Read The Ties that Bind (Kingdom) Online

Authors: Theresa L. Henry

The Ties that Bind (Kingdom) (12 page)

BOOK: The Ties that Bind (Kingdom)
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“Steve, I’m–”

“What part of, shut up don’t you understand? I’m talking now. All you need to do is listen because when I’m finished saying what I have to say, you won’t ever have to listen to me again.” Steve could see the effect his words were having on Jason, and in the heat of the moment, he didn’t care.

“Why so worried all of a sudden, Jason? You have real family now, brothers, a father, oh and don’t let us forget you even have a live in lover.”

“Don’t you dare call her that!” Jason said with deliberate care.

“What, your live in lover? Doesn’t she live in your house? Didn’t she sleep in your bed almost from the first moment you met? To my way of thinking that makes her your live in lover.”

“I’m warning you, man. Do not call her that!”

“Or what, what you gonna do, Jason? Do I need to roll up my sleeves? Well come on, let’s go.” Steve said as he pulled off his jacket, and tossed it aside. “Well come on, what are you waiting for, let’s go?” Steve told him, beckoning Jason towards him.

“I’m not going to fight you, Steve, because I doubt that you want your ass handed to you right now.”

“You just can’t help yourself can you, Jason? Well I’ve had it with you. You walk around like the big-I-am. Well I’m here to tell you that there’s something seriously wrong with you. Everything and everybody that comes into contact with you becomes less than they were. Because of you, I no longer have parents. Because anywhere you are rot follows.” At the look of anguish that passed across Jason’s face, Steve went in for the kill.

“Yeah, that’s right you’re like some kind of pestilence that came into my life to emit nothing but a blight on my existence. I tried, Jason, God knows I tried. But this is it. This is where you and I part ways. I came here tonight to ask my
, my supposed
to hear me out and you refused. So as far as I’m concerned, that’s it. I don’t want anything more to do with you!”

“You know I would do anything, give anything for your parents to still be here, you know that. But I can’t undo what happened. I would do almost anything for you, you know that. But don’t ask me to accept that woman, not after what she tried to do to me.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t ask you again, but I do have one more request.”

After a slight hesitation, Jason asked the question he knew his words would provoke. “What is it?”

“I want you out of the company. I’ll have my lawyers draw up the papers. I’ll give you the market value. All you have to do is sign.”

“Is this what you really want?”

“It’s what I want.” All the heat had gone out of his voice and Steve felt almost defeated. He knew he had just acted unfairly towards Jason. He also knew that if he were in his position he would probably feel the same way Jason did. What he had just said about his parents’ death was something he wished he could take back. He knew Jason regretted the part he had played in their untimely deaths, and Steve had deliberately never placed any blame on Jason’s shoulders.

“I don’t want your money. Send the papers, I’ll sign them, but I don’t want your money.”

“I don’t want or need your charity. When I send you the check you can do whatever you want with it, but I
send it.”

“Okay. What about us, where does this leave us?”

At Jason’s question, Steve turned and fully faced him. “Will you talk to Hope, give her a chance to explain why she behaved in the way that she did?”

“I can’t, Steve, I’m sorry.”

Steve could see the regret in Jason’s emotion filled eyes. Shaking his head, he too felt regret that Jason was such a stubborn bastard.

“You love Aviva, right?”


“You would do anything for her, correct?”


“You know me, Jason. You alone in this world know me better than any other living being. All I came here to ask was that you hear Hope out. I didn’t come here for you to forgive the way she behaved when I’m not even sure if I can forgive her.” Reaching for his discarded jacket, Steve walked to the door without a backward glance. Maybe he had just gone too far in the things he had said, but they all knew that the parameters of their lives had changed.

Jason now had a new family, which included Aviva. Steve was honest enough to admit that while he didn’t begrudge Jason his happiness, he couldn’t help comparing their current positions. In a matter of months Jason had gained so much while he in turn seemed to have lost everything.

As for buying Jason out of the company, it was the right thing to do. Steve could tell that Jason’s heart wasn’t really in it. His only regret on that score was the way he had handled the situation. They both knew it was time for him to go it alone.

Now outside Jason’s office, Steve stood for a few moments with his head bent, emotions rushing around inside of him. He had just probably severed the only constant in his life. The one person he could rely on with a total confidence that he only had his best interest at heart. Giving himself a mental shake, Steve accepted the decision he had just made, a decision he was prepared to stand by.

Pushing open the door to the sitting room, he stood unobserved for a few moments as Aviva and Hope spoke in lowered voices. He could sense that there was still tension between them, but at least they were communicating.

“Hope, it’s time to go.”

“What happened?” Hope asked as she rose to face Steve.

Aviva got up more slowly, she already knew that Jason wasn’t ready for what Steve wanted him to do.

“We’ll talk later.”

Walking over to Aviva, Steve gave her a gentle hug and an affectionate smile before he withdrew and led Hope to the door. Before they passed through, he looked over his shoulder at Aviva one last time. “You guys take care of each other, okay.”

Aviva didn’t trust herself to speak, so she just nodded as tears filled her eye. Then they were gone.


Chapter 13

After Steve had left, Jason felt the need for fresh air. It seemed to him that every time he got one aspect of his life in order another part went to hell. It was the same old story, he was again the reason for the unhappiness of others. If he were honest with himself, he was sick of the self-loathing.

Steve was his brother and would always remain so, but he refused to take on board any level of guilt for Hope’s actions. He had also paid his penance for the death of the Blackmans. Jason knew he would forever regret the part he had inadvertently played in their untimely death, but he now intended to put his regret in its place, and not dwell on it. That way he could get on with his life as best he could.

“Hi, baby, mind if I join you?”

Lowering his gaze from the star filled sky, and without comment, Jason opened his arms and invited her in. Sliding up his body, Aviva joined Jason on the lounger and placed her head on his chest. When she was settled, he enfolded her in his arms and released a deep breath. The nearness of this woman was his balm. During the course of his life, he had somehow managed to mess up many things. But this, what he now shared with his angel, this he would ensure remained unsoiled.

“What happened?”

“I couldn’t do it. He wanted me to talk things through with Hope, and I just couldn’t do it.”

“It’s okay, baby. You’ll talk to her when you’re ready.”

“That’s just it, what if I’m never ready?”

“Nothing happens before it’s supposed to, Jason, and just because Steve wanted us all to talk, doesn’t mean that it was the right time for you.”

“He wants me out of the business.”

“What?” Aviva said, pushing away from Jason’s chest so that she could see his face.

“It seems as though he’s trying to sever our friendship.”

“He’s just angry at you. He doesn’t mean it. You’ll see.”

“He also accused me of being responsible for the death of his parents.”

“What? Oh no he bloody well didn't!” Aviva came up sputtering, her elbow inadvertently jabbing Jason in the stomach.

“Thank you for that, Angel, but he’s right. I am the reason they died.”

“I need you to stop this, Jason, and I’m deadly serious. You’ve blamed yourself for their deaths for long enough. This is where it ends. I don’t want to hear you say it again. I don’t even want you to think it, do I make myself clear?”

Lowering his chin, Jason looked at Aviva, anger shooting from her eyes on his behalf. Her look was all it took for him to know that he was loved by her, and that he wanted her.

“Wanna fuck?”

“Jason!” Aviva squealed at the sudden change in the direction of their conversation, as well as the bluntness of his question.

He ignored the sound. “What are you wearing under that dress? I can feel that you don’t have a bra on. Are you wearing panties? Sorry, knickers.” The words coming out of his mouth may have been said for her amusement, but the look in his eyes conveyed something entirely different.

Wanting to leave her in no doubt as to his intent, Jason tilted his pelvis at the same time as he cupped each cheek of her bottom and pulled her down so she could feel the imprint of his growing erection.

“Do you want me, Angel? Tell me you want me. I want to hear you say it.” Removing one hand from her ass, Jason forced it between their bodies and released the fastening to his jeans. Then he kissed her. First, a gentle brush of his lips against her brow, her cheeks the side of her mouth, and whispered, “You don’t have any on.”


“You don’t have on any knickers.”

“How do you do that?” Aviva asked, becoming aware for the first time that her bare ass was exposed to the cool night air.

“I’ve just got it like that?” Jason said with a lascivious grin.

“You are so full of yourself!”

“You’re right, but you love it. Know what else you love?”

Aviva remained silent, knowing he was about to say something completely outrageous.

“You love it when I’m inside you.”

“Cock-sure bastard.”

“What, are you about to deny it? I can feel it. You’re dripping wet for me, and I can smell you.” Lowering his hand, Jason ran his fingertips across her opening, and Aviva couldn’t help but push down against his light touch. Removing his hand, Jason brought his fingers to his lips and sucked, never breaking their eye contact.

Aviva, groaned, her nostrils flaring at the sensuality of his actions. He may be a cocky bastard, but he was right, she was ready for him. By now her dress was bunched above her waist, and Aviva didn’t hesitate to move so that he could pull it over her head.

“I think you’re going to have to be on top.”

“Okay.” Aviva said, without seeming to give his comment a second thought.

“Don’t you want to know why?”


Jason’s dimples were on full display as he smiled at her quick response. Her dress removed, he threw it aside, gripped her around the waist, and sat her up over his body.

“I don’t want you to get splinters in your backside.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, and in my opinion you talk too damn much.”

“Angel, the way I’m feeling, this lounger doesn’t stand a chance if I completely have my way.”

“It’s okay, baby, I’ll take care of you just the way you like it.” Running her nails up Jason’s hard chest, Aviva came to a stop at the juncture of his neck. In a sudden move, she ripped his shirt apart, buttons flying in all directions. Jason started at the sudden move and bucked against her.

“Now those jeans.”

“Gonna take too long, sorry, Angel, no time.” Moving his hands to the waistband of his jeans, Jason pushed them down to free himself. Unable to resist, his fingers once again found her opening and lingered for a moment on a mission of discovery. In seconds, his hand was drenched with her wetness, and the knowledge that this was all for him, turned him on even more.

“Put it in.” Jason ordered as his eyes travelled down to watch her small hand close around him. “That’s it, Angel, you know where I want to be. Do it slow… ah, just like that!” As Aviva inserted his throbbing cock into her body, all Jason could do was throw his head back and grit his teeth. The feeling of her slow insertion of him into her body was his panacea. When they were like this, joined, for him it wasn’t a time for thinking, it was a time for feeling.

Each of her movements told him that she understood what he wanted. What he needed from her. Yes, it was about the physical, but his need far transcended that, he needed to feel her wrapped around him. He relished each pulse, each ripple of her body as she gripped him within her.

Gripping her head, he pulled her down, needing to feel the touch of her lips against his. As their mouths met, he devoured her, his tongue pushing forward, demanding that she open up to him. That she deny him nothing.

This was what he needed, this was where he belonged. Sometimes a man wanted to make slow passionate love to his woman, taking the time to explore every aspect of her body, and sometimes a man just wanted his woman in the most primal of ways. Right now, he just wanted to fuck, but not just anyone would do. It had to be his angel. Jason knew his words hadn’t been a sham, he only hoped she also understood what he wanted.

Releasing her mouth, Jason gripped Aviva around her waist and relinquished all rational thought. His first thrusts lasted for exactly ten strokes into her body before he stopped for one beat. Then each successive series of strokes were shortened by one.

This part was for her, what was coming was for him. When he felt her body constrict around him, Jason knew he had taken care of her needs, now it was time for him to take what he wanted. Her, he wanted her without restraint.

As Aviva’s body convulsed around him, her inner muscles tightened around him, head thrown back in ecstasy. Jason bided his time. When she finally made eye contact with him, his eyes blackened with passion telegraphed his intent.

The audible sound of her indrawn breath, and the sight of her tongue culminating with the bite down on her lower lip, was Jason’s cue that she was ready for him. Ever conscious that his angel was satisfied, Jason was ready to take what he wanted and needed.

When he had said that he wanted to fuck, he hadn’t been joking. Holding her eyes, he began to move in earnest, the way he needed to. The way nothing on earth could stop him from doing.

BOOK: The Ties that Bind (Kingdom)
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