The Fight of the Demon Lord (Demon Lord's Life) (9 page)

BOOK: The Fight of the Demon Lord (Demon Lord's Life)
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So I hope you are wearing it. Azure just place your hand on it to talk with me. Better than a cell phone any day trust me.”

Drake this is so cool now we can chat at night I do not think you have a phone at that house do you?”

No I believe you are right on that call pardon the pun. I use my telepathy to communicate with everyone here and so does everyone else it is far safer for us than a phone.”

I like this it is like I hear you in my mind Drake.”

I smiled
, “That is because you do the watch connects the audio to your mind that way it is completely private but you can switch it to the speaker any time but I hope you do not. I love to whisper into your ear at night you should try and find some music to play with it at school. Most people will think the stones are fake but they are real.”

Yes I know they come from one of the moons around my planet if I recall. That was nice of you to use them Drake, but why that color if you do not mind me asking?”

Your eyes the first time I saw you. I went inside and took a seat by a nearby fireplace the flames fresh and hot. I have loved your orange eyes from the moment I noticed them on the first day of school.”

That is why, my eyes, you like my eyes.”

Yes every person has a favorite thing they like about someone and for me it is the eyes to borrow a saying the eyes are the windows to the soul if you ask me Azure. And yours burn like a red hot sun. What do you like most about me Azure?”

Um I would have to say your easy going attitude but you can get quite serious when you need to be, but most of the time you are never worried you just act calm and collected.”

Then that is good for you that you cannot feel how I feel when I worry about you sometimes and what the future might hold for both of us. I want to tell you Azure Star that I, Drake Sarges, love you and nothing can change that now. Stop sitting in that car and go inside the house we will speak soon.”

Goodnight Drake I love you too, always, and I will even though it is cold out here.”

I let go of the
bracelet and went to my room alone it seemed that the government was trying to hack my computer network I had hooked up to the satellite network I had made with one of my communication companies. I typed in a few commands that launched a spyware and control program that would infect there computers and feed me info and them false info. I read what they had on me and saw that is was a bunch of nonsense. Well mostly, but now I controlled their actions and sent an order to make sure that they left Azure alone and deleted everything they had on her pictures and all. I set up a program that would delete any pictures with her or my other friend in them and corrupt any data source that tried to upload them so say bye to your digital cameras as well.

I got off of my computer and went into my lab
to the most secure part of the house besides the underground levels. I punched my code into the keypad lock and the door slid open I walked inside and was scanned by the sensors I had made when I set up this room. It was my baby, besides Azure that was. I entered and then got into my lab coat and went into the robotics area, it seemed my primary experiment was going well. I am attempting to fuse a human with a robot kind of a cyborg thing. I liked the idea quite a bit. My best weapon yet, they would be hard to kill once I was able to figure out the reproduction process for them so they could breed. I am not into that cloning thing perhaps the key is Nano technology that builds the child in the female’s body. I wrote down some notes I think that might work if I set up a unique DNA structure for each one that way they had different looks and physical traits. I would leave the gender type up to the parents but they would be used primarily for soldiers or engineers to help build the new ships. I looked down at the communications from Demonica it seemed that the marketing of the pop and coffee as well as many of the food’s I had grown up with the so called fat foods they are quite popular with the current kids these days. It was fun eating ice-cream the most I like a banana split with the hot chocolate and whip cream. We picked up the recipe’s from analyzing the food and now we can make our own. I had it arranged that a supply of animals as well as various plant life be exported to the farming planets to help produce the new food. One of the most popular is the ham, the vampires love it.

I finished reading it and sent some
reply’s then went on to my next task. I needed to create some new hand weapons that are usable by both my military as well as Azure’s and are easy to make. So far I have had success with an Ion plasma rifle and hand gun. I’m working on laser bullets right now that contain enough heat to disintegrate the body of the target and pierces most armor. I have just started on a personal shield unit like the one I am able to make with my powers. I had enough fooling around time to get serious.

As I got up from my work area I heard the high frequency alarm go off this
could only mean that those fools had made a move. I used a portal to get out of my lab to the office. I pressed the big red button and the house went on lock down mode, it seemed that they had come through the front door. I used a portal get to the nearest security, the girls were gearing up for a fight. I told them to be quiet. I pulled out my ion pulse gun and took the first shot at those Feds I can’t believe they acted this fast they must have had some kind of help. I shot the first few that entered they fell over limp the good thing was this weapon is not messy.  The girls took the other points of entry. I kept shooting at the humans coming in they shot back but my shield absorbed the bullets on impact. I was tired of this I am too young to have to be killing people I pulled out a concussion grenade. I had grabbed and set it on knock out. I threw one over the counter top and one out of the door they were flooding in through. I saw them all fall to the floor out cold I put my gun away and touched my bracelet calling Azure.

Are you there? Tell me you are ok Azure? Please tell me you are ok?”

I heard was her life-force she was still alive. I used another portal to get to Azure’s house as her security people were on the ground and I did a room by room search. I activated the house lockdown system, now nothing could get in or out. I heard some moving upstairs. I saw Fara and some people I did not recognize they were not human, but they seemed to be following Fara’s lead. They were carrying someone it was Azure they were trying to get out further up. I heard the sisters fighting to reach her. They were slaying quite a few.  I had not installed the security system it seemed I was opening up with a remote Fara had. I threw a shield up in front of her and made my move. I came up behind the rear guard and shoved a knife into his neck and shot a fire ball at the second. They were trying to get past my shield. I pulled out my sword and it extended to full length. I fought a few of the guards I cut them down and blood flew everywhere. Shit how many of these guys were here. I cut down the last, but my shield had failed. I grabbed the one carrying Azure and snapped his neck hearing a loud crack. I grabbed Azure she seemed to be unharmed.

Dream go after Fara and Savarea, help the wounded, and find one of those things that is alive and make sure it stays like that.”

Yes sir,” they both said rushing off.

looked into Azure’s mind and helped her wake up. I opened a portal and brought her to my room. It seemed from the monitors that the humans had been secured in the holding area. The dead were already cleaned up. More vampires had arrived. I saw Sandy with them and she was giving orders. I laid Azure on my bed as she began to wake up. Azure was moving her mouth. I got her some water and she sipped it as I saw her eyes begin to open.

I hope it is cool enough Azure.” She leaned up on the bed. “Are you going to be alright tell me what happened at your house?” I leaned up against the bed frame and settled my head on a pillow.

I have a bit of a head ache, but I am fine, the water helped a lot. I hope not to many people are hurt.”

You lost most of your people when I saw you Fara was trying to abduct you with the attackers she was leading.”

That bitch! She is so fired! But from what I recall she called me to my room to talk. But when I arrived she was not there, just a gift wrapped box signed with your name it looked like your handwriting. So I opened it, when I did, I was knocked out by some kind of concussive blast. I heard Fara enter the room with some people and that is when the alarm went off and I heard all of the screaming. She had a lot more help with her than I did security, it is no wonder she knew all of my security plans. Even the emergency ship we keep housed under the back yard for an emergency she probably wanted to take me away on it. I had my people keeping a closer eye on her lately she seemed after Demonica to not be taking to our arrangements very well, and she kept saying getting involved with me was a bad idea. But I told her I did not want to hear it. She just started acting quiet after that keeping to herself I really don’t know what got into her but I think she wanted to start a war or something.”

Dream came into the room at this point I waived for Azure to rest for a bit longer.
“What do you have to report Dream?”

Sir it seems she was trying to start a war with us by triggering the alarm and killing her own people with outside help we have identified them as mercenaries. They would do anything for the right price. The one we got to talk said they are to take Azure to a deserted space station and hold her until war had been declared by both sides. Then Fara would launch a rescue and be a hero by bringing Azure home for you thus justifying the war. We found plenty of planted evidence that would point the finger at us as the ones who took her.”

Never mind that Dream did you capture Fara I need to know we have her?”

No sire we did not get her, she vanished. We found evidence that a craft landed and she boarded it she is no longer on this planet I am sure of that and she will be hunted by both sides for her betrayal.”

I understand I want you to activate Protocol Green Dream. Please see to it that from here on out all orders for our forces will come from either Azure or me. In our stead I am leaving Dariea in charge when we cannot be there to make any decision ourselves I want someone I can trust and she is the one, now please notify her.” I looked back at Azure, “Are you sure we can trust her honey, what about Samual?”

I am not sure of him yet Drake but things happened as I saw that they would. I am glad that the seer gave me her gift, but I am not sure why she did she never told me but said it would aid us.”

I wonder about those humans now they got into my house too easy, so I think they had help from Fara. I have no clue as to who I really am but even they knew that without help they could not get in here, but as of now that will no longer be a problem. I have activated my experimental ground shield it will keep everything out. I have no worry about them now I will wipe their minds and let them go. They will not bother us again I can see to that.” I went over to Azure and took a seat on the bed next to her while she rested. “I believe in you Azure nothing will change that now I think we need to resume our lives here, so I think we need to go back to school. I have ordered some ships into orbit in order to prevent anyone further from coming here that does not have demon blood to use a portal. And your military will keep a tight lock on the portable portal generators that way they cannot be used against us.”

I left her to sleep
. I honestly missed being able to dream when you are awake all of the time your life is still just as full. I left the room and went on to the holding cell where I saw Sandy standing at the monitor staring at them. “Ok Sandy what did I miss?”

turned around and saw Drake, “So you knew about me well I’m not surprised Drake you are quite sharp. The thing I can’t figure out is who they work for, they are from the government but we can’t find ID’s on any of them so who the hell do they work for?”

I smiled
, “They work for the U.S. shadow government you know those that do the dirty work they are the expendable ones, so really this job is who they are to them.”

I see so that means that they are just pawns in this battle tricked into acting by someone with enough influence to make them act.”

Yes Sandy it would seem Fara has a human contact but that contact is no longer alive to give them orders.”

So Drake do they go with him then?”

No I wiped their minds, cut them loose so they can go back to their families. The human threat is gone with Fara.”

Well for now at least Drake I will see to it they are dumped in the desert. They are smart they should be able to walk home in the heat.”

I smiled,
“Fine with me, we will talk soon, but I have a few things to deal with first. My first real problem is not Fara but the fact that the humans where somehow able to get into my home that should not have happened.”

I walked to my lab. Once inside I walked to my main computer hub and switched it on. I
t seems that my computer was hacked and the security plans taken, odd that they took nothing else. I plugged the leak by making some computer software to, well just prevent hacking and viruses and all of that other crap. I scratched my head it seemed I overlooked this precaution when I built the computers. I now know it is foolish to think there may are not others out there who know computers as well as I do, but that is in the past. The important thing is that no one lost their lives except those of the security staff that belonged to Azure. She would make sure they were not forgotten. It was not supposed to turn out like this we wanted to capture Fara in order to make her talk about the traitors, but she acted before we were ready. But that is over with now, I sighed I am just glad that she told me about some of the power that seer poured into her. I wonder who that seer woman was I tried to see into her mind, but it was like an empty void inside her mind. I could tell nothing but the fact that she knew a great many things of which Azure said she could not share for the fear of changing the future. But things are not written in stone they never have been. I left my lab and continued to my next problem, Fara. She is the problem and the security risk. I need to find her but for now I must continue at school and finish with my life here. I think that it will be quite interesting. I see new change coming to my life.

BOOK: The Fight of the Demon Lord (Demon Lord's Life)
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