Read Too Much Temptation Online

Authors: Lori Foster

Too Much Temptation (5 page)

BOOK: Too Much Temptation
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He wanted her now, more than ever.

“Noah,” Grace murmured in a hesitant whisper, “are you saying you didn’t really want me?”

The question threw him. “I want you all right.”

“You’re not drunk this morning?”

“Dead sober.” He’d
be drunk again.

“Then…” She shifted, looked up at him. “Okay.”

His knees almost gave out. Was Grace trying to kill him? He tightened his hold on her upper arms and tugged her the smallest bit closer. “Okay? What the hell does

“Yesterday you were so drunk, I knew I couldn’t take advantage of you.”

“You couldn’t…” She left him speechless.

“I especially wanted to touch you. Leaving you in your boxers wasn’t easy. But I promise, I behaved.”

behaved? “Grace, are you saying we really didn’t do anything? As in
? As in not even kissing?”

“You don’t remember?”

“Not much.”

“Oh.” That one word held a wealth of disappointment. “You, uh, well you did kiss me a couple of times. It was…really nice.”

The timid way she confessed that made Noah want to kiss her again. He
to kiss her. As he leaned down toward her, Grace went on tiptoe to meet him halfway. He took her mouth without his usual care. But then, at the moment, he could barely think, much less summon up any finesse.

Grace’s lips parted at the first touch of his tongue and he sank deep, groaning and then feeling the responsive bite of her nails on his shoulders.

Oh yeah.
the bite of a woman’s nails.

Her mouth was hot and sweet and his body tensed with razor-sharp hunger. “Grace…” He kissed her throat, beneath her ear; he drew her skin against his teeth, marking her.

“You said you wanted me,” Grace admitted on a soft moan. She clung to him, her head tilted to give his mouth free access to her throat. “But I figured it was just the alcohol talking. I didn’t want you to do something you’d regret this morning.”

Very slowly, awareness sank in. Though it was one of the hardest things he’d ever done, Noah forced his hands to open and he released her.

Christ, he hadn’t touched Grace last night in a drunken stupor, but he was about to lay down with her today, when he wouldn’t even have the excuse of being drunk.

He turned away and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m sorry, Grace.”


Noah wanted to kick his own ass. He turned to face her and saw her ravaged expression. Her face had paled, and her arms were crossed defensively.

Her pain twisted in his heart. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt her. “Gracie…”

“No, I understand.” She took two hasty steps back—away from him. Her eyes glistened wetly but she didn’t cry. She tried a small laugh that fell flat. “I don’t know what I was thinking. Dumb.”

Noah had been through the emotional wringer, and none of it had anything to do with his grandmother or his canceled wedding plans.

It all had to do with Grace. He narrowed his eyes and firmed his jaw. “What the hell does that mean?”

“I’m twenty-five.” She laughed again. “I should understand these things better.”

He took a purposeful step forward, crowding her, stalking her. For sixteen years he’d lived on the edge, growing harder each day in order to survive. That hardness was now ingrained in his psyche, and even his grandmother, with all her refined living and influence, hadn’t been able to soften him.

He’d learned to cover it up, but he’d never conquered it, and now, with Grace standing before him, her body soft and warm and timid, he felt every single rising surge of that primitive past. “These things?”

His tone brought out her wariness. “Drunken men, sex talk, the combination of the two. It doesn’t mean anything.” She shrugged and again retreated. “It’s okay, Noah, really. If I’d been thinking, I’d have realized…well…” She glanced up at him, then away. “I’d have known you didn’t want me.”

There were a thousand and one reasons why he couldn’t get involved sexually with Grace Jenkins. None of them mattered in that moment. “You blind, Gracie?”


“You know what a boner looks like?”

Her face went comically blank, then she shook her head so hard her hair whipped over her shoulders. “Not exactly, no.”

Noah damn near smiled. Honest, silly Grace. She forever amused him at the most surprising times.

Noah dropped his arms to his sides and braced his feet apart. “If you’re feeling adventurous, I can drop the towel and show you.”

Her back straightened. Her gaze crept down his body with agonizing precision until she stared at the way his towel was now tented. “Oh.”

“Whatdya say, Grace?”

She reached out and flattened a hand on the wall for support. “I need to sit down for this.”

“I want you, Grace. Never doubt that.”

With her eyes still south of his navel, she swallowed hard, licked her lips, nodded. “I already said okay.”

“It’d help,” Noah ground out, “if you’d demand an apology or something.”

Grace snorted. “I’m not stupid.” She forced her chin up and met his gaze squarely. “Besides, I want you, too.”

Drawn against his will, Noah moved to stand in front of her. She made him feel savage, but she also made him feel protective. “Everything is a mess right now, Grace. No way can I get serious with another woman, no way do I even want to.” Her big eyes were direct, unblinking. “All I want, all I really need, is sex.”


Noah squeezed his eyes shut. “I wasn’t finished.”


He looked at Grace and saw heated anticipation in the way her eyes had darkened and dilated, in how her cheeks flushed. In how hard she breathed. Signs of arousal, and damn but he felt them, too. The woman could make him insane.

“Grace, I’m not a refined man.”

Her lips curled, her eyes got heavy. “You are the best of men.”

“No, damn it!” Her faith humbled him, but he had to make her understand. “I was raised more on the streets than not. I’m hard, inside and out.”

“I know.” She gave his chest and arms a telling look. “Your body is…well, I’m speechless. You’re magnificent.”

His hands curled into fists; the little witch was seducing him and he had to make her understand. “I like to work hard, play hard, and I like to fuck hard.”

Her mouth slowly fell open.

“I can pull my punches in a lot of ways when it comes to dealing with others, to fitting in with my grandmother’s world.”

world, too,” she insisted fiercely.

Noah wrapped one arm around her waist and covered her mouth with his free hand. “Quit trying to defend and protect me and just listen to what I’m saying.”

Eyes rounded, Grace curled her hands onto his shoulders for balance, but she nodded.

“You’re right that what happened last night only happened because I was drunk. No, damn it, don’t start looking embarrassed again. If I hadn’t wanted you all along, it wouldn’t have happened. But I did, and then you showed up here and…I was just drunk enough to stop thinking about what I shouldn’t do and start thinking about what I’d like to do instead.”

“Noah.” Her lips moved against his hand, igniting him. “We both want the same thing.”

He pressed his fingers more firmly against her mouth. “I want sex. Hot, wet, grinding sex. I want a woman who’s willing to give me her body in any way I want it. But until I get everything else squared away, that’s all I want. No commitments. And God only knows how long that’ll take.”

She gave an exuberant nod.

Noah dropped his forehead to hers. “Grace, you don’t know what you’re offering.”

She caught his wrist and gently freed her mouth. “I’m offering you anything you want. Anything.”

An explosion of lust made him tremble. He felt on the verge of violence, his need was so strong. “So if I tell you to get naked, to sprawl on the bed, you’ll do it?”

She blanched, but after a few seconds she said, “If you’re sure that’s what you want.”

“And when I tell you to spread your thighs so I can kiss you?”

It took a moment before she understood, and then hot color flooded her cheeks. “You don’t mean…” Her voice was a croaking whisper.

“Yeah, I damn well do mean it. I want to kiss you everywhere, Grace, especially between your legs.” Then, just to push her, he added, “I’ll want you to kiss me everywhere, too.”


She sounded intrigued.

Noah gently shook her. “I told you I don’t play nice with sex, Grace!”

Her breath came in small pants as she purred, “We can play however you want.”

Sweat broke out on his forehead, on his back. His muscles all rippled with tension.

Through his teeth, he growled, “I’m not going to be satisfied screwing in the dark, under the covers. I’m not going to be satisfied once a week, maybe not even once a day. When I take you…”
What the hell was he saying?
“Grace, I’ll want to hear you yell and moan and see you squirm and feel you with my hands and my mouth and my tongue, all of you, inside and out. And then I want you to beg for more, until we’re both too damned tired to move or even breathe. I want—”

She launched herself against him and kissed his chin, his neck, his chest. “Noah!”

He caught her up and headed for the bed, ready to self-combust. Grace squirmed against him, touching him everywhere, as fierce in her hunger as she’d been in his defense.

They fell across the bed together. Noah caught her mouth and plunged his tongue deep, tasting her, stealing her breath. His hand closed over her breast and they both froze, groans echoing between them.

“Grace,” he rasped, feeling her taut, swollen nipple with his fingertips. Her back arched hard.

And the phone rang.

He easily ignored it—until the answering machine picked up and his grandmother’s strident voice sounded over the line. “Noah, you’d better be there. Something has happened to Grace.”

Something was
to happen to Grace.

Agatha continued. “We argued yesterday—thanks to you—and now she’s not here when she’s supposed to be and no one can locate her. You know she’s never late, and she absolutely never misses work without notice. I’d appreciate it if you’d give me a call. If she doesn’t show up soon, I’m notifying the police.” The line went dead and the machine began rewinding.

Grace stiffened beneath him and Noah, feeling sluggish, levered himself up. “Grace?”

“Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod!
What time is it?” She twisted beneath him, looked at the clock and fairly exploded off the bed. “I was supposed to attend a meeting over an hour ago!”

Noah watched her with narrowed eyes. “Forget the damn meeting.”

“I can’t!” She shoved her long hair off her face and frantically began gathering her clothes. “You heard what Agatha said. She’ll call the police.”


Grace looked amazed that he didn’t understand. “So I’d just die if I caused that kind of fuss!”

The tee was now twisted, Grace’s nipples were ripe and pointed and Noah needed to come, damn it. He needed that a lot.

Grace stepped into her worn, wrinkled skirt. Apparently, despite their new agreement, she intended to leave. Right now.

Noah sighed. So much for her accommodating his sexual whims.

“I’m dying here.”

“Oh Noah.” She snatched up her bra and began struggling into it—once again beneath the T-shirt. She looked emotionally pained and deeply sincere. “I’m sorry.
” She turned her back, whipped off the shirt and yanked on her sweater in record time. She sat on the side of the bed, but when Noah reached for her, she reached for the phone.

He propped himself on one elbow and took it out of her hand. “What are you doing, Grace?”

“My car broke down last night, remember?”

“Honey, if I don’t clearly remember coercing you out of your clothes, you can be certain I don’t remember squat about your car.”

“Oh.” She tucked in her chin. “Sorry. But my car died on me last night, which is why I arrived here soaking wet and why you coerced me out of my clothes.”

He nodded slowly, his memory jogged. “Yeah, now I remember telling you that.”

Her brows rose high. “You’re saying you made it up?”

“I’m saying I wanted you out of your clothes. Them being wet was a good enough excuse.”

“Oh.” Grace looked bemused for a moment, then pleased. She leaned down and gave him a smacking kiss. “I’m going to love having sex with you.”

He groaned, caught between tenderness, amusement and lust so hot he should have been breathing fire.

Grace rose from the bed and again reached for the phone. “I have to call a cab.”

BOOK: Too Much Temptation
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