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Authors: DrkFetyshNyghts

The Perils of Judge Julia (7 page)

BOOK: The Perils of Judge Julia
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"And you know, the good thing about all this is that you are supposed to have been holidaying abroad alone, from tomorrow. No-one is going to miss you for three weeks. A lot can happen in three weeks, as you will find out. I just cannot tell you how much I have been looking forward to this little re-union you fucking Bitch."

The venom in Mandy's voice was enough to make Julia lose control of her bladder. There was a 'gushing' sound and then a pause before the splashing sound. Her urine flooding through the tear and gash in her damaged pantihose and then over the chair and to the floor. In the floor under the chair, a drain hole which seemed to be very proficient in collecting and disposing of the urine. Mandy watching, never taking her eyes off the older woman and yet her mind wandering back to the time when she was in that chamber at SECFAC. The time when she was so petrified that she had lost control of her own bladder. What they had said to her during her three months in that place was that she had to experience rock bottom so that she would know what rock bottom was. As Julia deposited her bladder contents over the chair and floor of that room, Mandy knew, oh she just KNEW what the older woman was going through and that thought excited her, It excited her and thrilled her and she clenched her thighs, secretly as she watched the older woman in her despair. It excited her more because she knew what that despair and fear and fright felt like.

Mandy was both very educated in certain ways and yet childish at the same time. For the first time, the eighteen year old came into view in the mirror. She was dressed the same as she had been in the underground car-park, her long shapely legs enhanced in the heels she wore. She carried a long, thin cane. More than slightly disturbing was the fact that she carried it with confidence. She carried it like it was an extension of herself. Mandy actually carried the cane like she knew how to use it. And something else coming through as well, another message, another tiny little thing just shining through – she carried it like she intended to use it. Like she only carried it when she intended to use it. She carried it with a purpose and yet with such a casual nonchalance that one could only shudder at the sight. That sight only enhanced with the sound of spike heeled shoes on the bare floor. The cane wasn't a bamboo cane but a wire-cored, leather covered one. Mandy knew all about canes of this sort. She had experienced one vaguely similar. She displayed that obvious and very present degree of expertise by slashing it through the air in front of Julia's face. The whoosh of air startling the older woman. Julia's eyes snapping open, like she had been snapped out of the living nightmare that she was having about her future, or lack of future as she had convinced herself was the case. It was like also, that she was coming to terms with the fact that her ending on this world, the end days, end game or however one wanted to put it would not be with her head held high, or with any form of dignity at all. That it was going to be just a terrible terrible ending, undignified, humiliating, degrading and above all painful. The cane slashing through the air was enough to convince her that this was indeed going to be the case.

For the first half an hour, Mandy circled Julia and treated the mounds of mature, fleshy tit flesh to little, well aimed flicks with the end of the cane. Little whipping sounds like breathless whispers cut short as the crop tip contacted with the flesh... slapppppppppppppp. Those breathless whispers cut short with little firecrackers going off. And that end fire cracker sound itself being washed over by Julia sucking in air between clenched teeth as she tried her best to absorb the little short sharp bursts of pain.

“Owwwwwwwwwww mmmmmmmm ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

Childish little bursts of complaint. The little cane flicks were hurting her. They were hurting her private sensitive flesh. They were hurting her mind as much as they were hurting her sensitive private flesh. Her little cries of anguish, even to her were an admittance of weakness. They were like a sign that she wasn't who she had purported to be all these years they were a sign that she was being brought down a peg or two. A sign that not even she was untouchable. A sign that she was indeed more than touchable, she was destroyable. And that process had already begin. Mandy didn't excerpt herself at all. As alarming as seeing such a young, sexually aware girl, abusing and reducing an older woman of Judge Julia's standing, was the fact that Mandy was taking it in her stride. She looked so comfortable doing what she was doing. She looked so in control that it was beyond disturbing. It was beyond disturbing on so many levels. Any witness, or onlooker to such a happening would be spoilt as to where their eyes would come to rest. Would they simply wallow in the view of Mandy, a consummate expert on high heels at such a young age, and an expert with that cane, just pure poetry in motion as her own more than ample breast rolled and rippled under her top with each strutting step she took. Or would they rest on Julia's eyes, try to look beyond the vision of despair and into the deeper soul of the woman who was systematically being taken apart by a much, much younger woman. Yes they would surely come to rest at least for a little time on those eyes. Tear stained eyes that almost squirted tears, long since washing out that solitary tear that had streaked her face. Or would they rest on the delicious mound of breast flesh attached to Julia and every few second rippling and jerking as the tip of the cane came to land on them. And with each little flick of the cane a new mark emerging. The flesh reddening first and then slightly swelling in its own form of complaint as to its treatment at the hands of this girl. And then there were those nipples unwillingly and against Julia's wishes standing proud, erect, thick and engorged. The effects of a slight chill in the air yes maybe. But more than likely, the result of the attentions her breasts were getting and the enforced stimulation she had received on her journey to this place. Each flick resonating through the flesh and through the inner milk ducts towards each nipple. The resonators working up through the core to the nipple tips and working them. Erecting them and working them to the most engorged that they could possibly be.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm pppppppleaseeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeoowwwwwwww.”

The screeches coming from Julia's distorted mouth made it seem that she were making a mountain out of a mole-hill such were the effortless application of the flicks. That wasn't fair though - the 'flicks' were expertly applied by a little bitch who was used to inflicting different kinds of pain – in the past she had done that for money. And at SECFAC she had learned the true meaning of humble, and submission. She had learned the darker arts of bdsm whereas before she had been one of those spanking Dommes. Take the money and run. Enjoy it yes, but a means to an end also.That was when she had thought she knew everything. The time when she was blissfuly, one might say, unaware of the darker, much darker and more addictive sides of sexuality. For that first half an hour, Mandy concentrated on the nipples and tips of Julia's large, succulent, mature tits making them red, sensitive and sore. Every flick caused the older woman to jerk and the breasts to dance and jiggle. Mandy didn't work quickly, or with any urgency. She didn't need to or didn't want to. She simply worked slowly and methodically ensuring both heavy mature breasts got equal treatment. At least the nipples, aureolas and tips of each globe, initially anyway. Mandy's own contribution to equality. Both breasts getting equal hurt. Not one breast getting more than the other. Or one breast getting less than the other. Both breasts equally tortured. In the grander scheme of things though this wasn't torture. This was almost a lazy walk in the park for Mandy. Every so often she would stop, light a cigarette and enjoy the view of what she was creating in that chair. Leaning against the wall, one ankle crossed with the other and lazily dragging, inhaling then exhaling, her own delicious breasts lifting and falling as she did this. It was the slowness of this mild torture that was more painful than the little cane flicks themselves. That slowness, the anticipation. The feeling that was being fed to Julia that this was going to be a long slow process. The fact that any part of her demise not being quick, or merciful feeding an ever diminishing mind. That slowness in fact serving to magnify the flicks when they came and as they came. The visible 'treat' that was Julia crying and then stopping, holding her breath in anticipation of another flick every time that Mandy moved or raised her cane wielding hand. Sometimes the flick would come. Other times it wouldn't. Sometimes she would deliver a quick flick, unusually quick where Julia was used to waiting for it, waitin for the hurt. Then other times she would make as though that was what she was going to do, then she would slide right by Julia, disappear behind her and that was when there would be a deep deep sobbing from the pit of Julia's stomach. Like a deep toned dread, and a pleading at the same time. Like a pleading for Mandy to please get on with it. Please do her worst. Please just finish her off. But that would be the easy way. Mandy knew the mind-games, she had been there. She had been in the chamber at SECFAC and she knew the REAL meaning of anxiety and distress. Difficult to believe someone so young, so as yet immature could deliver the levels of cruelty that she did and with such ease. One might have believed that with effort, Mandy could have played the part of Cruel Vixen; she was an 'actress' after all. But this was not Mandy acting. This was Mandy being herself. At one with herself. Like someone who had discovered herself and what she was on this planet for. This Mandy was someone that certain people needed to be afraid of. Very afraid.

"Eeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaa ooooooowwwwwwwww"

"Aaaaaaarrrrr ggggggg eeeeeooooooowwwww"

Again Mandy delivering sometimes in quick succession - other times with those deliberate anticipation and anxiety producing gaps in between. During the second half of the disciplining, Mandy began to lay it on to both breasts making angry looking welts rise and criss cross with each other. This time she moved her accurate, debilitating strokes to the larger meatier part of the breasts, and around each of their bases. For the first time, it appearing that she did have to put at least a little effort in. The lift and swing of the cane more pronounced, the swish and hiss of the air more sharper, louder and the crack to the breast almost making one flinch with the knowledge of the pain that such a stroke must have produced.

“eeeeeeeeee mmmmmmnngngngnngngngngnngngngnngngn nnoooooooooooo.”

The tone of Julia's screams became more intense, urgent and horror filled. Her fingers curling, and opening and then her wrists trying to twist in their bonds to no avail. When they failed the finger would curl again. But they wouldn't just curl they would tremble. They would tremble in their bonds. The actions a continuous process of curling into fists and then opening again and the whole thing punctuated with a trembling that seemed to travel up her arms and to her shoulder blades. That trembling transmitting to the tortured breast flesh at the front of her. She blubbered, sobbed and dribbled as her arms and legs strained and pulled against their rigid bonds. In an amazing display of skill and cane handling, Mandy being able to with ease swing and stroke the under sides of each breast with the cane, causing the older woman to clamp her tear squirting eyes closed as the pain bit and then spread. That underside of the breasts, where the overhang met the torso flesh was the most sensitive and the most susceptible to the type of pain being inflicted. Each stroke, accurate to within a millimetre, cutting into the flesh. Six strokes to each under breast. One each right in the fold of flesh. The next one very close and then four more working out to the wider underside of the breasts, the final stroke to each breast then across the aureola, already 'tickled' from the earlier flicks. There was no let-off. Mandy instilled the feeling of no-hope, no future with vigour and flair before putting the cane down. In a final display of bitchiness, Mandy committed an act of gross indecency on the older woman. She didn't make any intention to creep up on Julia and do it. She pretty much broadcast to the Judge what she was going to do before she did it. It was part of the torture. Part of the mental debilitation process. With one hand on Julia's shoulder she leaned in and licked the side of her face. A deliberate lick. A long slow licking of the Judge's face with the tip of her expert tongue. She made sure her tongue was wet and she curled up the end to hold in any saliva, then she pressed the tip to Julia's face just above the jaw line before trailing her tongue up slowly, almost lovingly licking her face. And she was doing it because she could. She was doing it because she was in control. She was the one in control now and she was like some kind of feline avenger, displaying her control over the older women. At their last meeting, things had been very different. The Judge ruling with an inner calm, and even an inner cruelty all of her own. She had humiliated and destroyed Mandy that day. But now, god what difference a few months makes. What can happen in a few months. Mind blowing reversal of fortunes. Mandy reached down between her legs and through the hole in her pantihose. She fingered her slit making sure that the lick of the face was still in progress – that lick sending a spasm of chill down the core of Julia's spine just about the same time as the finger pad touch Julia's outer labia and starting off its own chill. The two meeting somewhere in the middle and causing a shudder and then a whimpering wet sob to escape from between the full smooth lips of the Judge. Or 'former' Judge! Pulling her finger the full length and at the same time parting her lips. She whispered to her.

"I can do anything I want with you. I can make you orgasm without you even wanting it. But most of all I want you to be a 'wanting creature' – a slovenly, sloppy cunted whore. And you will be. You will be all those things you despise in the people you came across in your day to day life. You will be a far lower 'creature' than I was when we met the last time in that Crown Court. You will be the lowest of the low and then some. Take a look at yourself in the mirror 'Judge Julia'.... go on take a long hard look at yourself and tell me you're not a lower more despicable 'creature' than I was.... go on bitch, look. Just look at yourself.”

BOOK: The Perils of Judge Julia
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