Read The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride Online

Authors: Jenn Roseton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary Fiction, #Sagas, #Romance

The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride (5 page)

BOOK: The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride
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The plane touched down in a small Wyoming airfield. Alex touched her gently on the shoulder. “We’re here.”

Laura wriggled her toes, waking up slowly. She’d only flown a few times in her life and the private plane was the most comfortable and luxurious aircraft she’d ever traveled in. She’d had a soft leather recliner to herself, while Alex sat next to her, holding her hand during take off. Debating whether to tell her new husband that she wasn’t scared of flying, she thought better of it, wondering if perhaps
didn’t like flying all that much, before instantly dismissing the thought. She didn’t think Alex Trask could be scared of anything.

Alex had shown her a selection of gourmet snacks and drinks when they‘d boarded, but her stomach had been too knotted up to try anything except a few sips of orange juice.

They’d shared a companionable silence before her eyes drooped and she fell asleep. Was it any wonder, she thought now, stretching in her seat. She’d been up since the crack of dawn, making herself look presentable for her wedding day, gotten married and boarded a private plane. Catering a large party seemed easy in comparison.

Laura looked around with interest as she carefully walked down the steps of the plane in her wedding gown. The Wyoming airfield was surrounded by large fields with an occasional cow grazing on the lush, green grass.

Before she barely had time to blink, Alex settled her into the back of a waiting black SUV. After giving the driver instructions, he turned to her. “Almost there.” He grinned, and her heart skipped a beat. There seemed a lightness to her brand new husband as the vehicle left the small airport and traveled to the ranch.

Tomorrow we can go horseback riding at my brother Garrett’s.” His eyes flashed with enthusiasm. “Do you ride?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“I’ll teach you.” He brushed his thumb over her hand, the glint in his midnight eyes changing from good humor to banked heat. Laura caught her breath. When he looked at her like that, she thought she’d let him teach her
he wanted.

They drove off the main road and onto a dirt road. Douglas Firs and green bushes lined the driveway until they arrived at a clearing. “Garrett lives over there.” Alex gestured to a large expanse of land on the left.

A small brown timber house with an attached garage stood in the clearing. It reminded her of a woodsman’s house from a storybook. Weathered shingles covered the roof, while a neat green lawn surrounded the dwelling.

It’s a bit rustic, but it’s got everything I - we need.” Alex helped her out of the SUV, her gown making climbing in and out of vehicles a little difficult.

Laura waited while Alex paid the driver
Empty green fields dotted with trees surrounded the clearing, with snow-capped mountains in the far distance. She didn’t think she’d been anywhere so rural and private, but already she could feel the peace and stillness around her. It was a world away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

How much land do you have?” she asked as Alex picked up their bags and walked toward her, the SUV departing down the dirt road. She swallowed, realizing that this was the first moment she’d been alone with Alex all day, since he‘d picked her up at her apartment.

Two hundred acres. Garrett owns seven hundred next door.” He carried the small suitcases easily, walking up to the front door. She followed him, memories of him kissing her earlier that morning flashing through her mind.

Alex put down the cases and pulled out a small key ring. He unlocked the front door and turned to her. “Mrs. Trask.” He swept her into his arms.

Laura squeaked with surprise. “Alex!” Her arms flailed for a second, then she rested her hands on his shoulders.“What are you doing?”

Carrying you over the threshold.” He grinned down at her, and she now understood why some women swooned. She felt like joining them.

He carried her into the house. She bit her lip, wondering if she was too heavy for him, although his stride didn’t seem to be affected by her weight at all. When they reached the living room, decorated in earth tones, he gently set her on her feet.

A pang of disappointment
flittered through her. She’d felt safe and secure in his arms, and a frisson of desire had flashed through her. She wished the journey to the living room had been a lot longer.

Let me show you the house.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering over the delicate shell. A sensual thrill ran down her spine and she nodded.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her into the kitchen. The decor and fittings were dated, and reminded her of pictures she’d seen of a 1950s home, the interior suiting the exterior of the house.

“It’s small, but serviceable,” Alex said, gesturing at the kitchen before opening the refrigerator and peering inside. “Good. Carol bought the champagne.” He pulled out a bottle of Dom Perignon and placed it on the table, his other arm still wrapped around her waist. “We’ll have some in a moment.”

After viewing the dining nook next to the kitchen, Alex led her to the bedrooms. One was a guest room with two twin beds with sturdy wooden frames and neutral colored bed linen. The main bedroom was furnished with a large brass bed, a cream comforter draped over it. Sunshine yellow curtains were pulled back from the large window, and Laura caught a glimpse of green pasture outside the house. A wooden closet and two nightstands on either side of the bed were the main furnishings.

“The bed’s comfortable.” A sexy grin rumpled the corners of his mouth. “I come here whenever I can get away from the city.”

Laura wanted to ask, but didn’t, in case she didn’t like the answer. A sudden thought occurred to her. What if … what if their definitions of marriage differed?

Alex.” She licked suddenly dry lips, barely aware that he’d caught the small movement and turned all his attention on her. “When … when you said a real marriage …” she paused. This was so awkward. Why on earth hadn’t she thought of this
she’d married him?

a real marriage.” He pulled her towards him, until there was barely an inch of space separating their bodies.

Finding it hard to think, let alone breathe, Laura tried again. “Yes, but what about … other people?”

He scowled. “There won’t be anyone else in our marriage, Laura,” he said firmly. “Just you and me.”

Relief flooded through her. “Okay,” she whispered, allowing herself to relax in his embrace.

The next instant, he tightened his arms around her. “I hope we’re clear on this point,” he growled.

Very,” she managed to utter, before he kissed her.

His lips claimed hers, his tongue demanding immediate entry. Surrendering with a small sigh, Laura curled her arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. Just as well he was holding her, she thought hazily, as she met his increasingly passionate demand, otherwise she didn’t think she could stand upright on her wobbly legs.

When he finally released her, she looked up at him in a daze, her lips tingling, glad she’d asked the question.


After that amazing kiss, Alex led her to the kitchen where he poured them each a glass of champagne.

To us.”

To us,” she echoed, the male satisfaction in his eyes causing her to grip the stem of the champagne flute even tighter.

I’ll make us dinner,” Alex said, once he’d swallowed half the champagne in his glass. He opened the fridge. “Carol’s left us some steak and salad for tonight. As well as bacon and eggs for breakfast tomorrow and a few staples.”

Laura settled back in the comfortable wooden kitchen chair, watching his economical movements around the small kitchen. It was nice having someone fixing her something to eat for a change. Although she wondered if she should offer to help, she decided she’d sit back and let her new husband make their dinner.

She realized they still wore their wedding finery, and smothered a giggle. There was something completely incongruous watching a billionaire wearing formal wear cook dinner.

The simple meal of steak and green salad was delicious. Laura hadn’t realized how hungry she was until she’d eaten her first bite.
Because she’d been so busy worrying about tonight.
Would Alex expect her to jump into bed with him? After all, it was their wedding night.

But we’re practically strangers,
she reminded herself. He might be her husband, but so far they’d only shared three kisses. Laura told herself to relax and try to enjoy the meal, and Alex’s company. There would be plenty of time to worry about what might happen later on.

Alex made light conversation during the meal.
This is not the same man,
she found herself thinking, as she laughed in response to a humorous story Alex shared with her. Somehow out here, Alex seemed more relaxed and at ease. Was that because he loved being here, or because they were married?

The thought continued to tease her all evening. After dinner, they enjoyed coffee in the living room, sitting on an old sofa that was surprisingly comfortable. Alex had hauled out a gleaming new coffee machine and a selection of capsules from a kitchen cupboard Now, as they sipped coffee from thick china mugs, Laura wondered what would happen next.

“Maybe we should think about turning in,” Alex said, his voice breaking into her thoughts. He stood up, reaching out his large hand to her. Placing her hand in his, she couldn’t help wondering if this was the moment she’d waited for all day. Her pulse thrummed in her throat.

You can have the shower first,” he said as he led her to the main bedroom.

Okay,” she agreed, busying herself with zipping open her suitcase and rummaging around for her nightgown and robe in order to avoid her husband‘s gaze. She’d visited the small utilitarian bathroom earlier and had been disappointed to find only a shower, toilet and basin, not a large claw footed tub to soak in. But, she’d reminded herself, Alex’s penthouse had the largest bathtub she’d ever seen - she’d caught a quick glimpse of it yesterday when he’d shown her his condo.

Clutching her nightclothes to her, she hurried into the bathroom across the hall and shut the door. She bit her lip when she studied the back of the door. No lock. Perhaps this bathroom had been built with a nervous bride in mind. A hysterical giggle caught in her throat.
Calm down.

Laura enjoyed a hot shower, washing away the dust and grime of her long day. She’d been surprised but pleased to find luxurious body wash, along with matching shampoo and conditioner in the spotless shower stall. There was also a male version of the same brand for Alex. He really did think of everything, she mused, stepping out of the shower and drying herself with a soft, fluffy towel. Although the house and furnishings were comfortable but rustic, the little touches like the coffee machine, the towels and the bathroom products made her feel pampered.

Sliding the white silk nightgown over her head, the butterflies in her stomach returned full force. She’d been partly successful in shoving her worries about tonight to the back of her mind, but she couldn’t do that any longer. What would happen when she walked into the bedroom? Would Alex pounce on her? Did she want him to? If she was honest with herself, part of her did. But another part of her wondered what he would think when he saw her nude for the first time.

Would he still want to consummate the marriage?

Belting the matching silk robe tightly around her waist, Laura took a deep breath and opened the  door.

Her steps faltered once she’d left the sanctuary of the bathroom, but she forced her feet across the hall into the bedroom.
Alex’s bedroom.

It’s all yours,” she said brightly, hoping he couldn’t hear the underlying tremor in her voice.

He turned from the nightstand, taking in her appearance with hungry, dark eyes that devoured her from head to toe. A warm flush stole through her body.

“I won’t be long,” he said hoarsely, his body almost grazing hers in passing as he left the room.

She sat down on the bed, placing one hand over her racing heart. Maybe she should have had more than one glass of champagne at dinner. The mellow effect of those bubbles had worn off and now she didn’t know what to do. Hop into the bed and wait for him? Curl up in the bed and pretend to be asleep? Surely Alex wouldn’t disturb her if he thought she was truly asleep?

Or should she just stay where she was, perched on the edge of the large bed, which actually did feel comfortable, just like her new husband had said?

She was so focused on her swirling thoughts that she didn’t realize that Alex had emerged from the bathroom until he stood in front of her.

Laura raised her eyes, taking in his bare, muscular chest. Swallowing hard, she noticed a smattering of dark chest hair before her eyes rested on black silk pajama pants
She hastily averted her eyes from his groin area, forcing herself to meet his eyes. The reality of her new husband in the flesh certainly matched her fantasies.

BOOK: The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride
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