Read The Storyteller Online

Authors: D. P. Adamov

Tags: #Erotica

The Storyteller (3 page)

BOOK: The Storyteller
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Three things did not enter the conversation. Neither spoke of Blair’s frenzied rub-off session in her bedroom. The topic of the unidentified submissive painfully walking toward her car after what was obviously a sexual game did not pop up. Nor did Blair’s mysterious mental twists, where dominance and pain overruled her usual thoughts of standard sex.

Then, Blair said it.

“Would you like to make out?”

The fog enveloped her and what transpired next would be even hazier within her memory, but the answer was obviously yes. Being older and wiser, Darren even kept his own supply of condoms and with very little foreplay, was on top of her.

She felt the shielded prick reaming her out like a rake handle. She was surprised this mild-mannered looking Everyman was so large and knew how to use his God-given equipment so well. She was screaming. Literally, screaming. There was no pain, but untold and unbridled passion. As he stiffened and exploded within the condom, she felt the warmth, but there was no squirt into her as she had felt before. She had been younger and dumber. She was lucky the few times she did it, she had not become pregnant. That was one reason she had chosen to show more restraint back home.

Here, however, there was no such worry. Darren was a mature man and he knew how to take care of a younger woman, though she wished a few preludes would have been included. She was amazed he didn’t break out the paddle and pound her into submission by force.

Such was life and as she rested next to him on his bed, she thought of how this was so much better than a fantasy with her fingers.

Her parents would not have approved.

It was shortly after this romp, while still next to him, Darren brought up the question she had been waiting to hear.

“Have you ever been spanked?”

“Spanked?” Blair responded, feigning ignorance. “What do you mean?”

“A game,” came the answer. “It’s a game I like to play, if you are up for it. I spank your naked ass until you scream, and then we have the lewdest sex ever.”

“You think you can get it up again?” Blair asked insincerely. There was no doubt he could.

Darren arose naked and started toward the door, while he gave a wave for her to follow.

“We’ll start by me scolding you and then I’ll have you go across my lap. Since you aren’t really used to this, I will just use my hand and not a belt, paddle, or wooden spoon like I have done with some others. Then when we finish we’ll go back into the bedroom and fuck some more.”

Blair was, of course, game. Lying nude in bed and shivering with anticipation, she waited for the voice to come. It was remarkably like that of the faceless man in her past fantasies.

“March in here, young woman! You have the nerve to ask me if I can get it up twice! I’ll show you a thing or two!”

Blair rose and followed the voice. Darren was sitting naked on his sofa and as of yet he was not erect again. Perhaps his boast was ill-founded after all.

“Get over here and get down over my lap, young woman,” he commanded. “You stay naked too! That’s exactly what you deserve! You need to be glad I’m giving it to you with the palm of my hand and not the paddle!”

Blair felt the wetness coming again. She was totally absorbed in the strange role playing event. For lack of a better description, she felt herself back in some high school play, only this one was without clothes and would have never been done on the stage in Bisbee.

“Get over here,” Darren ordered once more. “The longer you wait means the harder you’re getting it!”

Blair feigned hesitation, though in reality she was ready to fling herself across him with her buttocks in the air, awaiting his hand. As she approached the sofa, Darren reached forward and pulled her down roughly.

“Are you ready?”

Blair nodded.

“Then let’s see if this teaches you some respect!” Darren shouted as he lifted his hand and brought it down across her bare bottom.

The blow felt exactly as Blair had expected. Hard and firm, her flesh quivered beneath the slap and she let out a cry, more in surprise than agony. It hurt, but not nearly as bad as in her fantasy.

Another blow came and then another. Now there was a stinging totally unfamiliar to her, which she knew was just the start.

“You’re going to be going to school with a very sore bottom when it starts Monday,” Darren snarled as he continued to flail away at Blair’s ass. “You aren’t going to be able to sit down for a week, and you’re lucky I’m not paddling you instead of just giving you the hand.”

Each blow increased the sting, which converted into an outright burn. As in her fantasy of the night before, she felt herself aroused. Each spank reminded her of a stiff prick going in and out of her pussy. She was getting off on the game and there was no doubting that.

After what must have been thirty whaps alternately delivered on each of her exposed cheeks, her butt blazed. She knew when she looked in the mirror, she would be red as an apple down there, and afterward there would be bruising, but that would heal. Whatever pain she felt now or discomfort when her tail cooled down was secondary to the tremendous climax she discovered boiling within.

Instinctively, she started to cry like a little girl, but this egged Darren onward rather than causing him to desist. Even if she begged him to stop, she knew he would not and in truth, it wasn’t what she desired.

She told herself this was what a real spanking was like and marveled she had never received one when young. Had she been punished as such before, she might well have turned out a better girl. Beyond the scholarship and the brain power, someone else lived inside of her who was very nasty. That person was suddenly released, like Jekyll giving birth to Hyde.

As she twisted and shook, she realized her thighs rubbing against his body was causing Darren to grow once more. His word had proven true.

“Ow,” she cried. “This is hurting!”

“This is supposed to hurt,” Daren informed her. “You’re getting punished.”

Blair’s only response was a wail, as the blows continued to pour down. In desperation, she moved her free arm, so she covered some of her fiery buns with her hand, but Darren had none of that.

“Move your God damned hand,” he commanded, and when she did not, he pinned her arm to her back with his own free hand, leaving her trapped to receive as many more blows as he saw fit.

Blair’s bottom was now numb rather than throbbing after so many slaps, but Darren continued until he was out of breath. By then, his own hand must surely have been hurting and his arm weary from the spanking motions. Her battered tushy felt as if she had been forced to sit in a campfire and remain there while her flesh fried.

“Get up and go stand in the corner,” Darren commanded, like a real live daddy might have done. “Get up and be a good girl from now on.”

Obediently, Blair arose, though she was still sobbing uncontrollably. Deep within, she was ready to come again, which made everything all the more bizarre.

Darren growled like an animal as he saw her rubbing her butt with both hands.

“Knock it off. No rubbing to make it feel better. Put your arms by your side and go stand in that corner over there. Do it now!”

As Blair took her meager steps into the waiting edge of the room, her bottom throbbed. Though she knew this was a game, something told her she had had enough for one session and if she disobeyed and rubbed, in spite of the compulsion to do so, she would be getting it with something much harder, or even that dreaded paddle she had been threatened with.

Slowly, she walked to the corner and placed her face in the crevice of the wall. Deep within, she was about to bubble over but fought a superhuman battle to hold things below within.

“Stand there and don’t you move,” Darren ordered. Yet as he did, she heard heavy breathing that was not her own, followed by a loud cry.

Turning, she suspected her new and more aged lover had suffered a heart attack, but he was sitting on the floor, with a breathless expression on his face. As she looked downward, it was obvious what had happened.

“Sorry, but I shot my load,” he apologized in a now normal voice. “I got too carried away.”

Without thought, Blair buried a finger from each hand into herself and screamed. It didn’t even take any in and out motion for her orgasm to come and she too, was falling. She dropped to her knees and then her back, where her overheated ass collided with the carpet, bringing a new sensation of burning.

For several moments, they both waited silently and it was Darren who spoke when one of them finally mustered the energy for words.

“You gonna be up for another round before you head back to your place?”

Blair nodded, gasping in air as she spoke.

“Yeah, I’m up to fuck or whatever, but one spanking is enough for me right now.”

She focused on her hot buttocks and rolled over on the carpet, so she was face down. Now, at long last, she knew she was free to rub her busted bottom without repercussion.

“I think one spanking is enough for tonight. I really do. I was higher than anything, but my ass is burning.”

And so it began.

Blair went to school in the day and did her studies, but every evening she found herself attracted to the man next door. He was no longer faceless or a fantasy, but very real.

The sexual sessions continued for as long as her body could take it and so did the spankings.

During period time, sex was out of the question and that was agreed to be private, where neither became involved with the other. Two months went by in such a way, but as they did Blair began to worry.

The fact of the matter was she started to love Darren and the diverse activities he offered her, though she said nothing to her parents back home, knowing they would never bless the relationship.

Even more nagging was the feeling that during their time off, the haunting woman she had heard and then seen walking through the parking lot that first night alone would return.

The fear was illogical, for she did not come back. In the shadows of her mind, Blair wondered if the woman had been an escort or a pro hired to be disciplined, but dared not ask.

So who was the strange woman she had seen in the night when she first moved in, and why had she never returned?

By Thanksgiving, Blair was so into her romance with Darren, this mystical figure came to mind less and less. After all, the two of them had developed a relationship both torrid and forbidden, enhanced by the age difference and intensified by their games.

The spankings grew more constant and severe, almost reaching the point where they replaced sex rather than enhanced it. Yet each time drew Blair closer to her lover.

Whenever she failed to get an A on a test, the punishment was for real. Darren seemed genuinely angry, as well as eager to play the traditional stern daddy figure in their escapades.

“Did you get an A on your test, and don’t you lie?”

She dreaded these words but relished them too, knowing what was to come.

If the answer was yes, Darren was no longer the strict father role, but her lover as usual. Sometimes they spanked with the hand to celebrate, but other times went right to bed to engage themselves. For a man in his forties and she was never sure of his specific age, Darren had amazing stamina.

When she failed to excel on a test, however, there was trouble.

“Get those clothes off!” Darren commanded. It was always the same. The furious voice. The glower. The lecture. He seemed genuinely angry.

At that point she would have to strip everything in front of him, a garment at a time, until she stood naked before his inspecting eyes.

“Get in the corner and wait for it,” he would then command, and obediently she would head for the familiar section of the living room in either his apartment or hers, where she was expected to go. In their romantic session, corner time usually took place after the spanking, as a prelude to the bed, but when being disciplined, the corner came first.

The waiting was the worst part.

Blair anticipated what she knew she would feel on her unprotected bottom, yet in spite of the pain, the lust always rose at a dynamic pace. She never admitted it, but once in a great while she had let herself go, slacking to get a lesser grade and awaiting the role play that followed.

The wait always seemed like an eternity, though it was only a matter of minutes at best. Darren, too, was eager to go into action.

“Now, you’re gonna get it!”

If she listened carefully, she could hear the click of the belt buckle being undone.

“Turn around and get in the position!”

With her head down, like a real school girl in trouble, she would leave the corner and go to the sofa, where she would bend with her hands on the cushions. Her ass was ready for what was about to come.

“Bad girl,” Darren would always snarl. “You hold this position and don’t you move or we’ll start over! You take this like the naughty thing you are!”

Then came the licks with the belt. She heard the whap, but the sound was nothing compared to the searing pain as the leather struck first one cheek then the other. Usually by the eighth blow, she was blubbering, but this failed to keep her tormentor from doing what he felt needed to be done.

Sometimes instinctively she would move her hands to her butt and feel the heat beneath her flesh. This was as she well knew an unwise thing, and Darren did start over as proclaimed.

There were, however, times when she moved her hands deliberately to prolong the misery she had blended with thrills.

By the time Darren finished, her rear-end was ablaze with welts, but never bloodied. Darren knew what he was doing and realized when it was time to hold back or stop.

“Now back in the corner you go,” Darren would order.

From there the fantasy ended, and it was back to being Blair with Darren, rather than daddy and stepdaughter.

They never did anal, but after the belt Blair would be ordered to lie face down on the bed, where Darren would go down on top of her and fuck her in the vital spot. The pain continued with him on her back, moving against her punished ass, while inside the thrusts brought her to astronomical heights.

BOOK: The Storyteller
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