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Authors: Alexis Anne

The Storm Inside

BOOK: The Storm Inside
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Title Page



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Thank You


About the Author











The Storm Inside


A novel by


Alexis Anne



The Storm Inside

By Alexis Anne


Copyright 2013 Alexis Sykes

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

Kindle Edition


Cover design by Kari Ayasha of Cover to Cover Designs






Jake slammed my back into the wall of the shack, the boards of the wall bending and flexing from the impact. For a moment I worried we’d punch a hole right in the side of the building, but then Jake nipped my earlobe at the exact same moment he flexed his hips into mine, and I forgot everything I was thinking.

Everything but him.

I didn’t think about the ten years he’d been gone or how much I hated him. All I could feel was his hard body pressed up against mine, his rough hands as they desperately roamed over my skin, and the intensity in his kiss.

We’d always made an explosive combination; that clearly hadn’t changed. If anything, the added experience and time apart made what we’d had in the past look sweet and warm. Because this—what we were doing now— was off the charts insane. It was brutal and animalistic in the most fantastic way.

The afternoon thunderstorm was howling outside. It was my favorite time of day, and Jake knew it. The thing about Florida’s summertime storms was that you could
them. When lightning strikes, the air crackles with electricity moving through everything around you. The moment it splits the sky, thunder vibrates so deeply it shakes the earth and every molecule in your body. You feel it everywhere.

Thunderstorms are a full body experience from the light and the vibrations, to the sound of the wind, the pounding of the rain, and the taste of the humidity in the air.

It’s like Mother Nature is trying to sweep you away in a symphony of senses. And at the moment I was swept away by both the storm and by Jake. I was completely lost to everything.

It had always been like this with us. Ten years hadn’t dulled it at all. If anything, the waiting only made it more intense than ever.

His hand closed around my jaw, turning my head away so that he could nuzzle my neck. As his tongue stroked upward along my skin, the muscles in my belly clenched and I squeezed my legs around him tighter.

“Oh god, Eve…” he moaned, pinning my hands to the wall and looking up at me with fire in his eyes as he continued to rock against me. The intensity with which he wanted me only made me crave him more. I ground back against his firm waist even harder.

Words seemed to ruin everything between us, so I wasn’t about to start talking now. I just panted, throwing my head back, and pushing against him with my hips to let him know I wanted to continue. There was no doubt in my mind how wet I was, my body was practically begging to have Jake back inside me.

Taking my cue, Jake released my wrists and slowly, silently began to undress me, not that it took much. My bikini was held on by four sets of strings.

His eyes hungrily roamed over my naked breasts with a passion that made me shiver with hot desire.

Thunder rattled the roof as Jake stepped back, pulling me toward him with his hand knotted in my hair. The tug on my hair follicles hurt in the most fantastic way. He crushed his lips against mine and I would have cried out in pain if it hadn’t felt so good.

The one thing that kept running through my head, the one thing I couldn’t ignore any longer, was how badly I wanted this man. Every inch of me wanted to possess him. I felt like a tigress stalking her prey. Jake was mine and no one else’s. Always had been, always would be.

The shack was dank and old: there wasn’t a surface in the place that seemed clean or inviting, let alone suitable for our naked bodies.

Jake’s towel was flung over the back of a folding chair and with a quick flip of his wrist, the towel now covered the seat. I let him pull me onto his lap, my toes just barely reaching the floor on either side of him. His warm and sweaty skin against mine was electric and I gasped. I needed him inside me,

With one hand on his shoulder and my toes on the ground, I reached down, grasping the full warmth of his cock in my palm, and glided it right inside of my warm, wet, and throbbing body.

Jake gasped at my touch and I sunk my nails into his shoulder as a thousand sensations overwhelmed me, taking my breath away.

And that was just the first inch.

Jake was grinning at me through his own haze of pleasure. Cocky bastard. He was always so damn proud of his dick. But he had every right to be. It was long and thick, pink and perfect. Just the right size, really. Any bigger and it just wouldn’t have been fun, but too much smaller… well, where was the fun in that?

His hands grasped my hips, taking control. I may have been the body on top, but Jake was in command, not just coaxing me upward, but actually lifting me with his strong arms, until he was just barely still inside me.

That’s when he started to tease me with very quick, short strokes. In and out. Each one making me gasp with pleasure, until he suddenly thrust upward, burying most of himself deep inside. I shuddered and moaned, realizing I could be as loud as I wanted, no one was anywhere near the shack on the water. We were as alone as two people could possibly be.

The air sizzled around us as another bolt of lightning struck incredibly close. I sank as far down onto Jake as I could, pushing hard until I was sure we were locked together. The way we should have always been.

Jake closed his eyes and let out a hiss, “Oh fuck I’m so deep inside you.” Then he buried his face in my shoulder, holding me tight against his body.

I began to rock. Just small movements at first as I got used to him. But then his warm mouth closed over my nipple and all hell broke loose.

I cried out as much with shock and pain as I did for pleasure. And when he used his teeth to gently tug, I cried out again. I went from being wet to absolutely soaking, and Jake knew it. With one hand on my hip and one cupping my breast, we began to slam into each other. Over and over, the heat building, the sweat covering our skin, I felt Jake in every inch of my body. I could have sworn I felt him in my hair and my toes.

The only problem was that there were so many sensations, so much that felt so good, I couldn’t tell which way was up. That was when Jake stopped me. Brought me to a full standstill as his hands ran up the layer of sweat on my arms, over my shoulders, and tangled in my hair. He kissed me hard and the sensation of being still was actually as enjoyable as moving.

“Stand up for me,” he murmured, pushing my body upward. I could barely hear him over the rain.

He spun me around, then pulled me back down onto his lap. He glided right back inside as if we hadn’t moved at all, but now it felt completely different, moving in the opposite direction, gliding back and forth over the bundle of nerves just inside my body.

I went limp from the pleasure.

So Jake pulled me back against him, letting my head rest on his muscular shoulder, his hands roaming up my stomach to my own shoulders. He hooked his large hands over the top of them and pulled down on my body, forcing us even closer together.

I shuddered.

“Oh, baby, you feel so damn good…” he gasped breathlessly into my ear.

I didn’t respond. I just closed my eyes and let myself feel everything. His cock buried deep inside me, his chiseled muscles working against me, his warm breath on my ear, and his spicy scent in my nose.

He rocked in and out of me in short movements as his hands glided along my skin in the most reverent way possible. It was like he was worshipping me.

Then he cupped my breasts, bringing my nipples perfectly between his large thumbs and fingers. That’s when he started to play- teasing me gently, tugging and thrusting. I was flying high and completely lost to everything but Jake.

I never wanted to stop feeling like this. It had to be the most amazing combination of sensations known to man. I couldn’t catch my breath and I didn’t want to. I was putty in his hands and he was molding me into a work of art. I was reduced to a slick of hot sweat and incoherent moaning.

The thunder rumbled the shack again and the rain continued to pound on the roof. Just as Jake was pounding inside of me.

Oh yes, this was absolutely my favorite time of day: Fuck Me O’clock.

We went on like that for a while; savoring and pulling every last drop of sensation we could out of our time together. Making up for everything we had lost. Until I was sure my body wasn’t capable of any more.

“Come on baby. Give it to me. I want to hear you.” Somehow those words were exactly what I needed. It focused me and a fantastic warmth bloomed inside my belly. I started to pulse in the beginning of what felt like the most powerful orgasm I could ever remember feeling. It frightened me; I was positive it was going to hurt more than please. For a split second I even considered asking Jake to stop, but before I could think too much, the pulsing and throbbing took over. It washed out from my center, vibrating and contracting every muscle in my body.

I was so overcome by it I began yelling out incoherently, shouting god knows what, as I came powerfully around Jake, squeezing and savoring him inside me, and his body pressing up against me. I was barely aware of his own barks of pleasure as he followed me into oblivion.

When we were finally done, when we’d wrung every last drop out of our tired and ragged bodies, I collapsed against his shoulder again. All I could see was black. There was nothing left.

We laid like that for a long time, the sweat dripping from our naked bodies as we caught our breath. We stayed there long enough for the rain to slow and the thunder to move off into the distance.

Long enough for my brain to jumpstart and realize what just happened.

I had just made a massive mistake.



Chapter 1



One month earlier…



I was in shock. There was really no other way to describe how I felt as I climbed out of my car, the end of another long workday, to find Jake standing on my front lawn.

Sixty seconds ago I was blissfully unaware my life was about to be turned upside down. I’d been happily driving home, singing, thinking about dinner, and then,
A big, fat, unexpected surprise jumped out of the shadows. A man I never expected to see again was standing on my front lawn, waiting for me to get home.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I yelled at him. I didn’t care who heard me. Shock was quickly transforming into blind, furious rage.

“I came to talk, if you’ll let me,” he called back. His voice wasn’t angry like mine, just amplified to carry over the distance and the wind.

“So talk,” I said shaking my head. This was absurd. Ten years.
Ten years
… and he thought he could just appear on my lawn? I let my arms fall to my sides, my blazer and bag each dangling from a hand.

The thunder rumbled and Jake waited for it to pass, shoving his large, gorgeous hands into his pockets.

BOOK: The Storm Inside
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