The Tycoon's Virgin Bride - Part 3 (The Corskovi Dynasty) (5 page)

BOOK: The Tycoon's Virgin Bride - Part 3 (The Corskovi Dynasty)
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Chapter 7

after they had landed back in New York, Hannah felt as if her world was about
to change forever. She waited in the black tinted Bentley with Andre and
Gustav. Neither said a word. Gustav’s phone beeped and he glanced at it then
nodded to Andre.

go,” Andre said. She saw that Andre had adjusted a holster in his left breast

Holy hell!
Both men were armed. This was
the closest she’d ever gotten to anyone with a firearm, not counting a cop of

escorted Hannah out of the Bentley and they all made their way inside the
luxury hotel. All the way up inside the glass elevator neither of them breathed
a word. It was like a scene out of some James Bond movie anticipating the real
action to take place very soon.

exited the elevator first followed by Hannah then Andre behind her closely
guarding her. Gustav looked around before swiping his card key into suite 900.

what?” Hannah said, breathless. The tension was unbearable. She could hardly
breath without taking shallow breaths.

you do nothing but keep quiet, Hannah.” Gustav instructed.

person we’re expecting will be here soon to hand over payment for the job that
they believe is done.”

“I see.
You are to show her some sort of proof that I am no longer around and she will
pay you?”

the plan,” Gustav spoke as he adjusted a device over his gun before placing it
back in its holster. Hannah guessed it must be a silencer.

this person have a name?”

Gustav said as she peered out at the window as if looking for something on the
street below. Hannah noticed that he had one of those secret service
ear pieces
in his ear. Perhaps he was listening to
instructions. Was this Brigitte person here now? Was she about to meet the
woman who wanted her dead?

she wished she could call her best friend Lucy right now. Lucy probably
wouldn’t believe all this crap going on. But then again, Lucy was probably
hitting her books right now. Something Hannah should be doing.

here,” Gustav said as he moved from the window.

Hannah, I want you to go into the room and don’t come out until I say,” Andre’s
deep voice was very controlled.

nodded and went into the bedroom of the grand suite and closed the door. She
sat on the bed then got up and paced, too nervous to relax.
So this was what a stakeout felt like?
Now she knew for sure that she could never have a career in policing or
detective work.

tried taking deep breaths to calm her rattled nerves. This all seemed like a
Like a horrible dream.
It was all so

heard the door of the suite knock. It must be that Brigitte woman. Hannah
cracked the door slightly of her bedroom suite to see if she could hear
anything when the woman entered or peek at the suspect.

heard shuffling going on and peeked through the crack in the door to see that Andre
and Gustav went to hide behind another partition in the room while another man
came out of nowhere. It was Angus. The huge guy she’d seen at Andre’s Toronto
Gustav’s guy.

opened the door and welcomed in Brigitte.

Hannah’s jaw fell open. She felt the blood drain from her face when she saw

is the money,” she said in a stern voice handing over the cash. “I want to see
the proof that Hannah is dead.”

ran out of the room, overcome with shock. “Lucy!!!”

Chapter 8

spun her head around
her eyes were in shock
. Everything happened so fast,
before long a task force entered the room and surrounded Lucy, placing her in

Hannah’s eyes welled up in tears. “What? Why?”

bit down on her lip. Her face reddened. “Sorry, Hannah. It was not my idea. I
really grew to like you over the past year. I did. But…it was you or me.”
Before she could say more, Lucy was read her rights and carried away for

What the fuck!

walked over to Hannah and gave her shoulder a good squeeze. “Sorry, Hannah. We
didn’t want you to find out this way.”

Hannah was dazed as if she
struck by lightning
and didn’t know if she were coming or going.

see, Sherry Elroy James is Lucy’s mother. They had plotted this together all
along. Sherry sent Lucy here to track you down and pretend to be looking for a
roommate once they found that you were in college. She’d gotten her foreign
student visa and the plan seemed to be a good cover.”

didn’t hear the rest of what Gustav was saying, she’d just sat down dazed,
mind was a blur. Everything was a blur.


Hannah found out that they had enough evidence against Lucy and her mother to
press charges on a variety of felony charges including a plot to murder. An
investigation into the death of her biological father would later be reopened.

So this
was what it all boiled down to? Money?

didn’t know whether
of money or
of money was the real root of evil.

didn’t care about the wealth back in
her mother deserved to have a life that she’d worked so hard for. Her
grandfather was another matter. She just wasn’t ready to meet with him just
yet, though she spoke briefly on the phone to him at Gustav’s request. Mr.
Barrington owed her mother much more than just an apology.


Two years later…


gives me great pleasure to celebrate my grandson’s second birthday today,” Ms.
, Hannah’s mother cried as a crowd of gatherers
gathered at her country home outside of New York. “Two years ago the doctors
gave me months to live and today I am here—alive and well. My daughter,
God bless her, is happily married and has given me a precious gift. A

clapped in the crowd.

The sun
shone bright and hot that day and the gentle breeze from the lake provided a
comfortable temperature on the grounds of the estate.

squeezed Hannah’s shoulders with one strong hand as he held little Andre
, junior in his other arm. Tears of joy streamed
down Hannah’s face. It seemed like just yesterday she was trying to wed Gustav
in a fake ceremony and have a child before it was too late. It also seemed like
just yesterday, Andre and Hannah tied the knot on the island of Jamaica.

It was
a warm, sunshine day, a cloudless deep blue sky. The gentle breeze from the
lake whisked through Hannah’s dark hair. She was married. She was married to Andre
and she was a mommy.
proud mommy to a lovely little boy with deep brown rich eyes just like
his daddy and dark mousy hair. He was all hers.
A joy to
raise and love.
She couldn’t be
more happy

“Well, Andre
,” Hannah reached over to tickle her
son, “Aren’t you going to blow out your candles, sweetie!

Andre, Junior shouted and clapped his hands together.

made his way over with his camera. “I need to get a good clean shot of my
godson so, Andre, if you don’t mind…” Gustav teased as he motioned for Andre to
move out of the picture.

growled and narrowed his eyes. Gustav took a snap shot anyway. “Perfect,”
Gustav said as he moved over to take a picture of
as she sat in her wheelchair with a nurse at her

Dane, Andre’s
half brother walked up to the couple to take his nephew up to the front to cut
the cake with his grandmother whom he shared a birthday with.

they were alone Andre then gave Hannah a passionate, soul deep kiss as if they
were the only ones in the garden party. He sucked on her lips and slid his hot
wet tongue inside her parted lips and brought shivers of delight through her
body. A flash interrupted their kiss.

took a picture and tilted his head up. “Well, I guess my job here is done.” He
cocked a brow and nodded to Andre.

you,” Hannah whispered to him. She went over and kissed his cheek. “Thanks for
everything, Gustav. For being a good friend and everything.”

worries. Just as long as you folks are happy,” he said and turned away. An
eye-candy blond with huge boobs clung to Gustav’s arm. Hannah shook her head
and grinned.
Gustav. Gustav. Gustav.
All about the women.


then turned to Andre and whispered in his ears something dirty. He squeezed her
waist and slid his hand down her bottom and gave it a good firm squeeze.

Oh, God!

was getting wet inside her panties again. Her pussy throbbed in anticipation of
Andre filling her inside with his huge manhood. Delight took her when she saw
his erection tenting in his
pants which
would mean
that they were about to make a discreet getaway from the party and into the
garden house. Sex with Andre was electrifying every single time. Even after,
Andre Jr. was born
the erotic passion was
. Andre had taught her all the fantastic sex positions from
the Kama Sutra. In fact, every day was a different exotic adventure. She’d
never known she could be pleasured in so many ways before. Just to think, she’d
almost given up on Andre. Thankfully, he’d changed his feelings towards
marriage and wanted to share the rest of his life with Hannah.

she married the man she was meant to be with. Forever and ever!




you for reading The Tycoon’s Virgin Bride – The
Saga. I hope you enjoyed the series as much as I enjoyed creating it. You may
also enjoy other sizzling romances:




Brothers, Part 1)




He needs a temporary wife…


most sought after bachelor, Carlos
is young,
rich and devilishly handsome. He has everything he thought he could possibly
want until his grandfather’s will stipulates he must be married by his 30th
birthday to keep his inheritance. He’s suddenly in need of a wife who can fulfill
his every hot desire.


She needs a job…


psychology student Elsie Sherwood suddenly finds herself in need of another job
after a medical crisis in the family cost her family home. Sexy Carlos
offers her work for a month but there are strings
attached…and a diamond ring. She must fulfill his thirty-one needs to play his
wife until he fulfills his grandfather’s will—but is the seduction too
hot to handle?


can’t be serious,” Carlos
eyes narrowed as
he sat opposite Santos Duke of Duke, Ross & Andres,
for the
family. Santos had summoned Carlos
and his six brothers for a reading of the last will and testament of their late
grandfather, John Smith
II, the founder of
the world-renowned
retail empire. Their
inherited stock in the company made them one of the wealthiest families in the

“Yes, I
very serious, Mr.
,” Duke’s eyes were fixed on twenty-nine year old
Carlos, the current
Corporation. “And to all of you, John, Jared, Marcus, Justin, Dane and Tristan,
your grandfather left this one condition in his will for a very good reason.”

that we can all get hitched by our next birthday?”

quite, Jared.”


basically,” Duke sighed as he took his spectacles off his face and placed them
on the table after reading the will, “When your grandfather, John, lost both of
his sons, your father and your uncle, he’d made a few changes to his will to
ensure the company’s legacy. Of course, your father’s demise in that helicopter
crash was a great tragedy but he spoke to us about his concern over your Uncle
Jeffrey’s suicide as the turning point.”

sprung up to his feet and shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to contain
himself. “So this is what it’s all about. Uncle Jeff, the womaniser and gambler
who lost all his money so we have to pay?”

not exactly, Carlos. Please sit down and relax.”

You just told us that we’re going to lose our inheritance if we don’t fulfill
some comical condition of our grandfather’s will. How do you think this makes
us feel?”

“Yes, I
can imagine it is hard to come to grasp with. But it is all for a good reason.
Your grandfather’s business was built on all the good values that he believed
in…trust, loyalty, family values. He just doesn’t want to see you squander your
fortune on fast women and fast cars. He feels that having a family will give
you more stability. In his days matchmaking was good for the family. You can be
paired up with…”

Duke! It’s one thing to insist that we marry by our
next birthday but to be told
to marry. That’s
another thing.”

agree with Carlos,” John
III said as stood
up. “We all know that gramps had a wild sense of
about life and maybe this is his one last laugh from the grave but I say we
find our own wives,
we agree to

sighed heavily, his hand combing his white strands of hair, what was left on
“Very well. But please let me know if you
require assistance in this area. And regarding your grandfather’s
conditions…I’ve seen worse in wills. You’d be surprised.”

this is not other people’s wills we’re talking about…this is our family’s

well.” Duke seemed too tired to argue further and Carlos could tell he was way
past retirement.
A good man but really pushing the working

stood by the window looking out as his brothers talked amongst themselves. He
really didn’t get it. Why would his grandfather make such a condition to his
will? Okay, he got it that his uncle was nothing but trouble.
A disgrace to the family.
An irresponsible playboy bachelor
who squandered his fortune, gambled with money he no longer had and ultimately
disgraced the
family name by his tabloid
appearances with run ins with the law. He was later found dead in a hotel
bathroom after he overdosed on
pain killers
. Later it
was ruled out as a suicide. It caused a scandal for the
public image. The owners of one of the world’s largest upscale retailers listed
in the Forbes list of the wealthiest families during the last decade alone. His
father, John II, wasn’t any better.

was always the outcast in the family.
The different one.
He was darker in complexion than his fair skinned brothers and his dark grey
eyes contrasted to their blue eyes. He was the illegitimate son.

couldn’t help but feel this was quite a coincidence. With all the
of brotherhood from his siblings he knew how they
really felt about him and it didn’t faze him one bit—until now. His father
had an affair with the Italian maid, his mother, while married to Mrs.
. He’d always been made to feel different from the
rest. He’d grown up trying to be twenty times better just to be considered
equal. He’d worked hard in the company just to prove his worth and changed the
vision and increased the company’s profit line in addition to pleasing
customers in an unconventional way. Now on the verge of one of the largest risk
ventures to bring the
empire to another
level, he could possibly lose it all—with all his hard work. He’d been
responsible for pulling
Department store into
the twenty-first century and beyond. Macy’s couldn’t compare to it now. Now
this ridiculous will stipulation when it was a known fact that he was a sworn bachelor,
he couldn’t help but feel this was some sort of set up. He just didn’t believe
in marriage. Period.

his father was killed in a plane crash…with another mistress at his side.

much for family values.

swore he’d never get married while growing up. He just didn’t believe in
happily ever after. Shoot, he didn’t exactly have any role models in that area.
Being single and working hard in the corporation meant more to him…until now.
He really didn’t want to lose his place in the business or his inheritance. It
would undo everything he’d ever worked for.

it! He
Corporation. He had to think fast. Maybe there was a way around this ridiculous
little clause in his grandfather’s will.

His jaw
clenched at the thought of what he would do. There was always a way around
things and this would be no different.

“By the
way,” Duke said after clearing his throat, “part of the stipulation of the will
is that if for any reason you contest the will…you get nothing.”

Carlos shot back, stunned. He felt fire course through his veins. His brothers
also looked up from their conversations as if they’d seen a ghost. The
atmosphere in the lawyer’s office turned frigid, tense.

Duke whispered as he looked down, regret in his eyes, as if he, too, thought
that particular condition of John
will was

jaw clenched, every muscle in his body tensed up. He felt his blood run cold.

Nothing? We’ll see about that.



next day, Elsie Sherwood stood outside of the rotating doors of the glass
building of
Corporation with her Starbucks
coffee in hand. She held the cup to her lips taking the last sip. Just what she
needed to calm her nerves and
some alertness to
her day.

she shivered with anxiety. She really needed this new position at
. Failure was not an option.

set, kiddo?” her cousin Dee called out to her after dropping her off.

she lied.

know I never thought I’d see you working in a sex toy shop.”

“It’s not
a sex toy shop,” Elsie snapped back. “It’s part of the
Department store. It’s just another department within the store.”

mocked, “the Home Pleasures department.”
Dee broke out into a laugh after trying to contain herself.

rolled her eyes. Dee was always mocking her growing up. Elsie had always been
the shy quiet one in the family. Dee was the wild child, done it all cousin.
But she was sure glad to be sharing her one-bedroom apartment after the bailiff
changed the lock on the door. Since her mother’s death and losing the home from
escalating medical bills prior to her death, it had all been one crazy ride.

gentle September breeze kissed her skin with its coolness as Elsie held her
hair down with her free hand, ever so conscious of her scar on the side of her
hairline. She’d always managed to style her hair in a certain way so that it
wasn’t clearly visible.

if I get this job it’ll be research for my class in Human Sexuality.”

when are you taking a class on Human Sexuality?” Dee looked surprised.

on Dee. Remember? I told you it was the only elective available to finish my
psych degree.”

right. How convenient,” Dee smirked as she saluted her playfully before rolling
up the window to drive away.

grinned and turned around to enter the building. She threw the Starbucks cup
into the recycle bin just outside the doors after she’d taken her last sip.

could not help but thinking, she’d covered her tuition for the fall but come
January, she’d be toast if she didn’t come up with another $15,000. What on
earth would she do? Once she’d graduated she could work as a
in her field while she completed her Masters
and PhD program. “Looking forward and leaving the past behind.” That was her
new motto now. She’d been through her own share of heartbreak in her life and
she wasn’t about to let it mess up her future. She had to move forward for her
mother if nothing else.

bottom line was she really did need this job.
Like yesterday.

It was
a controversial move from her part time job at
in the café waiting tables. But it sure would pay a whole lot more while she
put herself through college. She was glad for the internal job posting for
new department opening up soon. The pay would be
phenomenal and would offer her more hours to boot. The store required six full
time and four part time staff to rotate weekends, days and evenings. That would
fit around her classroom schedule perfectly. The job description specified the
candidates must be enthusiastic, approachable, knowledgeable about the products
(hmm, she’d thought that part odd) and professional in appearance and

best part was that she would finally get to meet up close the hottest board
member of the upscale store chain,
, also heir to the empire, since he would be
personally meeting and interviewing potential candidates who passed through the
first round of screening. It would be a long shot but a girl could dream,
couldn’t she? It wasn’t so much his status or money or his key position and how
he single-handedly managed to turn the empire around and modernize it in
unconventional ways. It was his charm, his charisma and yet his elusive nature
rolled into one. He was a complex man.
A genius, yet
different from all the other suits around.
Even before she’d started
working at the café at
she’d seen him once
or twice from a distance but she’d always had a star-like crush on him. The man
dominated her most intimate fantasies.
Again, a long shot.

of Carlos
made her pulse quicken and her
inner thighs tingle. She had to divert her thoughts to something else. This was
so unprofessional and so never going to happen. He was the head of the
corporation she worked for—she a little dot on his avalanche of works all
over the world. She’d
him a few times and
gaped at the slender athletic body of the mogul with several women, sometimes
models, A-list actresses and the works. Elsie knew she hadn’t fit into that
category. She was just an ordinary girl next door with a little cellulite on
her butt. She’d also admired her out of the box thinking when he’d changed the
direction of
to separate from its major
competitors with stores like Macy’s. He was often met with critical attention
from the media and his competitors but at the end, the store’s bottom line
increased. Not only that but he’d been the biggest philanthropist—opening
more sports centers and donating more computers and services for inner city
kids to get ahead. Some had said that he did most things in secret without all
the media glitz. He would secretly visit the arenas and coach on the kids or
help out in building some of the habitat homes himself in disguise. Still, the
man was a mystery for sure. Elsie often fantasized about him noticing her in
the pool of women working for him. Yeah, right! Like that was ever going to
happen. She’d had way too much insecurity to even think of getting up close to
someone like Carlos

ready?” Lucy from Women’s Apparel called out to her noticing her march towards
the glass main elevators.

BOOK: The Tycoon's Virgin Bride - Part 3 (The Corskovi Dynasty)
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