Read Three Minutes to Happiness Online

Authors: Sally Clements

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary

Three Minutes to Happiness (6 page)

BOOK: Three Minutes to Happiness
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His brow furrowed. “You were prepared to dance, but not to have a drink?”

She breathed in through her nose. “I didn’t have any choice but to leave with you. You put me in an impossible situation.”

“Well, you can’t just walk back in there, can you?” He jerked his head to the hotel bar, and reluctantly she followed.

The bar was deserted. Finn led her to a table next to a large log fire, and pulled out a chair. “What will you have to drink?”

“A coffee,” Val said. “I’m driving.”

“Coffee it is then.” He strode to the bar.

Orange flames leapt in the fireplace above hotter flames of electric blue. Val stretched out her legs to the warmth. She’d been on her feet all day without even taking a break for something to eat, and hunger curled in her stomach. She’d have a drink and then head home. Get out of these clothes, and heat something up from the freezer.

The feel of Finn’s mouth against hers earlier had thrown her off-kilter, resulting in a temporary aberration. The guy was drop-dead gorgeous. He tasted good too.

But rats found the sweet taste of strychnine irresistible too, didn’t they? They gulped it down greedily, and died in agony.

She checked him out as he waited at the bar. His shoulders, this time covered by the black cloth of his beautifully cut suit, were wide and powerful. He could probably audition for Bond and make the shortlist. No doubt his harem of part-time lovers were well satisfied. Her gaze fell to his perfectly formed backside.

Her pulse raced. With a puff of frustration, Val forced her gaze away.

Strychnine in a pretty wrapper was still poison.

He was alone at a wedding, and doubtless looking for someone to blaze up the sheets with. She’d rather burn up with sexual frustration than become one of his bed-buddies.

Finn walked back to the table carrying two cups. “I could do with a coffee too.” His cheek dimpled.

Val’s heart thumped. Why the hell did her body respond to him so readily? She didn’t even like the guy, and yet, every time that dimple creased in his cheek, her body went in full yummy man alert.

He settled on the leather bench next to her, his corded thigh altogether too close for comfort. “Last time we met, you asked all the questions. Now it’s my turn. Are you involved with Simon?”

Simon’s wife would have something to say about that. “If you knew Simon, you should also know he’s married.”

“I just met Simon this evening. And that’s not what I asked you.” Finn’s eyes darkened. “Because you looked very cozy when I came in.” His mouth tightened.

Val felt her eyebrows pull together in surprise.

“I don’t do married men.” He really had a cheek. Did he think she would have let him kiss her if she was involved with someone else? She crossed her arms. “What’s it to you, anyway? We’ve just met.”

“We’ve more than met.” He trailed a finger down her arm. “I don’t kiss just anyone.” He gazed at her mouth.

“No, just a select few, apparently.” Val’s lips tingled. She reached for her coffee and took a sip. “Look, what happened earlier was crazy.” She licked the cappuccino froth off her top lip. “I really don’t know why it happened, but it’s not happening again.”

“It isn’t?”

“No.” Val crossed her legs. “I’ve been working all day. I’m tired and hungry. And once I’ve drunk this coffee, I’m going home.”

He leaned so close she breathed in the scent of his aftershave.
Is that a hint of citrus overlaying the woodsy?
Her mouth watered. Under his intent gaze, she couldn’t look away.

“Is it the other women?”

“I really…”

“What if.” He rubbed the back of his neck with a tanned hand. “What if there were no other women?”

Val shook her head. “Well, there are, aren’t there? I think we should just call it what it is, a chance meeting between two strangers. I’m not interested.”

Deliberately he looked at her mouth with a heat filled gaze. Blood rushed to Val’s face, no doubt painting her cheeks scarlet. She wanted his mouth on hers with a ferocity that made her furious.

“I don’t believe you.” His murmur was so intimate, heat flared low in her stomach. “I think you’re just as interested as I am.”

“Oh yeah?” She tried to inject worldly-wise boredom into her tone, but failed dismally.

“Yeah.” He leaned back, dialing down the devastating charm. “I think if there were no other women in my life—if I promised that there would be no others while we were seeing each other, you’d come out to dinner with me. Right now.”

The man is positively slappable
. Unfortunately, the thought of touching him made her arms erupt in goosebumps.

“I’m tired and—”

“Tomorrow, then.”

“I’m working.”

“You have to eat.”

Did she have to spell it out for him?
Val clenched her hands tight under the table out of sight. Why on earth was he pursuing her, when he’d had all week to call and suggest dinner? It must just be because he’d seen her at the wedding. Maybe he even felt guilty about not calling her back; maybe he thought he could talk her into bed.

Michael had talked her into bed once. He’d been good at it. So good, he couldn’t resist practicing his art on other women while they were married.

She’d loved him blindly, hadn’t been able to imagine ever being with anyone else. Her mother had encouraged their marriage, saying that they weren’t too young, that love could conquer all. Discovering Michael’s deception had almost killed her. It would be a cold day in hell before she put herself in the line for rejection again. No matter how blazing his kiss. “I don’t want to see you again. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I’m not interested.” Val drank the rest of her coffee.

“So you don’t want to see me again?” A nerve jumped in the corner of Finn’s jaw.


He was too intense. The way his gaze focused on her, like a hunter squinting down a rifle’s sight, made her nervous. She lost her ability to think clearly around him. If he kissed her again she doubted her ability to walk away, yet falling into bed with Finn would be disastrous. She couldn’t survive another dishonest relationship, once was enough. Running away first was the sensible solution.


To her surprise, he accepted her decision.

“Thanks for the coffee.” Val’s legs shook under her as she stood. “I better grab my camera.”

“I’ll walk you to your car.”

“No, go back to your party.” She stepped away. Walked out of his life without looking back.


When Val came home from work the following night, the flat looked as though a bomb had hit it. Or a gang of thieves had ransacked the place. Val puffed out a frustrated breath as she stepped over Maggie’s discarded sweater on the sitting room floor. Maggie must be going out on another date.

“I’m home.” There was no answering yell, so Val walked to the closed bathroom door. The sound of running water; Maggie must be in the shower.

Val kicked off her shoes, put her legs up on the sofa, and flicked open a magazine. Anything to distract her from the urgent need to pee.

Ten minutes later, she couldn’t ignore that urge anymore.

The sound of running water had ceased, but still no Maggie. She tapped on the bathroom door. “Maggie? I need in.”

“Oh hi, hon! Didn’t realize you were home! I won’t be long.”

Val’s legs were already crossed. “I need in

“Oh. Okay.” After a minute or two, the door opened. Maggie wore a pair of paper throwaway panties, and nothing else. Her arms were out at an odd angle.

There wasn’t any time to take in any other details. “Thanks,” Val dashed in and closed the door after her.

After the panic was over, Val managed to wash her hands without upsetting the plethora of products balancing on the sink rim, then opened the door.

Maggie’s knees were bent and outward facing. Her elbows akimbo. Beneath her eyes, were small crescent-shaped pieces of what looked like white paper. As Val came out of the bathroom, Maggie sidled in, like a wary crab.

“What are you up to?”

“I’m waiting for the fake tan to dry,” Maggie said. “And I thought while I was at it…” she waved a hand in the direction of her eyes, “I’d dye my eyelashes.”

Val’s already solemn mood dipped to miserable. It was Saturday night. A night when most self-respecting singletons might expect to be out on the town, having fun.
Except one.

“Big date?”

“I’m going out with Phillip again.” Maggie’s voice was jump-up-and-down excited. “Tonight’s the night.”

That’s an early night for me then.
The last thing Val wanted was to be perched on an armchair in her sweats, eating popcorn while Maggie and Phillip smooched on the sofa.

What? Hide in my room?

“I’m going to his place,” Maggie confided as she wiped black goo from her eyelashes.

“Oh, okay.” Luckily there was a ton of ice cream in the freezer. And a plastic pouch of readymade Cosmopolitan in the fridge, left over from their last party. The evening was looking more appealing by the minute. She wanted nothing more than to confide in Maggie about the loss of her job, but it wouldn’t be fair, not while Maggie was planning the night of all nights.

“I asked Phillip if he had a friend.”

Val’s stomach dived. “I don’t need you to set me up.”

Maggie wiped dye from her eyebrow. She should have used brown, because black was altogether too harsh, giving the impression that she’d gone crazy with a Sharpie. “It isn’t healthy for you to stay in all the time. If nothing else, you need sex.” She glanced over, and doubtless noticed Val’s gaping mouth. “Don’t look at me like that. Everyone needs sex. It’s a basic human need.”

Finn had offered sex. Not directly, but the subtext behind his flirting was so clear she’d have to be wearing two eye-patches not to have noticed.

“You could have a fling. Phillip says his friend is gorgeous.”

The thought of Maggie talking to Phillip about which friend of his could “show her a good time” made Val feel queasy.

“Seriously, Maggie. I’ve had offers.”

“But not for ages, right?” Maggie pinned her with an intent stare, the impact of which was somewhat diluted by the fact she was half-naked.

“Last night, actually. At the wedding I worked with Simon.”

“What? Why didn’t you…” The egg timer that Maggie had set up on the windowsill buzzed. “Oh, hang on, I have to shower this stuff off.” She pulled back the shower curtain. “Give me five minutes.”

She’d told Finn she didn’t want to see him again. He’d been so intense, so intent, she’d half expected him to call today, to ask her again to go out with him. But what would she have said if he had? What was there to say? She didn’t want to be anyone’s one and only, but she sure didn’t like the idea of being someone’s one of many either.

The whole affair made her head hurt.

The bathroom door opened, and Maggie padded over. Her face was scrubbed clean, and she was wrapped in a fluffy white bathrobe.

“Right.” She sank down onto the sofa. “Spill.”

“You remember the guy from the speed dating?” She’d confided in Maggie after the meeting with Finn, and her friend had waited along with her every day he failed to call.

“Finn? The Hottie?”

“He was at the wedding.” Val took a deep breath, and told the secret she’d been keeping. “He told me he hadn’t called because he thought I was looking for true love, and he was dragged there by his cousin.”

Maggie’s eyes widened. “But you weren’t exactly delighted to be going either. It sounds like you are perfect for each other, you’re both into having a no strings fling—Where’s his number?” Maggie picked up Val’s phone and started scrolling through the address book. “You put it in here, didn’t you? Ah…”

She pressed a button and held the phone out. “Talk to him. Invite him out.”

Panic flared as Val grabbed the phone from her friend’s hand, and stabbed the hang-up button. “Damn, Maggie!” Her heart was hammering fit to burst. She turned her phone off, as if that would make any difference. “You don’t know the whole thing, you—”

“So tell me.” Maggie tucked her legs up under her, and rubbed a foot.

“He has a gang of bed partners. I’m not into that.” She might as well go for full disclosure. “And we kissed.” The remembered feel of his hand on her arm, his lips on hers made heat blossom in Val’s stomach.

“You kissed? Are you serious? You kissed Finn last night and you haven’t mentioned a word about it? What on earth were you thinking?”

Trust Maggie to have selective hearing. “Did you catch that other part? The multiple partners bit?”

“So, he’s into threesomes.” Maggie waved a hand in the air, as though threesomes were perfectly normal. “Two girls and a guy, I’m guessing rather than the other way around. Finn doesn’t look the type to share.”

Val swallowed.

Naïveville, Population 1.

“I don’t think… No, I know he doesn’t sleep with more than one at a time, he just has more than one sexual partner.”

“And,” Maggie prompted.

She wasn’t looking for love. Wasn’t looking for happy ever after. But the thought that Finn would leave her bed and spent the night in someone else’s made the whole idea of getting involved with him sleazy somehow. She wanted an honest friendship, fun in bed, and to be enough for someone. “I guess I just don’t want to share.”

“Did you tell him this?”

Val nodded.

“Did he tell you he wouldn’t even consider being exclusive?”

Nerves fluttered in Val’s stomach, like a flock of birds taking flight. “No.” And that was exactly why she couldn’t stop thinking about him.


Chapter Six


The after-wedding festivities were continuing over the weekend, with a group staying at Finn’s parents’ house, so he’d left Sorcha with family and headed home. To his annoyance, Val still consumed his thoughts, so when Krista had called and suggested dinner he’d agreed instantly. Now, the inevitable next step of the evening was here.

“You’re in a strange mood.” Krista was as beautiful as ever. Her hand stroked his forearm, and for the first time ever he felt like pulling away. “What’s on your mind?”

BOOK: Three Minutes to Happiness
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