Read Thigh High Online

Authors: Bonnie Edwards

Thigh High (13 page)

BOOK: Thigh High
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“I wanted to gather your scent on my skin. Makes me crazy, and my balls turn to stone.”

She leaned toward him then and cupped his sac. She weighed and measured and squeezed until he had to slam his mug down on the tray.

The smile she gave him would make a statue come. “Had enough coffee? Cookies?”

He slid the tray toward the end of the bed, then down to the floor.

“Then I heard a woman explain how she'd had two men at once,” she said in a rush.

That stopped him. Is that what she wanted? Because he was going nowhere near there and never planned to. What if he felt a hairy, knobby knee near his Johnson, or
hairy, knobby knee settled next to a bristly chin. It was enough to make a man's cock make like a turtle.

Her eyes went wide when she noted his hesitation.

“Sorry,” she said in a soft voice. “I'm not into that, I just thought it was…”

“Interesting? As a point for discussion.”

She looked relieved. “Exactly.”

“What else did you hear?”

“There was a woman who explained about men with split tongues.”


She slid down to the mattress but kept her knees bent, ankles together. “She was Goth, though, so I suppose in her circle it would be easier to find a man with that kind of surgery.” She opened her legs to expose her pussy. “But the more I think about it, the more I like the way your tongue works.”

“I see what you mean,” he said as her glistening, creamy slit opened to his view.

“You can look, but you can't touch,” she said. Then she let her fingers tug lightly on the curls that hid her clit.

His balls went up in flames. The sweet, shy woman he thought he knew was gone. Replaced by a wild woman. And this wild woman planned to kill him. Right here, right now.

The medical examiner would declare him dead by spontaneous genital combustion.


aye wanted to set his mouth to her pussy. Wanted to show her more ways he liked to use his tongue, but the wicked salacious gleam in her eye made him think twice.

He had a chance to show her more than the nerdy guy he must seem, so he took it. “I can look but not touch?” he repeated. “Fine by me.”

Her eyes widened at the tone in his voice, and he smiled in a way that said he'd turned the tables on her. She was not giving instructions, nor would he take them. Not now.

He slid his hands under her hips and pulled her down the bed, then just as quickly climbed up her body to rest his knees on either side of her head. Her mouth opened in surprise, and he took advantage by sliding the tip of his cock between her perfect wet lips.

His breath caught at the beauty of her face framed by his knees. Her luxurious hair spread across the pillow while her kiss-roughened lips took his head.

“Take more, Kat.” His voice was rough, close to a plea, but she didn't notice how much he needed, how desperate he was to feel her mouth accept him. He wanted to fuck her there, feel the wet, soft walls of her mouth. Wanted the suction, the fine scrape of her back teeth, the swirl of her wicked tongue.

His belly tightened as she opened wider, let him inch in, the wet warmth of her mouth coaxing pre-cum. The swirl of her tongue gathering the slick droplets set his teeth on edge, and he fought for control.

She softened the oh of her lips around his cock and he pulled out, then pushed in again a millimeter farther. Pulled out, pushed in, dying a little with every slide.

A groan rolled from his chest as he closed his eyes and took the sweet sensations Kat gave so generously.

The feel of her mouth set his teeth on edge, but when her tongue swirled across his head he flexed and an orgasm built at the base of his spine. “I'll come if you keep this up.”

She chuckled, and the sensation inside her mouth sent his balls into another tightened flex. But her hand and devilish fingers clasped his sac and squeezed him into a spew that rocked up his back and shot sparks out the top of his skull.

He shot deep into her throat.

She took all he gave her, licking and squeezing and rolling her tongue against him.

He thought he'd been in charge. Now he saw that Kat had turned the tables again by taking what he gave and giving more back.

His heart stalled at her generosity, her giving and sweet, sweet nature. Kat Hardee was more than he'd ever hoped to find.

He lifted his still-heavy cock from her clasping lips and moved back down her body.

Her pussy streamed. The woman was a marvel. Deep pink flesh rimmed by cream welcomed his tongue as he took his cue and speared into her cunt with a firm point. She squirmed against his mouth as he used two fingers to pluck at her clit.

A wild gush and deep throaty moan signaled another orgasm as he lapped up Kat's cream.

She bucked against him with each trembling spasm. He held her there until she calmed and the thunderous rolls subsided.

Spent, he rolled to her side and gathered her close again. He smiled into the dark, marveling at how lucky he was to be in this bed, with this woman.

If he played his cards right, he'd never have to leave. “I guess this is where we talk,” he said.

She went completely still against him. Even her breathing halted. “Only if you want to.”

He wasn't sure he liked the tone of her voice. Something was off. She sounded hesitant and distant. No point rushing her if she wasn't ready. He didn't want to wreck a good thing before it began. “I have school tomorrow. An early meeting,” he said, to give her an out. If she didn't want him to stay, she'd shift away to give him room to climb out of bed.

He waited.

Her breathing shallowed as sleep stole her away.

He smiled up at the ceiling as he prepared to settle for the night. Bonus! A whole night with her.

If he was smart and careful, the morning would bring another round of great sex to start off the day. That would set him up beautifully for spending the weekend with her. Before they left for the day they'd have their weekend plans set.

He wanted to get to know her. All of her. Everything.

She mumbled and shifted, nearly waking. The mumble got louder, more clear, until he heard her say, “Celia will be proud of me.”

He wondered why she'd bring Celia into bed with them. “What for?”

“Casual sex…easy.” She snuffled into his chest. “So freaking good. So many comes.”

He grinned, figuring she was too sleepy to lie about coming.

She rolled to her back, arms loose and free of the sheet. He heard a sigh, then a girly giggle. “I won the bet.”

He frowned and his gut rolled into a knot. He sat bolt upright, stared down at her. “What bet?”


The next afternoon, Taye packed up his briefcase, slamming test papers into it any way they'd fit. Monday morning his students would wonder what the hell happened. All the pages would be torn and crinkled when he returned the quizzes. He only hoped he could let his anger go long enough to mark each one fairly.

He usually marked his student's papers on Friday nights, but it wouldn't be right to try to go through them in this mood. Instead of heading home and getting this chore out of the way, he had to give himself a couple days to cool off. He'd mark everything on Sunday.

He wasn't sure how to approach the vixen that lived next door. When he drove through the gates to the housing development, Kat would most likely be at the mailbox as usual.

Looking as good as she always did.

Enticing him.

Betting on him.

He hated that his sexual prowess had been a matter of speculation among the neighbors. The single women outnumbered the single men in his townhouse complex. How many of them had been in on this bet?

He wondered how many of the other men who lived there, married and single, had been teased into bed for the women's amusement. He could only imagine how he stacked up to the other men Celia and Kat had been with.

He should have known a woman who sold sex toys would have a string of lovers and he would be just as disposable as the battery-operated kind.

The way she'd opened the condom package without looking at it got to him. How many had she opened to be that deft?

Hundreds probably.

He knew his attitude was different from a lot of men. But growing up with a bastard for a father had left a mark.

Before puberty even hit he'd promised himself he'd never take a woman's affection for granted. He'd never hurt a woman of his by using other women and laughing about it.

By the time he drove through the gates to his neighborhood, he'd calmed down enough to smile and wave at Kat if he saw her. She'd never know how he really felt about being the cock of the week. He refused to show how deeply their little game had got to him.

He'd been made a fool of by going into her bed hoping for more. Good thing he hadn't said as much. Every woman in the complex would still be laughing.

But Kat wasn't at the mailbox. Nor was she in her kitchen when he took a peek through her window. Inside the house, he tilted his head toward her living room wall. No sound of the television or music. Kat wasn't home.

He hadn't seen Celia either. They were probably out prowling for men already.

The idea of Kat doing what cats do best spiked his anger.

Last night, he'd been ready to fall asleep with Kat in his arms, snuggled up together like people who might have a future. And then she'd flustered her way through some crazy talk about betting about how he looked in his underwear and how Celia was planning to do him. Something that would never happen.

Around about then his pride kicked in and he'd slammed into his cords and headed for home. He'd been pissed off through the night and all day too.

And now that she wasn't home, his pride smarted even more, thinking of her looking for the next guy. He slammed into his fridge, grabbed a beer and drank half of it before he realized he'd downed it.

He snorted and scrubbed at his scalp in frustration, forcing himself to calm.

His day at school had opened his eyes. He'd only been teaching a couple years, so there were times some of his rowdier students threatened his authority. But today, the students who liked to test him had toed the line through every class.

He needed to remember that a teacher with his temper in check could intimidate the biggest asshole into behaving like a human being. Even a sixteen-year-old with attitude knew dealing with a lit fuse at the front of the classroom could be unpredictable.

Yes, he definitely had to remember that one. He wandered back into the living room to set his briefcase on his desk.

Bringing this kind of anger to his next meeting with Kat would be a mistake.

He still liked her. She was a good, quiet neighbor. No point ruining what was otherwise a reasonable relationship.

No matter that his pride was wounded, he still had to live here. Calmer now, he pulled the quiz papers out, stacking them neatly. Smoothing wrinkles where he could, he set a dictionary on top of the stack. It also wasn't his students' fault he'd fallen for Kat's enticements.

Any red-blooded male would have responded the way he did.

Any red-blooded male would want more. The fact that she didn't want more was what was really eating him.

And he did want more, in spite of the neighbors having a laugh at his expense.

It wasn't the same as what his old man had done. Nobody was cheating if nobody cared.

He ruminated on that for a good long time.

He wandered back out to the kitchen again, trying to avoid peering through the window to see if Kat was coming home, and failing. Still no sign of her.

Maybe judging Kat had been a mistake. Not that he didn't think she was a vixen and that she had more men than he wanted to contemplate.

But maybe his attitude was off base. What he needed to do was re-evaluate his expectations.

So Kat wasn't the sweet woman of his dreams. But she was warm and friendly. And available.

A lot of men would settle for that. She had a spectacular body, an infectious smile when she offered it, and the sex blew his mind.

He shouldn't mess up a good thing just because it was destined to be short-lived. They could share some good times and move on, none the worse for the experience.

Grateful that he'd been too angry to say much last night, he picked up the phone to call and leave a message next door.


“Hi, Kat, it's Taye.” His voice sounded hollow as Kat played his message. “Hope you're not angry that I left last night, but I had some work to get done before school this morning. I figured it would be easier to get up early from here. Sorry I had to skip out on you.” Relief oozed through her.

She must have dreamed about telling him about the silly challenge Celia had thrown out at her. She must have imagined that he'd rolled out of bed, stiff shouldered and quick. That he'd slammed into his cords and left without more than a mumbled good-bye.


She didn't have to question her sleepy recollections any longer. He was calling and, by the tone in his voice, was happy to leave the message. She dashed upstairs for a shower, wishing she hadn't had to deliver the double-headed dildo to the lesbian partners.

If she hadn't had to tend to that bit of business she'd have been at the mailbox just like usual when Taye got home. She might be with him now.

The muffled sound of Taye's television came through the wall. He was home. Probably alone since she hadn't seen a car parked next door.

She soaped and rinsed, shaved and primped to get ready for another evening with Taye. There was a chance he wasn't interested in another evening with her, but it was a better bet that he was. People just couldn't make the kind of connection they had last night without wanting more.

Still, she needed a little insurance so she pulled out a filmy skirt and see-through blouse as if she were going to a casual party.

If Taye didn't respond to her unspoken offer, she could fall back on a white lie and say she was on her way out with friends. That way, they could both save face and neither of them would be left hanging or feeling awkward.

Most people had casual sex. Just because she usually needed more of a connection was no reason to lay her standards on Taye.

Celia was right. Her moral code was old-fashioned and

She had to learn to be more sophisticated and easygoing. More interesting and sexually stimulating. That's what men wanted these days.

Taye wouldn't want plain old Kat. Shy Kat had to die. If she wanted to keep him interested past this weekend then she'd have to be more like the Kat she pretended to be at her Sexy Pants parties.

Working at a party, she had no problem with lively sexual innuendo and telling tall tales about nonexistent sexual conquests. There was no reason she couldn't do all that with Taye.

BOOK: Thigh High
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