There's Always Tomorrow (Immortal Series) (8 page)

BOOK: There's Always Tomorrow (Immortal Series)
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Get the hell out of here.
Call me when things calm down.
I’ve got to come up with a story to
cover our…
let the police find him.
But don’t
worry yourself about it.
handle it and let you know the details later.
Take good care of our girl.”
Grant slapped his friend on the back and went in search of
the anxious parents.


Tony decided to
take Sophie back to his place.
was quiet, secluded, and no one would dare disturb them.
What she needed was a lot of rest and
time to forget her entire ordeal.
Unfortunately, he knew that with Sophie, there would be plenty of
questions she needed answered before the healing could begin.

The cab rolled
up in front of an elegant brownstone and Tony handed the driver a roll of bills
before stepping out.
probably forget all about this fare, don’t you think?”

The cabbie
looked at the considerable amount of cash and smiled.
“I didn’t pay no attention to the old man I dropped
Come to think of it...I ain’t
exactly sure what block he got out at, neither.”
He stuffed the money in his pocket and got out, ran around
the back to the other side, and opened the door for the gentleman and his lady.

appreciated the kindness, as his arms were full of voluptuous woman.
“Thanks, again,” he said, as he carried
a sleeping Sophie up the steps.
Before he could get his keys in the lock, the cab squealed away from the

“Where are we?”
Sophie asked without opening her eyes.

“I’ve brought
you to my home.
I can keep an eye
on you and take care of business, all at the same time.
It’s nice.
I think you’ll like it.”
Tony had lived in that particular house for many years.
He was fortunate that his neighbors
came and went regularly.
never took much notice of him, which allowed him the privacy not to age gracefully
or otherwise.
He had decorated the
place himself and took more than a little pride in its décor.
Yes, it was a little outdated.
He knew that, but it was also
comforting to be surrounded by the things he’d gathered over his many years of
His extremely long life
could be categorized behind its silent walls.

Sophie forced
her eyes open as they stepped into the spacious foyer, topped with a soaring
Gilded framed portraits
hung on the silk covered walls.
crystal chandelier sparkled above their heads and thick Aubusson carpets
covered the well-polished marble floors.

Sophie was
“You live here?”

I’ve lived here since I first came to
New York.
It’s served me
Tony looked around the room
and shrugged his shoulders, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.
At one time, he’d purchased most of the
household items, new.

“But it’s a
freakin’ museum, Tony.
Are you a
millionaire or something?”
Sophie’s eyes were as large as saucers and her mouth was hanging open in

“Yeah, or

He carried
Sophie through the huge pocket doors and into the formal parlor.
Very gently, he placed her on the sofa
and pulled a lightweight blanket over her.
She was still plainly stunned at seeing the way he lived.

“You stay here
and rest, and I’ll get you some hot tea.
How does that sound?”

“A cold coke
sounds better, and then I think we need to talk.”

Tony nodded and
fled from the room.
What was he to
He hadn’t thought about his
home or his lifestyle being a problem.
Of course, it had been nearly sixty years since he’d invited anyone into
his private life.
He pulled the
tab back on the can and poured it over ice.
If he were lucky, she’d understand.
He’d make her understand.
Tony shook his head, wondering when had
she become that important to him?

He found some
stale biscuits and placed them on a porcelain saucer next to the crystal goblet
containing an ice-cold coke.
pressed, linen napkin lay folded to the side.
A flower would have been nice.
After making a quick check, he decided everything appeared,
as it should.
While carrying the
tray into the parlor, Tony could feel his throat start to close and his palms
becoming wet with sweat.
How much
should he tell her?
He worried.

He set the tray
down on the priceless enameled side table, flicked open the napkin and placed
it across her lap.
“I hope this
helps,” he fretted.

The beautiful
woman continued to stare at him.
“Who are you?
What kind of
place is this?
What happened back
there on the waterfront?
I have a
funny feeling you and my boss are not exactly who you pretend to be.
Am I right?”
She reached for a cookie.
“These are stale,” she protested, as she spit the crumbs
into her napkin.
She reached for
the coke, when she noticed it was being served in a stemmed goblet.

“Good God,
Am I supposed to drink from
this or toast to your success?”
She was too thirsty to wait for an answer as she brought her lips to the
The cold, carbonated
beverage filled her mouth, and she had to admit, it tasted divine.
“Oh, this is soooo good.”

Tony smiled,
uncomfortably, “I’m glad you like it.
Look, Sophie.
There’s a lot
I need to explain to you …”

“No shit,
Sherlock,” she mumbled, sarcastically.

“There’s no need to be
crude, Sophie.”
She looked like
such an angel, but her vocabulary was anything but.
“I really don’t think you’re up for it tonight, and I know
I’m not.
Can we put explanations
off until tomorrow?
Grant might
have a few things to say to you, as well.”

Sophie drained
the glass and placed it on the tray.
“I suppose that’s okay.
I get a shower?
I’m filthy and
I’ve got cuts and scratches all over my legs where that sick bastard dragged
I’m still not too clear on
what happened.”

Tony hit his
forehead with his hand.
I’m a moron!
Of course you’re hurt and need some
medical attention.
I looked at
your injuries, before I brought you here, and none seem to be too serious.
However, they’re painful, I’m
At least nothing’s
He smiled briefly, as he
remembered the feel of her silken flesh under his hands, as he had checked her
for broken bones.
“Your wounds
will need to be cleaned out and bandaged.
I’ll take you to your room and run you a hot bath.
After you’re clean and ready for bed,
I’ll bring in the first-aid kit.”

Sophie flashed
her brilliant smile and asked coyly, ”Will you carry me, Tony?”

“It would be my pleasure,
little one.”
He placed his arms
under her and lifted her high, as if she weighed no more than a small child…but
this lady was no child.
her dirty sweater and torn slacks, he could feel her soft curves.
She was all woman and she was ready to
be loved.

As he gently
carried her up the stairs to the front guest bedroom, she made soft, pleasurable
sounds, as if she wanted to burrow deep down into his arms and stay for a
lengthy period of time.
He felt
her butt wriggle up against him.
Oh, yes.
He was certain she
was ready, and so was he.

It was heavenly
Sophie had insisted that
Tony stay in her bedroom while she bathed in the adjoining bathroom.
She said she was afraid to be left
alone, if even for an hour.
could smell the lilac scented bubble bath he’d added to the hot, steamy
Tony could hear the quiet
splashing of the thick washcloth, and could imagine the sweet-smelling water
running rivulets down her slender arms and legs.
Her breasts would be wet and slippery.
Oh, how he’d love to kiss her pouty

Tony closed his
eyes and tried to force the image of a naked Sophie from his mind.
He knew if he dragged his hand over her
flat tummy, it would feel like the smoothest silk.
Even her toes excited him.
His own body was consumed with fire and he’d never been
harder in his life.

Could you help me out of
the tub, please?”

At the sound of
her soft voice, Tony jumped to his feet, even before he knew what she was
Help her out?
Wouldn’t she be naked?
“Are you sure you need my help,
Sophie?” he croaked.
don’t have any clothes on.”
was a stupid thing to say, he moaned.
Perspiration popped out all over his forehead, causing him no small
amount of embarrassment.
all, he was old enough to be this young woman’s great, great, grandfather.
He could close his eyes and hand her
his robe before she stood up.
could feast his eyes on her luscious, wet naked body.
If she wasn’t shy, why should he be embarrassed?

Tony ran to his
room, grabbed his cashmere robe and returned to the guestroom.
Holding his breath, he noticed his hand
shaking as he turned the handle on the bathroom door.
It swung open easily, immediately freezing him in his
Heaven smiled down on him,
as Tony got a delicious eyeful of blonde, curly-haired goddess, standing
completely nude in the tub, with water droplets kissing her soft pink
His feet felt glued to the
floor and his eyes were on the verge of exploding, as he stood there,
mesmerized by her splendor.

“Tony, bring me
a towel, please,” Sophie, asked, softly.
“I’m freezing.”
She held
her hands out to him, allowing him to see her in all her naked glory.
She was not the least bit shy when
there was something she wanted—and she wanted Tony.
He had saved her life.
He had been there for her when she
needed his protection, and surprisingly, she discovered she had fallen in love
with him.

Slowly, and
almost reverently, Tony approached the golden vision dripping water onto his
She smelled like a
beautiful flower garden after a summer shower.
His heart was up in his throat, making it nearly impossible
for him to speak.
He felt like a
young boy seeing a desirable woman for the very first time.
As he draped the soft towel around
Sophie’s creamy shoulders, he noticed his hands were still trembling.

“Oh, Sophie,”
he sighed.
“My God, but I want
He leaned down and kissed
her waiting lips.
His hands
stroked her back as he pulled her close to his chest.
He could feel her heart beat in synch with his own.
Her mouth tasted like fruit and she
felt so good in his arms.
She was
soft and supple, all glorious woman.
“Sophie,” he groaned.
led her to the bed, their lips still searching for the other’s mouth.
Never before had he been so
This was going perfectly,
he thought.

What was that
he heard?
He listened as his tongue
tangled with hers.

He heard it
Was she laughing?
“Damn it, Sophie!”

She pulled away
and the all-out giggling commenced.
The sound of her delightful giggle filled the silence of the room, and
was as effective as a bucket of ice water.

Tony sat
staring at the devastatingly beautiful woman practically sitting on his
engorged lap, and laughing at him.
Never had his kisses been the cause of such hilarity.

But you make me so
I love you to pieces and I
know you love me too.
I can tell
you do, by the large bump in your pants.”
She giggled some more.
knew we’d fit.
I love, love, love
you,” she exclaimed.
Again, she

She was driving
Tony mad.

He reached out
and grabbed her by her shoulders, holding her tightly, trying to calm her
“How old are you,
God, you act like a
I never said I loved you.
Hell, we barely know each other.
The last thing I’m looking for is a
This was just
letting off a little steam, celebrating life.
Calm down, or I’m out of here.”
Tony had no idea how fierce he appeared or how frightening
he sounded.
He recognized the
darkness inside of him that he tried to shield from most outsiders, but this
woman had gotten inside his barrier.

BOOK: There's Always Tomorrow (Immortal Series)
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