The Hot Switch (BBW, Romance,WMBW,Erotic) (2 page)

BOOK: The Hot Switch (BBW, Romance,WMBW,Erotic)
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“Di why you gotta’ put our business out there? We…”


“Our? We? There is no us anymore. I have no patience for dudes like you!”



Zach decided to excuse himself. This seemed to be a shitty week for everyone and he just wanted to go home. He would watch a movie on Netflix instead.


“This is probably a bad time. I’ll talk to you later.” he said quietly.


“Yeah, aight man. I’ll call you later.” and Shawn turned to Diana, who was still looking at him with disgust.


Zach walked away but the image of Diana was still fresh in his mind. He could still hear them fighting as he made his way back down the stairs. He hoped that she wouldn’t give Shawn another chance. Shawn was his friend but he couldn’t understand why he would give up someone as beautiful and intelligent as her.


He had spent most of the day working on his paper and barely ate anything at all. He was starving and decided to pick up a pizza and a 6 pack of beer before he went back home. He actually felt a little better. Not that he wished sadness upon Diana, but at least he wasn’t the only one being fucked over.


He turned his phone back on and hoped that Ashley had taken a hint. After 30 ignored calls, she needed to realize that he didn’t want to speak to her anymore. He placed the pizza and beers on the dinner table and headed for the shower. He needed to relax. It was the weekend and he had the next three days off. This was rare and he planned to make the most of it, without Ashley. While undressing, his phone began to vibrate and he sighed knowing that it was probably Ashley. He picked up the cell but didn’t recognize the number.


“Probably Ashley calling me from one of her friend’s numbers.” he thought.


He ignored the call and got back to undressing. He was only in boxers when his phone buzzed again.


It was a text message and he read it: “Zach this is Diana. I wanted to talk to you. I got your number from Shawn. If you get the chance, can you call me back?”


He quickly redialed and waited for her to pick up.


“Hello?” she answered sluggishly.


“Hi…sorry I didn’t pick up. I didn’t know the number.”


“Oh, it’s okay.”


“Are you alright?”


“Yeah I’m…” and she took a deep breath. “No, I’m not honestly.”


“I’m sorry Diana.”


“And I’m really sorry you had to see all that…but he’s an asshole. I know he’s your friend and all but I’m just tired of childish men. God I actually thought he was different!”


“What happened? Everything seemed good when I called him yesterday.”


“Well…he thought I was out shopping. I’d just come out of the shower and I heard him and some girl laughing in the living room. I went to take a look and he was making out with this red-head. I think she’s one of those stupid cheerleaders.”


“A red-head?” he asked, even though he already knew the horrible truth.


“Yes I think her name’s Ashley or something. She high-tailed it out of here when I threw a bottle of water at them. It hit the bitch on her head.”


He laughed at this, even though his heart still ached.


“I guess I should tell you that she’s my ex. I broke up with her the same night I met you.”


“Oh…Zach…I’m sorry. He went behind your back too. Man that’s just so grimy.”


“Looks like we both got fucked over huh?”


“It’s okay…we’ll survive. I don’t need people like him around me anyway. Just a waste of space!”


“Yeah. I think I’ll be keeping my distance too.”


“Sorry you had to find out like that. I just needed someone to talk to.”


“No it’s fine. You can call me anytime.”


“Anytime huh? Even late nights?” she laughed.


“I don’t sleep much, so I don’t mind.”


“I wouldn’t bother you like that.”


“It’s the weekend, so more than likely I’ll be up late.”


“Yea…I planned to do a lot this weekend…with Shawn.” she replied sadly.


“Well…what are you doing right now?”


“Um nothing…why?”


“Well I got a pepperoni pizza and some beers…I’d love the company.”


“Are you sure? I mean after everything that’s happened I…”


“Don’t worry about it…I think you deserve some fun after the night you’ve had. We were supposed to be celebrating tonight remember?”
















Chapter Two




An hour later, Diana arrived at his door. She still looked upset but Zach wanted to change all of that. He thought of approaching the door with no shirt on, just to show off a little. He went to the gym regularly and it was beginning to show. He wasn’t ripped but his body was chiseled enough to get a few stares from women. He’d ignored all of the attention because he was loyal to Ashley, but now she was gone and he wasn’t going to look back. His strategy was to slowly seduce Diana…and he had no idea if it would really work. After all, she probably wasn’t into white guys and only dated jocks like Shawn. Still, based on what she said, she was tired of childish men and he was definitely not that.


He answered the door as planned with only sweatpants on and gave her his best smile. She came over dressed in a loose white sweater and a pair of dark tight leggings; probably the same that he’d admired a few days ago. Lucky for him, he’d chosen some loose pants because it was hiding his hard on.


“Hey, glad you came.” he smiled.


“Hi.” she said, almost looking like she’d been holding in her tears.


She looked stressed out and tired. Zach felt like shit. He should have known better. She’d just caught her boyfriend in the act and he was thinking of nothing but putting the moves on her.


“I hope I didn’t make you feel pressured into coming here.” he said remorsefully.


“Oh…no. I needed to get out of the apartment. I kind of moved in and we’d been living there together for a little while. I couldn’t stand to be there any longer. It’s too depressing.”


“Damn…I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”


“I don’t know. Well…you did give me an excuse to leave, so that is something.”


“Does he know you’re here?”


“No…I just walked out. He wanted to know where I was going but I just ignored him. I can’t wait to get my stuff out of there.”


Zach walked her to his couch and they sat down, not too close to each other.


“It just occurred to me that I should’ve picked you up. It’s freezing out there.”


“I’m okay Zach. I needed to clear my head…so it was good to walk.”


“Shit…I’m sorry Di…next time I’ll come get you.”


“Next time?” and she smiled at him for the first time since she’d been there. “Sure…okay. I’d like that.”


Zach spoke without realizing what he was saying…yet that little slip up got him an answer he hadn’t expected. There would be a ‘next time.’


“How long had y’all been together?” he asked.


“About three months. I didn’t think it would end up like this though. How about you? How long were you with your girlfriend?”


“Three years. We went to high school together and came here. We had everything planned out but she started to change on me. I don’t know…maybe it’s my fault.”


“Your fault? Did you do something wrong? You don’t look like an asshole or the cheating type.”


“No I never cheated on her or anything like that. Maybe I wasn’t what she wanted.”


“Look Zach…I’ll say this and then we gotta end this little pity party okay? You’re smart, you’re really nice and a good looking guy. She obviously didn’t know what she had. She’ll come back to you.”


“That’s the thing. I don’t want her back. It should’ve been over a long time ago but I was being naïve.”


“Well…I guess she and Shawn can spend all the time they want together.”


“Yup…I need a drink!” he chuckled. “Can I get you one?”


“You only have beers right?”




“No it’s ok. I’ll take one.”


“Pizza? I can heat it up for you.”


“That would be great. I’m starved.”


Zach proceeded to the kitchen and got two beers out of the fridge. The pizza had gone cold and he set a few slices in the microwave to heat up. While he waited, he looked back at her on the couch. She was fiddling with her cell phone and still had that sad look on her face. Maybe she was texting Shawn. He didn’t know. He felt sorry about his earlier intentions and decided that he should put a shirt on. Even though she’d given him a compliment, she was just trying to make him feel better. It didn’t mean that he had a chance.


He went to his room and grabbed the nearest shirt he could find. When he got back to the kitchen she was in there, sitting at the dinner table.


“Did I interrupt your shower when I got here?”


“Nah…I just walk around like this all the time.” he lied.


“Oh…okay. Can I have that drink now? He’s annoying. He keeps texting me.”


“Yeah, sure.” and he handed her a bottle. “And don’t give me away!” he winked.


“Scared?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.


“Not at all. I’m just trying to have a calm weekend. I already had the fight to top all fights this week. Well…it wasn’t as bad as yours but it was still up there.”


“Don’t worry. I won’t sick Shawn on you. It’ll be our little secret. Mmm bitter!” she laughed and winced as she took her first sip of the draught.


“Yeah…Guinness is a man’s drink.”


“I’m a big girl. I can handle it Mr. Man!”


“I’m sure you can.” he said, with a sly smile.


He wondered if she could handle him. He was already feeling better by just talking to her and he wanted her badly. Even with the loose sweater on, her breasts still swelled against the fabric and he wanted to touch them, lick them, and bite them till she cried out for him to stop. He wondered if she liked a little rough play. His cock twitched with life under his sweats and began to rise against the thick material as he thought of her in very compromising positions. He wanted her now. Unfortunately, his wanton thoughts were soon broken by the loud buzzing of her phone. He knew that it was Shawn and at this point, he was sick of the interruptions. He quickly snatched the phone and put it into his pocket.


“What are you doing?” she asked.


“I’m kidnapping your phone.”


“Uh huh. I thought you had your own. But hey, if pink is your color, go ahead!” she giggled.


“You’re my guest right? No getting distracted by the ex-boy…I mean uh boyfriend.”


“No…you were right the first time. He’s been an ex for a couple of hours now and it’s staying that way.”


“Well you look sad every time you look at the phone…and I can’t have that. So yeah…I’ll be keeping it.”


She laughed and shook her head. “Fine, fine. Hope I don’t have to fight you for it later?”


“I don’t know. We’ll see.” he grinned.






The two sat on the living room couch, watching a horror flick. Zach was on his second beer and Diana lay back on the couch. She seemed comfortable and very calm; a big change from what she’d looked like earlier. He was happy that she felt comfortable around him. At least for him, the troubles of the week didn’t seem to matter anymore.


He got up and pulled off a quilt from the nearby couch, and drew it over her. It was getting quite chilly and he wanted to be a good host.


“Oh thank you.”


“No problem. I was gonna get you a pillow. Just give me a sec.”


“Zach you don’t have to do all that. I’m fine.”


“It’s no trouble. I want you to be comfortable.” and he fetched her a pillow from his room.


“What about you?” she asked as he returned.


“Don’t worry about me.” he smiled. “I’m fine.”


“I feel so comfortable here...I almost don’t wanna go home.” she sighed against the pillow.


Zach paused and thought for a moment. What if she would spend the night with him? He wouldn’t try anything…but wanted her to stay.


“Well…you can stay…if you want to.” and he braced himself for an offended out lash.


She looked at him with a blank face for a moment and didn’t say a word. His throat went dry and his heart began to pound in his chest as he waited for what seemed like a lifetime.


“Are you serious?” she replied calmly.


“Yea…I-I mean if you wanted to. I wouldn’t want you to go through another argument tonight. “


“I can’t. He’s gonna…God I don’t know.” and she sat up from her reclined position and looked down at her hands. “He might flip out if he finds out I spent the night here.”


“Is that what you’re worried about? You scared?” he teased with a smile.


“No…it’s not that. I’m worried about what he’ll say to you…or…”


“Diana. Worry about yourself and how you feel. I want you to feel better. If you want to, you can stay. Besides, isn’t he your ex now? If he flips out that’s his problem, not yours.”


“Well Zach, we just met and…do you have women sleep over like this? What if Ashley comes here?”


“She’s not setting foot in here. I promise you…and no I don’t have women sleeping over here at all. I just wanna be a friend. I’ll sleep on the couch. You can have the bed.”


“I…I don’t know Zach.” she said looking into his cobalt blue eyes. “I feel like I’m intruding already.”


“Well I’ll make this easier for you. I have your phone and you’ll get it back in the morning.”


She laughed.


“What if I wanted to make a phone call?”


“Nope…you’re not getting it back tonight. Just relax.”


“Thanks Zach.”


“No problem. Do you need anything else? I can run to the store if you want.”


“Okay you’re doing way too much. Sit down.”


“Yes ma’am.” and he sat back down next to her.


“Since we’re here…do you still wanna tutor me?”


“Oh yeah…do you wanna get started this weekend?”


“No…My brain needs a break. This whole week has been out of control.”


“Yeah, I know what you mean. Whenever you’re ready just let me know.” and her phone began to vibrate in his pants.


She quickly reached into his pocket and grabbed the phone…except she had really grabbed something else. She gripped it at first and Zach’s mouth gaped open as she firmly tugged on the length of his cock. It took a few seconds for her to realize the blunder. She quickly let go of his thick organ, and pulled away without the phone in hand.


“Oh shit! I’m so sorry.” she said shamefully. “I-I only wanted t-to…um so-sorry.”


Zach smiled and crouched over her until they were face to face. He couldn’t take it any longer. Her soft pout called to him. He had to touch her. He had to kiss her. She looked startled to have him so close and she flinched as his lips met with hers. He didn’t mean to be so direct but the way she apologized was too cute to resist.


She didn’t slap him or push him away and he was relieved. If she had, it would have been him apologizing and stuttering like a fool. Instead the tension in her body dissipated and slowly, her lips parted, giving him entry. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and her sweet taste countered the bitter taste of the beer.


He leaned in for more and so did she, but more hesitantly. His mouth clamped over hers and their tongues gently danced to the sounds of their concurrent moaning. Her lips were so soft, that many times he broke away from the kiss, just to suck and nibble on the juicy flesh.

BOOK: The Hot Switch (BBW, Romance,WMBW,Erotic)
8.95Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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