Their Divine Doctor, a Holiday Ménage (7 page)

BOOK: Their Divine Doctor, a Holiday Ménage
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Gage’s heart was still hammering in his chest, but it wasn’t with anxiety this time. He was only half paying attention to the instructor he’d jumped in tandem with as he unhooked their harnesses and congratulated him on his first jump.

His attention was caught up with watching Emma as she ran to them. Her little brown ponytails bobbed up and down, and the look of pure, unadulterated joy on her face was heart stopping. Her arms were out as she ran, and he knew if she’d had wings she would’ve been flying to them. Duke was nearest to her on the landing field, so he made his way in that direction.

He caught up with Duke just as she flung herself at both of them at the same time, wrapping an arm around each of them as they caught her.

“Oh, my gosh! I can’t believe we did it!
We did it!

Her eyes were sparkling green gems, and her cheeks were rosy as she chortled with glee. Duke’s green parachute billowed around them, forgotten for the moment.

“You did it, angel,” Gage said as he kissed her temple. She was so excited she practically vibrated in their arms.

“We did it!”
Looking at Duke she added, “And I didn’t pee!”

Duke broke out in laughter and hugged Emma tight and replied, “Of course you didn’t pee, Em. You did great. I wish you could’ve seen your face when you jumped. I’ve gone skydiving a bunch of times but this was the best one, by far.” Looking at Gage, he murmured, “She was worried she’d get so scared she’d pee.”

Gage would never admit it, but he could commiserate with her. He chuckled and said, “I think this calls for a celebration.”

He and Duke had decided in advance to spend the night at one of their favorite Concho River campsites, and he was certainly ready for some time alone with their beautiful doctor.

He’d missed her like crazy all week, and they had yet to be completely alone. Gage was grateful this was her weekend off, so they didn’t have to worry about her phone ringing. She’d been enthusiastic when they’d asked her to pack a bag to go camping overnight.

Every time he turned his phone on, he received text messages from Amy, who was still pestering him online as well. He’d left it turned off while he was out of town and planned to change the number on Monday. Gage was dumbfounded by her interest in him when he’d made it clear that it wasn’t reciprocated. Somehow she’d gotten it in her head that playing online video games with him and chatting casually equated a romance of some sort. She was acquainted with Marcario and Jelani, who they regularly played
Call of Duty
with, but neither of them had drawn Amy’s notice, only Gage.

They’d picked Emma up downstairs very early that morning and made the drive to the skydiving center outside Eden in less than two hours. It wasn’t even noon yet, and they had the whole beautiful day together.

They departed the skydiving center a few minutes later and made their way toward the Concho River arm of Ivie Lake. Gage and Duke had always enjoyed the thickly treed shoreline and the quiet of the older campsite, which was some distance from the more heavily traversed, newer recreational areas and campgrounds. They’d called ahead to reserve the same campsite as last time, and the person he’d spoken to had told him that with the school year already started, the area would probably be deserted all weekend. That suited Gage just fine.

They pulled off of the paved road and threaded their way back through the thickly treed area and finally rolled to a stop on the loose gravel beside their campsite.

Emma opened the car door and sighed happily as she stretched. “I’ve never camped here before. It’s very pretty and secluded.” The sexy way she drew out the word “secluded” made his cock tingle as he watched her stretching. Her breasts pressed forward in the neckline of her top, almost begging to be caressed and suckled. He muffled a grunt as he ran into the car door because he wasn’t watching where he was going.

Gage pointed toward an opening in the trees. “I think you’ll like the view from there.” He smiled when Emma grabbed her camera from her bag and went off in the direction he pointed.

Duke chuckled when they heard her gasp in delight and call back, “It’s beautiful!”

They’d just completed construction of their tent when they heard a splash and a gleeful squeal. Emma’s sexy, low-pitched laughter drew his attention to the opening in the trees, and his cock hardened at the sensual sound. Both he and Duke were drawn by her siren’s call as she giggled again.

They walked through the opening in the tree line, and Gage groaned when he saw the pile of clothing and her camera at the water’s edge. A splash and ripple of water drew his eyes, and he was treated to the view of her lush ass as she dove under the water’s surface and reappeared a little closer to them. As she broke the surface, her dark hair slicked back by the water, she smiled at them, and his heart skipped a beat. Her playful smile begged him to ask, “What are you doing, angel?”

A mischievous giggle rippled across the water to him, stirring his cock to greater hardness. “Number ten on the list.”

As if the clothes on the riverbank didn’t already tell the story, Duke playfully asked, “Emma, are you skinny-dipping?”

Gage scanned the shoreline up and down their stretch of the river and ascertained what she must have already. There was no one else in sight. Emma backstroked out a few feet, smiling at them as her lovely, naked breasts made a brief appearance above the water, and then stood up in the slow current. The gurgling water flowed around her, giving teasing views of her tight, pretty nipples. Her hair skimmed down in watery waves, freed from her ponytails, to frame her breasts and her cleavage. He could almost feel her satiny flesh under his tongue.

“Care to join me?”

Gage and Duke glanced at each other, and Gage said, “Number ten on the bucket list…check,” as he removed his shirt, dropped it by her clothing, and then unbuckled his belt. Duke yanked his T-shirt over his head and dropped the rest of his clothing in a pile by theirs and waded in. Gage glanced up and down the riverbank one more time and then joined them.

The water was cold but didn’t affect the state of his hardening cock at all. As playful and mischievous as she’d been before, Emma’s mood was now sensual and seductive. As they reached her in the meandering current, Emma looked from him to Duke with clear green eyes that smoldered with desire. Beneath the water’s surface, Gage slid his hand around her bare hip and squeezed her ass cheek as she took his other hand to keep from drifting away from him.

Duke slid a hand down her torso beneath the water’s edge, and Gage knew when Duke reached her pussy because a shuddering sigh erupted from her soft lips and she closed her eyes. Duke pressed kisses beneath her ear and licked her throat as she wrapped her other arm around his neck and arched her back, which gave Gage easier access to her asshole. She bit her lip and moaned when he rubbed the tight ring of muscle with his middle finger then rested her forehead against his bicep and leaned against him.

She whispered, “Feels so good.”

Gage pressed his lips to the crown of her head, her unique, sexy scent filling his nostrils and hardening his cock further. He remembered the effect her fragrance had on him when she’d treated the arrow wound. It had hurt like hell, but his pain had been eased when he’d breathed in her scent on her pillow while he lay on the little bed she’d made up in the back of her Aztek.

She trembled against him and moaned as he stroked her back opening and Duke teased her pussy. Even though they stood in cold water, Gage felt like his blood was rapidly heating to boiling point. “Angel, I need you.”

“Come back to the tent with us, Emma. We have everything set up,” Duke said as he gazed into her eyes.

She closed her eyes again and nodded in what seemed liked relief. Need was something the three of them had in common. Gage wrapped his arm around her back and the other under her knees and lifted her from the water. She gasped and her arms tightened around him, but she didn’t protest. She gazed into his eyes as they strode from the water.

Gage loved the seductive side of Emma, but carrying her protected her feet and took away the worry she might feel about stepping naked from the water. He thought she was perfect just exactly the way she was, but he could respect her feelings because he was embarrassed by his scars, though not so much around Duke or her. He didn’t want to cause her that worry and ruin the mood. Once they were within the thickly forested campsite she would probably feel less exposed.

“I put a towel in my bag,” she said once they were under the cover of the trees.

A warm breeze blew through the oaks and cedars, and shade dappled their picnic area. Gage placed her carefully on the cement slab the wooden picnic table was anchored to, and she reached in her bag where they’d placed it earlier. She gazed at them standing naked waiting for her as she dried off. When Emma stared at his cock and licked her lips, Gage groaned and reached down to stroke himself. He was as hard as he’d ever been, and the thought of fucking her outside in broad daylight was making him even harder.

“We didn’t eat lunch,” she whispered as she laid the towel to dry on the picnic table and turned to them. “Want to lie down in the tent? We can eat later.”

Duke pulled her to him and placed little kisses along her throat. “No, let’s stay out here and eat.”

“You don’t want to—”

“Don’t worry. We intend to fuck you, Em. Right after we dine on your pretty pussy.”

“Oh. I thought you’d changed your mind.”

Gage said, “Never, Emma. Food can wait. We both want you like crazy.” When she shivered, he asked, “Are you cold, angel?”

Emma shook her head and said nothing more. Duke looked at her beach towel spread on the table and said, “Sit on your towel, Em. Let’s have our little meal al fresco.”


Chapter Seven

Emma looked around, and a blush stole over her cheeks. Gage saw the sparks of lust that glittered in her eyes as she smiled at them. “Out here in the open?”

Almost overcome with hunger for her, Gage nodded then watched as she bit her lip and climbed up to sit on the picnic table facing them with her feet resting together on the bench. Once she was situated, Gage and Duke seated themselves on either side of her closed legs.

There was a hint of merriment in the sparkling depths of her eyes as Duke asked, “Are you wet for us right now, Em?” At her eager nod, Duke continued. “You’re a naughty little thing for being naked out in the woods with us, aren’t you?” She nodded again and bit her lower lip, letting them know with that telling gesture that they were on the right track.

Gage slid a fingertip across her tightened nipple and then down her torso to her slit and murmured, “Anyone could see you like this, angel. They could come upon us here in the open.” He raked the top of his knuckle over her outer pussy lips and slick, hot moisture coated it. His dick twitched, and he forced himself to stay where he was instead of diving mouth first on her pussy.

“Someone might see you letting us eat your pretty, little pussy,” Duke continued as he motioned for her to scoot her tush closer to the edge of the table and rest back on her hands.

“They might see you fucking me?” she asked with bated breath.

Duke nodded slowly. “They might watch us fill your pussy with our cocks.” He lifted her ankle and placed it on his outer shoulder so that she was partially opened to both of them.

“Oh,” she responded weakly, her breath coming in small pants. Her exposed pink flesh was already glistening with her slick, sweet juices.

Gage urged her a little closer to the edge to give them greater access to their play area and then lifted her other ankle slowly and whispered, “And if they’re very lucky they might watch us take your sweet little ass, too.” He placed her ankle on his outer shoulder so that she was spread just about as wide as she could go. Her pussy was becoming even more drenched with her aromatic honey. “That makes you hot, doesn’t it? Have you been thinking about one of us fucking your ass, angel?”

She nodded and smiled. “Yes.”

Duke wet his thumb in her copious juices and began stroking her clit. She arched her back and smiled at him.

Gage wanted to beat his chest and howl like a caveman at the lust he saw in her eyes. “Have you ever had anal sex before?”

She panted and shook her head negatively. “I never thought I’d want to but with the two of you I want it very much. It’s one step closer to a ménage.”

Biting her lip, Emma whimpered as Duke used his other hand to stroke and pet her pussy lips before sliding a single finger into her cunt. The sweet scent of her aroused pussy lingered in the air, making Gage’s mouth water for a taste.

In the heat of the moment he didn’t want to do anything she might regret later. “Angel, do you want it this weekend, out here, or would you rather wait until you’re in a comfortable bed at home? The first time sometimes hurts a little.”

Emma vehemently shook her head and pulled them a little closer with her legs. “That sounds lovely but right now all I can think about is having you do whatever you want to with me. I’m imagining someone watching while you eat my pussy and later fuck my ass on this picnic table.”

Gage could tell Duke was just as inflamed by her words as he was. Duke slid a second finger into her cunt, and judging by the sultry sound she made in her throat, he began stroking her G-spot.

“Duke.” His name slid out in a long, low-pitched syllable, and both men groaned at the sexy sound of her desire. Her head fell back on her shoulders, her damp hair hanging in locks against her beach towel as the breeze began to dry it.

Duke softly mouthed, “Lube, condoms, vibrator,” to Gage.

Gage nodded, realizing they’d come to the table unprepared. He grabbed the needed articles from where they’d placed them in the tent and returned with a hand towel as well. By this point, Duke had his mouth on her, making a feast of her succulent pussy, and she loved every second of it judging by the sexy sounds she made.

Gage lifted her leg and replaced it on his shoulder as he sat down and watched Duke send her higher and higher. Duke was thorough and took his time, never rushing her as he licked and sucked her flesh slowly until she was muffling her cries with her hand and her juices drenched his fingers and his lips. Her pussy was swollen and brighter pink, and Gage watched avidly as she flexed her hips with each stroke of Duke’s fingers in and out of her cunt.

To Emma, Gage whispered, “You have the most beautiful pussy I’ve ever seen, angel. There’s nothing more gorgeous in this world than you spread open for us like this.”

By this point she was flat on her back, and she reached for his hand to hold. He entwined their fingers and stroked her arm gently, knowing exactly when she crested the wave of her orgasm because she gripped his hand hard and muffled a wail behind her other hand.

“Oh, Duke,” she exhaled as he fingered her through each pulsing convulsion of her wet cunt.

Duke looked very satisfied with his efforts and licked her clean with gusto before sitting up and smiling at her where she lay on the picnic table. He signaled to Gage to take his place just as they’d agreed during the week, taking turns to pleasure her even if it meant holding off their own orgasm. They owed her that much for her trust in taking them both on. There would be plenty of time for give and take later. Right now they wanted to make her happy and feel no regrets.

Gage leaned over her, bracing a hand on either side of her. Emma looked beautiful, flushed, and sated. She smiled up at him, and he asked, “Ready for my cock, angel?”

“Mmm-hmm. Where do you want me?”

“This table is just the right height, I think. But let’s move to the end so the bench isn’t in the way, though.” He helped her as she sat up and assisted her when she wobbled a bit. He moved the towel to the end of the table, glad she’d packed it because splinters would have rendered this experience less pleasant. Duke helped her to sit on the table once more and held her feet as she scooted as close as she could to the edge. Gage rolled a condom onto his weeping shaft, gritting his teeth at the stimulation.

The sun shone through the branches, illuminating her flushed face and torso as she watched him. Duke sat beside her on the picnic table, and she smiled up at him and took the hand he offered as Gage lifted her long, satiny legs and wrapped them loosely around his waist and held them there.

Emma moaned as he maneuvered his cock to her cunt, pressed slightly, and just barely breached her opening. She wiggled against him and said, “I wanted you both so much this week, while you were gone.”

Gage gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to come before he’d even gotten started because Emma’s slick entrance felt so good. His cock slid into her tight, engulfing heat, and he had to pause and concentrate on not losing it. “I missed you too, angel. I thought about last Sunday night constantly. God, you feel good.”

He groaned when she clenched her pussy muscles to tug on him as he pulled out. She moaned low in agreement and did it over and over again with each thrust and retreat until he’d broken out into a sweat. He wished he could last all night because what she did to him with that little pussy was addicting.

Emma practically purred as she said, “My pussy loves you and doesn’t want you to leave. Fuck me, Gage.”

She reached down to finger her clit, but Duke removed her hand and held something up for her to see. “I got you a little something new for your collection, Em.”

“Oh!” she gasped as Gage gave her every long, hard inch, and said, “A present for me. You’re so sweet.”

“I’m going to try it out.”

Gage slid home, and Duke applied the little clit stimulator to her swollen bundle of nerves at the same time.

“Oh, yes!” Her pussy clenched hard, and Gage growled in pleasure as her pussy grew tighter and tighter with each stroke until it felt like she ruthlessly fisted him. The muscles in her legs tightened up, her back arched off the table, and Duke leaned down to catch her cries with his kiss as she came violently undone.

Her pussy muscles rippled and clenched in rhythmic pulses on Gage’s cock. He pistoned faster until he thought he’d scream as a bolt of heat shot down his spine and his whole body clenched in orgasm. Cum jetted from him in searing streams inside her hot, silky cunt. He grasped her hips and leaned forward to rest over her for a moment, needing to feel her skin on his.

She slid her arms around his neck and pressed soft kisses to his throat as he caught his breath and shuddered with satisfaction.

The sounds of birds and the river beyond the trees came to him, and he remembered that the three of them were outside, naked, fucking in broad daylight. He glanced up at his cousin, and Duke smiled at him.

It occurred to Gage that though he had no problems with lovemaking at all, he generally preferred to do it in a dark or dimly lit room. He was self-conscious of the scars his father had inflicted on him as an infant and a toddler. They covered his body, and he hated to make his lovers uncomfortable by revealing them under brighter light. Many times they’d never even known. But Emma knew.

She lay beneath him kissing the burn scar on his pectoral that Roger Randall had gifted him with, probably for doing nothing more than making too much noise.

With Emma, none of that seemed to matter. He didn’t talk about what had happened to him to very many people. Even on the night they’d met at the Campbell Lake campground, he hadn’t felt like that was a part of himself he needed to hide from her. He recalled the way she’d laid her hand on his back that night and reassured him, and the gentle way she’d stroked his ass as he’d told her what had happened. She hadn’t felt sorry for him in a way that made him feel pitiful. And she’d let it go after he’d offered an explanation, accepting it as fact and moving on. It hadn’t changed the way she responded to him like it did with others who had found out.

Here lay the woman he loved, kissing his scars. He let out a shuddering breath realizing that was true. He loved her. He loved her self-conscious little habits, the warmth of her smile, the way she squealed as they’d jumped from the plane, and the way she crooned to him softly as she allowed him to draw close to her beautiful body.

Maybe it was the fact that they were on this bucket-list quest to live with no regrets, to stop hiding from life and live it to its fullest. Gage was willing to take his life in his own hands that morning and jump out of an airplane for the first time, so he decided to stop hiding from love as well.

He kissed her and murmured, “I love you, angel.”

BOOK: Their Divine Doctor, a Holiday Ménage
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