Read The Expert's Guide to Driving a Man Wild Online

Authors: Jessica Clare

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

The Expert's Guide to Driving a Man Wild (10 page)

BOOK: The Expert's Guide to Driving a Man Wild
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Brenna shrugged. “Can’t really intrude. This cabin isn’t private.” She headed over and gave Pop a kiss on his leathery cheek. “How’s it hanging, Pop? You fix Grant’s car yet?”

“Not yet,” he told her mildly. “Been working on that toilet all day. You’re bad luck, missy.” But he patted her arm affectionately.

“I must be,” she said, winking at Elise’s red face. “Things always seem to break when I’m around. I must have walked under a ladder or something.”

Grant was frowning at Rome as if something wasn’t adding together, and Elise looked uncomfortable as hell.
There went her plan for not telling Grant that she’d already hired someone. Well, she’d fix that in the morning. She didn’t feel like talking about it right now.

“Pop,” Brenna said, heading toward Grant’s sister. “You met Elise earlier, right?”

A noise came out of Elise’s throat that might have been a whimper, or might have been a really, really quiet hello.

Brenna ignored it. “Everyone, that guy over there with the fierce tats is Rome.”

Rome’s gaze was darting back and forth, and he had stiffened, almost as if he expected to be tossed out. “Pop mentioned I could stay here overnight, but if it’s going to be a problem—”

“Not a problem,” Brenna said, waving a hand. “Help yourself.”

“Elise is staying here,” Grant cut in. “I’m not letting my sister sleep in the lodge with a stranger here.”

“She’s not,” Brenna said quickly. “She can stay in Pop’s cabin and Pop can sleep out here on the couch, and Rome can stay in my cabin.”

“Your cabin?” Elise asked, brows furrowing.

“Before I moved in with Grant,” she said quickly, covering the lie. “The empty one.”

“There’s no blankets or a bed,” Elise interjected, her voice so small it was barely audible.

“I don’t need them,” Rome said. “No big deal.”

“Empty cabin?” Pop scratched his head. “I’m not sure—”

Brenna decided it was time to end this conversation before things escalated. “Grant and I are going to bed.” She moved to Grant’s side and dug her hands into the front of his jacket, dragging his face down to hers. She kissed the frown off his face, ignoring how stiff he was. Surprised, most likely.

Pop chuckled. “Well now.”

Brenna swiped her tongue across Grant’s tightly pressed mouth and was pleased to feel him soften under her grasp. The desire she’d been fighting all night was turning quickly into an inferno, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She broke the kiss and glanced at the others. “I’ve been dying to get my hands on this man all day, so you guys will have to excuse us. I need to strip him naked and do dirty things to him.”

“Brenna,” Grant began.

She placed a finger over his lips to quiet him and looked over at Pop. “Can you order pizza for everyone? Grant’s business credit card is in my desk. Leave us a few slices and we’ll sneak out to get them later.” She winked at the two men and the awkward, terrified face of Elise. The girl was in good hands with Pop, and Rome was cute as could be. She’d be fine.

Hell, Brenna didn’t care if she was fine or not. She just wanted to get Grant alone and sate the itch she’d been feeling for hours. She glanced up at him and he looked as if he was about to protest again, so she leaned in and kissed him, then bit down gently on his lower lip, tugging on it.

“Come on, Grant,” she whispered when she let him go. “You know you want to.”

His gaze was dark with desire when he focused back on her face, and when she pulled on his collar, he allowed her to lead him away.

He said nothing until they got outside and headed toward his cabin. “I can’t believe you,” he told her, the harsh words tempered by the sexy rasp in his voice. “Now Pop’s going to think we’re sleeping together.”

“We are sleeping together,” she pointed out. “Your sister has my blankets, remember?”

“And now someone else is sleeping over, and I have no clue who he is,” Grant began. “And how the hell did you get my business credit card? And—”

They got to the front door of his cabin and she pushed it open, dragging him inside even as he talked. And then Brenna leaned in and gave his mouth a full-on, lingering lick that silenced him. “You going to keep talking or are we going to have some raunchy sex?”

“Are you trying to distract me?” His brows knitted.

She shrugged and moved away a step or two. “I mostly wanted to get laid, but if you’re not interested—”

He grabbed her arm before she could dance out of his reach, and he dragged her back toward him. “Oh no you don’t, you little tease.” Brenna felt a wicked thrill when he pulled her back up against him, and his hands cupped her ass. “You’ve been rubbing up against me all day, and that move in the car was just dirty.”

“Delightfully dirty, wasn’t it?” Brenna trailed a finger down his front. “You liked it. I could tell.” She leaned in and nipped at his chin with her teeth. “You were so hard in my grip.”

He groaned, his hands clenching her ass. “My sister was in the backseat, Brenna.”

“She wasn’t looking,” Brenna said, skating her hand down his flat belly and back toward his cock. “She was napping. I could have jerked you off and she wouldn’t have noticed.”

His breath sucked in when her hand slid back around his cock. “I noticed.”

“Mmm. Then I guess you saw how horny it made me?” She clenched her thighs together in memory. “I was so wet just from touching you.”

Grant stared down at her face with dark, tortured eyes. “So you want more meaningless sex with me? Is that what you’re looking for?”

She sighed, dropping her hands. “Why does it have to be more? Why can’t it just be sex because I want to fuck you and you want to fuck me?”

“Because that’s not how I’m made, Brenna.”

“Really?” She reached between his legs and grasped him again, caressing his rock-hard cock. “Sure feels like you’re made that way to me.”

“You want me to just use you?” he rasped, and dragged his wire-rimmed glasses off his face in a move that made her get wet with need all over again. “No emotions, just sex?”

“Exactly,” she said enthusiastically. “One hundred percent just sex.”

“Like we’re strangers?”

She shrugged. “Whatever floats your boat.”

Brenna was surprised when, in the next moment, he grasped the back of her neck and hauled her toward him in a fierce kiss. She melted when his tongue plunged into her mouth in a hard, dominating stroke. When the man gave in, he really, really gave in. Responding to his kiss, Brenna clung to the front of his shirt as he slowly stroked against her tongue, working her simmering desire to a fever pitch.

She barely noticed when he dragged their twined bodies over a few steps, until the backs of her thighs hit his couch. And then, to her surprise, he broke the kiss, staring down at her. “Just sex, right?”

She nodded, not trusting her voice to not wobble. Her legs were doing enough wobbling as it was.

With his hand still on the back of her neck, he pulled away and turned her around toward the couch, facing away from him.

Curious, Brenna let him lead her, not protesting. But her breath sucked in when he pressed down on her neck, indicating that she should bend over the couch.

She did so, and her ass went up into the air. And it made her wet all over again. This was so not like Grant. Or maybe it was. He loved control in the office, and in this, he was definitely in control.

Behind her, she felt him looming, and his hips pressed against her ass. She gave a small shimmy, bucking back against him, even as his hand continued to pin her to the couch. She could see nothing but fluffy, dark green pillows in front of her, and her imagination was making her wild, imagining what he was doing behind her.

His hand went to the front of her jeans and he pushed at the button of her fly, trying to open them. She helped him out, undoing the fastenings and then dragging the zipper down. As soon as she did, his hand went to the waistband of her pants, ripping them down her legs and letting them pool at her knees. And then he cursed. “Where the hell are your panties?”

“Didn’t wear any,” she told him breathlessly. “I’m out.”

Grant ran a hand along her ass, then groaned again as he slid his fingers between her legs, testing her. “God, you’re so wet. Wet and open.”

She moaned into the pillows at his touch. “Told you I’d been thinking about this all day. You didn’t believe me?”

His fingers slicked into her wetness, plunging into her pussy. “And this is from touching me in the car?”

Brenna cried out at the sensation, shifting her stance so she could spread wider for him. “You don’t think . . . I can get like this . . . from touching you?” Her voice came out in little gasps.

“So is it touching me that makes you wet? Or just harassing me?” His fingers slicked in and out, and she was so wet that she could hear the movements of his fingers just as much as she felt them, and it turned her on all over again.

“Little from column A, little from column B,” she told him breathlessly. Her hips ground against his fingers when he thrust again, pushing him a bit deeper.

The hand on her neck lifted for a moment, and when he pulled his fingers from her pussy with a wet sound, she cried out in protest.

“Stay there,” he told her.

“So bossy.” Her voice sounded ragged with lust. “That’s sexy.” And she did as she was told, because damn, a bossy Grant was kind of turning her crank.

She heard the sound of a condom package ripping and some shuffling clothing, and then in the next minute, that hand was pressing back down on her neck again, even as she felt his hips brush against hers once more. She tensed in anticipation.

Grant slammed into her from behind, seating himself to the hilt deep inside her.

Brenna cried out, the sensation nearly overwhelming her. “Oh Grant,” she moaned. “Oh yeah. Do that again.”

“Goddamn you, Brenna,” he bit out, and slammed into her again. “You’re supposed to fucking hate being used,” he told her, and thrust hard again. “Not fucking eat it up.” Thrust again. And then he began to hammer into her from behind, as if all control had gone out the wayside.

And oh God, Grant losing control? Made her wild. She felt her body ripple in a shudder of excitement, and then her pussy followed. To her surprise, she was coming hard and fast. She tightened around him and whimpered when he bit out another curse, plunging into her harder and faster, her body pinned under him as she quaked in a violent orgasm.

And then he growled out her name, and she felt him clenching up against her, the impossibly rough pounding slowing down until he was gradually moving in and out of her with leisurely strokes. He’d come, but for some reason he hadn’t stopped moving. His hand moved under her T-shirt to stroke her lower back. And he breathed her name. “Brenna.”

“Mmmm,” she said softly, acknowledging him but too blissed out to do more than that.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“You didn’t hear ‘ouch’ did you? I didn’t fling you off me.” She snuggled into the pillows of the couch, eyes closed, not caring that her bare ass was in the air and Grant was still on top of her. “Now be quiet. You’re harshing my post-coital buzz.”

“Oh, were you finished?” He slid away for a moment, and she lifted her head to see him heading to a nearby garbage can and stripping off his condom. His pants were still on, though they were undone and he had to hitch them at his hips to keep them from pooling around his knees like hers were currently doing. Then he returned to where she was sprawled and helped her sit up. “I kind of thought the evening had just gotten started.”

“Did you, now?” Okay, so she sounded more breathless than she thought she’d be. But to be fair, she’d just been fucked within an inch of her life. So if she was staring at the guy with a bit of a glazed expression on her face, she had the right. “What else did you have in mind?”

There was a wicked little smile curving Grant’s mouth, and her entire body quivered at the sight. “Let’s play a game.”

Naughty man.
“All right. Let’s play. What kind of game?”

He gave her a little push backward, until she was heading over the side of the couch and landing on her back, her legs in the air. She giggled at the awkward position. Legs over her head, pants still around her knees, and now she was on the couch, nestled amidst the sofa cushions.

Grant leaned over her from the other side of the couch and said, “I want to play Make Brenna Scream.”

She tilted her head, staring up at him. “I’m not sure if this is a good game or a bad game.”

“Oh, it’s a good game,” he assured her, then tugged her jeans off her legs. “I promise you.”

Brenna was intrigued. More than that, she was fascinated by this side of Grant. He’d been good in bed last night, but right now? With his assertive, domineering sexual personality? She was kind of digging this other side of him. Who knew that she’d be one of those girls who liked to be told what to do in bed? “What do I need to do for this game?”

He gave her an arch smile that set her pulse to racing. “Why, I want you to scream, of course.”

She looked at him warily. “You’re not going to pull out a giant paddle and start spanking me, are you?”

“Nope. Unless you’re into that.”

“Not all that much.”

He nodded, and his hands went to her hips. To her surprise, he hauled her forward, until her hips were resting on the low back of the couch and thrust into the air above her. And Grant ran a hand along the back of her thigh, then pressed her leg forward. “Hold this for me, please, would you?”

She shivered and did as she was told, but she noticed how very open it left her. His ravenous gaze fell on her slick sex, and then he extended her other leg backward. She put both of her hands behind her knees and held her legs back. This . . . was an odd position. Kinda like a yoga something or other. Her weight was on her shoulders, and her ass was in the air, her legs spread wide. With the way she was positioned, she kind of had a bird’s-eye view of her own pussy. Which was great, she supposed, if she were into that sort of thing, but she kind of preferred looking at guy parts. “So how does this game work?”

Grant leaned forward, and his hands went to the backs of her thighs, pressing her down a bit more. “It’s simple. I’m going to lick you and play with this piercing until you scream.”

BOOK: The Expert's Guide to Driving a Man Wild
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