Read The Guardian Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

The Guardian (3 page)

BOOK: The Guardian
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Chapter 5





If she knew the thoughts that were running riot through my head right now, she wouldn’t look at me like that. I’d made the move, so there was no turning back now, but there were still some things that needed to be said before I took this any farther.

The question of whether or not she could take me or handle me was no longer on the table. I let my eyes travel over her small frame; it was going to be a tight fit that’s for sure. My cock was already on board, had been for a long fucking time. I’d been willing to give her time, or so I’d told myself, but she’d forced the issue and I hope to fuck she was prepared for what was coming.

She was mine now; all the way mine. I was sure there would be some murmurs and maybe a few detractors when we got back to the states. I was still her guardian after all, but not even that could put a damper on the fire that burned just beneath the surface; but first things first.

“I warmed up your ass for what you almost did today, but there’s still the issue of how things got that far to begin with. Didn’t I tell you to stay away from him?” I saw the flash of defiance in her eyes before she blinked it away. Always my little fighter; I guess it was going to take a while to tame her little ass to where I wanted her to be. Now that things had changed it was going to be fun taking the gloves off once and for all.

She thinks she knows me, but she’s only known one side of me, the guardian-the protector. She has no idea what it means to be my woman; to wear my mark on her day and night, to carry my scent from being under me constantly.

She’ll learn soon enough, or her ass will pay the price. I have no intentions on taking it easy on her, she had more than enough opportunities to find a nice safe boy her age to play with, instead she did everything in her power to reel me in.

Not that she needed to do too much, I was already on the line, but for her sake I’d been willing to let her…who the fuck am I kidding? I would never have let her marry anyone else, no matter what it took. I would’ve stood in her way because I’m a selfish bastard and the truth is, I’d been fighting myself as well as her, putting a wedge between us because I was afraid had I not done that, I would’ve taken her before the time was right.

There had been many a night in the last year when I’d had to lock myself in my own bedroom to keep from going down the hall and taking her. Or how about the nights I’d purposely stayed away because the hunger and the need for her were too strong? And the closer it got to her eighteenth birthday the harder it became to resist the lure.

“Answer me Isabella, what were you doing with Paulo Amici after I told you to stay away from him?”

“You can’t tell me who to talk to Zared, I’m a grown up remember, eighteen.”

“You think so do you? In a little while I’m going to fuck you, hard, we’ll see how grown up you are then, but that’s beside the point. I told you to stay the fuck away from that whole family and why.”

Her eyes had gone light then dark when I told her I was going to fuck her, and she looked at me with the same hunger I’d seen there so much lately. It was all I could do not to drag her off to bed right this minute, but she needed to hear some truths first so there was no mistake as to where this new relationship of ours was headed.





“Well what? I liked Paulo he was fun, and besides I can’t tell you who to fuck so…”

I had her up off the couch in a second. “Hey.”

“Did he touch you?” Her eyes had gone wide as she realized I wasn’t fucking around. The thought of him or anyone else taking what was mine made my head spin and the blood sing in my veins. I had visions of tearing his fucking head from his shoulders as I awaited her answer. I shook her until she opened her mouth.

“No he didn’t, what’s wrong with you?”

“Has anyone?”

“That’s none of your business, you were fucking Sonja and your bevy of bimbos before her.”

“Answer the fucking question.”

She finally backed down and her shoulders fell as she looked down at the floor between us. “No, no one.”

“And no one else ever will.” I pulled her to me then and kissed her the way I’d wanted to for far too long. She was soft and sweet, just as I’d imagined; her mouth might give me hell but her body knew its master. She clung to me and purred into my mouth as I took her tongue.

Her innocence shone through loud and clear in the shy way she used her tongue in my mouth until I showed her how.

It felt like hours later when I finally lifted my mouth from hers. Her lips were swollen and red from my assault on them and her nipples pushed against the fabric of her dress. The dress she’d worn to marry another man in.

“Take that off.”

She looked down at herself. “What here?”

“No the bedroom’s through there.” I pointed her in the direction and went to pour myself a stiff drink. I wasn’t quite sure how to progress from here. I’ve never had to explain my likes to a woman before they usually came to me knowing what I liked.

But this was my babygirl. I’m pretty sure even with all the shit she’s gotten up to in the last couple of years that she’s innocent of such things. Not sex itself, but the kind of sex I craved. It’s a sure bet that she’s the least likely candidate for what I have in mind.

She’s opinionated, strong willed and feisty. I didn’t want to break her in anyway, but I neither could I give her up. After tonight, I guess we’d both see if she was strong enough.



Chapter 6



She came out of the room wearing one of my shirts and I assume nothing underneath. She wouldn’t have found the clothes I’d ordered for her that were now tucked away in the walk-in closet.

As soon as I’d heard of her plans I’d set mine in motion knowing that there was no way in hell I would let this day end any different. I cleared my calendar for the next two weeks. I planned on spending everyday of that buried deep inside her sweet body until this infernal lust was assuaged.

“Come sit over here.”

She walked towards me as I held my hand out to her, pulling her down on my lap. “Now there’s a few things we have to get straight now that you’re my wife. Listen very carefully babygirl because any infraction can be cause for punishment and trust me, what you’ve tasted so far today was child’s play compared to what I can and will do to you if you disobey me in the future. Shut it.”

She’d started to open her mouth, no doubt to argue, that was number one on my list. As my ward, she’d been allowed to get away with a lot. One: because she was so young, and also because she was free then, free to do as she pleased within certain boundaries. That no longer held true.

“Look at me babygirl.” I turned her face towards me so she could see into my eyes and judge the seriousness of what I was about to say.

“First, remember that this is what you wanted. We both know I did everything in my power to try to save you, but it’s too late now. I don’t know how much you know about marriage outside the one your parents had. Ours is going to be different.”

“Different how?”

“Do not interrupt me when I’m speaking to you. That’s first on the list; you will no longer talk back to me at any time about anything. I love your feistiness yes, but with me it will only be allowed to go so far. In the future when I tell you to do something you will do it without question.

As of today your thoughts your dreams your plans, are no longer yours they belong to me.” I could see from the look on her face that she had no idea what I was talking about, I wasn’t surprised, it was a lot for someone that young to take in.

“I will decide what you wear, what you eat and where you go from now on. Those friends of yours that have been encouraging you in your nonsense are out. While we’re on the subject, if I even see you look at another man I will give you a whipping that you won’t soon forget. If you want something you will come to me and I will decide if you may have it or not.”

I didn’t try to stop her when she jumped up off my lap. I hadn’t expected her to docilely accept my dictates, but she was going to adhere to every last one of them before we left this island, of that I was sure.

“Are you insane? That doesn’t sound like a marriage that sounds like a…a, I don’t know what the hell it sounds like.”

“Get back her Isabella.” I didn’t raise my voice at her retreating back, but the force in it brought her up short and she turned back to me with wide searching eyes. She was scared I could tell, scared and yes, intrigued.

She took her sweet time getting back to me, “sit.” She fell into my lap with a pout. By now I was trying to ignore my hardening cock that had been on the rise since she first sat on my lap.

The shirt covered her ass while she stood but rode up a little as she sat and the bare expanse of her legs only enticed me to find out what laid beneath, it would be so easy to raise the shirt above her hips and drive my hand into the deep v of her thighs, but not yet.

When I finally do take her, I want a bed beneath us, for the first fuck at least.

I adjusted her position so that her fine ass was right on top of my cock and spread her legs a little with mine so that I could feel the heat of her pussy through the silk of her underwear. Her sharp inhale of breath told me she felt me.

Ten seconds later the squirming begun but I ignored it.

“As I was saying; I don’t expect you to remember all the new rules right away, so for your sake I’ve written them all down.”

I chose that moment to trail my fingertips slowly up her thigh to just beneath the tail of the shirt. She ground her ass into my cock subtly, but I felt it.

“We will go through each point until you understand and accept. Just know that your acceptance is only needed for your own security. Any failure to comply with each and every one of my rules will result in some form of punishment to be decided by me.

When it comes to that, your punishments, all you need to know is that I will never maim, break or sever any part of your body. But there might be times when the punishment is so severe there’s lasting pain; that will depend on you.

She’d opened her legs wider on her own accord and was now leaning back into my chest. I sniffed her neck before running my free hand around the open collar of the loosely fitting shirt. My first feel of her pert breast had me hissing even as I rocked my hips and pressed her down harder on my meat.

“Go bring my briefcase from over there.” It took her a minute to catch what I said and she looked over her shoulder at me with glazed over eyes and trembling lips. A slight nod of my head soon had her doing my bidding, and she crossed the room on shaky legs.

There was a wet spot on the back of her shirt right where the junction of her thighs met. I wasn’t faring much better myself as I felt my cock twitch beneath the material of my slacks.

She brought over the briefcase and stood in front of me. “Open it, it’s not locked.” She had to put it down on the floor to flip the top open. “Take out the jewelry box please.”

She lifted it out and I opened it, retrieving the collar I kept there. “Kneel.” With uncertainty she knelt between my feet. I showed her the correct posture before carrying on. “Look at it well babygirl.”

It was a platinum infinity collar with diamond connectors. “I’ve chosen this style because of its discretion, only those in the know will know that this is more than a pretty little bauble. Bow your head.” I locked it in place around her neck and kissed her hair before lifting her chin. “Now the other one.”







In the case was a matching anklet with a minor addition to it. I’d had a heart charm with my name engraved attached. “Give me your left leg babygirl.” She sat on the floor and lifted her leg to my thigh so I could put it on her.

With the soft click of the clasp I felt my heart finally settle. “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this?” I played with the anklet letting my fingers tease her warm flesh.

“Do you know what these things represent babygirl?” She shook her head as her eyes followed the movement of my fingers that were now blazing a path from her ankle to her crotch.

“They mean that I own you, you are now the sole property of Zared Costakis. Mine to do with as I please.” I didn’t miss the wild beating of the pulse in her throat.

“Do not let that scare you love, all it means is that you will be cherished above all women, you will never know fear again because that too now belongs to me. Kiss me.”

Chapter 7



I got to my knees in front of him not quite sure what was going on. The words he spoke left me feeling scared and excited at once. I’d never heard of such a thing but maybe this is how marriage was for some? All I know is that my heart was about to expire and my breath was not far behind.

I lifted my face, suddenly dying for the feel of his lips again. When he lowered his head towards me to meet my trembling lips I held my breath. I maybe green as a stump when it comes to whatever this was but I know that look. I'd dreamt of it often enough, that now when I'm faced with it, it made my knees weak and my heart flutter.

I closed my eyes and sank into his lips, his mouth opened under mine and his tongue teased mine until my secret places were saturated with wet heat. Rubbing my thighs together only seemed to make it worse and I was almost at the point of begging. He seemed to know this as he took his lips away and held me away from him so he could stare down at me.

“Not yet babygirl there’s one more thing left for now, we have to do this before I touch you, I have to know…to be sure that you can do this.”

“Anything I’ll do whatever you want…”

“Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay.” I hadn’t realized that I’d started to cry until he wiped the tears from my eyes.

“Now this is a tad bit unconventional. Usually, I would’ve given these to you a few weeks in advance and have you study them until you were ready. But circumstances being what they are, we’ll do it this way for necessity’s sake. Hop on back up here.” He tapped his thigh and I was only too happy to comply. It was as if I couldn’t breathe without his touch.

He removed a leather folder, which held a sheaf of papers next from his briefcase and placed them in my hands, which were now shaking. There was some sort of crest on the folder that I didn’t recognize but I didn’t have time to dwell on that as I caught sight of the first words on the very expensive looking paper that also had the crest embossed in the background.

My knees started to shake as I read to myself. “Out loud if you please.” I looked at him quickly before turning my attention back to the paper.

“I will submit…to my mas…master in all things.” I had to swallow really hard there; master? Submit?

“Carry on.” He rubbed my ass through the shirt and I lost my train of thought for a split second. As soft pinch soon brought me back to my senses though.

“I will always show the deepest and sincerest respect for my master.”

“I will do only those things that I know pleases my master.”

“I will serve him with diligence whether he be present or not.”

“I will put nothing and no one before my master and his needs, my only purpose is to serve him.”

“I will wear the jewelry my master gave me as a symbol of my position in life, that of his sole property.” I touched the beautiful choker around my neck as it dawned on me that it meant a lot more than I’d first thought.

There was a weird sense of calm enveloping me as I read down the list of rules he had set forth. Things that I usually would fight against I now found myself relishing.

It could be because he never stopped touching me as I read, or that my body was on fire and there wasn’t enough oxygen going to my brain, but the more I read the less confusing and demoralizing it became.

There was really no huge difference between this and what had been before, well except for one small thing; he now owned me and whereas in the past I got away with a warning or in some instances grounding, the punishments listed had a rather heavy sexual overtone. Like not wearing clothes or wearing clothes that had been altered as a sort of punishment for certain misdeeds.

He’d even added in there that I had to take a picture of what I was wearing for the day before I left the house if I left for school after him. Weird, but somehow, I don’t know, it gave me a sense of being treasured.

“I will follow the rules set down in this contract to the best of my ability.”

He passed me the Mont Blanc that he retrieved from his briefcase. “Sign it.”

I thought I’d play with him a little just to see what he would do. “Shouldn’t that be my choice?”

“No, it’s mine.”

Oh man. My hand shook as I took the pen, and resting the contract on the binder that had held it, signed my name on the dotted line.

“Very good babygirl.” He kissed me before replacing the binder in the briefcase. “Now for some lunch, in the bedroom you will find clothes that I’ve chosen for you to wear.” He stood me up and got to his feet behind me. Taking my elbow in his hand he led me to the bedroom. I kept sneaking peeks at him out the corner of my eye.






This was a Zared that I never knew existed, the whole atmosphere had changed already and I felt just a little out of my depth. In the bedroom he walked towards the closet and threw the doors back. Inside I saw lines and lines of clothing with their tags still on them.

He walked deeper into the closet and ran his fingers through a line of clothes before choosing a short cotton dress with a synched bodice and no sleeves. “You will wear this, it will show off your collar beautifully.”

He chose a pair of heeled strap-up sandals to go with the dress and took everything over to the bed. I was suddenly very nervous standing there in front of him. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do now, how I was supposed to act.

The day had certainly turned out different to anything I’d expected that’s for sure. Not only was I his wife, from everything that had just transpired in the last hour or so, it seemed I was now his property. That contract seemed more binding somehow than the ring around my finger, or the license the man had had us sign after the short ceremony earlier.

I could only look up at him as he pushed his shirt down off my shoulders. For all my brave talk, I was really very shy about my body. No one has ever seen me naked before and I worried that he might find me lacking somehow. I’ve seen the women he preferred after all, and for all that they were air headed bimbettes with nary a brain cell to share between the lot of them; they had all been extremely beautiful.

“Don’t deny me what’s mine babygirl, show yourself to me.” In the case for self- preservation, I’d grabbed the front of my shirt to stop it falling any lower. At his gruffly spoken words, I released it with a sigh of resignation. It wasn’t my fault he’d bought a pig in a poke. And if he said anything insulting I’d blacken his eye. Oh shit, I’d better stop thinking like that, that was sure to get my ass heated up again and I could certainly do without that little adventure anytime soon thank you very much.

I closed my eyes as the shirt hit the floor, leaving me standing there in just my high cut panties. My dress didn’t have any straps and I hadn’t worn a bra. “I could spank your ass again for even contemplating showing him this.”

My eyes flew open when I felt his breath on my neck. He ran his nose from my shoulder to just beneath my ear and my whole body broke out in goose bumps. I heard what sounded like a kitten’s cry when he nipped my ear with his teeth, but soon realized it was I making that sound.

When he pulled me into his chest, I thought for sure I would die on the spot. My hardened nipples rubbed against the soft cotton of his shirt as he lowered his hands and cupped my ass, pulling my lower body into his.

What in the hell was that? I almost blurted out that question when I felt what felt like the thick end of a baseball bat press into my middle. My mouth went dry and I started to hyperventilate at the thought of what that thing could do to me.

“Shh, it’s okay, there’s nothing for you to be afraid of, I’ll take care of you always. Now why don’t you go clean up in the bathroom and I’ll get changed and we’ll go have a late lunch, or an early dinner?” He checked the Rolex on his hand before tapping my ass cheek with the flat of his hand and giving me a little nudge towards the en suite bath.

I felt brave enough to take a quick peek over my shoulder and sure enough he was checking out my ass again. In the bathroom I took a deep breath and looked in the vanity mirror. I had the biggest grin on my face.

Sure all that contract thing and dom/sub reference was a bit alarming for me. I’d never really heard about it before, not in real life anyway. But if I get him in the deal there’s pretty much nothing I wouldn’t do. I felt real excitement course through me for the first time in a very long time. Zared was mine.

Wait a minute; did he still plan on seeing other people? He hadn’t said anything about…”Hey are you planning on seeing that twit Sonja while we’re married?” I’d stormed out of the bathroom before giving it too much thought. He’d been in the process of taking off his shirt and oh hell on fire.

I’ve never seen his naked chest, in all these years he’s been very careful not to be anything but respectably dressed in my presence, except some mornings when he was still in his robe; but even then he’d been sure to keep himself well covered.

The large ink drawing on his chest made every other thought fly out of my head. He’d stopped what he was doing to look at me on my entrance. “Come here.” he turned to fully face me and I think I swallowed a gallon of saliva. Who was he?

I stumbled my way towards him on trembling knees. Hid finger under my chin brought me back to the here and now, and if he’d said anything in the interim I didn’t hear a peep.

“First, you will never approach me in that manner again. If you need to ask me a question you will approach me with respect and never in an accusatory way, understood?”

I nodded my head dumbly, still trying to grasp the fact that he had a tattoo. The staunch stalwart Zared Costakis was inked; will wonders never cease?

“Now to answer your question babygirl, yes it is true that some who prefer my lifestyle do have more than one sub/wife,” I drew in a deep breath at the pain that caused, until he lifted my chin again and looked down into my already watering eyes. “But that’s not for us, one because it’s not what I want, and two, because I know it would hurt you if I did.”

“Now I’m confused, doesn’t the dom/sub thing mean that you get to do whatever you want regardless of what I feel?” His thumb caressed my cheek and he lowered his head for a quick taste of my lips.

“On the contrary little one, a true dom respects and cherishes his sub, and sees to her every need. Don’t think about it too much now, you’ll learn as we go and I’m always here to answer any questions you have. Just know that there will be no one else in my bed but you. Now go do what I told you to.”

I stole one last peek at that tattoo before making my way back to the bathroom. I spent a few minutes studying my new jewelry, especially the anklet with his name on it. It was funny that I got more of a warm fuzzy feeling from that and the choker than from the ring on my finger.






When I was dressed and ready I sat on the edge of the bed and waited for him to return. He’d gone to make use of the other shower and was now coming back with a towel around his hips and one rubbing the water from his hair. What was he trying to do to me? I always knew he was cut but damn. All of that was mine? It was too much for my poor heart to take.

I felt myself getting wet again and reminded myself to find a pharmacy or convenience store the first chance I get. Somewhere in this paradise somebody must be selling panty liners, I was going to need them by the truckload.

“I’ll be ready in five babygirl.” He kissed me on the head before disappearing into the closet. When he came out some time later I found myself feeling suddenly shy in his presence. We were about to go out into the world for the first time as husband and wife or…

“What do I call you?” I remembered to ask the question in a polite manner even keeping my head down. Again he lifted my chin.

“You can look at me when you talk babygirl unless I say otherwise. As to what you call me that’s up to you but Zared is fine, for now. There will be times when you call me something else, you’ll know when that is.” I’m not sure I trusted that smirk of his.

He took us down to the garage where he kept a slew of luxury boy toys. My fingers itched to get my hands on one of them; that’s one of my guilty pleasures, fast cars. And something that we’ve butted heads over in the past. Not the cars themselves, but what I do once I get behind the wheel.

“Don’t even think about it, the roads here are not like at home. One day before we leave I’ll take you out and let you speed to your little heart’s content, but only when I’m with you.”

“Yes sir.” Oh shit, where did that come from? It was almost subconsciously done. He didn’t make a big deal of it and I relaxed as he led me to a red Lamborghini.

BOOK: The Guardian
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