Read The Vampire Who Thirsted for a Wolf Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #Vampires

The Vampire Who Thirsted for a Wolf (7 page)

BOOK: The Vampire Who Thirsted for a Wolf
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But no, he refused to act like a randy teen and surrender to his

lusts like that. Oh, he’d have no problem with unleashing his passions

once they reached their destination, but Derek deserved better than a

random romp in the dark. Kaname wanted to drape Derek in decadent

silks, to take him in Egyptian sheets and see Derek’s skin glow in the

warm light of scented candles. He wanted to take his time and lick

every single inch of the werewolf’s body, to show Derek just how

amazing their coupling could be.

Derek released another small whimper, and Kaname knew the

werewolf must have sensed at least a part of his thoughts. He hastened

the pace, rushing through the passageway as quickly as he could.

Finally, he emerged in his office, but he didn’t stop.

Kaname’s quarters weren’t actually in the coven. Oh, he had

rooms next to those of his brother, but he used them only when he

slept with other people. When he wanted privacy, he left the coven

area altogether. He had a personal elevator going from his office and

to the penthouse suite of the skyscraper.

With the ease of practice, Kaname pressed a hidden button,

revealing the panel on the wall. The elevator doors opened and

Kaname stepped inside. With one barked order, he commanded the

intelligent lift to take him to suite. As soon as the doors slid closed,

Kaname placed Derek on the floor.

The werewolf seemed disoriented, having obviously not expected

to be released. That was all right with Kaname since he didn’t plan to

allow Derek his freedom for long. He flipped the werewolf against the


Scarlet Hyacinth

elevator wall, pinning him with his face against the transparent


Derek gaped, obviously realizing that, as the lift climbed, the

material its doors were made of allowed him to see into the rest of the

building and beyond.

“Look,” Kaname whispered as the elevator drifted past a floor full

of office workers. “They’re right there within our reach. If you cry out

for me, will they hear? What do you think?”

He bit down lightly on Derek’s ear, hard enough for the werewolf

to feel it, but without drawing blood. All the while, he slipped his

hand in front of Derek and undid the werewolf’s pants. Derek tried to

fight him, but his efforts were weak, at best.

“Stop,” he murmured brokenly. “They’ll see.”

“They won’t.” Kaname chuckled, loving the way Derek was

squirming but not quite breaking away. “They don’t even realize

there’s an elevator built here. Everyone believes the part of the

building that houses the elevator shaft is mere decoration, and it was

created with special material that doesn’t allow anyone from the

outside to see on the inside.”

“You vampires think of…” Derek moaned as Kaname’s hand slid

into his pants and found his hot erection. “God, yes. Ah, fuck. That’s


Kaname smirked. “Would you want them to watch you, pet?” he

asked. “Would you like them to see how I touch you, how I fuck


The only reply Kaname got was a desperate moan. Kaname’s own

lust rose to nearly unbearable proportions. He pushed Derek’s pants

and underwear down, revealing the perfect globes of Derek’s ass.

There was nothing he wanted more than to thrust between those sweet

cheeks, but by some miracle, he somehow managed to hold back.

He did, however, take advantage of his fortunate position and ran

the fingers of his right hand over Derek’s tempting crease. With his

The Vampire Who Thirsted for a Wolf


left, he continued to massage Derek’s cock, his senses focused on the

werewolf’s pleasure, monitoring Derek’s erratic mind.

By now, Derek was in a world of his own. The man who had once

been so calm was gone, replaced by a lustful creature, taking

everything Kaname offered and demanding more. Fuck, Kaname had

known Derek would be like this once he let go. The fact that the

werewolf had trusted him enough to do so was a gift Kaname would

value deeply.

He didn’t allow himself to think about why Derek trusted him in

the first place, and why Kaname had brought Derek up to his private

suite instead of his coven quarters. Dwelling on such things would

just ruin the moment. Instead, Kaname focused on the now, on giving

Derek the pleasure the werewolf had never received from another


Kaname rubbed his finger over Derek’s opening, testing the hole,

gently probing. He didn’t intend to take things too far, merely to test

Derek’s limits and reactions. After all, they were almost to his suite,

and there, Kaname could truly pleasure Derek in all the ways the

werewolf deserved.

Even so, he was more than a little satisfied when Derek pushed

back against him, seeking more of the invasion, appearing to be

uncaring of their location. In fact, Derek seemed quite aroused by the

thought of being watched. “Kaname,” the werewolf said breathlessly,

“don’t tease.”

The sound of his name on Derek’s lips made Kaname shudder

with lust. He’d had so many lovers in his long life, but none had

managed to excite him like Derek did. He pushed a fingertip into

Derek’s ass, the pressure just a promise of what he would later give

the werewolf.

It seemed, however, that Derek had been on the edge. His ass

tightened around Kaname’s digit, and he cried out as he came all over

Kaname’s hand and the elevator wall.


Scarlet Hyacinth

The ecstasy he experienced at Derek’s climax took Kaname

completely by surprise. His vampire abilities had always guaranteed

that he felt a portion of the pleasure his bedmates did, but it had never

been like this, so profound, so breathtaking. Every instinct inside

Kaname awoke, demanding more of the addictive wolf.

Derek slumped against him, still panting after the climax. He

smelled so good that Kaname might have renounced his plan had the

doors of the elevator not opened at last. Relieved beyond measure,

Kaname grabbed Derek and crossed the suite, unable to focus on

anything else but his lust and Derek’s.

He stalked to the bedroom, the frenzy of desire clawing at his

insides having reached an almost painful extent. His four-poster bed

beckoned him closer, and he dumped Derek on the mattress. For a few

brief instants, he was in awe at how beautiful Derek looked. Kaname

hadn’t bothered to do up Derek’s clothing, so Derek’s pants were still

lowered, his shirt askew, his hair ruffled. The telltale signs of his

climax still showed, a few drops of cum having stained the garments.

And most important of all, in spite of his recent orgasm, Derek was

still hard.

“You drive me crazy,” Kaname confessed. “I’m going to fuck you

so hard you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

Just as Kaname had expected, Derek shuddered, but then, he

offered Kaname a wicked grin. “Give me your best shot, vampire. I

want to see you try.”

The challenge snapped the already frayed edges of Kaname’s

control. He pounced on Derek, tearing at the werewolf’s clothes with

a savageness that surprised even him. Derek was right there with him,

his clawed hands tearing at the silk of Kaname’s shirt, ripping the

delicate material and sending buttons flying.

Naturally, Kaname couldn’t care less about his expensive

garments. Right then and there, they were an annoyance, a barrier

keeping him from Derek. He couldn’t seem to be able to get rid of

them fast enough. In the end, their frantic motions paid off. Derek’s

The Vampire Who Thirsted for a Wolf


shirt landed on the floor, and Kaname’s soon followed. They pulled

away for the few seconds it took for them to remove their shoes and


As Kaname discarded his last items of clothing, his gaze traveled

over Derek’s now-nude body. The werewolf’s muscular form drew

him like a moth to the flame. He could not resist Derek’s lure any

more than he could stop yearning for the taste of Derek’s blood on his


Kaname’s fangs dropped, and he grinned as he crawled over

Derek. He had no intention of hiding his nature from Derek. Derek

didn’t seem intimidated. “You’re not going to incapacitate me in

unpleasant places with those teeth, are you?” he asked cheekily.

It was, of course, obvious that Derek had been prepared for having

to give his blood to Kaname. Even so, Kaname liked the flirty

comment. Far too often, his lovers were too in awe with him to fully

enjoy their play. While Derek was even more wonderfully responsive

than any of Kaname’s previous partners, the werewolf didn’t shy

away from this lighthearted banter.

“And where exactly would you want me to put my mouth?”

Kaname smirked as he reached for Derek’s prick. “Here?”

“Ah…Fuck, yeah.” Derek groaned, wrapping his arms around

Kaname’s neck and pulling him closer for a kiss.

Derek’s assertiveness lasted for a few moments longer, but then,

Kaname bit on his lower lip, wordlessly demanding submission.

Derek obediently parted his lips, and Kaname slipped his tongue

inside, taking Derek’s mouth like he wanted to do with Derek’s ass.

The sharp, metallic taste of Derek’s blood made Kaname’s head

swim. The only way vampires could get drunk or high was by

imbibing the blood of an intoxicated person, and this was a lot like

that, only so much better. Derek’s life essence held so much power

and sensuality that just this mere kiss plunged Kaname into an

unquenchable well of ecstasy.


Scarlet Hyacinth

He tore his mouth away from the werewolf’s and licked his lips. If

he waited for much longer, he’d come before he could fuck Derek,

and that would simply not do.

Derek just looked at him, all pretense of coyness forgotten.

“Kaname...” he whispered.

“Shh.” Kaname stole another kiss from those beautiful lips,

amazed at his own gentleness. “I’ll give you everything you want.

Just be patient.”

He briefly left Derek’s side to rummage through his nightstand.

Unlike others of his kind who preferred the convenience of

purchasing commercial lubricants, Kaname chose more-specific ones,

oils that could heat up a man from the inside out and chill him if need

be, ointments that could soothe a lover’s skin or bring every nerve

ending to life.

Kaname retrieved a particular one, a crystal vial holding a

translucent rosy liquid. He uncapped it and poured a generous amount

on his fingers, nodding with approval at the warmth that engulfed

him. For today, he didn’t need any additional sensation. He required

something that would help Derek relax, that would coax Derek’s body

to open to Kaname’s invasion. False modesty aside, Kaname was

quite generously endowed, and he didn’t want to cause any

unnecessary pain.

Derek gazed at the vial as if transfixed. His eyes followed

Kaname’s every motion, and as Kaname approached, Derek spread

his legs wide and lifted them slightly, exposing his opening to


There were no more words between them, but at this point, they

weren’t needed. Kaname had much better things to do with his mouth

than speak. He crawled back to the werewolf, but didn’t go too far.

Instead, he lowered his mouth over Derek’s dick, admiring the

pearlescent drops of pre-cum already pooling at the tip. He breathed a

gust of hot air over the glans, all the while reaching between Derek’s

ass cheeks and slowly pushing a finger into Derek’s body.

The Vampire Who Thirsted for a Wolf


The werewolf responded beautifully. He pressed back against

Kaname, his passage hot and tight as it squeezed Kaname’s digit. It

was all Kaname could do not to throw all caution to the wind,

abandon his careful preparations, and bury his dick inside that snug

hole. Hungry for Derek, he chose the next best thing and took Derek’s

cock in his mouth.

Derek released a choked cry, a combination of Kaname’s name

and a desperate, incoherent plea. Kaname gave his lover no mercy. He

bobbed his head up and down Derek’s shaft, taking the werewolf’s

dick deep into his throat. At the same time, he crooked his finger

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