The Prince's Forbidden Lover (The Samara Royal Family #3) (2 page)

BOOK: The Prince's Forbidden Lover (The Samara Royal Family #3)
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She looked up at him, wishing he could understand.  “And you think I wouldn’t enjoy the same kind of mental stimulation?”

Rais looked down at his pretty sister.  She wore a different outfit every day of her life and he rarely saw her without a sketch pad in her hands, drawing away at whatever it was she drew.  “I think it’s time that Ramzi found you a husband,” he commented a moment before he walked away. 

Shantra wanted to scream at him but restrained herself, not wanting to give in to the temper that was always just underneath the surface whenever she dealt with her brothers.  “Chauvinistic pig,” she grumbled after him.

“Am not,” a laughing voice said from behind her. 

Shantra spun around and screamed when she found Keith and Joline smiling and staring back at her. 

“You’re here!” she screeched and threw her arms around both of them.  “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe you’re here!  You’re really here!  I’m so excited!  I have so much planned over the next few days, so much to show you!”

Joline laughed and pulled back as she looked at her best friend in one of her latest designs.  As usual, Shantra looked impossibly lovely.  Joline wished she could wear the outfits with the same level of confidence that Shantra was able to pull off.  The clothes would be flying off the racks. 

Holding Shantra’s arms out wide, Joline looked at her rose-colored dress with its elaborate twists and tucks.  “You look amazing!” she gushed and hugged Shantra again. 

While Keith seconded the praise, Joline stepped back and looked around at the foyer of the majestic palace.  The ceilings, walls and floors were absolutely beautiful, filled with color and glorious art made out of marble, stone and tiles.  Everything about this entrance screamed out power and purpose.  It was more than a little intimidating! 

“I can’t believe we’re here either!” Joline gasped as she looked up at the ornate ceiling.  “Good grief, this place is beautiful!”

Keith was looking around as well.  “I’m with you, sister!” he laughed.  “You really do live in a palace, my friend!”

Shantra laughed with them, so excited to see her friends.  “I know we have tons of stuff to discuss, so let’s get the introductions over with, okay?  Then we can…” she started to say something but snapped her lips closed.  “We can catch up once you’ve met my brothers and sister.”

She took both of their hands.  “I’ve warned all three of my brothers to be good, but it normally isn’t in their nature.  They’re beasts and I can’t guarantee anything.”  She looked at Joline and almost clapped her hands with excitement and hope.  Her plan might not work out, but as she looked at Joline, her friend’s beautiful hazel eyes and soft, brown hair floated around her shoulders like a gentle cloud. She was hopeful that…

Well, she would just let things happen if they happened.  If not, no one would be worse off. 

The three of them walked down the long hallway, chatting away about their flight, the sights they saw on the cab ride from the airport, the crazy security surrounding the palace and anything else that popped into their heads.  Joline and Shantra had been friends since their first day of university. Their heads were almost touching as they chatted away.  Keith, the third member of their group, had come later in the friendship but was still an integral member of their team. 

“Is he available?” Shantra asked Ramzi’s chief of staff.  “He told me to stop by as soon as my friends arrived.”  She turned to Joline and Keith.  “I spoke to my brothers last night and they all promised me that they would be on their best behavior.”

A deep voice from the doorway challenged her assertion.  “No, Shantra.  You only wrung a promise from us that we wouldn’t intimidate your friends.  Nothing about ‘best behavior’ was mentioned.”

Shantra spun around and smiled up at Ramzi as he walked out of his office.  “They’re here!” she announced and motioned excitedly at her friends.

“So I can see,” her oldest brother commented, looking behind her.  His eyes widened when he took in the man and woman that were standing close behind Shantra.  “Are these…?”

Shantra moved back a step.  “Ramzi, this is Joline Caldwell and Keith Vargas.  Jo, Keith, this is Ramzi, and I guess you should call him Your Highness or something, but I simply call him a pain in the neck.”

Joline stepped forward and curtsied.  “It is an honor, Your Highness,” she intoned.  Joline had studied the appropriate etiquette to use when being introduced to royalty and she was eager to put her new knowledge to work.  She didn’t want Shantra’s brothers, especially the oldest, to dislike her or Keith for any reason.  Her friendship with Shantra was too important.  They’d been friends for so long and she relied on Shantra’s advice about…well, just about everything!  

Keith was right behind her with a formal bow.  “Shantra has told us wonderful things about you.” 

Ramzi shook both of their hands, putting both of them instantly at ease.  “Come into my office.  I’ll order coffee and refreshments.  I’m sure you’re tired after the long flight.”

“Oh, that’s okay,” Shantra said.  “I’ve already asked the kitchen to send refreshments to our…”

“Ramzi, this doesn’t…,” Rais looked up from the file he’d been reading and stopped cold in the middle of the hallway.  The words he’d been about to speak were gone from his mind as he took in the beautiful woman standing in front of him.  She was looking up at him with eyes that changed from hazel to green while he watched and her pale skin turn the most becoming shade of pink. 

She wasn’t very tall, he thought.  Just a little shorter than Shantra but whereas his sister was barely contained energy, this woman looked like a calm breath of fresh air.  Not completely calming, he thought as his body responded to those oddly colored eyes and the rosebud lips that softened as they stared at each other.  She was beautiful in a soft, innocent sort of way that made his body harden with a flash of desire so strong, he actually had to clench his fists to keep himself from lifting the gorgeous woman into his arms and carrying her away so that he could gaze upon her in private. 

Her dark hair was pulled back at her nape, but the soft locks were smoothed down over her shoulder, the ends tantalizing him as they rested against her full breasts. 

Who was this lovely creature he wondered?  He tried to jump start his mind, but those lips!  They were moving, softening, as if she too were anticipating their first kiss, the taste that he knew would be better than the most precious nectar. 

“You promised!” someone hissed.

The sound was disturbing, like a gnat that he needed to swat away.  But he didn’t want to pull his eyes from the disturbingly beautiful woman to find out what or who was making that sound.  This woman, with those tender eyes and the blushing skin…she was going to be his, he thought with absolute conviction. 

“Stop it, Rais.  You promised to be nice!”

Rais was finally able to tear his gaze away and he looked down at his sister who was glaring at him angrily.  “What are you talking about?” he asked her, not sure what he’d come in here to discuss, or even what day it was, actually.  In fact, the only thing on his mind was finding out the name of this beautiful angel and taking her back to his suite so that he could find out what color those eyes changed to when she was writhing underneath him, naked and hot and bothered. 

“You promised not to be intimidating!”

He looked at his sister, then to the woman.  Things were finally starting to click.  This was her friend?  “You’re…?”

“This is Joline Caldwell,” Shantra explained to her brother, indicating his angel woman. 

Rais looked down into her lovely eyes, which had turned back to hazel and he realized that the woman had the longest, darkest lashes he’d ever seen.  Astounding, he thought. 

Realizing that he was being remiss in his duties, he extended his hand, eager to feel her soft hand in his.  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Caldwell,” he said and stepped closer, taking her hand.  He noticed that her fingers were cold and her body seemed to be trembling.  He stepped even closer, trying to reassure her that he was no threat, but he couldn’t really tell her that truthfully.  Because he was a threat.  He was more than ready to toss her over his shoulder and carry her off to a place where his annoying sister and his obnoxious brother wouldn’t bother him.  Or her. 

Joline, he repeated in his mind.  A perfect name for his angel. 


“It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness,” Joline replied, slipping her leg behind her and trying very hard to balance while performing another curtsy.  But this man, with those dark, terrifying eyes that were looking at her as if he was ready to gobble her up, pulled her whole body off balance.  If he hadn’t been holding her hand, she would have fallen at his feet in an inelegant mess! 

She felt his hand tighten on hers as he gently lifted her back up and she tried to smile her gratitude, but Joline wasn’t sure she managed that smile, too nervous with this man touching her hand. 

“And this is Keith Vargas,” Shantra said. 

Joline continued to stare up into his eyes, captured and unable to sever that invisible but unbreakable hold.  Her mind was telling her that he would have to look over at Keith at some point, but a large part of her heart was begging him not to. She wanted him to stay with her and hold that connection. 

When she realized what she was doing, she tried to snatch her hand away, stunned that she would actually want this man’s attention.  This wasn’t her!  She wasn’t this kind of female!  She was distant, reserved!  She preferred to stay in the background! 

But he wasn’t releasing her hand.  Not just yet and she couldn’t break the hold he had on her gaze either.  She felt her heartbeat accelerate and her mind saw only this man, his touch and the unrecognizable sensations coursing through her. 

Sensations she didn’t like…

“Please,” she whispered, hoping that this man was the only one who heard her.


Rais heard the plea and thought about ignoring it.  But the fear in her eyes, the confusion, pulled him back.  He didn’t want her to fear him.  And there would be no confusion when he took this woman to his bed.  He would make sure that both of them were very clear about what would take place when that event finally happened. 

“It is a pleasure, Ms. Caldwell,” he said and slowly released her hand. 

Turning to the person next to her, Rais surveyed the man carefully.  It suddenly occurred to him that the man in front of him was doing the same thing he’d done to the lovely Joline.  When Rais realized exactly what was going on, his eyes darted to Shantra’s, narrowing on her mischievous smile.  He remembered the night before, her promise to keep this man’s attention away from him if…

Rais was furious with his little sister.  His first instinct was to spank her bottom but since that wasn’t an option, he’d deal with her privately.  “We’ll discuss this at another time, Shantra,” he snapped and walked out of his brother’s office.

Ramzi recognized what was going on and chuckled as his brother quickly retreated.   He had gone through exactly the same issues when he’d met his beautiful wife so it was great to see his youngest brother having to deal with the same problems. 

“You’re going to pay for that,” he mumbled softly in his sister’s ear. 

Shantra wanted to jump up and down with excitement at how that introduction had gone.  She’d never seen her brother so…enamored…about a woman before.  She’d seen him move in when he wanted a woman, but never with that intense look in his eyes.  “I know,” she laughed.  Taking a deep breath, she spun around to face her brother.  “Thank you for the offer of coffee and refreshments, but you have work to do and I’m going to show my friends around the palace.  So have a great day.”

“I’ll see you at dinner, correct?” he asked, crossing his arms over his massive chest. 

Shantra shook her head.  “I don’t think so.  I’ve arranged for Keith and Jo to see some of the sights.”  She saw the wary look in his eyes and smiled brightly.  “I’ll bring my bodyguards!  Don’t worry!”

“I don’t think Rais is going to approve of your plans,” Ramzi commented, glancing behind his little sister at the woman who was now looking at the floor.  She was probably feeling a bit out of whack after Rais’ interruption.  But he had complete faith in his youngest brother’s ability to help the woman find her way in palace life. 

“Rais won’t bother us.  Not on this visit,” she assured Ramzi.  Her oldest brother looked skeptical, but she smiled.  “Remember last night’s conversation?”

Ramzi thought back.  Shantra’s promise to Rais and…Ramzi looked at the woman, then at the man.  The man was looking down the hallway where Rais had disappeared.  When everything clicked into place, he looked down at his baby sister, then threw back his head laughing.  “You’re an evil woman,” he said a moment before disappearing back into his office. 

After that, she pulled the newcomers out of the administrative area of the palace, almost skipping with her excitement.  The introductions had gone off perfectly and her friends hadn’t raced out of the building.  So far, so good. 

“Oh, that was perfect!” she sighed as she led Jo and Keith towards her private apartment. 

Joline wasn’t sure what Shantra was talking about, but she was too flustered to speak.  She followed her friend down the hallway, still trying to get her mind back under control.

BOOK: The Prince's Forbidden Lover (The Samara Royal Family #3)
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