Read Time Warp Online

Authors: Steven Brockwell

Time Warp (7 page)

BOOK: Time Warp
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“Hi Carl its Jessie, I think someone has stolen our boat? “

“It’s ok Jessie, we just took it for a spin, “replied Carl.

what about our dive today?” Asked Jessie

“Forget today Jesse, I don’t feel up to it, I will see how I am tomorrow, “replied Carl

Ok take care, “said Jessie, and she cut off
. Carl stared at Jan they both had a strange feeling that Sonard might be listening into Jesse’s call. However, so far Sonard’s men had not show up, even though it was now in the late afternoon and Carl’s stomach constantly grumbled, since he not eaten anything since yesterday. Jan suggested it might be a good idea if they all went on ashore for lunch hoping it might take things of their minds, help them to relax. Since Sonard’s men did not appear, Carl felt somewhat relieved however, he knew it would not be long before they found him and with their knowledge of Tele- potation they could travel anywhere in the world in just a matter of seconds.















They drank a
nd dinned in a nearby restraint almost forgetting what had happened the previous evening. Jason was the first to finish his meal and went outside to light up one of his huge cigars. He looked across the harbor admiring the boats berthed by the key sides and the magnificent scenery, when he noticed a thick cloud of smoke rising up from the same bay, where Carl had anchored their cruiser. Jason threw his cigar to the floor and ran back inside. Carl and nick jumped out of their seats and took Jason’s big, black, Coronado jeep and headed for the bay, they both stood on the beach as their cruiser burst into an orange fireball, Nick Turned to Carl and said, “ I guess someone is on your tail after all. “

Carl stared into the horizon as their boat continued burning, he tried to figure out how S
onard managed to track him down when he remembered Jesse’s phone call,

“Shit Jessie!
“ Said Carl

“What’s that suppose to mean? Do you think she did this?
” Replied Nick

“Don’t be stupid, Jessie phoned me earlier on that’s how they found our Location, “replied Carl.

“Shit man, I hope Jessie’s ok, “asked Nick.

“Why shouldn’t she be? “

“Well if they traced you’re where a bout’s on your phone, then they also know where Jessie is, “replied nick

The though suddenly struck
Carl he knew Sonard’s men would stop at nothing just to get to him, and the location of the spearhead. Carl drove back to the restaurant where Jason and Jan were waiting outside; Carl hit the brakes hard and shouted, “come on get in!”

“What’s going on boss?
“ Asked Jason

“Its Jessie
, I think she might be in trouble “replied Carl.

, if anyone lays a hand on her, they are going to know what trouble means! “ Replied Jason

Jason always looked out for Jessie, just the thought of someone hurting her made Jason revile his nasty sadistic side
. He had fought in Bosnia and the ordeals he had to face turned him into a tough mean son of bitch, he always managed controlled his dark side knowing what his capabilities where. However, if his temperament was pushed to the limits his enemy had better run as fast as they could, Jason would leave no stone unturned until he had his revenge.

Carl drove as fast as he
could through the main by pass hoping to avoid a traffic jam, he knew Sonard’s men would be after Jessie trying to squeeze any information they could out of her. Every minute would be a minute needed in order to try to save Jessie’s life. Carl took a detour and left the bypass, and made his way to a small town just outside the bustling city of Athens. He drove to Jessie’s, boyfriend’s house, on the out skirts of town and parked their jeep across the road, scanning the area looking for any sign of Sonard’s henchmen. It was almost dark and Carl notice a small light was on, inside one the rooms on the upper floor. Carl used a pair of binoculars to peer through the window hoping to catch a glimpse of someone, when suddenly a strong light emerged from the same window. “Wow did you see that? “ Said nick, “it looked like a camera flash“.

“That’s no camera
! It’s them, they are here, “replied Carl.

Nick stepped out of the jeep; Jason headed for the boot and lifted the carpet up revealing a false bottom. “What you got there?
“ Asked Carl

“Well you didn’t thing I was going in there empty handed, “replied Jason.

Carl looked into the back of the jeep, there inside a secret compartment laid two Enfield sub machine guns, two eagle revolvers, a string of frag grenades, and a good supply of ammo. Jason took one of the Enfield’s and clipped in a mag, and handed it to Carl”, well do you believe me now? “Asked Carl

“No! Alien or no alien I am going to kick me some Ass,” replied Jason.

He took one of the Enfield’s for himself and handed nick one of the revolvers; he also placed two frag grenades in his pocket
. Nick and Carl headed for the door; they rang the bell, only there was no answer. Jason came up from behind with Jan, who felt secure with Jason by her side and pushed Carl out of the way, “this is how it’s done”, said Jason, as he lifted his foot into the air and with ease kicked the door in. Jason stepped inside the dark silent hallway, his military training was proving to come in handy; he scoured the hallway and began to search down stairs. Carl followed closely behind him leaving Jan and nick by the front door. Jason came across Jessie’s boyfriends, lifeless body lying in a pool of warm blood on the living room floor. Carl notices something had been inscribed or cut into his for head, a symbol of some kind. “Nothing we can do for him, “whispered Carl.

Jason backed tracked to the stair way and carefully started to make his way up stairs
, nick and Jan followed leaving Carl to watch their backs just in case someone approached them from behind.

Jason slowly approach the bedroom door, a small ray of light could be seen from the small lamp shade, Jason burst through the door and stopped dead in his tracks, he dropped his gun to the floor and fell to his knees
. He held his face as tears streamed down his cheeks, Carl pushed passed nick and ran up to Jason, Carl looked up to the wall on top of the main bed and stared at the horrific seen that Sonard’s men had left for them to discover.

Jessie lay naked pinned to the wall,
her throat had been slashed, blood streaked down her tortured, lifeless body, her hands had two stakes driven through them it looked as if Jessie had been crucified. On the wall was a symbol, a marking drawn with Jessie own blood, Jan walked in with Nick and quickly walked back outside again.

“Who the hell would do something like this, “asked nick.

“Its Sonard’s henchmen “replied Carl.

“I thought you said they were humble or whatever? “ Asked nick

“No! Not them, their just Sonard’s hired assassins.”

Carl and Nick lowered Jessie’s body to the bed and carefully covered her with a sheet.

As Jason wept by her side, out raged that someone could do such a thing to Jessie,

“They going to pay for this “, said Jason

“How the hell did they get out of here, we didn’t see anyone leave!
“ Asked nick

“I told you they teleport everywhere leaving no trace, “answered Carl.

“So how the hell are we going to catch them? “ Asked Jason. “The same way they found Jessie “, replied Carl.

Carl put his hand into his pocket and took out his phone, “what you’re going to do, phone them, “asked Jason

“Don’t be daft! They tracked Jessie through her phone and they will track us the same way, but this time we will be waiting for them, “replied Carl.

Jan realized that Nick was the brainy one, he had a degree in electronics, and while on the other hand Jason was all Broun’s and no brains
. Nevertheless, somehow, Jan was glad to have Jason on her side, his huge muscular body and bulging muscles was what they really needed at this point in time. Carl rang Jan’s home number; giving Sonard’s men chance to trace his call. “Ok now take cover, and no one fire a shot just leave it to me, “said Carl

“Like hell I will, I want me an ET! “ Replied Jason. “Just shut the fuck up and hand me a grenade “, replied Carl.

They all hid
e inside the blood stained room waiting for Sonard’s men to appear, when a blinding light entered the room and there from out of now where, stood two of Sonard’s men. Carl and Jason sprang out of hiding weapons coked and ready to go. Carl slowly approached the men, one of them pressed a small button attached to his wrist, Carl realized that is how they signaled to be transported back to their layout.

The strong light suddenly reappeared engulfing the two men
, Carl took out his grenade and pulled the pin, he slipped it into the light near one of the men’s feet, who intern looked down in horror releasing they had been tricked. However, it was too late to do anything; they vanished again taking the primed grenade back to the teleportation system. On arrival the grenade would detonate, destroying their main way of transporting themselves, from now on they would have to travel like Carl and his friends using other simpler methods. Carl had finally even the odds, and now stood a fair chance of defeating Sonard.





























the disk


arl laid on one the beds in a shabby looking remote, motel room. They had all decided it would be for the better if they stayed together; and lay low for a while not having contact with friends or family In fear that Sonard’s men will would repeat the same ghastly, torturing methods that Jessie had gone through.


Jan and Nick, had just returned from some take away pizza’s place, Jason ran up and picked the extra pepperoni which did not last long and as usual Jason devoured his before everyone else did, and began constantly passing up and down the small hallway in their motel room, eager to seek his revenge. However, he knew that without detailed information about his enemy it would be ridicules to consider any kind of assault on Sonard and his people.

Carl was next to finish his make shift meal, he occasionally
scratching the back of his neck where he thought he had scratch himself after falling over in Jan’s apartment, The scab had peeled off and was becoming even more irritating. Carl began to tumble the small CD Maya had slipped into his shoe when he was still over in Sonard’s underground facility through his fingers, wondering how he could extract or siphon any information it might hold. Carl’s office and laboratory where he worked, would be under surveillance by Sonard’s men, the only other computer systems capable of down loading the small CD, were destroyed a long with their cruiser.

on continued pacing up and down when he noticed the small disk in Carl’s hand, “Hey boss what you got there?” asked Jason. “It’s something someone had slipped me when I was kidnapped”, replied Carl.

! We are on your side you know, toss it here let’s see what you got “, asked Jason

“It’s pointless! We
do not have the equipment to down load it. “

Nick had overheard their little conversation and walked into the other room with a smile on his face, “that’s what you think boss
”, he said.

Nick wal
ked outside to Jason’s Coronado and soon returned carrying a brief case. Carl and the others watched as nick placed his brief case on the table and flipped the top open. There stood what looked like a larger version of a laptop, while the other numerous amounts of electronic gadgets, began to pour out from side pockets set up neatly along the top half of his brief case. Nike pulled on wires, plugging in USB connections and began to set up his own portable, computer system. “It’s no use nick that disk is two small, your lap top will not take it!” said Carl

“I know, t
hat’s why with this little baby I can copy the whole of what you got, into my I pod then transmit and store the whole thing onto a computer file.

Carl just stared over at Nick, his mouth half opened, trying to figure out what the hell this
computer genius or freak even, was going on about. Nick switched on his laptop and began to set up a copy to file, as everyone gathered round, and had his or her eyes peeled to the screen, waiting to see what dark secrets were about to be revealed. The first image they saw was that of a man from some distant ancient civilization, no one had a clue whom he was, and what significance this person might have had in the past.

BOOK: Time Warp
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