Read Their Alpha Bitch Online

Authors: Fran Lee

Their Alpha Bitch (8 page)

BOOK: Their Alpha Bitch
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“They are sound asleep. I think I wore them out…but I missed you. Are you too worn out to fuck me, Mace? Because I need you so badly, I think I’ll die if you say no…”

He eased his hips lower in the water, reclining against the back of the tub, and he pulled her down over him, biting his lip as her silky cunt swallowed every hard, hungry inch of him. “I love it when you talk dirty…” he rasped, flexing his hips upward to press his tip to the mouth of her womb.

Her sweet round breasts floated on top of the steamy water, and he bent forward to capture a pebbled nipple. “Mmm…” he murmured as he sucked the areola deep into his mouth, while he ran his tongue back and forth over the nipple. He felt her hot, wet sheath clamp around his cock as she gasped and he slid his thumb down between their bodies to press against the side of her clit as she rode him with panting breaths.

“God, Mace…you feel so good inside me. Yes…just like that…” her words were quick and ended with a cry of pleasure as she arched and pulled his head tight against her breast. He spent his hot semen inside her clenching cunt, sucking deeply on her breast as his fingers cupped around the trembling globe.

It was several minutes later when he eased away from her nipple and kissed her breast softly. “I’m sorry if I was too rough. Your breasts make me crazy…”

“Your mouth makes me crazy. I love it on my nipples. You can make me come just by sucking, darling…”

He heard the soft endearment, and his heart swelled. He snaked his tongue over her swollen nipple and nipped at it gently. “I suppose the others have told you already that they adore you…”

She caught his head between her hands and bent to kiss him. “Yes.”

“You realize that it’s true, don’t you? They truly love you.” His throat was constricted.

“I know.” She smiled down into his face as she slowly moved her hips, teasing his still hard cock that was locked tightly inside her sheath. He groaned and closed his eyes with pleasure before he opened them to meet her gaze again.

“I never was much good with words, sweetness…” his voice was a rasp as he flexed his hips upward to meet her downward thrust. “You must know by now that we all love you deeply…”

She paused in the middle of a long slide onto his cock, and her eyes widened slightly. “Are you trying to tell me something, Mace?”

He swallowed the constriction that threatened to block his air, and he felt her finish the delicious slide and press her pussy against his groin. His arms drew her so tight to his chest, he was afraid he would make it impossible for her to breathe. He buried his lips in the hair at her temple, and he whispered raggedly, “I’m trying to tell you how much you mean to me…that I love you with every breath that I take. I’m not good with words like Gant and Dune. I need you more than breath. I want you every moment of the day and night. Please don’t ever send me away, Kenna…I’ll die…”

His ragged words made her heart leap in her breast. Of all her mates, Mace was the one who had stolen her heart so long ago, and after years of thinking he couldn’t bear the sight of her, his confession of love hit her the hardest. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and ran her fingers through his wet hair lovingly.

“Why would I send you away, Mace?” She kissed his eyes and then his mouth slowly. “I love you so much it hurts to be away from you.”


Lying in the slowly cooling tub, wrapped in his arms and slowly riding his lean hips with shuddering thrusts, Kenna wondered at her insatiable need for her mates…especially Mace. The revelation that her parents had been half-breed wolves had made her understand some of the feelings that she experienced while enjoying her three lusty mates, but if she was part wolf, why had Aunt Maggie and Uncle Pete never told her?
Why had they hidden that fact from her?

She was certain they had hidden the fact of her wolf heritage for a reason, but why? She ran her tongue along Mace’s throat, enjoying the slow flex of his hips upward, and the feel of his big hands as he fondled her breasts. His voice was a deep rumble as he murmured, “We should get out of the water before you turn into a pink, sexy prune…”

“Then you’d better make me come again. I won’t be able to move once we are out of the tub.”

“Anything for you, baby…” He lifted his hips hard as she bucked against him, her breathing ragged and her eyes filled with pure wild lust. She realized that the water was draining from the tub as Mace readjusted her on his body and began to ram deep and hard as cooler air surrounded them.

“Come for me…now…” he rasped as he dragged her hard down over his cock and she felt hot semen flood her again. The intensity of his command threw her over the edge of the cliff they had been clinging to, and she joined him in the wild, ecstatic orgasm that made her body shatter into billions of hot spasms of joy.

The water was gone as Mace wrapped his arms around her and carefully rose to his knees in the tub, before rising to his feet. She was still wrapped tightly around him. He was still buried deep inside her clenched sheath. Every slow move his body made as he climbed out of the tub telegraphed into hers, and as he sank onto the closed toilet seat lid and began to towel her dry, she whispered hoarsely, “I’m…coming…again…”


Mace felt her body clutch him tight as she began to shudder with pleasure once again, and he closed his eyes as her clenching muscles milked his still hard cock. He gasped as his body tightened and responded to her demand. “Fuck, baby…oh, gods!
” He lowered his mouth to her shoulder, and as his teeth lengthened and slid into her wet skin, and her sweet hot blood filled his mouth, he felt as if his body was turning inside out, straining to give her more of everything.

Shit! He was turning…

Kenna was shuddering with reaction as he bit her again. A sudden desperate need to bite him, too as her orgasm tore through her brought her mouth to the heavy muscle on top of his shoulder. A blinding need filled her, and she sensed that something was changing within his body…his voice had turned to a rumbling snarl as he sucked at the wound he had inflicted. She felt his hands clutch at her hips…felt the lengthening nails dragging gently over her wet skin. His thick, stiff cock seemed to get even thicker and longer, and her breasts were rasping against a chest that felt much heavier…
and hairy

A rumbling growl vibrated against her neck, and as his cock seemed to expand to fill her entire pelvis, she sank her own sharp teeth into his hot skin and…

A white hot orgasm seized her, and she buried her nails in the hard, shaking muscles of his back as he began to hump beneath her wildly, his body shuddering and seeming to grow bigger by the second. His mouth lifted from her shoulder, and his voice, deeper and almost vicious, rasped harshly beside her ear.

“Now you’ve done it, sweetness…no way out now. We’re locked. Just go with it…I can’t stop until you get it all…”

“Fuck me Mace…” Her own voice sounded rough, harsh as she licked at the hot blood on his shoulder. “I want you deeper…oh, fuck…you are so big…yesss…”

He reached between their locked bodies and slid his fingers in a vee over her throbbing, swollen clit to scissor it roughly as they clung together, gasping and snarling.

“Oh, yesss…” she panted, jerking her pelvis in a cantering movement on his lap. “So good…”

“Just don’t try to get off me, sweetling…that’s it…ah, gods! That’s it…” Mace’s growl against her sweat-slick throat was the biggest turn-on!

“I…am…not…going…anywhere…” she growled as she bit his shoulder again and sucked at his hot, delicious blood. He threw his head back and…

The unending orgasm made her feel as if her heart would burst…the monster cock buried so tight and deep seemed to grow even longer, and she threw back her own head and let out a shriek of exultation that ended in a howl much like his.

Mace opened his eyes to glare a warning as the bathroom door opened, and his siblings stopped dead in their tracks to stare at him. He knew he was half-turned…his body bigger and his muscles heavier and thicker…his hair longer and his claws clamped possessively around her hips, their tips dragging gently over her quivering body. He also knew that his face had lengthened, his ears had changed shape, and his eyes had changed from round and green to the oval golden green of his wolf form.

Gant’s eyes weren’t on him, though…they were on Kenna. His older sibling wavered for a moment between his human form and his wolf form, and when his oval eyes shifted back to meet Mace’s, he nodded.

She’s changing…

Mace pulled her hot, shuddering body tighter over his still-coming cock.

It’s a shitty night for her first change…with the Draga pack out there…

Dune was trembling like a leaf as his big body began to waver between human and wolf.
We’ll be with you, bro. We’ll cover your backs…

Let the pack know. I don’t know how long I’ll be locked in her…I’m too fucking hot to relax and stop coming…

Lucky fucker…
Dune finally gave in to his change, and with a short yelp of pain, he allowed his wolf to come. He lay panting on the bathroom tiles, his big black body shivering as his muscles and bones stopped shifting.

Gant followed suit, and the huge silver grey wolf sank onto his belly beside Dune to wait for Mace and Kenna to come back from their mutual ecstasy.

So, you think you can shut that thing off and let her finish her first change?

Not on your life. These things take time…

Figured you’d say that…

Hope she doesn’t
get all bitchy after her change. I would love to catch her and take her.

Fuck that, bro! I am way younger and faster than either of you…


Chapter Eight


Her body was trembling…she sensed her other mates close by, but something was happening, and she couldn’t quite think straight. Mace’s powerful body was holding her immobile, her body locked to his tightly as he seemed to grow and change. When she could at last move a little on his lap, and his cock seemed to slowly grow less immense inside her, she realized that the intense orgasm had subsided, and she could almost think again. She opened her eyes to blink down at Dune and Gant, who lay on the cool bathroom tiles in their full wolf forms.

“I’m so…dizzy…” she mumbled, and heard her voice come out like a growl. Mace shifted her slightly, his cock slipping gently from her tingling pussy. “What’s happening to me?” Her body was hot…shaking…and she realized that Mace’s face was different. His golden-green eyes watched her expectantly. “You…you are changing…”

He inhaled deeply, and his nostrils flared. “Let it come, Kenna…let it come, baby…” His voice was rough, almost a growl. He closed his eyes and bared his very sharp, full set of fangs, and she jumped off his lap like a shot, backing away as he threw his head back and finished the change that he’d started while she was clenching him deep inside.

Panic shot through her, and when she got a good look at herself in the big mirror over the double sinks, she totally lost it.


Pain shot through every muscle and bone in her body. Her heart felt as if it might explode. The face that stared back at her was hers…but it wasn’t. And as the shot of agony tore through her, the face…and body…changed drastically. She tried to scream, but it came out as a howl.

Oh God…I’m gonna die…

You won’t. The pain will stop. The first time is always the hardest.

Gant’s deep voice inside her mind made her gasp and stare at the huge silver grey beast. She sank to the floor, and screamed…howled…until her throat ached.

This isn’t happening…this isn’t real…

Let it happen, sweet thing…don’t fight it so hard. Let it come…

She panted as Mace’s rough tones caressed her mind.

What’s happening to me? I can’t be…this can’t be…

The gigantic black and silvertip wolf lowered his body to the tiles beside her, and laid his massive head on her throat, before whining softly beside her ear.
You are. It’s done. Rest and get your mind in sync with the rest of you, baby…

Mace? What have you done to me?

Nothing, Kenna.
Dune’s deep tones murmured softly in her mind.
Your parents could never shift because they were half-bloods. But you
only needed to fully mate with us…it was all of us together. It is coming up on the full moon tonight, and Mace couldn’t hold it together. When he half-changed during sex with you, he triggered your first change. It could have happened when you were with us earlier, so it wasn’t anything he did. You are one of us. In every way…

Kenna fought to roll away from Mace’s wolf form, and realized that she was standing on four trim silver white paws. She gave an experimental swish to the thick, bushy tail that felt so damn odd attached to her quivering ass. Her three massive wolves rose to their paws, too.

Come and truly meet your pack, as our alpha mate. They are waiting for us in the courtyard.

She blinked, and turned her head to get a look at the rest of her body.
She tested the strength of her new legs, and leapt onto the toilet, then up onto the countertop beneath the mirror, and the first real sight of her wolf form nearly made her fall off the damn counter.
Holy fucking hell…

Smaller than her gigantic mates, wolf-Kenna was by no means less impressive. She’d seen hundreds of wolves, real and shifters…but her reflection in the glass left her staring in disbelief.

You are stunning, mate…
Gant’s rumbling tones brought heat to her body.

You would make your parents proud if they were here to see this.
Dune’s soft whisper made her tremble a little.

I’ve never seen a silvertip white before…

She gazed at the powerful, beautiful wolf that looked back at her from the glass.

BOOK: Their Alpha Bitch
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