The Spice of Life (The Transformation #1) (6 page)

BOOK: The Spice of Life (The Transformation #1)
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“Ha ha. Well, um, yeah, I guess you could say that. Sure. Yes. I’m looking for something.”


“And what might that be? Let me guess…you are looking for a man who knows what he wants.
knows what he wants.” He smiled confidently at her and moved a little closer. She felt a thrill run up and down her spine in response. There was something about him that made her quiver. She wanted more.


Kelli looked into his strikingly green eyes and couldn’t help noticing how beautiful his eyelashes were. She couldn’t remember ever seeing such long lashes on a man. His face overall was intensely masculine; it was an exhilarating combination.


She took a deep breath.
Why not just be honest?
"Well, I’m making some big changes in my life, that’s all."


His eyebrows shot up. “Oh? In what area?”


“Honestly? I’ve just been really unhappy for a long time, and I’ve had enough unhappiness. I want to start really living.”


“Ah, I see. Let me guess…a bad marriage?”


Kelli suddenly felt vulnerable and exposed. She looked down and nodded.


“Well, I can certainly relate. I know all about that.” His tone was unexpectedly sympathetic.


Her head shot back up and she looked at him in surprise. “Really? You were in a bad marriage?” It came as a shock to her that this handsome, charming man would have experienced anything similar to what she had with Paul.


It was his turn to look down at the floor. “Not was. I am.”


“Wow. Ok. If you don’t mind me asking, what is your situation?”


“Oh, the usual. Married young… far too young. We have a lot in common in some areas but sooner rather than later, the sexual connection died. Completely. It’s gone for good at this point.”


“Ah. Yes. That happens.” There was a pause. Kelli sensed that this was a turning point. She could steer the conversation in a different direction, out of dangerously personal waters, but part of her didn’t want to. She wanted to hear more.


“And then? What now?”


He grimaced slightly. “A person can only take so much, and eventually I made some changes. I had some affairs. That’s when it started, of course.”


“Started? When what started?”


He looked at her intently. “You know, it’s not often that you meet someone in a bar and start spilling your life history in five minutes. Particularly when that person is an exceptionally beautiful woman. On the other hand, I have to say, something about you inspires trust.”


Kelli chuckled. “Well, as it happens, I listen to people for a living, so I guess that makes sense.”


“Oh? Therapist?”


She nodded assent.


“What kind?”


“Um, actually, I’m a sex therapist.”


Most people either looked delighted or terrified when Kelli told them her occupation. This man showed neither reaction. He simply looked intensely interested. Then he began to laugh softly. His laughter was melodic, and somehow soothing.


“Is that funny, somehow?”


“Oh, not really. I don’t mean to laugh. It’s just that it ties in so well with what I was about to tell you!”


Kelli looked at him quizzically. “How’s that, then? Why?”


“Oh, I’ll tell you in a minute. In the meantime, you need another drink.”


Before Kelli could protest, he had signaled to the bartender. “Another hot and dirty martini, please.”


Kelli was amazed and impressed that he had known what she was drinking.


“Wait…how did you…?”


He playfully took his finger and laid it ever so lightly against her lips. “Shhh.  Nevermind. Just accept it.”


She was mesmerized. “Uh….OK. I will. So…you were about to tell me what was so funny about my job!”


“Well, like I said, it’s not that it’s funny. But let’s just say…I am currently kind of compensating for the lack of sexual intimacy earlier in my marriage. It’s just ironic that I would meet someone who specializes in that area. That’s all.”


“Ah. So…from what you’re implying, it sounds like you’re currently making up for lost time.”


“Right. And things have gotten a little bit…um…let’s just say, a little bit wild. Even out of control.”


“I see. Out of control how, exactly?”


“The therapist in you is really coming out, huh? Or are you just getting excited?” His eyes twinkled and he leaned in a little closer. Kelli felt embarrassed, but aroused at the same time.


“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like I was grilling you. Never mind. It’s really none of my business.”


“No, no. It’s fine actually. I was just teasing. I’m enjoying this. I don’t mind talking about it.”


“Ok.” She took another sip of her martini.


“So, basically, after my marriage. I really began to experiment, a lot, with a number of different women and different situations. Some of those situations were quite…alternative.”


“Hmmm. Sounds interesting.”


“Oh, it was. Is, I should say. I’m still in it, really. Maybe more than I should be.”


“More than you should be? You aren’t comfortable with it?”


He paused for a moment before responding. “It’s not that I’m not comfortable. I’m very comfortable. Probably too comfortable. In fact, I think it’s very interesting that I would meet you tonight, because recently I had even been considering therapy.”


“Seriously? As therapy?”


“Yes, sex therapy. Like I said, it’s odd that I would be thinking about it, and then meet a real, live sex therapist. A sexy sex therapist, too.” He winked and grinned at her.


Kelli felt a rush of conflicting emotions. What had seemed like an exciting sexual prospect was rapidly evolving into something entirely different -- a client.


“So tell me more about why you feel that you might need sex therapy?” she probed.


He sighed. “Frankly, it’s reaching a sort of saturation point. The sex is compelling. For a while it was a just an addiction. I couldn’t get enough. Women, couples...alternative scenes, everything. I was experimenting all the time. But then the addiction took, I’m not sure how to say it exactly, a darker turn. It stopped being satisfying. I started wanting more. More from myself, more from my partners. Does that make sense?”


Kelli nodded. “Yes, of course it does. That’s the natural progression, really.”


“Well, and then some stuff happened...” He trailed off, and something in his tone made Kelli look more closely. A strange look, almost like pain, crossed over his chiseled features.  “I don’t want to talk about that now or here, though,” he said. “Maybe we should save it for your office.”


“My office?”


“Sure! Could I book an appointment with you? I’m not sure what it is exactly, but I feel like I’d really be able to trust you.”


She felt a rush, like butterflies in her stomach.
Was this magnetic man really going to come to her as a client?
As soon as the thought crossed her mind she remembered the rules of conduct for therapy. Taking him as a client would mean that she couldn’t get involved with him. Ever. The thought turned her cold.
Do I really want to do that?


On the other hand, the nurturing, caring part of her could sense that something was going on deep inside him. For all of his smooth facade, there was some pain buried there. She couldn’t just let that go without doing anything about it, could she?


She let out a chuckle, almost ruefully. “Absolutely. Let me just grab a business card.” She drew one out of her purse and handed it to him. 


He examined the card and smiled. “All this time we’ve been chatting, and you hadn’t told me your name. Kelli. Kelli Lemberg. It’s very nice to meet you, Kelli.”  He reached out his hand and Kelli noticed how large it was, and how long his fingers were. “I’m Jake, by the way. Jake Furie Lapin.”


Kelli took Jake’s hand and it was like a lightning bolt hit her. The sexual electricity that coursed through their fingers and up her arm was unmistakable.
What have I done?
she wondered.
I can’t believe I just agreed to take him as a client.


To cover up her inner confusion, she commented, “You have an interesting name. I’ve been wondering this whole time…what is your ethnic background?”


He chuckled his throaty laugh.


“Oh, the typical American mutt. Born in Jersey City but part Greek, Dutch, German…maybe a few other nationalities thrown in there. What about you, Kelli Lemberg? I’ve told you my bad marriage story…now what’s yours?”


Kelli felt much more interested in hearing more about Jake than she did talking about Paul and her marriage, but she briefly outlined her situation. Jake listened attentively, nodding and occasionally asking a question. When Kelli finished, she noticed Jake glancing at her watch. She snuck a peek and was shocked to see that over an hour had passed since she first approached the bar.


“Oh, I’m so sorry, but I really should go check on my friend, Nina…but first we should set a date and time for your first session.”


Jake leaned in closer, and she could smell the scent of him. It made her feel dizzy. “We will, but I do need to tell you about one thing, though,” he said in a low voice. He was looking directly into her eyes, his gaze incredibly intense. “I can tell you more about the reasons for this when we are in session and get to know each other better, but I have a requirement...something I need in therapy.”


Kelli had no idea what he could be talking about, but the smell of his skin and cologne was intoxicating. “OK. What is it?”


“For our first session, I need you to wear something for me.”


“Wear something for you?” She drew back ever so slightly.


“Don’t worry, don’t worry. It’s not what you think. But in order for me to feel comfortable with you, I need you to be dressed in a certain way.”


“OK. What is it?”


“You need to wear a skirt and a button-up blouse.” His tone was firm, and direct.


That doesn’t seem too outrageous.
“I can do that. Any particular kind?”


He nodded, not breaking his gaze. “Yes. The skirt must be black. Quite short. Above the knee. The blouse should be white. Thin material. The buttons should extend all the way from the neck to the waist.”


He paused, and his expression was serious.  “These details are extremely important if I am to feel comfortable with you. I won’t be able to relax or to be vulnerable if my directions are not followed.”


Kelli felt entranced, but the professional part of her did not find his request to be terribly odd. She had done stranger things than this for a client. There had been the woman who could only have sessions if Kelli wore a Phantom of the Opera mask, and the young man in his twenties who insisted on bringing over fifty teddy bears and arranging them elaborately around her office. This was no different. She could do it. She also felt a secret thrill of pleasure, running into her innermost places at the idea of wearing a short skirt and thin blouse for this man. Client or not, Jake was potently attractive, and her body reacted strongly to this fact, even while her mind struggled to remain detached.


Kelli suggested that they meet the next day, a Friday. However, Jake told her that he needed to be at a charity event on Friday night, and that he would be leaving for Las Vegas over the weekend. Kelli wondered what he could be doing in Sin City, but was feeling too shy to press further, so they arranged to meet on the following Monday, at 4:00pm. Jake offered her his business card, and she toyed with it, before finally placing it on the bar.


A short time later, Nina came careening over to both of them and grabbed Kelli’s arm. Her words slightly slurred, “Kell, let’s get out of here. That creep in the corner won’t leave me alone, and the hottie I was trying to seduce seems to have vanished into the toilet with some young guy. I’m over it. And…I’m just a little tipsy.” Nina’s eyes were faintly glazed, but she suddenly locked onto Jake. “Ooooh, well hello there, handsome! Where have YOU been all night?” Her eyes fell onto the business card on the counter. “Mmmm. Jake. Is that your name, big boy?” 


Nina leaned forward and whispered, “Do you want to fuck me tonight, big boy? Because if you do, I’m yours…” but Jake pretended that he hadn’t heard her.


Moving away from Nina, Jake smiled politely and responded, “Yes, Jake is my name. And I’ve been here, talking to your beautiful friend. But I’m afraid it’s time for me to go now, also.”


He turned and took Kelli’s hand. “I’m very much looking forward to Monday,” he said in a low voice. He raised her hand to his lips and brushed it, ever so lightly. “Thank you.” His eyes were intensely green, but as he turned, they almost looked deep blue. It was startling, and had a thrilling effect. Kelli’s stomach lurched.


He turned, but before Kelli could quite recover from the sensation of his lips on her skin, he was gone.


“God, Kelli. Who IS he? You’ve struck gold there.” Nina picked up the business card and stared at it intently before handing it to Kelli.


“Hmmm.  Yeah, well, he’s going to be a client of mine, so I can’t really think that way. In any case, it is weird, because he seems so familiar to me. I feel like I have definitely met him somewhere before, but I can’t put my finger on it,” Kelli mused.

BOOK: The Spice of Life (The Transformation #1)
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