The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen (11 page)

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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all these men must be on Viagra

shook with laughter at hearing the jumble of thoughts in my head as
he once again impaled me on his cock. Deeper and deeper he seemed to
plunge his cock until at last we were both moving involuntary. The
trembling and pulsing of my pussy walls clamping on his hot cock
throbbing in my core.

could feel Aston in my mind pushing into my thoughts. I felt his
happiness at out mating. He had been dreaming of it for so long and
now finally it was complete. He moved his nose close to the nape of
my neck and inhaled deeply.

and sent
Your scent has begun to alter again and after the
final mating with Leon and Zanda the changes will be complete for
you. We will rest now for you will need your strength for the final
mating because they will not be so gentle with you. They will take
you like the animals we truly are.
I think tomorrow you may have just a little
trouble walking my sweet but the aches you will have will be good

that I felt my babies flutter and I couldn't believe I'd just mated
like that whilst pregnant with Patros's babies.

wait 'till later if you think that was a little rough. I have asked
them to be careful with you but, now you have the venom in your
system your transformation will begin. You will turn into the
werewolf you were destined to be. Enjoying the chase and surrender
all the more because of that. Your inhibitions won't be as great as
they are now.

lifted me up pulling me toward him. I laid my head on his chest
listening to his heartbeat and wondered what these “changes”
would bring.

back at the lair I shared with Patros there was frantic activity as
my mate and his dragon called upon all the resources they had in
order to find their recently discovered Queen. The dragons and their
riders planning the next move that would bring me safely back to
them. All this as I lay sleeping and the changes Aston had told me
about began to alter me. Changing both my scent, appearance and also
my nature a little.

felt something stirring in me changing me but I couldn't quite get to
grips with what was changing. I just knew that I felt different. I
was too hot and Aston held me throughout the night as I thrashed,
tossed and turned in the bed. Dreams of both Patros, Talos and the
werewolves kept disturbing me in my sleep. Strange dreams that I
couldn't quite remember each time I awoke. Fleeting images were left
in my mind. Images of fighting and also of a huge golden dragon that
seemed to appear out of nowhere as it glittered and gleamed in the
early morning sun.

awaking the next morning I slipped out of bed
to use the
bathroom and caught sight of myself in the mirror and stopped aghast.
What on earth was going on? My naked reflection showed a view of
myself that was so different I had to stop and inspect it. My body
visibly different to what it had been just the previous evening.
touched the muscles on my stomach, biceps, and legs. How on earth had
this happened overnight. I had begun to resemble one of those female
bodybuilders in magazines only more lithe.
My pregnant stomach
was still there but the muscles of my stomach could be seen above the
bump. Scrapes I had acquired the previous day had vanished and my
skin appeared strangely luminous.

came in to the bathroom and kissed my shoulder moving his hands
slowly caressing my skin. “I told you that you would change
didn't I? This is just the beginning. Once Leon and Vanda have bitten
you and their venom invades your body you will have augmented
hearing, speed and other enhanced senses. You are a hybrid therefore
unlike any other female before you. Soon you will not recognise
yourself as you develop character traits more suited to a true Queen.
“ Aston reassured me. “Come back to bed Alex. There is
time for us to mate once more before I have to relinquish you to the
others. I am not ready to let you leave my bed just yet.”

that he took my hand and pulled me gently along so that I followed
him back to bed and again we mated. This time with more vigour than
the last. Noisily coupling so that no one in the pack house could be
in doubt as to what was happening in this room.

in bed the next morning I quietly watched the sun filter through the
window in the bathroom onto the bedroom floor. My head on Aston's
chest in the same spot I had fallen asleep. Able to see the motes in
the air in precise detail. All appeared sharper and clearer with my
newly enhanced vision. Colours vivid and vibrant.

could feel the warmth and the thrum of static as Aston sent to me.
Good morning my good girl.
he reached over and kissed me soundly.
You slept like a
log. I hope you are feeling well and rested because later this
evening you will need all of your strength.
stretched and tested my muscles for any soreness and felt good.
Scratch that. I felt amazing and invigorated.

is because you will heal rapidly now. One of the perks of becoming a

had to admit I did feel good. Surprisingly so. I looked down at
myself and gasped out loud, bounced out of the bed and rushed across
to the mirror staring at my reflection. Where there had once been
soft curves were now sculpted muscles and my transformation had begun
in earnest. Turning I checked out my rear stunned at my appearance.
That is one kick-ass derriere

spoke aloud at my astonishment. “The changes have begun to dig
deep now. You will be stronger and faster than you could ever
imagine. The venom has only just begun to do it's work. Also
according to the prophecy with each of the completed matings your
supernatural and magical powers will grow and begin to manifest. No
one knows exactly what they will be or ultimately how powerful you
will become. We can only guess. Only time and circumstance will
reveal your gifts and how well you will be able to use them.”

looked up and stared at Aston “You mean there is more to come?”

said Aston, “Much, much more. I'll draw you a bath and request
some food and drink. You need your strength for later on as I already
said. Then tomorrow the official mating ceremony will be performed in
front of the entire pack.”

that Aston strode in to the bathroom and I could hear the tub

my hands over my newly acquired muscles I continued to study this new
person in the mirror and sighed.
What will Patros make of
these changes when we meet
I miss him and Talos so much

walked up behind me and pulled me abruptly into his arms. My back
held forcibly against his chest as he snarled in my ear. “You
will have to understand that you are ours now and not his anymore.”

began to fill my eyes as I considered what Aston was saying.
knew I loved Patros. How on earth did I still love him and yet have
such intense feelings for Aston?
never thought that I could care for more than one person at a time.

disappeared out of the door and the sound of the key turning in the
lock seemed deafening to me. Despite my tears and sorrow my stomach
grumbled loudly eliciting a chuckle in my head from Aston as he
I could hear that from down the corridor.

realised that I was ravenous.

walked to the door to check that it was really locked tight, and it
was. I wasn’t going anywhere right now. Aston was making sure I
stayed put. I was still essentially “me”, but a very
different “me” from when I arrived on Syros. How could
all this have happened so quickly?

changes were becoming apparent as my skin seemed less lined, softer,
and seemed to glow. I now looked about five years younger than when I
arrived. My eyes were a deeper blue and the whites of my eyes
appeared somehow whiter.

I was happy to observe that I hadn't acquired the sparkly skin
attributed to the vampires I so loved to read about and watch in the
books and films by Stephanie Meyer. That would have been a step too

hearing the key turn in the lock I remembered that I was still naked
and felt exposed.

shot across the room back to the bed at such a speed that I was under
the blanket before the key even finished turning.

on earth
I thought
the hell did I manage to do that?

then the smell of roasted meat assailed my senses putting all other
thoughts out of my head as my mouth began to water.

smell was unbelievable. I never noticed food smelling this good
The food was delivered
by one of the women I had seen on my previous stay to the pack house
She set the food upon the side table
next to the bed. A goblet of milk was set beside it and a napkin
neatly folded ready for use.

dark glossy hair fastened in a high pony tail she wore tight buckskin
breeches and shirt, alongside of knee high buckskin boots. All in a
muted shade of grey.

wished me “Good morning”

replied “Good morning.” back.

name is Zarina, sister to Zanda. I hope you are rested and ready for
today's celebrations. A feast is to be held in celebration this
evening after you have completed your mating with my brother and
Leon. I see the changes have already begun to take effect. Once you
have had venom from both Zanda and Leon the changes will become more
pronounced. They are reasonably subtle now.”

raised an eyebrow and looked up at her in amazement querying, “You
think my changes are subtle? What more can I expect?”

looked at me and with a half-smile said, “Well, expect more
dramatic changes over the next few days. With three werewolf matings
and such an immense amount of venom entering your system we would
expect nothing less than phenomenal changes. Also, you are the Dragon
Queen of the prophecy so you will acquire magical powers over and
above what is normally expected from the transformation. Enjoy your
breakfast. You will need all the energy you can to get through today.
I will return later for the tray.”

that she turned and left, locking the door behind her.

thought of her comments only briefly as the sight and smell of the
food distracted me beyond measure. I fell on my breakfast like a lion
and ate in short shrift.

was I so flaming hungry?

response came back immediately.
Because you are pregnant
with twins and the changes have begun in order to transform you into
a werewolf. Of course you are hungry my beautiful mate. Have fun this
morning and enjoy your breakfast. You won't get to eat again until
this evening's feast. I look forward to seeing you there.

that he stopped our interaction. No matter how much I tried to press
him, and despite shouting with my mind he wouldn't explain or respond
with any more information. I was clueless about what would happen or

mopped up the last of the meat juices with my bread then polished off
the goblet of milk. My hunger was so great that I could have eaten
the whole thing all over again.

distract myself I checked on the bath Aston had run for me earlier,
which was now cold. So I set about drawing another deep bath. Stepped
in to the bubbles and prepared for a long soak in an attempt to still
my thoughts and ease my tension. Also trying to focus myself. It
worked a little to calm me but my mid was still racing.

had no idea when or where these mating were going to take place.

it be here in the bedroom? Or elsewhere? Would they come to me
individually? Or together!

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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