Read The Rebound Pact Online

Authors: Eliza Knight

The Rebound Pact (3 page)

BOOK: The Rebound Pact
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followed the signs for the vineyard, pulling into a nearly empty parking lot, her tires crunching over the gravel. There were only three other cars parked.

She hoped they hadn’t closed already. She’d forgotten how everything in the town of Mount Airy kept farmer’s hours. She climbed out of the car and walked toward the entrance. The door opened easily when she pulled, but she didn’t see anyone. She walked up to the bar and picked up the tasting menu.

abrielle loved wine. Had even volunteered at many a wine tasting event, pouring glasses, talking shop to wine enthusiasts, and even turning some non-winos into vino connoisseurs.

The Bell
e Ami merlot looked right up her alley with a tangy bouquet of pomegranate and cocoa. She turned in a circle, her fingernails tapping against the “green” pressed bamboo counter.

“Can I help you?” a smooth, sensual, very male voice said from behind.

Oh. My. God.

turned around slowly, unable to breathe. She came face to face with Holden Bellamy. His face itself was perfection in the flesh. Chiseled. A wide square jaw, cheek bones she’d kill for, kissable lips and a nose that spoke of good genes. Dark brown, nearly black hair cut short enough to be in style, but still rugged, a few strands falling over his forehead. Her entire body stilled as she gazed at him, wide-eyed.

He was just as alluring, if not more so than he’d been before.

A jolt of longing wracked her. Her belly fluttered. Goosebumps rose along her arms making her skin tingle. Memories came flooding back of their one night together. Her body hadn’t forgotten, even with the passing of time, and neither had her mind. But with those memories and the pull of her attraction came regret. For what she’d thrown away. For the hurt she’d caused him. For not telling him the truth.

He wore a tight black t-shirt with the wine
ry’s logo on his right pec.
His jeans looked to be designer and if he turned around… She gulped, gazing at his flawless physique and then back up into his crystal blue eyes that seemed to delve right into the center of her soul. A light bulb sparked inside her mind.
… Was it possible this was
winery? A play on words?


He remembered her. Her stomach tightened.
Of course he remembered her. She’d known him for years. Her body trilled a tune, as if her flesh remembered the way he’d touched her. He flashed her a smile, showing white, faintly imperfect teeth. Teeth that had skimmed naughtily over her flesh.

“Yes, hi, it’s been so long…” She trailed off, feeling
awkward at showing up here six years after walking out on him. She’d not been to one town event since, going off to culinary art school, traveling Europe and working with some of the most elite chefs in the world. And then she’d met Len, an up and coming politician. She’d thought they’d get married, but then he’d blasted her two days ago with his needs.

His need for a wife by his side during a campaign dinner, not the one preparing it.
She couldn’t help it if the restaurant wouldn’t let her off on one of their busiest days of the year. Everyone who wanted to see the fireworks on the National Mall came to dinner at La Peche first.

Gabrielle looked around and spread her arms, needing a moment to digest his
being there. “I didn’t even know you had a vineyard. Last time I saw you—” Had she really just brought up that night? Her face flamed. “You were in grad school for an MBA.”

He grinned, his eyes roving over her in an appreciative way. Her breath quickened.

“Yup. Graduated too. My family used to have a vineyard in Provence, but they sold it before I was even born. My grandmother said she’d love to have one in the family again. When I found this place for sale, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. It seems I have a knack for it. We’ve won several national awards and our wines are sold world-wide.”

“Wow.” She didn’t know what else to say. It appeared that Holden had found a niche for himself, and was doing very well.

She frowned and glanced down at the car keys she clutched in her hands. She should go.

“Is everything all right?”

She glanced back at Holden, wanting to tuck tail and run. “I should go, I’m sorry.”

Something flashed in his eyes—reg
ret? “You don’t have to leave.”

Yes, she did.
Now. “But aren’t you closing soon?”

“For an old friend, we’re always open.” He
smiled charmingly.

Ugh…not the super smile… As if seeing him in person after the last time wasn’t bad enough. Conflicting emotions made her want to run away and jump his bones at the same time.
“Okay.” Why did she just agree?

“What can I get ya?”

In a move she found entirely fascinating, he slid over the counter with ease. Arm muscles rippling, tight ass sliding easily over the polished bamboo… Oh, God, she was in trouble.

“I like red.” She pointed to the me
nu. “I was thinking the Belle Ami Merlot.”

“Ah, my personal favorite.”
He winked, pulled two wine glasses from the wall shelf and set them on the counter, then took an uncorked bottle from beneath. “I’m glad you stopped by.”

She watch
ed him pop the cork and smiled, unable to agree, because while she was glad, she also wanted to run away.

“Oh, no, I didn’t want to taste, just buy a bottle.”

“Just a taste.”

Swallowing back her denial, she
pulled out a stool and sat down, plopping her keys and purse on the counter. She would keep things just small talk, bland and banal. A sip or two of wine and then she would leave. Buy a bottle to take home.

“What brings you back to Mount Airy?” He poured the deep burgundy wine half-way in each glass.

Her mouth watered from the decadent scent of the wine, her nerves already starting to calm. Just being in his easygoing presence made her feel more peaceful, which ultimately disturbed her. She craved his presence, wanted to stay for more than a taste of wine. When she flicked her gaze to his, she was instantly sucked in. Her nerves jumped and sang, and begged.

“I’m…visiting my father.”

“How is Mr. Dane? He used to come in here with your mom all the time. Max, too, until he moved to Paris.”

chewed her lower lip. “I think Dad’s doing okay. As best he can, now that mom’s gone.” She shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. “Max is having a blast though.”

grinned. “I know. What’s up with the Danes and Paris?”

laughed. “I don’t know, guess it just spoke to us. Maybe Mom fed us too many chocolate croissants when we were little.”

nodded, a solemn expression coming across his face. “We were all sad to hear about your mom.”

No one more
so than Gabrielle. She’d been packing in Paris the previous year, a couple weeks behind schedule for her move back to the states, when her mother unexpectedly diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer. There’d been no warning…

shuddered and took a large gulp of wine, letting the warmth of it slide slowly down her throat.

gazed at her intently and leaned forward on his elbows, setting his wine glass on the counter. “I’m sorry, Gabrielle.”

She mustered a smile. “Thanks.”
It was easier to banish her sad memories now that over a year had elapsed. She still thought of her mom all the time, though. And wished desperately she could cry into her shoulder about Len the Dick. Her mom had always been there for her through her past relationships. Been her number one champion. The loss left a void she wasn’t sure she’d ever fill again.

“How do you like the wine?”

“It’s delicious.” Almost as delicious as his lips. She was grateful for that distraction.

Holden, I’m calling it a night.” An older woman rounded the corner then stopped short when she caught sight of Gabrielle. “Oh, I’m sorry, didn’t realize we had any more customers.”

“No problem, Belinda. This is my old friend,

An old friend.
She wished it had been more than that. Well, the past was the past and better that it stayed there. Dwelling on the one that got away didn’t help anyone.

“Nice to meet you,”
Gabrielle said.

“You too.
Have fun.” Belinda waved at Holden and Gabrielle over her shoulder and ducked out the door.

shifted on her stool and set down her glass. “You are closed. I should go.”

“Don’t. I don’t have anywhere to be. At least finish your wine.”

She stared at him, this handsome man who she barely knew anymore. Why hadn’t they just ignored Max’s edict and done what they both wanted? She couldn’t help wondering what would have happened if they had. That one night had been

, where have you been? What have you been up to? Mount Airy sure hasn’t been the same without you and Max.”

Did he
truly miss her? Or just Max? He leaned down on the bar on his elbows, his biceps flexing and drawing her attention.

“I was in Europe
for a while.” Why did his gaze have to be so intense? Every nerve prickled with the need to reach across the bar and stroke his arms, kiss his lips.

Now you’re cooking up a storm from what I here.”

“Yes, I’m a chef

I’d love you to cook for me. Still at La Peche?”

She glanced down at her hands. That was a topic best left un-discussed. “I’m between jobs now.” As of that afternoon anyway…
Damn you, Len!

What do you like to cook?”

A nervous smile lifted her lips while she
studied Holden’s face. What would he think when she told him? Most people mocked her or made an
face like she’d served them weeds on a platter.

“I’m a gourmet vegetarian chef.”

His mouth fell open and he pushed back on the counter to his full, impressive height. “You’re shitting me.”

swallowed hard. “No.”

“That’s awesome! I volunteer at the local fire department and the guys over there are all trying this new plant-based diet. They got the idea from a firefighter Austin, Texas. I’ve been trying it out myself.”

Yep. All it took was five minutes in his company to see that Holden was even more perfect now than six years ago. Like Fate hand-crafted a man just for her.
“Wow, seriously?”

It’s been going well. No cravings. I feel great. And I’ve been noticing a difference in my workouts.” He flexed his arm, showing her his bicep—not in an I’m-eye-candy-and-I-know-it sort of way, but genuinely excited.

And her heart skipped a beat.
Because he most certainly was eye candy.

shouldn’t be looking at him like this. She shouldn’t want to rip off his tight t-shirt and run her hands all over his well-defined muscles. Len had
broken up with her. But she didn’t care. Holden was hot. And she was hot for him. And she remembered every delicious moment of their one night stand.

It must be the wine. She wasn’t normally so…man crazy.



Holden could not believe his eyes when Gabrielle walked in. Long auburn hair, glistening with streaks of gold, a little wind-swept, eyes a stormy grey filled with purpose yet at the same time searching for something. Part of him had wanted to run into the back, let Belinda show her out. The last time he’d seen her…she’d been jumping into her clothes and ducking out.

And now, here she sat, her lips deli
ciously tinted with his merlot and talking about being a vegetarian chef. Life couldn’t be more bitter sweet.

Dejection filled her eyes. C
ould just be the passing of her mom, maybe something else. While it wasn’t any of his business, he still cared, even if they were all sorts of wrong together.

BOOK: The Rebound Pact
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