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Authors: Bonnie Edwards

Thigh High (23 page)

BOOK: Thigh High
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“Yes, it is,” he said, keeping his tone noncommital.

The bathtub was already filled and the water temperature perfect, as were the rose petals floating on the surface. He knelt beside the tub and she slid into the water without a sound.

He settled on his haunches and gazed at her, his chest tight, his cock and balls swinging freely between his legs. She was slick and rosy; her breasts bobbed on the water's surface, and her perfect legs stretched to the end of the extra long tub. “You're so beautiful.” His voice held the surprising hush of awe.

She turned her lovely face to his and frowned. “Aren't you coming in too? There's room.” She drew her legs up to her chest to prove it.

“I'd like to bathe you. Run my hands all over your wet skin and slide the soap everywhere.” This was new for him. Quiet and sensual wasn't his thing. But with Carrie, sex felt brand new. Undiscovered territory and adventure waited for them. He might as well enjoy it while it lasted. With her life in Tacoma and his on the other side of the country, when they left the house, they'd leave each other behind.

But for the time they had together, he'd pretend things were different. He'd pretend he wasn't lying about why he was here and who he was. He'd pretend they had a shot at something more.

She blushed prettily and he got caught by the assessing intelligence in her eyes. So many of his thoughts didn't seem to belong to him, he wondered if she guessed what he was thinking.

“I could get used to this,” she said, relaxing her neck to rest her head on the tub rim. Her eyelids drifted shut while he took a bar of red glycerine soap in one hand and a soft cotton cloth in the other.

He lathered up the cloth and began at her neck, paying close attention to the flesh under her ears. He'd found the spot with his teeth earlier, and her soft moan now confirmed her enjoyment of the attention there. She rolled her head as he massaged. “This is so nice, Matt. Incredible.”

Next he swept down to her bobbing breasts and slid the terry cloth back and forth across her hardening nipples one after the other. Her knees fell open under the water as her breath caught on a sigh of satisfaction.

As he moved, the splash of water muted to soft quiet. His cock stiffened as he watched her lips part in sensual enjoyment. He bent and took one nipple into his mouth and sucked strongly.

“Oh, that's good! So good…” She rose out of the water with the suckling, offering more. He took it, swirling his tongue around her crested breast.

She arched up and her eyes flew open. “Touch me, Matt, I need your hand.”

He obliged and slid one hand behind her back to hold her for his lips, while the other hand sought the wet heat of her.

Even in the water, she felt hotter, wetter in her slick center.

He speared her with two fingers at once and she arched higher and groaned. Her hips undulated on his fingers, while his thumb found her clitoris.




She panted and bucked against him. The water sloshed and waves threatened her open mouth as she reached for another orgasm.

“Let go, Carrie. Come on my hand. Come the way I know you want to.” His cock stood at full attention now and his balls tightened into rocks as he watched her full-out orgasm. Her inner muscles clenched around his fingers and her clit plumped to a firm pearl under his thumb.

As she took what he freely offered, his heart opened up only to be filled with the essence of Carrie. Yes, for as long as he could, he'd pretend they could have a life together after Perdition.


buffet breakfast is served in the dining room.” Matt was shaving, so Carrie read aloud from the service card, letting her voice carry through to him. The scent of roses still perfumed the steamy air from the bathroom.

“I'm starved,” Matt responded. He hummed while he shaved, the sound distorted by the movement of his disposable razor and his jaw contortions. She grinned at the mental image of him in front of the antique sink and mirror, removing all the stubble from his jaw. For her. He'd scraped the side of her inner thigh with his bristles this morning.

She contracted her thighs in memory. Then palmed her soft belly, thinking of the kisses he'd planted on her navel. Mmm. Slipping lower, she tapped at her clit.

Nice. She was so responsive, so very…aware. Of her skin, her nerve endings. Even her hair follicles seemed more sensitive. She combed through her curls and tugged.

If she wasn't careful she'd be in need again. Matt would definitely be up for it; the man's stamina was nothing less than astounding, but she was sore.

Her stomach growled, reminding her they both needed food if this hot sex was going to continue. And she badly wanted it to continue. His comment last night about wanting more than the weekend resonated with her.

Too bad he lived so far from Tacoma. She envisioned a few weekend visits, but the distance would eventually become burdensome. Whatever heat they shared would cool, leaving them friends.

Could be worse, she thought.

“The coffee service was great,” he called, referring to the silver tray left outside their door an hour before, “but a man needs sustenance if he plans to pleasure a woman all day.”

She chuckled. “I was just thinking that myself,” she admitted with another tap to her clit. Moisture gathered in her channel as she rubbed experimentally. Her legs fell open while she wondered if she had time to get herself off before he came back into the room.

But then, so what if he did see her? She was supposedly here for a sexually liberal weekend. Pleasure was the name of the game.

A very enjoyable game.

She heated and thrilled to her toes. Pleasure was hardly the word she would use. Ecstasy was more like it. And not the phony drug variety of ecstasy. Pure, unadulterated, sexually charged sensory overload had been with her all night.

And it looked to be around for the rest of the day too.

Suddenly hot and aroused to the point of not caring what he saw, she threw the covers off and plunged two fingers into her dripping pussy.

She used her other hand on her clit, rubbing harder and faster.
Harder. Faster.
The thought came again as she swirled. Tension built and speared up from her pussy to her womb as delicious clenches rolled along her inner muscles.

Release was sweet and rolled through her like an incoming tide. Legs splayed wide, she threw her head back and rode it out, feeling wanton and sated.

The sound from the bathroom changed from a hum to a whistle. She plunged her fingers in again to coax the last of the trembles to completion.

Matt gave a low whistle from the bathroom doorway. His eyes focused hungrily on her. The sight of him, fresh and clean and shaved, made her feel dirty, sweaty and very naughty.

She pulled her fingers out of her slickness, then slid them across her mouth. “Want a taste?”

Apparently he did. His eyes flared and his cock twitched to life. She smiled and crooked her finger at him.

He crossed to her and sat on the bedside. Grasping her wrist, he nibbled and licked at her pussy-wet fingers, sliding his tongue deep into the apex. She melted as he made love to her sensitive flesh.

The man was incredible. Warm, kind and oh-so-sexy. He clasped her hips and pulled her down the bed. He climbed on top of her, then growled and twisted around so his cock speared toward her mouth, while he nuzzled at the juncture of her thighs.

Enthusiastic in his tongue work, Matt nibbled and licked his way from her clit to her trench. Once he found the source of her creamy liquid, he scooped into her with his tongue and drank her essence.

With a squeal of delighted abandon, Carrie locked her heels around his head and opened her mouth to take his cock in a long deep suckling that made him groan.

She opened her throat and let him set the pace and the depth while she worked him.

His chin played her clit while his lips nibbled and took, driving her into a frenzy of rising need. No longer able to give him control, she set her heels into the mattress and arched up to his mouth, demanding he take her over the top.

He obliged, driving fingers into her and using the flat of his tongue to hold her clit while she rocked against him.

She crested and crooned, deepening her hold on his cock while she gushed into his mouth.

After he held her at the peak for as long as he could, he set her hips free again and stilled while she swirled her tongue around the head of his cock. Pre-cum leaked into her mouth, tasting slick and salty good.

She pressed his balls in a gentle squeeze until they tightened. With a wild groan, he pulled out of her mouth and spilled across her tits, spewing cum with a roar of release. He smoothed his hot semen around her breasts, massaging it into her nipples and down to her smooth belly.

He rolled off her and they lay together, head to toe. “Fuck, that was good, Carrie. You're so hot, I don't know how you manage to live without getting laid by every man who walks by.”

She laughed and kissed his big toe. “I rarely get laid,” she confessed. “Maybe that's why I'm making up for lost time.”

“Maybe. But I find it hard to believe you'd have to come here to pay for a weekend of sex.”

The lie she'd told ate at her, making her feel small. She wished she could tell him the truth about her note taking and the article, but she couldn't. Not yet, at least.

Matt rolled off the bed and walked to the closet. His back view was as perfect to Carrie as his front.

His ass was high and hard, his legs perfectly formed. The shoulders she'd clung to were broad while the muscles in his back were defined. He pulled out a thick velour robe with the Perdition House crest embroidered on the lapel. The navy blue made his skin glow with vibrant health, and he took her breath away when he slipped it on.

He didn't bother with the house slippers, preferring bare feet. “I'll bring you back a plate of food from the dining room. Eggs? Toast? Bacon?”

Her stomach growled. “Yes, yes and yes. I think you've given me one hell of a cardio workout.” Then she patted her butt muscles and gave them a deep rub. “My hips are done for too,” but she gave him a teasing smile when he frowned and looked concerned.

Then he grinned at her tease. Deeply engaged eye contact warmed her.

“Miss me,” he said as he pulled open the door and stepped into the hall.

The nutty thing was, she probably would miss him.

And that was worth noting. She found her laptop under the bed and dragged it out. There was no wireless connection at the house so she couldn't check her e-mail in-box, but she could type up more notes.

Her plans to interrogate Matt had gone awry. The only thing she'd established was her own seemingly insatiable desire for sex. Need for Matt and the sensual pleasure he gave her had outstripped her ambition by far.

And while that should terrify her, she couldn't drum up enough interest to care. The man devastated her on too many levels to count.

She was busy keyboarding when Matt returned laden with a serving tray and food that smelled delicious. She put the finishing touches to notes on her freshly discovered masturbation techniques and some of the thoughts that had driven her when she'd been doing it. Some of those thoughts didn't even seem like her own, she now realized.

She saved the file and closed the lid of her laptop as Matt kicked closed the door.

“Hey, you need to give that thing a rest,” he said with a nod to her laptop. “This is a weekend dedicated to R & R, remember?” He set the round waiter's tray of food on an octagonal marble-top occasional table set in the bow window. Set to each side were low, velvet brocade chairs in classic Victorian style.

She grinned at him. “You're right. I need to stop obsessing on work.”

“You haven't told me what you do that needs all this attention.”

“I'm a fact checker for a syndicated television news show.”

“That sounds interesting. You must know a lot of trivia.”

“I know how to find trivia, do research, that kind of thing. It's pretty boring mostly.” She'd thrown in the bit about television because she thought he'd believe she made enough money for a weekend like this one. The food saved her from more lies, as the smell of bacon rose through the room.

“This smells great!” Something she couldn't say for her own body. Instead of being practical and showering while Matt was downstairs, she'd wasted time typing notes that didn't mean anything. She shook her head. Her notes meant the beginning of the article that would land her a better job.

And she was dangerously close to forgetting that fact.

“Are your thoughts wandering?” she asked. “I can't seem to keep mine on track. Whenever I think of work, I get fuzzy headed.”

“Me too. So I've stopped thinking about work. It's easier. Go with the flow, Carrie. The weekend's about you and me, nothing else. Even if I wanted to think of something else, I can't get you out of my mind. The way you smell, taste, kiss. It's all I think about.”

She warmed, surprised at how easily he confessed his fascination.

“Just now, in the dining room,” he said as he tore a piece of toast in two, “a pile of hash browns reminded me of your pretty pink pussy. The length and shape, I mean. I stared at them for a full minute trying to clear the image, but I couldn't. It was like I was up close and personal, ready to stick my tongue between your lips and eat you out. Suck you dry. Took all my willpower just to use the serving spoon. Felt like desecration or something. And then, all I wanted was to be upstairs in the room again, to see that you were all right.”

“And you found me working.” She grinned. Not that she could remember anything about what she'd typed.

“Yes. You were working when I wanted you to be thinking of me too.”

She chuckled. “I promise to think of you and nothing else for the rest of the day.”

“And night.” A feverish light filled his gaze.

“All weekend. We're together all weekend.” Bought and paid for, just the way the auction promised. Only in their case the buying had been his choice. There wasn't another woman here he wanted to be with.

Matt Crewe was all hers.

And she was his.

“Breakfast is served,” he said, tucking into his eggs.

“This would be lovely and formal if I weren't naked and you weren't in a robe.” She should have showered. Her notes could have been done at any time. They weren't important.

Matt was important.

This weekend with him was important. A new job wasn't.

She shook her head, rattled by the turn of her thoughts.

He dropped his robe to the floor and eased into his seat. “Now we're even.”

She chuckled and tried to recall what questions she needed to ask him. But it wasn't easy. Her normally incisive mind went foggy. She couldn't even remember what she'd just been typing. No matter. It was either notes for a story or an e-mail. Or something equally boring.

She set her chin on her hand and drank in the sight of Matt, her meal forgotten. He was gorgeous. “In this light, your hair catches the sunlight and it looks like sparkly bubbles. Like the ones in a glass of good beer.”

He grinned tidily around a mouthful of scrambled eggs. “You need to eat, Carrie. The nutrition deprived are targets for mind control.”

She giggled, feeling light and free. “Mind control.” There was something she needed to ask him. Questions. Answers, questions, answers. What the hell, none of it mattered. What mattered was that her boobs were hot.

She looked down at them. The steam from her eggs wafted across her nipples. She giggled again.

“Carrie, eat.” His voice was a teensy bit more stern.

“You're cute when you're concerned.” She picked up her fork and did as she was told. “These are good,” she muttered as she polished off her eggs. She carefully scraped the side of her fork across the plate, scooping every last bit of egg. Then she wadded three strips of bacon into her mouth with her fingers. She chewed around another giggle.

“Do you have a health thing I should know about?” He stared in shock at her, making her giggle again. “Are you diabetic? Or, I don't know, something.” He looked way past concerned now. He seemed downright worried.

“You look so anxious. Which is funny because…hmmm, I don't know why it's funny, it just is. And no, I don't have any health issues.” She was healthy. Always had been. “So…if you wanna go bareback that's fine with me. Would you like that? Feeling all that wet pussy on your cock when you're inside? Warm, wet pussy.” That was really hysterical. “Warm, wet.” She repeated the words in her head, emphasizing the T sound on

BOOK: Thigh High
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