The Greek Tycoon Box Set: The Complete Serial: Books 1-10 (9 page)

BOOK: The Greek Tycoon Box Set: The Complete Serial: Books 1-10
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“Yes, you are my employee. Yes, you are caretaker to my son. Yes, you are here on a work visa. But work hours are over now, and you have no more worries to fritter over. What do you have left to do . . . but let me make love to you?”

His words stole her breath and her sanity, and she fell back into their passionate embracing, feeling aroused and weak.

Sliding her hands up his chest, she buried her fingers in his hair and held on as his tongue delved deeper into her mouth, plundering it, demanding that she respond to him without reluctance or hesitation. She submitted to the hands that caressed her body, the fierce seduction of his mouth stripping away her reservations about the lovemaking to come. Lust wreaked havoc in her body as if she was a ship on a rough sea, destroying her trepidation.

“The night is long,
αγάπη μου
, and I intend to make love to you all night,” Atreus said, running his index finger over her chin, which made Carla shiver and shudder as that familiar electric current ran through her body and settled at her groin.

“I don’t speak Greek, Atreus. What does what phrase mean?” Carla whispered.

“This is not the time to teach you Greek,” he said, flicking kisses along her neck. “I would much rather busy my mouth with other things.”

Atreus slipped his lips over her chin, her cheek, her eyelids and nose. Her head fell back as he nibbled her earlobe. His ministrations pulled an airy giggle from her throat.

“Not too slowly, or I might change my mind,” she said.

“I am not worried about that,” he murmured.

“Oh, Atreus,” she sighed, rubbing her hips against him in restless frustration as his palms kneaded her sides. She had never felt this way with Brian, who had a “slam, bam, thank you, ma’am” attitude when he made love to her - if one could call it making love. This was something different entirely.

“I’m afraid I might explode,” Carla murmured. She demonstrated the serious nature of her distress by rubbing herself against him with a renewed fervor. Atreus’s mouth continued its assault on hers as their hips began to rock in unison in a ballad of what was to come.

“You have no idea what you do to me, Carla,” he whispered against her ear.

“So show me,” Carla whispered back, surprised at her own boldness. Eager to see every gorgeous inch of him, she tugged his shirt free of his trousers. Her fingers traced up his warm, silky skin and threaded through the hairs on his chest before stopping to pinch his nipples playfully. Urgency became awe as she continued her assault on the smoothness of his shoulders.

“You are so beautiful,” she murmured. Hard, tanned muscles shifted beneath her exploring caress.

“I’ve never been called beautiful by any woman before,” he smiled.

“Then let me be the first and the last woman to call you so.”

Carla traced her fingers across his chest and boldly followed the trail of rough hair to the place where it disappeared beneath his waistband.

“Now take everything off,” she ordered.

“I love it when I am commanded to take off my clothes,” he said, groaning at her provocative words and saucy tone. This foreplay had him straining and pulsing against the confinement of his boxer-briefs.

αστέρι της ζωής μου
,” he murmured, translating it immediately. “
Star of my life

She leaned forward and licked his neck seductively, in feathery flicks, grazing his shoulder with her teeth.

“You first,” Atreus said, gesturing to her clothing. His desire for her was bursting through his self-control. He wanted to give her the same wild torture she was giving him.

“I cannot hold back any longer,” she murmured as she stripped off her dress, lifting it over her head and giving him the pleasure of seeing her beckoning for his touch. Atreus thought he might choke with emotion and lust.
Long blonde hair tumbled around her shoulders like the waves of the ocean, framing the vulnerable beauty of her face.

“Now that’s what I want,” he said, an instant before her hands snaked out and caught his belt to tug him closer.
He bent his head and latched on to her nipple, sucking the pink apex into his mouth and swirling his tongue about it. Carla breathed in an unsteady manner as she swayed in his arms. Groaning low in his throat, the sounds Carla made under his touch ignited his own desire. She slid her hand downward. Before she could reach his erection he stopped her. “Not yet. I told you the night is going to be long,” he said. He was scared he would burst into her hands if she dared to stroke his length. Instead, Atreus swept her off her feet and into his arms. Carla shivered when her skin made contact with the soft coolness of his silk sheets atop the comfort of his bed. The tiny trembles urged her hands forward to his belt, which she undid and pulled off in two quick movements. Atreus groaned as his erection thrummed against the cotton that contained it.

“Atreus, make love to me now. I need you so much,” Carla murmured.

Atreus dipped his tongue in her ear, eliciting a rippled shudder from her. He leaned back to take in the beauty and charm of her firm rose-tipped breasts. His fingers trailed over her peaks, and Carla arched herself, offering her breasts. He raked his teeth over her hardened nipple as she inhaled suddenly and deeply. Atreus rolled over onto his back, taking her with him. With a strong, sturdy hand on each side of her body, he positioned her over him, bringing her head down so he could kiss her firmly on the mouth.

His erection teased her naval, and instinctively Carla tried to rub him. Instead, Atreus stopped her by latching on to her tender nipples, kneading and sucking. Carla threw her head back and groaned, moving against him frantically with her thighs tightening on his hips. “Oh God, Atreus,” She gasped, locking her wild eyes with his. “I cannot take it any longer!” she gasped.

Obligingly, he eased his fingers along her thigh, directing them to the source of her eagerness. He caught her gaze and looked deep into her eyes while his finger brushed the curls at the juncture of her thighs. The rapid pressure in his groin built into a knot of searing demand as Atreus slid a finger against her warmth, focusing her pleasure where she wanted it. She shuddered and gyrated her hips. He rolled her over again to straddle her, his hands never ceasing to caress her.

“I need you inside me, Atreus,” Carla murmured breathlessly. “I need to feel you move inside me.” She parted her legs and rotated her hips, beckoning him to enter her and give her the pleasure she ached for. No more words were needed. As he leaned forward, her hand met his shaft and stroked his length in tight, seamless strokes. He groaned and pushed his erection into her hands before lifting himself to enter her.

Desperate for the moment of union, Carla urged him forward. Bracing his weight, he gradually slipped inside her. Carla cried out in pleasure.

“Atreus, I have never been so turned on before,” she said, her eyes hazy with lust. “I need you.”

Atreus eased himself out of her and Carla’s eyes flew open in protest. He clenched his teeth together to keep himself from succumbing to his own pleasure. When he did, he wanted her to come with him.

He entered her once again, the satisfying friction as he moved in and out of her grew enormously. She urged him with her ecstatic cries to increase his tempo, and the frantic gyrating of her hips destroyed the control he had fought so hard to maintain.

Carla began to shudder as her orgasm washed over her and Atreus groaned at the sight and sound of Carla’s rapture. He moaned uncontrollably and Carla moaned with him, her orgasm melding into his.

Breathless and glistening with a thin layer of sweat, the pair fell back onto the bed in sensual delight.

“Atreus . . .” Carla murmured. He kissed her gently, tenderly, before nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.

In the aftermath of their erotic lovemaking, Atreus sensed he had at last found the woman who could match up to his desires.


Chapter 4

Carla woke to the sound of the baby monitor.

Oh my God, I overslept
, she thought, rushing into nursery.

Dios was standing in his crib, flashing a gummy grin at Carla.

“Ma-ma,” he cooed. Carla’s heart went out to him each time he said the word.

“Yes, sugar plum, Mama is here for you,” she crooned, picking him up from the cot and holding him to her breasts. She hadn’t dared to call herself his mother aloud yet, but the words sounded right as the hung in the air. “Your Dada must be still asleep, darling.” Carla murmured.

“No, Dada is not asleep. In fact, he didn’t sleep at all last night.” The warm, familiar voice rang out from behind Carla. She spun around to see Atreus standing by the door. He walked towards them and held out his hands to Dios, who needed no invitation to jump into his father’s arms.

“Carla, I am off to the office and will not be home until this evening,” he said. “I will see you tonight, beautiful.”

He graced her lips with a kiss as Dios cooed against their chests.

It seems that a new day hasn’t dampened what we feel for each other
, Carla thought as she watched her lover descend the stairs.

A few moments later, she heard the doorbell peal, followed by Hanna hurriedly making her way up the stairs.

“Carla, Atreus would like you to come into the study.” Hanna said. “I’ll take the baby; you should hurry.”

Confused, Carla quickly untangled her hair from Dios’s hands and ran down to the study. When she tapped on the door, Atreus’s voice came from beyond the heavy wood.

“Come in, Carla. We have a visitor.”

As Carla opened the door, she felt as though the wind was knocked out of her. In the chair opposite Atreus sat Brian, looking smug and satisfied as he gazed at Carla, still in her silk pajamas.

“Your fiancé.” Atreus gestured to the man, his face stone. Carla couldn’t begin to think of what to say.

“My fiancé?!” Carla cried. “He’s an ex! And what the hell are you doing here, Brian?”

Brian only smiled, then stood to take Carla’s hand, obviously against her will. “Darling, it is so good to see you. You are a naughty pet for leaving without informing me.” He patted Carla’s cheek, but she immediately brushed his hand away. Brian clucked his tongue. “Oh my, aren’t we angry today?” he said.

“Brian, how did you know I was in Greece? Who told you?” Carla asked, anger surging through her body. He laughed, and it was an ugly, derisive sound.

“Sweetheart, I have ways of getting information,” he said.

“I am not your sweetheart!” she said. “You need to leave.

“Oh, not without you, Carla,” Brian said, looking like the cat who got the cream. Finally, Atreus intervened, looking tired and hurt.

“Carla, it is quite obvious that your fiancé Brian wants to take you back to London, and I think you should start packing,” said Atreus firmly.

Carla looked at him in astonishment and anger. “I’m not going anywhere,” Carla said, standing her ground.

Turning, Brian looked at Atreus. “Thank you very much, Mr. Kostas, for agreeing to release Carla from her job. I appreciate it more than you know,” said Brian. “I’ll pick you up tonight.” Carla’s mouth gaped open as Brian placed an unwanted kiss upon her cheek. “I’ll see myself out.”

Carla stood in stunned silence until she heard Brian’s car pull away from the villa.

“You bastard!” Carla cried, her eyes stinging with furious tears. “He doesn’t mean anything to me! How could you just let him – let him
me like that?”

“You never told me you were very much in love with him, and that’s what he claims. I think you lied even to Onella. You just wanted to get out of the country and see how the other side of the world lived, didn’t you?” asked Atreus, his eyes raging with anger.

“I have never lied to you!” Carla was practically hysterical. “I don’t love him, I don’t! He’s jealous and crazy, wouldn’t he have to be to follow me here?”

“I don’t know what to believe anymore, Carla! I thought I knew you. I thought I understood the kind of person you were, and then this boyfriend of yours shows up on my doorstep, insisting you’re his fiancée!” Atreus looked more hurt than angry now, the gravity of what had transpired clearly weighing on him.

“We are
engaged! He told you that to make you upset!”

“Well, it worked! I feel like I can’t trust you anymore! Not with my son,” Atreus sighed heavily. “And not with my heart.”

Carla felt her own heart break at the words. She approached Atreus, who shrank at first from her touch, and cupped his face in her hands.

“Look at me,” she murmured, her eyes glowing with tears. Her mouth trembled as she tried to find the words. “I have never lied to you. I am not Serene and I will not hurt you like she did. I have no feelings for that awful man. I feel everything for you.
. It would kill me to go back to London without you. Please believe me, Atreus.
Σ 'αγαπώ

BOOK: The Greek Tycoon Box Set: The Complete Serial: Books 1-10
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