Read The Muse and the Fairy Tale (New Hampshire Bears #1) Online

Authors: Mary Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Sports, #Romance

The Muse and the Fairy Tale (New Hampshire Bears #1) (16 page)

BOOK: The Muse and the Fairy Tale (New Hampshire Bears #1)
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On the ride back from Concord, my body had been humming for Kyson. The second he kicked my front door shut, we were on each other. I didn’t care if he tore my dress and tights off of me at this point. I wanted him inside of me. We left a trail of clothes to the bedroom, and by the time we reached the bed, the only items left were my thong and his boxers.

It was then our frenzy slowed and Kyson focused on my breasts and nipples. Each lick, suck, tug, and kiss raised my body heat another notch. Kyson made his way down to my thong. He eased it away from my body and tossed it over his shoulder. I bent my knees and he assisted in spreading my legs before he took the first swipe at me.


He kissed the inside of each of my things. “Yes, baby.”

“Please don’t tease me tonight.” I didn’t think I could handle it. I needed him.

“It’s too much fun, though, watching you writhe under me.” His voice was like silk against my skin.

I was going to tell him to stop messing around and fuck me, but all the air left my body when he began to suck on my clit. Yes, Kyson had done this before and yes, I’d gotten off on his tongue, but tonight was different. Even though I wanted to rush to my orgasm, Kyson was gentle with his sucking. Tonight, he wasn’t in any rush.

When he slid two fingers inside me, my body overheated more. The words spontaneous combustion were at the forefront of my mind. He knew the perfect combination to push me over the edge, and soon, I was moaning out his name as my body shook.

“I’m not even close to being done with you yet,” Kyson declared as he hovered over me.

Throughout the night, I learned the true meaning of
sex marathon.



“You two didn’t have to come with me,” I told Harlow and Maxima as we strolled into the bookstore where my signing was going to be.

“We’re here as moral support.” Maxima explained.

“And I’m here to see if they have the current issue of

Maxima and I both stopped in our tracks and stared at her.

“What? It’s for the articles.” She winked.

We both ignored her and headed toward the counter to find the manager and get the signing started. Once we found the right person, she took us to the back of the store where readers were already lined up.

A lot of them.

They began to cheer as I made my way to the table. I smiled at each one as I passed by. I never got over the fact someone had taken time out of their day to read my book.

I took the seat at the table and the manager asked if my assistants would like to stand or sit.

“My assistants?”

“I’ll take the pictures by the banner,” Maxima volunteered.

“I’ll hand out books.” Harlow sat next to me and grabbed the first box of books next to her.

“You don’t have to—”

“Stop,” Harlow threw her hand up in my face. “Your public awaits.”

“My public? I’m not Oprah.”

“We know because she doesn’t write about sex and penises.” Harlow held out first book and the first reader stepped up. “Let’s begin.”

For the next four hours, there was a steady stream of readers, and I couldn’t have been more pleased to hear the feedback about the book. Of course, I think every reader loved the cover, and I was happy I’d picked Kyson for the cover.

When the signing was over, Maxima suggested a Chinese restaurant nearby, and we headed out to my car.

“Excuse me.”

I turned seeing a woman around my age with bright fire engine hair and black roots. “Yes?”

“Are you Meadow Hylton?”


“You’re the one with Kyson Wick on your cover?”


“You’re dating him, correct?”

“I don’t talk about my personal life.” Something felt off about this. I’ve had my share of Facebook stalkers, but never one in person.

“I wanted to meet you and tell you to stay away from Kyson.”

“What?” Did she say what I thought she had? Who was she?

“I’m pregnant with his child.”

“What?” Maxima and Harlow exclaimed next to me.

“Angela.” Her name escaped my lips before I could stop it.

“I see he’s talked about me.” She gave an evil looking smirk.

“Not in a good way,” I replied. “He told me the baby wasn’t his and you were marrying a doctor.”

“I planned on it, until Kyson flew me up here a few weeks ago and asked me to stay.”

It’s a lie
, my head screamed.

“I’m sure he’s trying to find a good time to tell you the truth. I bet he is waiting until tomorrow, after your signing is over.”

“Are you trying to scare my friend by letting us know you are aware of her schedule?” Of all people, Maxima was the one who came between Angela and me.

“Of course not. I’m simply telling her Kyson won’t be sticking around.” Angela spun on her heels and sashayed away from us.

It took me a moment, but I finally said, “I want to go home.”

Chapter Twenty-Four



The day was clouded over with think gray clouds and it was bitter cold. I could almost feel the snow about to come down. Our road games sucked, and I was ecstatic to be home. I had the night off, and all I wanted to do was curl up with Meadow and Puckhead and rest.

I called Kian as I jumped into the truck.

“We need to talk,” he informed me before I could a single word out.

“What about?”


I groaned. “Now what?”

“She showed up here twice. I wouldn’t let her in, but she’s ranting about raving about having your baby.”

“Come on.” I rolled my eyes. “This is getting ridiculous.”

“Kyson, you need to fix this before it gets out of hand. Do you want to call the lawyer?”

“Not yet.” I sure as hell didn’t want to see this in the papers. “I’m going to talk to her and get this all straightened out real fast.” I was growing more furious as I turned onto Meadow’s street. “I can’t believe she’s acting this way.”

“I told you a long time ago, I didn’t think she was playing with a full deck.”

“Kian, now isn’t the time to say
I told you so

He stifled a laugh. “I think it’s the perfect time.”

“Listen, I’m going to be at Meadow’s for the night. Then I’ll get this all worked out in the morning.”

Kian was silent for a few seconds. “I’m going over to Stan’s tonight. Let me know what you figure out.”

“I will.” I ended the call and hopped out of the truck pulling my coat tighter to block the cold.

I knocked on Meadow’s door and waited. She didn’t open it. I knocked again, a little harder, but there was still no answer. I looked over my shoulder and her car was in the driveway. I pounded this time.

“Meadow!” I yelled. Suddenly, I was concerned for her safety. Had she passed out? Hit her head? Could she have cut herself and be bleeding to death in the kitchen?

To my relief, the deadbolt unlocked and Meadow opened the door. “Are you okay?” I quickly checked her over and realized she looked exhausted. Her face was blotchy, and she looked like she’d been crying. Even her eyes were bloodshot.

“We need to talk.”

My stomach dropped. She was using the same tone Kian had. Meadow stepped to the side and I slowly walked in; I was nervous about what might happen.

“Meadow, baby—” I turned to her, but her expression clearly told me she didn’t want to hear anything I had to say.

“I had my signing yesterday, and it was really great.”

“Wonderful.” Some of the tension left my muscles, thinking she wanted to talk about the book.

“No.” She shook her head. “No, it’s not even close to wonderful. On the way out, with Maxima and Harlow, I was greeted by a woman with fire red hair.”

I closed my eyes in hopes it would lessen the pain my heart was suddenly feeling.

“Yes, I was introduced to Angela. Now,
telling me she’s carrying your baby. Is this true?”

My eyes popped open. “No. Absolutely not. I have not had sex with her since we broke up. I swear.”

Meadow nodded. “She said she flew up here last month and saw you. Did you fly her up here?”

At that moment, my mother’s voice was all I could hear. She was telling me not to lie and I knew she was right. “I didn’t fly her up here.”

“But you saw her?”

“Yes.” I felt the brick of lies about Angela lying on my chest being removed; only to be replaced with the bricks of worries about Meadow was going to handle this. “It was brief and nothing happened?”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I figured it wasn’t a big deal. I mean,” I pushed my hands thought my hair. “I told you she didn’t mean anything to me anymore. She told me she’d cheated on me and she was marrying the doctor. All the while, I just wanted to be here with you.” I reached out for her, but she sidestepped my hand. It was like a stab through the heart.

“Kyson, there is one thing I need in my life. One thing everyone needs and that is trust.”

“I trust you, and you can trust me,” I pleaded.

“Then why didn’t you tell me you had seen her. I would’ve understood. I’m an adult, and I know five years is a long time with someone and everyone needs closure.”

I didn’t know what to say. I just stood there. “I’m sorry.” I know it was dumb to say, but it was all that came to mind.

“Apology accepted.”

“Really?” I suddenly felt as if it was all going to be okay. She forgave me and now we could move on. “Then we’re all good?”

“No.” She crinkled her nose. “You lied. Just because I accepted your apology doesn’t mean anything has changed.”

“Wait…what?” I was even more baffled now than before.

“Kyson, go home. I want to be alone tonight.” She hugged herself, and I easily saw the sadness written all over her face.

“Meadow.” I tried to plead with her, but I could see she wasn’t going to listen.

“I’ll call you later.” She opened the door.

My heart was screaming at me not to leave, but my brain commanded my legs and I walked away from my fairy tale.



I drove around Manchester. I wasn’t going anywhere in particular, but I didn’t want to go home yet. I thought about calling Kian, but I didn’t want to disrupt his night with Stan. I drove past Remington’s house and Keaton’s apartment, but I didn’t stop at either of them. Hell, I even drove by Hamilton’s big ass house, but kept going.

Finally, I ended up at home and figured I should get some rest, since I had practice and a game tomorrow. When I made it to my place, I tossed my keys on the table and went for the fridge. A beer sounded great right now.

A soft knock stopped me in my tracks, and I rushed to the front door. It had to be Meadow. She must have come over to talk. I yanked the door open only to see Angela’s face and not Meadow’s.

“What the hell do you want?” I glared at her. She was the last person I wanted to see.

“May we talk?”

“No.” I went to slam the door, but she jumped into the room.

“Please, Ky. I want to say I’m sorry.”

She seemed to be serious, but I couldn’t be sure anymore. Then again, maybe after she said her peace, she’d get the hell out of my life and I could repair my relationship with Meadow.

“You have two minutes.” I shut the door, but I didn’t move from it.

“I made a mistake, and I wasn’t thinking clearly. I’m sorry.”

“Great. Now, you can leave.” I reached for the door, but she grabbed my hand. It was strange holding her hand. It didn’t feel like Meadow’s. It felt wrong.

“Don’t you miss me? Even a little bit.”

“No,” I quickly answered. Angela’s eyes welled with tears. “Look, we had some good times together, and I think at one time we did love each other, but I don’t want you. I want Meadow. She’s the one I belong with, and I hope you find someone too.” I wished Meadow were here; she could have heard what I told Angela. Maybe then, she’d believe me.

“Ky.” Her voice cracked and a single tear rolled down her cheek.

“Angela, it’s over and you need to leave me alone.” My voice was low, but stern. She needed to get the hell out of my life.

She wiped her face harshly and sniffed. “May I use your bathroom before I leave?”

“Of course.” I wasn’t heartless. I directed her down the hall and went back to the living room. My head was spinning, trying to devise a plan to get Meadow back.

She told me she would call me later. Maybe I’ll give her until the morning and then call her. Maybe send flowers? Chocolates? Shit, both? I’d never done this before. Maybe, I’d ask Kian. Maybe he could help me convince Meadow. Every couple has issues and they grow from them, right?

There was a knock on the door, and I wondered who it could be. My heart stopped when Meadow’s beautiful blue eyes met mine.

“I need to say something.”

I tried to tell her to wait; I wanted to declare my love to her, but she continued.

“I was being unreasonable. I knew you were still dealing with your feelings. I even understand about closure with relationships. I’m mainly upset you didn’t tell me. I thought you and I communicated to each other about everything, and I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions without talking to you.”

I couldn’t speak a single word for the jubilation spiraling through me. I grabbed her and wrapped her tightly in my arms.

Meadow instantly tensed and squirmed her way out of my arms. “Then again, I’ve been played a fool before.”

I didn’t know what she meant until Angela’s voic
like nails on a chalkboar
sounded in my ears. “Let her go, Ky, and we can go back to bed.”

I turned to see Angela standing there in one of my dress shirts. Where the hell had she gotten that?

“I’ll leave you alone. Forever. Enjoy your life together.” Meadow stormed away from me, and I wasn’t sure what to do.

At that moment, I wanted to kill Angela. I narrowed my eyes and glared at her. My blood was pumping so hard it was making my head pound.

“I don’t care where you go or what you do with your life, but if you don’t leave my house this instant, I will pick you up and throw you out.”

She smirked. “Try it, big boy. I’ll call the cops in two seconds and your ass will be in jail for domestic violence. Then where will your little piss-ant hockey career be then?”

I was seeing red. Actual, red. It took every ounce of my being not to physically throw her out. She smiled, but turned and swung her hips side-to-side.

I rooted myself in place, knowing if I moved, I wouldn’t be in control. Angela had ruined everything. In a blink of an eye, my whole life just fell into the shitter. My Meadow was going and I didn’t know what to do.

Angela calmly strolled down the hall without a care in the world. Her stupid ass grin was firmly in place as she tied her scarf.

“Enjoy your life, Kyson. I hope you learned your lesson in trying to push me away.”

It hit me. The moment the words left her mouth, I knew the truth. “You’re not pregnant, are you?”

“Fuck no. Oh, and I’m still marrying the doctor next week. Bye.” She waved her fingers and walked out the door.

I had been duped by her and her sick, twisted lies, and because of it, I’d just lost the one I wanted the most.

BOOK: The Muse and the Fairy Tale (New Hampshire Bears #1)
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