Read To Love Jason Thorn Online

Authors: Ella Maise

To Love Jason Thorn (7 page)

BOOK: To Love Jason Thorn
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Chapter Eight

My heart beating in my throat, I turned
around to find Jason smiling at me.

“Not so fast, little one,” he said.

Grabbing his arm, I managed to pull him a
few steps away. “What are you doing? They will recognize you!”

I chanced a look behind me. From what I
could see of the three open mouths, it was already too late.

“So what? I want to meet your friends.”

“Jason. Are you sure you are okay?
Shouldn’t you be…I don’t know, a little more concerned about being in public?”

“No one is around. It’s okay, Olive. Relax,
I won’t embarrass you. I promise,” he said in a different tone.

My heart clenched. “It wasn’t that. I’m
sorry. Let’s introduce you then.”

Lucy was the first one to close her mouth
and grin like a cat that was about to bathe in the cream.

“You must be Lucy, the one who is facing a
bloody death,” Jason said, giving her a sincere smile.

“Yep, that’s probably me.” Lucy had that
starry look in her eyes when she finally shook Jason’s hand.

“This is Charlotte, and Marcus.” I took
over when Lucy finally let go of his hand.

“Nice to meet you guys,” Jason said.

When Lucy glanced at me questioningly, I
sighed, “Jason had a meeting after mine, and they were running late, and then
he was in my meeting so he recognized me and offered to drop me off.”

That short but to the point explanation
would only hold her off until we got into our apartment.

“You two know each other?” Marcus asked
with a confused frown on his face.

Marcus was a completely different matter.
He was my roommate
my ex, and the more my book took off, the more
annoyed he got.

I felt Jason’s hand on the small of my
back. It was a light touch, but it was enough to make my entire body buzz with

Stupid, traitorous body

“Jason was my brother’s best friend. He used
to practically live with us,” I said to Marcus.

“You never mentioned that.”

“I’m sorry? I didn’t think you would be
interested in knowing that.”

Lucy cut in. “Oh, shut up, Marcus. I knew,
and frankly, that’s enough. Would you like to come up?” she asked Jason,
softening her tone.

“I would love to, but I’m afraid it will
have to wait until next time.” Turning to me, he said, “Can I see your phone?”

“Why?” I asked suspiciously.

“I want to get Dylan’s number.”

Ah, right.
wasn’t like he would want mine
. Nodding, I took it out of my bag and handed
it over.

“Olive.” Getting my attention, Char touched
my arm. “I’m dying to hear what happened at the meeting and if you said yes,
but I have to meet with my study group…” She glanced down at her watch. “In
half an hour. I’ll catch up with you when I get back, ok?”

“Sure, we’ll talk when you get back.”

Blowing us a quick kiss, she slipped away.

Before I could ask Jason why it was taking so
long to get Dylan’s number, Marcus caught my eyes, shook his head, turned
around, and left.

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked Lucy,
making sure Jason couldn’t hear.

“Who knows? He is in one of his moods, I
guess. Don’t worry about him.”

Jason handed my phone back, our fingers
touching for a quick second.

Those old, childish butterflies I’d thought
were long gone? They all came back with a vengeance, which scared me more than
anything that had happened that day.

“I put my own number in there and I want
you to call me whenever you need anything, ok?”

As if I would ever repeat that mistake

“Since I have a feeling you won’t do that,
I’ll make sure to text you as soon as I start reading the book. I’ll let you
know what I think.”

“You’re not going to let it go, are you?”

His grin grew bigger. “Not a chance in
hell, little one.”

After he said goodbye to Lucy, he looked at
me one more time. Then, cupping my face yet again, he pressed an unexpected
kiss on my forehead, rendering me completely speechless.

“I’ll see you soon,” he said, and then he
was gone.

“Now,” Lucy started as she hooked her arm in
mine and started dragging me toward our building. “I’m gonna hold my tongue
until we take those stairs up, get in your room, close your door, and lay next
to each other on that bed. That should give both of us enough time to take in
what just happened. However, when our hearts finally stop going haywire over
that fine piece of ass, you’ll answer every single question I ask. Is that
understood? Nod if it is.”

I nodded.




“Wait a minute. He pulled you out of the
meeting? But did you say yes before he dragged you out? Is this awesome movie
happening or not?”

I was just as baffled as she was. “It looks
like it is.”

We were sitting next to each other on my
bed, facing the window that looked out to an already darkening sky. My room was
only big enough to fit a queen bed and a small closet/dresser, but since my bed
was slightly bigger than her full one, it was our regular meeting spot for late
night talks and snacks.

“And why are we not more excited about this
huge, huge life-changing thing? You’re kinda making it sound like it’s nothing.”

“Seeing Jason eclipsed that little nugget.
Oh, Lucy.” Closing my eyes, I sighed and fell back onto my pillows. “I acted
like a total idiot. I was mortified when I saw him walk in that door, but then
why did I feel that rush when he grabbed me by my hand, or when he looked at me
as if he was really seeing me? Why did…” I struggled to find the right words. “Why
did my heart feel like it was burning?” I threw my arm over my eyes and
released a sigh. “But then I remembered how much it hurt to read what he thought
of me that night, and I couldn’t look him in the eyes. I called him
Jason Thorn
for crying out loud! I made a complete fool of myself in front
of everyone.”

Lucy gently lay down next to me and I
opened my eyes to look into her stormy gray ones.

“But the waterfall trick worked, didn’t it?
You were all calm and collected until Hotness Overload walked in and your
ovaries exploded along with your heart.”

I smiled. “That’s one way to put it, I

“Do you still love him?” she asked after a
long beat of silence.

I chuckled. “Along with millions of other
women. Who doesn’t love Jason Thorn?” Lucy ignored my answer and pointedly kept
looking at me until I gave up. “He is not the same kid who slept right across
from my room, Lucy. I’m not in love with him like that any more.”

“I don’t believe you, my green Olive.” She
bopped my nose with her fingertip.

“It doesn’t matter whether you do or not. I
doubt I’ll see him again any time soon.” I patted her arm. “Don’t worry though,
I’ll take you to see his next movie. You can still salivate while you are
watching his abs. Isn’t that coming out like next month?”

After seeing and talking to him again after
so many years, wouldn’t it be a solid kick in my stomach when I saw him kiss
his costar? And right when I was starting to get used to seeing him in a lip

She sighed. “No, still two months away. And
anyway, it’s not the same as seeing him face to face. Do you think he would’ve
taken his shirt off if you’d asked nicely? I’m forever ruined after seeing him
show that dimple to you and then kiss your freaking forehead. If I didn’t know
you still loved him—”

“I don’t love him.”

“I would’ve jumped on him and quite
possibly licked that dimple while my hands accidentally wandered to places
every girl would give their firstborn to get a peek at.” She did a whole body

“Ahh, don’t be disgusting.” I made a funny
face at her. “And don’t do that to
guy when I’m around, please.”

“Why? Licking is a natural urge. When you
think of it, you actually start to learn how to lick properly when you are just
kid. All those lollies and ice creams you licked to death? That was just
training. Do you think he wouldn’t love it if you licked his dimple and let
your hands roam around for bit?”

“He sees me as his sister, Lucy. Of course
he wouldn’t like having my tongue anywhere near his face, or my hand for that

“Says who?”

“Says every guy who’s had a best friend’s
little sister fall in love with him. When you think about it, it actually does
sound a little annoying. There he is trying to have a family moment, which he
didn’t get at his own home, and there I am popping up wherever he goes,
sticking to him like a glue. He was just nice enough not to say anything to my

Lucy turned fully toward me, her eyes
sparkling with mischief. “Maybe he’ll fall in love with you this time around.
Then I could see his abs any time I wanted. Damn, I could quite possibly get
away with copping a feel.”

“I’d say don’t hold your breath. I gave up
on that dream exactly seven years…four months, and some days ago. Not that I’m
counting or anything.”

Lucy snorted. “Of course not.”

My phone pinged with a new text message and
before I could even lift my head off the pillows, Lucy was off the bed and digging
into my handbag.

“Who is it?” I asked. “Is it Char? Can you
text her back and remind her to buy toilet paper on her way back? There was no
way I was going to ask
Jason Thorn to stop at the grocery store to buy
some toilet paper. Why are you smirking, Lucy? What did she say?”

“Oh, I have a feeling I’m going to love
this,” she replied with an evil grin on her face as she typed away an answer.

“What are you talking about?”

She threw the phone at me, almost breaking
my chin in the process, and ran out of my room straight to her own.

Perplexed, I looked down at the text
message I had gotten…and evidently answered.


Jason: The Marcus guy, your boyfriend?

Me: No, just the ex. I’m one hundred percent


“I hate you so much!” I yelled as I heard
the answering cackle coming from her room. The phone pinged with a new one


Jason: Good. I don’t like him.


Quickly, I typed back.


Me: Why on earth?

Jason: I didn’t like the way he treated you.

Me: You only saw him for a few seconds, how would
you know how he treats me?

Jason: I have eyes.

Me: How surprising. I hadn’t noticed.

Jason: Just got off the phone with your
brother after talking to your parents. All is good. He says hi. After dinner,
I’m going to download your book and start getting ready for my upcoming role.

Me: Glad you were able to patch things up.
Talk to you in a few years.


“Olive?” I heard Lucy yell from the safety
of her own room. “The suspense is killing me!”

“I still hate you,” I yelled back.

“Oh, I love you too, but, I meant what is
he texting?”

“You’ll never know.”

She came out of her room and gave me the
most innocent look with those pouty red lips and innocent eyes.

Just when she was about to sit down next to
me, Marcus appeared at my door.

“Olive, can we talk for a second?”

I straightened up and invited him in.

Lucy eyed Marcus for a few seconds before
she looked at me and said, “I’m going to hop in the shower before I go to bed,
I have an early class in the morning. Before I sleep, I’m gonna stalk your
Amazon ranking for a while. Talk to you later my green Olive.”

They threw each other hostile glances as
Marcus entered my room and Lucy got out. It wasn’t that Lucy hated Marcus as a
person—they’d actually been friends with each other longer than they had been
with me—she just hated the fact that Marcus had dumped me because he thought I
was spending too much time with the fictional characters I’d created in my
mind. He never thought I would actually publish, let alone be successful on my
first try as a writer. Honestly, neither had I, but that wasn’t the point.

Closing the door, he crossed his arms across
his chest and leaned back on the wall, watching me with silent eyes. When he
didn’t like something, he always did that. Always stared you down until you
squirmed in your seat before he actually opened his mouth to let you know what
was wrong.

“Is this what you want to do with your
future, Liv?”

Oh and also, he never ever called me by my
full name. He found it ridiculous.

BOOK: To Love Jason Thorn
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