Read The Tiger's Secret Baby Online

Authors: Ava Frost

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Witches & Wizards

The Tiger's Secret Baby (7 page)

BOOK: The Tiger's Secret Baby
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“Let me guess. You banged a stripper and now she’s convinced she’s in love with you and can’t get you out of her mind.” He joked.

“No, you idiot, though you aren’t too far from the truth. This morning, I had a clinger. But that was easy in comparison to my real issue.”

“Talk to me.” He was very serious when it came to problems amongst his friends. Apparently dragons were very clingy with things they deemed as theirs. Something I had no trouble imagining as dragons in their animal state have caves of things they horde and protect.

“I can’t get it up,” I said.

He laughed. I don’t know what I was expecting but laughing wasn’t it.

“Nice try funny guy. But if I’m betting money on who can’t get it up, my money’s on John.”

John was the third in our paranormal trio. He was a zombie. Now let’s get some things clear as people like to typecast my friend. John is a zombie, not a ghoul. Zombies are reanimated dead bodies, that’s it. Ghouls are demonic like things that eat human beings and can’t be stopped unless beheaded. John is a nice guy. I can’t tell you how many people stereotype him because of those awful human movies. Well except The Walking Dead, that’s a great TV show. I just can’t knock it.

“I’m serious T. I’ve lost my mojo.” I’m sure my voice portrayed my dismay.

“What exactly do you mean?”

“I mean this fine girl was sucking me so good, I could have whispered a prayer and nothing. Not one rise for the occasion.”

“Maybe she wasn’t as good as you thought.”

“What? I been banging chicks on a daily for about 300 years and you know this Thad. She was top shelf, quality head. She even swallowed my balls at one point.”

“Well damn.” He was quiet for a moment. “Then what the hell has gotten into you?”

I shrugged as if he could see me. “I don’t know.”

“Has anything changed in the last couple of weeks? What were you doing the day your dick was rebelling against spectacular head?”

I thought on his words. Nothing had changed for me. I went to work, where I was the head of a glass manufacturing company. We manufactured special glass that protected vampires from the sun. It didn’t mean they could go outside but it was less dangerous sleeping in your home or driving in your car. It was a very lucrative business. Having started my company from scratch but been running it for centuries, I had amassed serious wealth. I spent most of my days traveling to new places and trying new things. So in short, nothing was different.

“Bro, nothing has changed.” Again, he went quiet.

“I think I know what it is and you’re not going to like it.” Aw hell, when your friend of 300 years says to you, I’ve got an idea but you’re not going to like it, rest assured, you’re not going to like it.

“Tell me.” It’s like a Band-Aid, best to just rip it off.

“I have heard of shapeshifters being rewired for when they were close to finding their true love.”

“What?!” I yelled at my friend. I try hard not to yell, yelling never resolves things and yet here I was, yelling. “Do you mean to tell me, my dick is taking a vacay until I lay my eyes on my true love?” I asked with skepticism.

“Yup. I have heard it happen in past millenniums.”

“And why am I just now hearing about this? Why have you never mentioned this before? I asked, ready to rebuff his solution.

“Because you do not believe in love,” He said it so simply as if this was all my fault. This was not my fault. “Why mention to someone about something they do not believe? Would that change how you feel? You would have wanted proof and I had none. Now you do. Here lies your proof.” His emphatic ending did not comfort me.

“You’re a dick.” I was fucked and my answer said how I felt about his giving of truth.

“As are you, my friend. As are you.” He said before hanging up.

There was nothing left to be said. There was, however, one thing I could do. I would do the one thing I have been doing my entire life and would continue doing: proving them, whoever the fuck
are, wrong.


Chapter 7


I thought of my plan of attack for several days and decide the best way to get over this minor annoyance would be to date aka have sex with as many women as possible. At that rate, one of them was bound to get my little man up, thereby proving Thaddeus wrong and the Mac would be back. Just like that. It sounded very simple in my head. I googled supernatural + dating and would you believe there is a dating site called Super Natural Dating. I assumed it was made for people like me and signed up right away.

Name: Gregory Kane White III

Email: [email protected] (I was among the first into the internet age and have never gotten rid of my AOL account though it has lost its luster)

Age: (I assumed I wasn’t supposed to out myself by putting 348) 32

Astrological Sign: Leo

Favorite Color: Dark Green

Favorite Book: The Four Agreements

Perfect date: Champagne and relaxation

Perfect day: any day I’m alive

Define your perfect woman: A confident, beautiful creature willing to laugh at my jokes and give me her time

Thank you so much for inviting Super Natural Dating to mediate the meeting of the love of your life. Check your email to confirm your account and the women tab to look for something you like. Send a wink for interest and a heart to ask for a date. Your happiness is our top priority so you’ll be matched in 24 hours. Happy love finding.

The faster I get through these dates the better. So I liked and winked at every single woman in the first three pages. Whoever responded first was going to get this D. Date one was a hot mess I’d rather do you a favor and summarize. She was an imp demon with an angelic face and even when she was naked and writhing beneath me, I couldn’t get it up. That didn’t end well, for me or my couch. The second date is tonight and I have to admit I’m not looking forward to it. We’re supposed to go to dinner and then who knows, play it by ear. I dressed as casual as possible, jeans and a dark green button up. In truth, being casual meant the clothes were easy to pull off. After all, I’m not here to find true love, this is all about getting my mojo back. Moe’s was a great rib shack that I found about 5 years ago. I have been going once every couple of months faithfully. You want to see if a girl really wants you, take her somewhere she can’t eat proper or order a salad. I sat at my favorite table, along the back right-hand side, waiting for my beauty in red. She told me she would be wearing a red dress. The door jingled as a tall and very curvy woman pushed it open. She was wearing a red dress but from here, I could smell she was human. I was on my way to being disappointed when I felt it. This “it” was something part horror, part enticement, and part magic. I felt, my inner lion begin to prowl. Seriously, the magic that turns us all, riled and wriggled under my skin. I felt bigger, I felt stronger and I felt the need to hunt. I almost felt bad for the sexy thing walking toward my table, she had no idea what was about to hit her. Everything about her was screaming touch me. Or maybe I just wanted an excuse to do so. So I did. I stood, grabbed her hand and kissed it, lingering longer than I should have. She gasped and everything inside of me wanted to make her make that sound again.  “Veronica, nice to meet you.” She smiled demurely, taking in the way my shirt clung to my arms and my physique. “Nice to meet you too,” she paused and I thought she might have forgotten but she didn’t. “Gregory.”

I do believe my name sounded like heaven on her lips. I was beginning to hyperventilate thinking of me on her tongue. I sat, eager to get out of here. “Did you find the place alright?” I asked, taking the hand resting on the table top into mine. I could feel her pulse racing. Was she feeling the same way I was?
Fuck it
I thought, leaning over as far as the table would let me go. “I think you are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on and if you will pardon my frankness, I would really like to see if you taste as sweet as you look.” Her ebony skin glistened and I watched her breasts move with each panted breath. “Do you live nearby?” I took that question as a yes and yanked her to standing with me.

“I promise if this goes well, I’ll bring you back to have whatever you want,” I whispered in her ear as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She was the perfect height, unlike my former conquests, I didn’t have to bend down. Being this close to her ear, I could smell the perfume she had placed in the crook of her neck. I licked it. A salty combination of sweat and pheromones dispersed on my tongue and she, in returned, moaned. “Do that again, and I will take you in the back of this cab,” I said between my teeth as I opened the car door for her. Talking a little louder I said, “And I really don’t want to do that because you deserve a bed.”

Leaning forward, I pushed a one hundred dollar bill against the glass. “Hey, Buddy. 25 Stanley Ave, make it under 15 minutes and this entire bill is yours.” He didn’t have to be told twice, stepping on the gas pedal so fast we both lurched forward. My hands were on her again, under the guise of protecting her from hitting the glass of course. My fingers were strumming the inside of her thigh but she wasn’t stopping me. I could smell her arousal. God bless that taxi driver, he did what I asked and I threw the bill at him while scoping Veronica up into my arms.

There was that gasp again. “What?” I asked, walking up the stairs as fast as possible and yanking open my door.

“You’re carrying me,” She said.

“I’m aware. Does it bother you?” I asked, setting her down on my bed.

She shook her head no, causing her big curls to bounce around her face. “No. it was wonderful. I’ve never had that happen before.”

“Well, I’d be happy to do it anytime. You don’t weigh a thing.” She swatted my arm while unzipping her dress.

“You know I weigh a good bit more than a thing.”   

But my response was caught in my throat. She was naked and I needed to be inside her. Thank who the hell ever that my mojo was back and agreeing with me as well.  She unzipped my pants. “You’re wearing too much.”
“I agree,” I whispered and then she was hot, wet and sitting on me. Condoms were a very distant thought. 

“Jesus,” I grunted. I couldn’t close my eyes. She was dark brown and her nipples were a shade darker, rounded and hard under my fingers, she was whimpering. The color clash was beautiful. I wasn’t pale, thanks to the glory of being able to stand in the sun. Together we looked like a match made in heaven. I can’t really describe it as anything else. She was riding me and I lifted my hips to meet her for every stroke. I could feel her clutching me, squeezing me tight and the way her tits were bouncing, both she and I were close to climaxing. Hugging her close, I rolled us, so she was on her back and me, on my knees, could go harder.

“Gregory,” the sound was like her fingers trailing down my spine. She said my name again and I exploded.

Through a haze I realized, I had shifted into a lion and the pretty naked woman under me was shocked to silence. I once asked my dad what he did when he first shifted and he told me he licked my mom until she came again. He joked, “It’s hard to be scared and bust a nut.” I didn’t think my girl would be into that so I willed myself to human. No one truly knows the forces that control when we shift or what magic calls to the animal in us, but I was proud when I transitioned back.

“Say something,” I said, collapsing beside her in the bed.

“That ain’t something you see every day.” I agreed and found myself telling her my story. How I was a shape shifter and everything she knew about the world wasn’t true. I ended with my life having no meaning because I had not found her.

“Veronica, you changed me. I can’t be my whole self without you.” I brought her hand to my chest to feel my heart beating. “Can’t you feel it? I can. Don’t tell me you don’t. We’re meant to be together.”

“Figures” she huffed, “I go looking for a rebound and I find true love.”

I laughed. “Don’t say it like that. Sarcasm makes it sound like I’m spouting bullshit. You know I’m not.”

“Ok,” she said, sitting up. Her hair was flat in the back and not at all in the cute style she had in the restaurant but she was beautiful. “If I'm honest, every girl wants to be swept off her feet and told she’s someone’s soul mate.” She pumped up the flatten hair on autopilot then looked into my eyes. “But how can I know this is forever?” To my dismay, she pulled the sheets back and climbed under, hiding from me. “I just met you.”

When I make up my mind about something, it’s a bit hard for me to give up. “So what? People meet people every day, that doesn’t change how much they mean to you. I’m a shape-shifter. You know that and my people know for a fact when they meet the one. I have never turned into a lion before. I am sure I had the capability but only you can turn me.” I climbed under the covers and pulled her to me, kissing her shoulder and running my hands along the folds of flesh on her waist. “I get it. You’re human and you guys are used to doing things so slow.” I emphasized slow and she giggled, it sounded like a small wind chime. “So if that’s what you need, I can do that for you V.” My hand palmed her butt, slowly moving forward. Her body was calling me. “I’ve lived 300 years without you, I can easily do that time to woo you.” She pushed her butt back at me as if asking for more. Who would I be if I didn’t comply? Spooning, we talked in between thrusts. “I love you Veronica and you don’t have to say it back now, one day you will.” She moaned in agreement and pushed back harder. The covers fell away and there was only us, attached at the hip and conjoined at heart. Her head was laying on my arm and our hands were intertwined. “It may have happened a bit fast for you but it’s been almost a lifetime for me. Say you’ll give us a chance.” I kissed up the base of her neck, to whisper in her ear. “I will never hurt you. I’ll make love to you whenever you want.” I said with conviction. “And when we get married, you can brag to all your friends about my supernatural dick.” She smacked my thigh and laughed out loud.

“Ok! Ok. Fine. I’ll give this a try.” She sighed, coming apart with a small cry. It was tough to follow that act but I did and couldn’t help smiling. “That was all I wanted to hear.”

BOOK: The Tiger's Secret Baby
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