Read TheWolfPacksDesire Online

Authors: Carriekelly

Tags: #werewolf gangbang, #werewolf erotica, #werewolf, #bbw erotic romance, #wolf sex, #bbw romance, #bbw, #wolf menage, #werewolf love, #werewolf sex


BOOK: TheWolfPacksDesire
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The Wolf Pack’s Desire

(Trapped by the Wolf
Pack 2)

By Carrie Kelly

Copyright 2013 by Carrie Kelly

Published by Carrie Kelly

Cover Art:

Can Stock Photo Inc. / Prometeus

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All characters in this story are made up by
the author. They aren’t based on any real people.


werewolves sat at the table with Sibyl. Eggs, bacon and toast were piled high
on each plate. Her stomach grumbled, and she felt a strange urge to either
gobble everything on the table or retreat to a room upstairs.

her room was ready.

Gabe, her
boss and the reason Sibyl came to the secluded bed and breakfast on Lake Tahoe,
smiled. “Eat. You’ll need your appetite, darling.”

The word sent a shiver through her bones
and heated her cheeks. She brushed the honey blonde hair from her shoulders and
frowned. They hadn’t even talked about what happened the night before. How her
boss and his impossibly gorgeous friends chased her out into the snow then
ravished her in front of the fire.

Her. A
nobody sales analyst. A
nobody – which was even worse.

She looked
at each man in turn. Gabe, who they called the alpha wolf, had rust red hair
and striking green eyes. They were the sort of eyes that stripped her down to
the flesh, making her feel naked. But now Gabe had seen her naked. Sibyl’s
cheeks heated in shame. No way in hell he liked what he saw!

Next, she
glanced at Jonathan. He was tall and broad with pale blond hair and blue eyes
like the center of a flame. Damn, he was like some kind of movie star. His lips
turned into a smile when he noticed her staring, and she quickly looked back at
her plate.

Sibyl lifted
a piece of bacon to her lips and took a bite. She hadn’t eaten anything that
fattening in years, maybe since she started puberty.

eating like that and you’ll never get a man
, her mother would say.
The only thing pretty about you
is that hair, Sib.

She pushed
the plate away and swallowed the lump in her throat.

Adrian, the
youngest of the three werewolves, pushed it back. “Eat your breakfast, girlie.
We don’t want you to starve.”

Sibyl pouted
at him. His black hair dangled over his shoulders and his eyes were like liquid
gold. She’d never seen anyone with eyes that color before.

“I don’t
think I’d starve.”

scratched at the wound on his shoulder – the wound Sibyl inflicted when
she stabbed him in his wolf form. “Then do it to make up for the trouble you
put us through last night.”

Her face
burned and she stood up, knocking the chair over behind her. “Make up for the
trouble I caused you? How about the trouble you caused me? My leg hurts from
the bite Gabe gave me, and you’re a – a pack of werewolves!”

All three
men stared at her as if that were the most normal thing in the world.
them, it must be
, she realized and chewed her bottom lip.

Gabe stood
up and walked to her side. He towered over her, and his smooth features
softened as he took her hand in his. “Sit and eat. We’ll discuss it all after
breakfast. Adrian is right, you’ll need your strength,” he said and kissed her
tenderly on the forehead.

Her stomach
lurched, not uncomfortably, and she did as he said. He was still her boss,
after all, and she needed that job if she wanted to keep her apartment and her

After she
finished one plate, her stomach growled, and they filled another. The only
comfort she found was that the wolves ate three plates each. She only ate two.

Only two!
She thought, and squeezed her fleshy
thighs together.

Her bag was
still missing from the night before, and she pulled the red bathrobe tight
around her chest, although they’d seen her nude once. They’d already done just
about everything with her once, but that didn’t mean she wanted to prance
around in front of them naked.

No way in

How did she
get here again? It was almost impossible to imagine the heat of the central
California valley at this time of year with the snow piled high outside. The
idea of a slow and leisurely vacation from her stressful job sounded fantastic when
she left Sacramento. Then a freak snow storm hit and now this. . . . whatever
this was.

breakfast, Gabe lead them into the sitting room and Sibyl settled on the couch.
She stared at the rug in front of the fire. It’s where she woke up that
morning, surrounded by three hot naked men, who also happened to be werewolves.

perched on the couch’s arm, and Adrian leaned against the wall with his ankles
crossed and a smirk on his lips.

Gabe knelt
in front of her and placed his strong hands on her knees. She wished he
wouldn’t touch her like that, or give her that smoldering look. It wetted her
pussy, and after the night before she wasn’t sure what those wolves might do if
they knew she was turned on.

Another night
of bliss,
she thought
and shook her head.

“You’re our
mate, Sibyl. The female of our group. After last night, we’ve officially
claimed you and made you ours.”

She pulled
her legs out of his grasp and glared. “That’s what you said, but you didn’t
explain what it means – or ask if I even wanted to be your mate.”

Gabe opened
his mouth, but Adrian cut him off. “It means you're the woman of our pack
– the only woman – and you’ll give us all pups. Mine’ll be first, I

Sibyl touched
her lower belly and widened her eyes. Children? Pups? Who would want to have
kids with her?

“I never

“I chose
you,” Gabe said and stood up. He threw a frown in Adrian’s direction, and the
black haired wolf scowled. “I’ve watched you for the past year, Sibyl. I knew
you’d be the one to complete our pack.”

How could
she believe that? After years of rejection, years of never being good enough,
or thin enough, how could three beautiful men all want her? Three beautiful
werewolves, actually.

“Why didn’t
you just chose a female werewolf? I’m not even one of you.”

“Not yet,”
Adrian rumbled.

fingers trailed down her leg to the bite he’d given her the night before. “This
will help fix it.”

Sibyl’s eyes
widened. “I’m going to turn into a wolf?” she gasped and cuddled back into the
couch, as if it could protect her.

snorted. “No. Unfortunately, but you’ll get some of our senses and our appetites.”

“And you’ll
be able to handle birthing werewolf children,” Gabe put in with a slow smile.

That didn’t
make her feel better, but at least she wasn’t going to turn hairy during the
full moon.

aren’t any women werewolves,” Jonathan said. “We have to mate with humans, and
our alpha knew you were perfect for us because he could smell you. We can all
smell you,” he said and his lips slipped into a seductive smile.

Smell her?
They’d said the same thing last night. Talk about a way to make a girl

“I don’t
stink,” she mumbled and pulled the robe tighter.

chuckled. “That’s not what we meant. You’re fragrance is divine, darling.
Believe us. It’s a little hard to resist at times.”

Sibyl shook
her head and stood up. It was all so much to take in. What did it mean? Was she
supposed to come home to three werewolf husbands? Care for a whole litter of
wolf puppies? Would she have to house train them? Would they be human form or
wolf form when they were born?

Plus, she’d
never agreed to any of this.

Sure, she
had fantasies about Gabe in the past – what women in her office hadn’t?
But they usually involved wine and a night of passion – they never ended
like this.

She stood
up. “I need a shower and a room.”

“We call all
take a bath in the–” Gabe started.

“No!” she
said and cut him off. “I need to be alone for a while. This is . . . overwhelming.”

The three
werewolves looked at her. Gabe frowned. Jonathan shrugged, and Adrian scowled.
But she held her ground. After what they put her through, she deserved a little

The alpha
wolf nodded. “I’ll show you
room then,” he said.

She followed
him up the stairs and fought to control the pounding of her heart. What was she
doing on this vacation again? A nice summer holiday turned into something
entirely different, especially with all the snow on the ground outside.

“Is it going
to warm up while I’m here?” she asked as they walked down the hallway.

hope,” Gabe said and opened at door. “It’s melting already.”

The inside
of the room took her breath away. A huge four-poster king bed sat in the
center, with a lush red quilt and an overabundance of pillows. The wood was
dark and almost shone in the yellow light. Whoever polished it never missed an

Her suitcase
rested in the corner of the room, leaning against the great dresser. Another
fireplace stood in the corner, but this one hadn’t been lit.
At least they
got the generator working after the lights went out the night before
, she

bathroom is through there. You’re certain you want to be alone?” Gabe asked and
leaned into her.

His proximity
sent a rush through her veins, like they were pumping electricity instead of
blood. “Yes,” she said, almost breathless.

“I’ve waited
so long for this. I thought you’d be happy we wanted you.”

swallowed and the bite on her leg itched. The bite
gave her. Sibyl
didn’t know what to say. It’s not that she wasn’t happy, but something nagged
at her all the same.

Gabe didn’t
wait for an answer. He grabbed her shoulders and smashed his lips to Sibyl’s. The
kiss sent a wave of heat over her skin, and flooded her pussy with need. She
melted into his touch, though her mind told her not too. This was her boss, and
he was a werewolf!

shouldn’t just give in to him, but no other man kissed her like that –

His teeth
caught her bottom lip and pulled. “You taste so good, Sibyl.”

What was she
supposed to say to that?

He looked at
her, with his mouth drooped open and flicked his tongue over his lips. “We need
you, darling. I hope you understand that. Our pack is for life, and we’d do
anything for you,” he said and released her. Then he walked out of the room.

She shut the
door behind him and leaned against it. Life? Did that mean she was stuck with them
forever? Like a marriage without a divorce? Sibyl shook her head. The idea
should freak her out, right? Not send warmth spreading through her stomach and over
her skin.

She couldn’t
be married to three men! Not legally, anyway.

And they
needed her? If that was the case, why didn’t they just ask if she wanted to
mate with them, or whatever it was called? Well, they couldn’t really ask
without the whole situation sounding crazy, she realized. If they did ask,
she’d just think they’d lost their minds.

And she had thought
that the night before. Now she felt like the whole world rearranged itself into
a different order that didn’t make any sense. Only, she didn’t mind it as much
as she thought she would.

Sibyl sighed
and stepped into the shower.

The hot
water felt good on her skin, but she still couldn’t relax. It wasn’t just her
room, that much was clear. Any one of them could walk in any moment and catch
her naked. They’d only seen her by firelight before. The bold electric lighting
wasn’t so kind. It’d show off her rolls and cellulite, the body she hid for

The soap was
a fragrant floral, lavender maybe, and she scrubbed quickly and let the water
rinse her clean. When she got to the bite mark on her leg, she frowned. She was
going to have wolf senses now. And a wolf appetite. Just want she needed.

The holes
were scabbed over, but lined with red. Wasn’t that a sign of infection or something?
Gabe had licked it clean when she woke up next to the fire, before they claimed
her. What if he gave her some kind of wolf disease? Did she need a rabies shot?
No. That was stupid, but she scrubbed it and frowned.

When she
stepped out, Sibyl dried off with a fluffy towel and moved toward her bag. She
was picking through it for her clothes when someone moved out of the corner of
her eyes. She spun and noticed Jonathan sitting on the bed.

He wasn’t
there before, she could swear. Maybe her wolf senses hadn’t kicked in yet.

Jonathan smiled.
“I’ll tend to your wound,” he said and stood up. “I thought you might need the

She pulled
the towel tight around her breasts and frowned. It didn’t hide enough of her
body. Not like the robe. Then she dropped the panties she held – the kind
that held in her stomach, not sexy at all. “I can manage.”

that wasn’t really true. She didn’t even have a first aid kit. How was she
supposed to manage at all?

slipped a strong arm around her shoulders and guided her back into the
bathroom. “I think I can manage better.”

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