The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen (22 page)

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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last part wasn’t addressed to me but to Patros and I harrumphed
noisily and glared at him.

agree Aston. Our mate has no need to put herself in danger on this
mission. We will handle the rescue ourselves

then turned to glare at Patros, standing up as I did so “I WILL
be going on this mission, you can’t stop me. Amrinth is my

stormed out of the room with both my mates following hastily trying
to keep up with me.

seem to be losing my temper all the time of late. Not sure what is
happening with me at all. Patience has always been one of my traits.
I reflected
Although this
may be useful to have if I am going to have to fight people instead
of heal them.

Stop storming off and listen to what we have to say please. What if
something were to happen to you and the babies? We would never
forgive ourselves. This could all be a trap, to draw you in to the
magicians clutches.”

stopped, turned to them and realised that maybe they had a point. I
thought back to what Amrinth had told me. That the magician was hell
bent on stopping the prophecy from being fulfilled…but, in
which way? Would his plan involve capture, or death. Did he want to
kill me before I gave birth to my babies?

talk in private, back in our lair
I sent. Beginning to calm down as we headed back.

raised his head as we entered.
Are you okay Alex? I could
hear your reaction, and the aftershocks too. Listen to your mates
now. As much as I want Amrinth free, I don’t want it at the
cost of you being taken prisoner, or worse in her place. Neither
would Amrinth.

up to Talos I placed my arms around him, stood on tiptoes and put my
head to his forehead. Then stroked his velvety snout gently.

realise that now. I keep getting so hot headed nowadays. This isn’t
like me at all, but with all the changes and hormones from the
pregnancy flying around my bloodstream. I can’t seem to help
myself. Although I shouldn’t really be surprised. As I’m
a nurse after all.

fire was rebuilt from the embers in the grate and we sat down to
discuss matters.

me have my say first.” I pleaded. “I agree that not
entering the caverns is the wise thing to do but at the very least I
should be nearby. That way I could possibly get close enough to enter
this magicians mind and find out what his plan is. I don’t like
the idea of my people getting hurt or even killed because of me and
my dragon.”

and Aston looked at one another then back at me.

They said in unison.

can ride with me on Talos. Once the fighting commences you need to
stay out of harms way. Then, if something happens Talos can bring you
back home to safety. The werewolves will all be flying tandem with
the dragon riders and scout out the entrance before we begin our
attack and rescue.”

nodded agreement and yawned loudly. The pair pulled me over to the
sleeping pit and began to remove my clothes. Gently at first, then
with some degree of urgency. Making short shrift of their own
clothing in the process. Neither one seemed embarrassed by their
nakedness and jutting cocks. Their eyes on the prize saw to that as
we started to play and make love into the night. Our cries of passion
echoing through the lair.

must have been sound asleep as I was awoken by kisses and furtive

morning Alex.
Both chanted in my
head between kisses. In turn I kissed them back. Parting my lips
allowing them to penetrate my mouth as they did other parts of my

our lovemaking was over I was told to rest as both dressed and began
to prepare an appetising breakfast.

a fur around my shoulders I couldn’t miss them drinking in the
sight of me in my nakedness. My breasts once pert were now heavy
globes. My nipples extended and sensitive to the slightest touch.
After we had breakfasted, breakfast pots were cleared away. Then we
made our way to the training grounds. These were in a large cavern
set aside for just this purpose. Similar to the training room at the
pack-house except on a much larger scale.

walls were laden with all sorts of weapons and devices. Some appeared
similar to the paraphernalia I’d seen when watching Pirates of
the Caribbean, or old swash buckling films on the television. There
was an overwhelming collection of swords, cutlasses, daggers,
crossbows and strange looking guns. Also, below this expansive
display were a number of leather bound chests full of armour.

gave appreciative grunts as he wandered up and down, taking in the
sight of such vast array of weapons. Patros meanwhile was rooting
through one of the bigger chests and beckoned us both over.

Even though you won’t be in the midst of the battle I think it
would be a good idea for you to wear some protective clothing. To be
on the safe side. Come. Aston can help with this task” He
handed a jacket over to Aston saying. “This isn’t heavy
duty but we have some light chain mail here somewhere, that can be
placed over the leather. The leather is treated specially by the
tanners, to toughen it. But, is supple enough not to hinder movement
too much. Our leather armour is much thicker and heavier but we train
with it on a regular basis, so are used to fighting wearing it .There
is another reason for using leather armour. Because it is well oiled
it doesn’t make a great deal of noise either, or leave you

now had on a jacket, and something akin to leather chaps similar to
those worn by cowboys in Westerns.

careful, as the gaps in the jacket will leave you susceptible to
attack, by daggers in particular. Something for you to remember.”

then presented me with a slim dagger in a sheaf demonstrating how to
hide it safely in my boot. I looked up and smiled and him as he
leaned in for a kiss. Then so as not to be left out, Aston did the

will remember. Don’t worry. I have no intention of being in the
middle of the fray.” I reassured them.

was quickly given a tutorial on how use my new weapon. As they
demonstrated a few simple moves to me. Meanwhile Patros had
discovered a leather helmet and goggles, this made me giggle. It
looked for all the world like the ones that fighter pilots had worn
in the World Wars on Earth. Placing a small shield in my hands to
complete my new ensemble. Followed by a further demonstration
regarding it’s use as both defence, or in an emergency a

was put through my paces, learning how to parry blows effectively. I
wasn’t as elegant as the others training in the room but I
managed the moves well enough.

I watched them spar and was enthralled by their speed and agility.
Despite Aston’s werewolf heritage, the pair were equally

came and went throughout the evening, all determined to be as
prepared as they could possible be for the upcoming rescue. All knew
that they may have to fight for their lives in the melee. Some were
practising throwing daggers or using a variety of crossbows. These
were aimed at life sized mannequins hung against one of the walls.
The hall was almost too loud. With the sounds of fighting echoing
around the room. The clash of swords, hiss and whistle of arrows and
crossbow bolts. The prospect the battle looming.

and Patros were perspiring heavily, panting after their strenuous
workout. Therefore we returned to our quarters to freshen up. Once
showered and dressed we headed to the main hall There would be no
time to play this evening. Patros mentioned that the dragon riders
that had been sent to scout ahead had returned with their
reconnaissance reports. So maps of the area would need to be procured
in readiness. When all had gathered, a plan of action would be
discussed and a final plan decided the following evening when all the
werewolves were assembled.

was set out ready with flagons of drinks, but no ale or wine would be
drunk this evening. All would need their wits about them if our plan
was to succeed.

led Aston and myself towards the back wall of the room to some huge
wooden drawers. These drawers contained the accumulation of maps and
charts that had been amassed over the years. Patros opened up a few
drawers and finally pulled out the three we would need. He lay them
out on top of the drawers using stone weights to hold them down. So
that they would be visible to as many as possible.

first one showed the area where we were now. Detailing all the
caverns and lairs extending back to the area occupied by the
werewolves. The second map was of the city of Bream, the magicians
city and the lands beyond. This map also showed the cavern that
Amrinth was being held prisoner. The last map was of both areas
although on a smaller scale but without the detail of the first two.

was depicted as a fortified city covering a large area surrounded by
huge stone city walls, not unlike Chester near where I lived on
Earth. The City looked far bigger than I had anticipated it would. We
already knew that the city was heavily guarded. But our interest was
farther North, beyond the city gates near a small lake called
Dragonfly Lake.

hardest part of the sortie would be gaining entrance to the actual
cavern, as the opposing army had the advantage of higher ground. We
would be facing odds of three-to-two, hoping that the superior
strength, speed and agility of both the werewolves, and the
dragon-riders would help to even the odds. Plus an ability to fight
on dragon-back would work to tip the scales in our favour. We would
prevail. We had to.

biggest flaw in our plan would be our lack of information regarding
the automatons that the magician utilises. We had no clue how many or
what capabilities they had. As I had no knowledge of these I asked
around for any information that would help me understand what these
things were. I found out that they are clockwork characters created
by wizards and magicians, used as servants and for protection. For
the most part these things sounded scary and crazy. Imbued with the
souls of the dead and susceptible to the will of their makers. This
is why if there is a battle or skirmish the dead and injured are
retrieved, brought back and cremated.

trapped like this would be anyone’s nightmare scenario. Some
further suggested that sometimes the souls of a few were good and
nurturing, but this was a rarity.

to rest for a few hours whilst my mates and the others debated
strategy I slowly returned to our lair. A final plan would be
forthcoming with the return Vanda, Leon and the others that evening.
I was superfluous for this part. What did I know of fighting and
strategies of warfare? Nothing unfortunately. This was something I
still needed to learn in order to lead. Meanwhile I had a plan of my

settled in my quarters I sat on the fur rugs in the sleeping pit.
Talos keeping me company.

are going to try and contact Amrinth again. Aren’t you, little
one? See if she can give you any more details of how she is
imprisoned and guard numbers. A magicians name holds power. So I am
not sure she will be able to supply that. But it would greatly help
if we knew just who this magician was.

looked over at Talos feeling his concern for Amrinth, myself and
those that would be attempting the rescue tomorrow. I nodded. Closed
my eyes and sent my mind Northward. Each time now I found with my
growing abilities this was easier and I quickly found Amrinth.

be careful. He senses your presence. He caught me the very first day
you arrived on Syros. He told me he knew the instant you arrived
here. His powers are vast. I can’t tell you his name as that
would make him aware of our conversation. He plans to capture you
Alex, be in no doubt of that. His automatons are few but powerful, as
they are enhanced with magic. The one thing they don’t possess
is speed, in this your fighters will have the advantage. The ones he
sends to the surface will be the easiest to dispatch as my brother
dragons can reign fire down on them. They have metal bodies
susceptible to this. Those in the cavern will be harder to deal with.
Part of the army from the city are here. They are well trained, loyal
too but with no supernatural abilities. As much as I want to be
united with you please do not put yourself in danger. Syros needs you
in order for the prophecy to succeed. We dragons are a hard bunch to
kill. Be in no doubt about that. I have to go now. He approaches. I
think he senses you.

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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