouth. What were they trying to do, seduce her in
public, and on the dance floor? No matter how her pussy started to drip, and
even though she felt her clit begin to tingle with carnal hunger, she made
herself stiffen, pulling sharply away from Ryan’s mouth and covering her hands
over Jason’s, pushing them off her heaving tits.

BOOK: The Escort Series (Billionaire Bachelors) - Complete Collection
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