Read The Sheik's Secret Twins Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

The Sheik's Secret Twins (3 page)

BOOK: The Sheik's Secret Twins
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Siri was startled and not sure how to respond.  She looked to Linda who was just as awestruck. 
Regrouping quickly so she didn’t appear so ridiculous, she
“I’m flattered, but I really don’t think that I’m I your league,” she stated softly, wishing that she could be in his league.  This man was hunk material, but also terrifying for some reason. 

Linda really didn’t like Siri’s response and stepped forward.  “She’d be delighted,” she contradicted.  “What time and where should she meet you?” she asked, already picking up a pen and notebook and writing
down on it.

Malik glanced at the cute redhead who interceded on his behalf, appreciating her efforts. 
, tomorrow night?  I’ll pick you up here.”

Linda nodded
, ignoring Siri’s attempt to contradict her
.  “That sounds perfect, “ she said, nodding her head for emphasis.  “Here’s Siri’s cell phone number in case anything comes up.  And she’ll be ready tomorrow at eight.”

The tall, gorgeous man took the paper and bowed slightly, handing the paper to one of the large, bulky men behind him without even glancing at it.  “I look forward to our evening.  And I will work hard to ensure that I don’t mistake my philosophers since you apparently are so well versed in their doctrines.”

With that, he stepped out of the apartment and closed the door, leaving behind two stunned women who looked at each other as if they’d just been invited to a royal ball. 

“Who was that man?” Linda asked, when she
remembered to close her mouth, her whole body showing her excitement for Siri’s new man. 

Siri shrugged, still staring at the now closed door.  “I have no idea.  He was at the table next to ours last night and we looked at each other every time Gary said something stupid but I don’t know his name. 
And I couldn’t even guess where he’s from since I couldn’t place his accent.”

Linda wasn’t excited any longer.  She was actually looking a bit worried now. 
“And you’re going out with him?  Is that safe?”

Siri turned to glare at her roommate
, astonished that she was asking that question now after Linda had just accepted the date despite Siri’s rejection
.  “
really,” she said with emphasis
, raising an eyebrow
.  “But did I have a choice?  Not really!”

laughed and flopped back down on the sofa
, her worry dissipating just as easily as it had appeared
.  “Well, it’s about time you got out and explored a little.  Have a bit of adventure tomorrow night with your mystery guy.  He looks yummy, so enjoy it!”

“I might enjoy it more if I knew his name.”

At that moment, her cell phone rang and she looked down at the tiny screen.  It was an unknown number, but something told her to answer the call anyway.  “Hello?” she answered warily.

“I think I forgot to tell you my name,” a deep voice said over the phone.

, we were just mentioning that,” she replied, glancing at Linda who was watching her eagerly.

“I’m Malik,” he explained.  “And I’m very glad to meet you, Siri.”

She hesitated to ask, actually afraid of the answer but knowing she had to find out anyway. 
“How did you find out who I am?”

“I have a few resources.”

“And how do you know where I live?”

“Same resources.  I promise I’m not a stalker.  Just consider me a man interested in getting to know a beautiful woman.  I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

Siri glanced at her phone, then at Linda.  “His name is Malik and he has ‘resources’,” she explained to her curious roommate.

“He has a lot more than resources,” Linda replied with a grin before once more diving back into her books.

Siri tried as well
to refocus on her art history
but after that phone conversation, she had trouble concentrating.  Her mind kept drifting back to the moment when Malik had walked into her apartment, how large he was and
trying to figure out
what kinds of ‘resources’ he could bring forth that would provide him with a stranger’s name and address so quickly. 

She considered calling him back and canceling
since anyone with resources like that might use them for good or bad.  She wasn’t someone who could fight anyone that powerful or wealthy.  B
in the end, she didn’t make the call and her worry changed from trying to figure out who he was to what she was going to wear on a date with someone so sophisticated.  Besides,
she was also curious
and rejecting the dinner date wouldn’t give her the answers she now craved as to his identity

The following night, she dressed in a pretty sundress with bright yellow flowers all over the skirt and a yellow cardigan.  Spring was on the way and she felt daring, but
wanted to be a little conservative.  The man was definitely too confident, she thought
and this dress screamed out “interested” but “not jumping into bed with you”

the doorbell rang, her fingers were shaking and she glanced back to Linda who was sitting o the ratty old sofa with her friends eating a pizza before they all settled down for a long night of studying.  At least that’s what they said they were doing.  Siri suspected that they were all anticipating getting a good look at the guy who was taking Siri out for dinner. 

As she opened the door, she glanced at her friends, all of whom were actually leaning forward, pizza forgotten, in order to get a better look at the man who was picking her up.  With a bright smile, she opened the door, then stepped out, closing it behind her and surprising Malik who was standing at her doorway.  “Don’t ask,” she said to his questioning look as she dropped her phone and keys into her purse.  “It’s better just to walk away.”
  She felt mischievous in not allowing her friends to see the man they’d all congregated in her apartment to see. 

He chuckled,
took a step back. “I’ll take your word on it.”

He put a hand to the small of her back and led her down the stairs.  Outside, a long limousine was waiting and Siri almost stumbled as they approached.  She looked around, hoping no one recognized her.  She stepped quickly into the car and hoped the darkness would hide her from the crowds looking on from the other apartments, most of whom were rented by fellow students, and all of
were curious to see who was being picked up by a man who could afford a limousine.

As soon as the door closed behind him, she turned to face him.  “I appreciate the gesture, but the limousine really isn’t necessary.”

Malik smothered a laugh and refrained from telling her that the limousine was not only necessary, but mandated by his body guards.  The car wasn’t just bullet
it was also bomb proof and
with enough power to transfer him out of any danger that might come up. 

“It might not be necessary in your mind, but believe me, it’s more than necessary in mine.” 

Siri was charmed by his old fashioned manners and she loved talking with him.  She had no idea what she ate that night, or any other night after that since conversing with Malik was better than talking with any of her companions.  They debated philosophy, art, history, politics and any number of subjects.  They had dinner together the next three nights but he had to go out of town for the weekend
so she didn’t get to see him for several days
.  She was painfully disappointed, not just because she loved arguing with him and laughing with him, but also because she was
so excited to see him
.  And she definitely
loved the way he touched her. 

At the end of each night, he took her into his arms and kissed her until she was shivering with need.  The first night, he kissed her at her door.  The second night, he took her into his arms as soon as he picked her up, pressing her back against the wall outside of her apartment and kissing her until someone walked by.  He tried to take her into his arms in the back seat of the SUV, but Siri was too shy with the man driving in the front and pulled back.  Malik accepted her reticence with an amused expression, but when he dropped her off, he pulled her into his arms as soon as they were back at her apartment door.  “Invite me inside, Siri,” he said before moving to her neck and nibbling his way down to her collar bone. 

Siri sighed and shook her head, enjoying the way his lips tickled and excited at the same time. 
“Linda is probably inside with her boyfriend.  We wouldn’t have any privacy,” she sighed, then gasped when his hand moved up to cover her breast.  Her hand automatically went up to his wrist, trying to stop him, but when his thumb found her already hard nipple, she groaned and pressed his hand closer.

After several more minutes of this torment, he pulled back and looked down at her.  “Tomorrow night, we’re dining al fresco,” he said with a husky tone. 

“Sounds lovely,”
she said, ignoring the fact that he was just assuming she’d agree to dinner with him again.  “What time?”

“Early.  I’ll pick you up at six.”

Siri should have said no, that she needed to study, but she didn’t
about classes right now.  All she wanted was to be with Malik, to laugh and listen to him, and to feel his hands on her body, to thrill at his kisses. 

The following night, when he picked her up, she opened the door
to her apartment
and almost threw herself into his arms, so eager to feel his strong arms around her again.  But she was still shy, still not sure she wanted to move this quickly with a man she barely knew
so she held back, looking down to hide her excitement
.  They might have spent hours in each others’ company, but she didn’t really know him personally.  She knew that he liked Italian and Middle Eastern foods, disliked beer and preferred wine, loved to exercise and teased her about
her fear of
being alone with him.  But she didn’t know much about him the man, his past and all the little things that she felt were important.  With Malik, the important part was just being with him.

“Where is al fresco occurring tonight?” she asked as she turned to lock her door.

Malik was having none of that.  When she turned around, she gasped when she found him leaning against her door frame, one arm on either side of her head.  “You look lovely,” he said a moment before he pulled her roughly into his arms, kissing her deeply and pulling her close.  Siri didn’t mind, wanting this as well but she’d been too shy.  Malik definitely wasn’t shy and she loved the way he held her, tormenting her with his body.  Her hands ran up his muscular arms, her
hands gripping his wide shoulders as she leaned up on her toes to get closer to him. 

“We have to get out of here,” he growled.

Siri was actually embarrassed to find that her legs were wrapped around his waist, his hands on her bottom to support her while he pressed her back against the wall.  Her breathing was rapid and she was moving against him ever so slightly, but when he started to let her down, she gripped his shoulders.  “Don’t!” she gasped and pulled him back, uncaring now if anyone saw them.  “Don’t do that,” she replied and shifted slightly, feeling his erection against her and needing more.  “Please,” she sighed.

“Siri,” he said and pressed her back, his hands moving to her thighs.  “We have to get out
of here.  I can’t do this here,”
he said but his head bent down and kissed her again. 

on,” he said and lowered her gently down to the ground
, watching the tension on her face as she lowered her feet back down to the ground
.  “
go.”  With those words, he grabbed her hands and pulled her towards the stairs, leading her quickly out into
the early
evening.  Without saying a word, he pulled her into the limousine, nodding to the man holding the door.  As soon as the door closed, he pulled her into his arms and Siri went willingly
, not even aware of the driver this time

By the time the car stopped, Siri found that she was on his lap, straddling him and his hands were underneath her dress.  “We can’t do this, Malik,” she said, letting her head drop backwards.  “This is getting painful.”

“I agree,” he said and pulled the strap back up on her dress.  “Let’s go,” he said and lifted her up.  He easily slid out of the vehicle, then reached back and pulled her out.  Siri held onto his hand as he led her into the lobby of an unfamiliar building. 

“Where are we?” she asked as he pressed the call button on the elevator. 

“At my place.”

The doors to the elevator opened up and Siri stepped inside, her heart racing at the implication of his words. 

“Why are we here?” she asked, her stomach falling at both the speed at which they were ascending and the idea he’d put into her head. 

BOOK: The Sheik's Secret Twins
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