Read The Other Side of Perfect Online

Authors: Victoria Peters

The Other Side of Perfect (2 page)

BOOK: The Other Side of Perfect
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Jennifer was
by anyone who believed the minister’s son was ‘perfect’, but Jennifer knew his other side and it was anything
perfect. Still, she pressed on.  She had a life growing inside of her and she needed to focus on a future for her and her unborn child.


It wasn’t easy moving from the only place she’d ever known, but starting new is what she needed to do. So, on her own, she moved to Tuscaloosa to begin a life for her and her little girl.




Kyra dropped Jennifer off at the apartment and agreed to pick her up at seven.  That gave her just over an hour to get ready for a night on the town.  As she approached the entrance, Willy-B sat upon the step waiting for her to let him in.


Willy-B, her Maine Coon cat, sat big as life with her mangled present in front of him.


“Hey Willy-B” she said entering the apartment. “What’s that you got for me?” Jennifer bent over to get a better look at the four legged critter he’d brought.  “Oh Willy-B…ugh!” her stomach churned.  The bloody mess was anything but pleasant, but Willy-B sat so proudly with his housewarming present she could only smile. 


“Thanks Willy-B!” she gulped as she opened the door to let him inside. Then hoping he wouldn’t see her, she picked up the carcass with a napkin and tossed it into the trash-can nearby. 


“MEOW” he replied.  “With his fluffy tail whirling proudly, he made his way to apartment 3. Entering the apartment, she smiled as the tiny brown-eyed toddler looked up. 


Mommy!” she gleamed.

Chelsea!” Jennifer replied, as she scooped the gleeful child into her arms. “Oh, is it good to see you!” Her day was in full recovery now.  Holding her lovely toddler made the horrors of the day vanish almost entirely. 


Love you, mama!” she said with her tiny lips kissing Jennifer’s face.

I love you too, sweetie.”


As the two embraced, Helga, the retired Ukrainian from apartment 6, entered the room.


Have a nice day, Miss?” she asked.


I did Helga.” Jennifer adored Helga, she’d been a Godsend. Though she wasn’t family, she’d become an honorary mother and grandmother almost immediately and she was ever so grateful.  Jennifer didn't have the heart to tell Helga about the day she'd just endured, so she simply glossed over it.


Helga, can I ask a favor of you?”


Certainly dear…”

I’d like to go out for a while tonight, but I’d understand if you can’t, I mean it’s


Dear, dear, dear…of course! Go! You deserve a good night out.  Why, you don't do nothin' but work and be da mama for this girl... and this cat!  You'll do good to have a night out on the town.”


Are you sure? I will pay you extra…”

Oh dear, no pay tonight. You just go and be happy for once.”


Jennifer was thrilled.  It’d been ages since she’d had a good 'night out’. She hadn’t complained, she loved spending time with Chelsea, but the nights had been lonely.  It did seem like her life was going nowhere, but being her mother was a gift and she wouldn't change that for the world.




Chelsea played happily with her Play-Doh, while Helga made dinner for her and the child.  Helga was a fantastic cook and ensured a healthy world for the child.




The buzzer of the apartment resounded impatiently.  Quickly, Jennifer ran to the speaker and pressed the button.  “Kyra?”


“Come on up, I’m almost ready.”


Jennifer pressed the release button to buzz Kyra in.  As she reached the top of the stairs, the door opened.  Jennifer looked amazing.


“Oh girl,  you are one hot mama! Look at you!”  Kyra stated boldly.  “Watch out dance floor, this girl’s gonna set you on fire!”


“Oh Kyra,  stop. I’m blushing” Jennifer said.

“She's right you know,” Helga interrupted. “You look stunning, dear.  The men
will eat you up!”


“Huh, last thing I want is another complicated man in my life!”

“Well, you deserve to be happy dear and Chelsea deserves a father.”

“I appreciate your concern, but really, we’re fine.”

“Regardless dear, you look great” Helga affirmed.

“I dunno.” 


Jennifer wore a stunning red dress, that perfectly framed her hourglass body.  The hem was just above the knees, elongating her silky legs.  Her waist was sweetly framed and the cleavage was perfectly pert. Her hair was silky and smooth, highlighting her tastefully decorated face.  The ensemble was completed with black stilettos and her petite purse.


“Seriously girl, you got it goin’ on!”

“You think so?” Jennifer asked.

“No dame, I KNOW so!”



Jennifer finished primping herself, grabbed her purse, kissed Chelsea goodnight and then the two girls left for their special night out.  “See ya Chelsea, be good for Helga. See you Willy-B” she said.  “Don’t wait up for me.”


She and Kyra giggled lightly as the door shut behind them, and they hurriedly made their way out of the building for a night of drinking and dancing. 




The two women walked into the bar and immediately raised the brows of several men.  Jennifer was sizzling and Kyra held her own equally.  She was small, but packed a punch. Her package was perfectly designed; warm brown hair with blonde highlights, big blue eyes, and fantastic figure. She was sweet and alluring and the men noticed.


As they approached the bar, the girls immediately noticed the deliciously tasty  'package' serving the guests. He was hot with two well-formed biceps, perfect pecks peeking slightly beneath his shirt, and the ass of a god! Jennifer and Kyra both gawked for a moment, trying to contain their feminine lusts.


“Hello, ladies.”  His warm, masculine voice, sent chills down their spines. 

Kyra, charmed in the moment, quickly glanced at his left hand.

‘Hmm, no ring!‘ she thought to herself.


“Can I get you ladies a drink?” he asked.

“Yes please” Kyra said boldly. “I’ll have a tequila…”

“Whatever you got chilled on tap will be fine. ” said Jennifer.

“Right away.”


As he prepared their drinks, Kyra elbowed Jennifer.  “Are you getting a taste of this perfection, sweetie?”


Jennifer nodded shyly. 

“Sweeeeeet!” Kyra says in a defined whisper.

“Shush...” Jennifer whispered.  “Don’t get too crazy.”

“What?” Kyra scoffed. “He’s single, I’m single...” she said. 


The sexy bartender served the ladies their drinks, and then suddenly got a great look at the beautiful Latin goddess. He smiled warmly as he handed Jennifer her draft beer. For a moment of singular serenity, their eyes locked.


After a breathless moment, “My name’s Mason. What’s yours?” he asked warmly.

“I’m Jennifer” she nervously replied.

“Pleasure to meet you Jennifer” he said.  He handed her the drink, placing it upon
a napkin. “You look lovely tonight.”


“Hmm…bet you say that to all the girls” she winked.


“No actually, I don’t” he said back.  “Normally, I'm too busy to talk to the ladies. 
But a beauty like you? I’m making an exception.”


“I see.” Jennifer wasn’t sure he was being truthful, but thanked him for the drink
and then casually walked away.


“What? Girl, are you crazy?!” Kyra scolded.


“Get back there. The man’s hot for you!” she insisted. 

“I’m sure he’s just flirting for tips.”

I’ve seen flirting and then I have seen
This man has got an eye on you. 
He’s watching you now, girl…don’t blow this!


You sure?” Jennifer glanced back and saw Mason staring at her intently.

“Girl, you know you got it and so does he!”


Jennifer looked back and noticed Mason was still casually watching her. Her heart fluttered just a bit. He was hot and seemed genuine.  Should she dare? She watched for a while to see how he would interact with the other women.  She was amazed to see him do his job without excessive flirting.  From time to time, he’d look for her and smile when he caught her eye.  The more he noticed her, the more she desired to know him more.


See girl?  He’s into you!” Kyra insisted.  “You should go for it!”

“But what about you?”

“No worries.  There are some great pickins in here tonight.  I WILL be satisfied!”
she said.  “You go…”


Jennifer paused, and then Kyra pushed further. “Go on, Jen.  Go talk to him!”

“Alright.  Alright! I’m going.” She reluctantly strutted back to the bar and could
hardly believe her nerve.  What was she thinking?


Mason was shaking a martini, with his body looking perfectly stolid beneath the neon lights.  His heart skipped a beat when he looked up and acknowledged her approach.  “Everything okay with your drink?” He asked.


“Oh, yes.  It’s fine” she said shyly.

“Would you like to sit for a bit…over there at the far booth?” he asked, pointing
to a table in the corner.


“Don’t you have to work?”

“I’m due a break, so it’s fine.  Mike can handle it for awhile” he said.

“Will you get in trouble?”

“Trouble?” he snickered.  “For what?”

“I don’t know…chatting with me, taking a break out here…”

Beauty girl, I own the place!”

“Oh.” Jennifer was surprised. “I had no idea.”

“It’s okay, honest. Come on, let’s sit for a bit.


She smiled subtly and began walking with him to the booth. Their eyes were caught up with one another, and for a moment the calamity of the room seemed to vanish entirely. It was magical and Jennifer couldn’t remember feeling like this before. Not ever.  She was terrified and excited at the same time. Could this be real?

BOOK: The Other Side of Perfect
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