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Authors: Chris Scully

Touch Me (8 page)

BOOK: Touch Me
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The Golden Girls
. It’s an all-day marathon.”

Jeremy laughed along with the laugh track as dry-witted Dorothy made yet another remark over cougar Blanche’s man-hungry ways. “This is funny. How come I’ve never seen it before?”

“Probably because you weren’t even born yet,” Erik muttered. He said it just to be funny, but when he realized it was true, he groaned and fell back onto the couch beside Jeremy. “God, that makes me feel so old.”

Jeremy gave him a pointed look. “I bet a lot of good stuff happened before I was born. That doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate it now.”

He gulped at the double meaning in that sentence and reached for his beer. They watched the rest of the episode together in companionable silence. At some point, Jeremy reached over and plucked the beer from Erik’s hands, raising the bottle to his lips. “What?” he said when Erik gave him a dirty look. “I’m legal.”

He handed it back, and the next time Erik took a drink, he was vividly aware of his lips covering where Jeremy’s had been.

“How’s that roommate of yours?” he asked.

Jeremy groaned. “Still majoring in partying. I think I’m going to have to find my own place next year. I can’t get any studying done.”

Erik was tempted to tell him he could come here if he wanted a quiet place—Lord knew his house was as silent as a library these day—but he held his tongue. He didn’t want Jeremy to get the wrong idea and think he was proposing something he wasn’t. Or was he?

“These kids seem so immature,” Jeremy complained, which made Erik stifle a chuckle of amusement.

He glanced at the mysterious bag on the floor. What was in it? What was Jeremy hoping would happen tonight? He appeared nervous, much as he had been the night they met. His knee was constantly bouncing and he kept wiping his palms on his thighs.

Finally Erik gave in to his curiosity. “Are you going to tell me what’s in the bag?”

Jeremy licked his lips. He reached for the bag. “Don’t freak out, okay. But I had this idea…” He withdrew a slender bottle and handed it to Erik. Massage oil.

An avalanche of disappointment crashed through him. “You came here for a massage?”

“It’s for you,” he blurted. “I mean, for me to use on you.” Erik simply stared at the bottle in his hand. His brain had shut off the minute he envisioned Jeremy’s hands on him. He was suddenly on fire, lungs tight, his body flooded with awareness. His far too eager cock snaked its way down the leg of his sweats.

Jeremy’s cheeks suffused with color when he continued to say nothing. “I bet nobody ever reciprocates, do they? I thought you might… I thought you might like it.”

Erik’s heart stuttered, too full to speak. Years of pent-up longing threatened to explode if he opened his mouth. He wordlessly looked at Jeremy. God, he hoped he didn’t appear too needy.

Jeremy smiled tentatively and kissed him gently on the lips. “Whatever you’re comfortable with,” he said. Then he took the massage oil back and stood up. He held out his hand, waited until Erik took it, and silently led him upstairs.

“I have a travel table in the other room,” Erik pointed out on the way up.

Jeremy grinned. “Mmm, the bed is better for what I have in mind, I think.” At the door to the master bedroom he stopped. “Go hop in the shower while I set up.”

Erik faltered. Was he really going to do this? “Why, do I smell or something?”

The bottom dropped out of his stomach when Jeremy leaned in and sniffed his armpit. He grinned. “You smell great. But I want you clean all over.”

“All over?” Erik repeated, his voice deepening.

Those deep, dark chocolate eyes gleamed. “All. Over.”

He gulped. He walked on unsteady legs to the bathroom where he undressed and stepped into the glass enclosed shower. Still feeling slightly dazed, as if he had stumbled into his reoccurring fantasy, he lathered up. His hand drifted automatically to his cock, savoring the stiffness, the way it continued to thicken with each slow tug. The warm water beat against his shoulders as he closed his eyes and explored further, his balls full and heavy as he rolled them between his fingers. He leisurely washed between his crack, pressed a finger against his anus and pushed inside, the muscle giving easily. He bit back a moan at the slight penetration. God, he wanted to be fucked so badly. He caught himself before things went further.

What was he doing lingering in here when he had a sexy young man waiting in his bedroom? He opened his eyes and found Jeremy standing there in the bathroom watching him through the glass door of the shower stall. One hand gripped his erection through his jeans.

“That was quite a show,” he said huskily.

“Liked that did you?”

“I’d like it even better if I was the one touching you.”

“Then come on in.”

Jeremy shook his head. “I’ve got plans.” That lopsided grin reappeared. “You’d better hurry up though.”

When Erik sauntered naked into his bedroom a short time later, he found the curtains drawn and the room illuminated by fragrant candles. Jeremy had turned down the bed and laid a towel over the sheets. His greedy gaze raked over Erik’s body. He felt a moment of uncertainty; he was in good shape sure, but silver shot the hair on his chest and his ass was nowhere near as firm as it had once been. What did someone Jeremy’s age see in a middle-aged man like him?

“My dad doesn’t look half as good as you,” he stated with a shake of his head.

“Maybe cool it with the dad talk? It’s a mood killer.”

Jeremy grinned. “I’m just trying to tell you I don’t think of you that way. At all.”

Erik rested his hands on his hips and tried to pretend he wasn’t pleased by the note of admiration in Jeremy’s voice. “How do you want me?” he asked. He flushed when he realized how that sounded.

“Face down. To start,” Jeremy added with a wink.

Erik tossed the pillows aside and lay down on the mattress on his stomach. The slightly rough texture of the terry-cloth towel teased his swollen cock. He couldn’t resist a couple of shallow thrusts.

Jeremy spanked his ass. “None of that, now,” he said, perfectly imitating Erik at their first session. Still fully clothed, Jeremy straddled his hips. His weight pushed Erik’s throbbing cock harder against the mattress and effectively trapped him. He let out a low moan. The soft, well-worn denim of Jeremy’s jeans rubbed against his ass, while beneath him, the towel grazed his front. He was engulfed in sensation.

Erik purred in pleasure at the feel of hands on his body again.
Jeremy’s hands
. He swept them in slow arcs over Erik’s tense shoulders and back. The massage oil had an exotic scent that made him think of sultan’s tents and colorful spices. The edge of his arousal began to ease; it was still there but less urgent. He allowed himself to simply enjoy Jeremy’s touch.

“You’re pretty good for an amateur. But this would be more enjoyable if you were naked too,” he mumbled.

“Enjoyable for whom?”

“Both of us?”

Jeremy laughed. Then Erik saw his sweater sail over his head to land on the corner of the headboard. He heard the pop of the button on Jeremy’s jeans and the sound of a zipper being lowered. When Jeremy hopped off the bed to shuck his pants, Erik almost groaned at the loss of body contact. He consoled himself with watching Jeremy shimmy out of his jeans. His mouth went dry when that gorgeous cock sprang up almost to his belly button. He practically whimpered at the thought of being fucked by something that hard.

To Erik’s delight, Jeremy resumed his position on top of him. He bit back a moan at the heat of the skin-to-skin contact. Then Jeremy brought his thumbs together and began to knead the base of Erik’s spine just above the curve of his ass. He was distracted by the warm weight of Jeremy’s nut sac brushing at the tops of his thighs, the hard arc of his cock as it rode his crack. Erik propped his chin on his folded arms and smiled to himself. When he turned his head to the right, he caught their reflection in the mirrored doors of the closet and his breath hitched at the sight.

The younger man’s body glowed in the flickering candlelight. His erection was a thick spear jutting out from the shadows of his groin. Erik was transfixed by the look of wonder on Jeremy’s face as he ran the head of his cock over Erik’s ass and then into the small of his back. The touch was light, almost ticklish. He was afraid to breathe in case Jeremy stopped.

Jeremy suddenly leaned down and draped himself fully over Erik’s back like a warm, heavy blanket. He peppered his shoulders with kisses and bites, nuzzled his neck. His breath blew in hot pants in Erik’s ear. “God, you feel so good,” he groaned. Erik whole-heartedly agreed. He raised his head to awkwardly kiss Jeremy.

Unable to hold still any longer, Erik tilted his hips up, seeking the heat of Jeremy’s erection where he needed it. He gasped when the heavy shaft lodged against his crease; he tried to move on it, but Jeremy’s thighs trapped him. “Hump me,” he ordered.

A tremor ran through Jeremy at the command. But he needed no urging. He adjusted himself, pushing his cock down so that it thrust down between Erik’s legs. In the closet mirror, Erik watched the rise of fall of Jeremy’s ass as he pumped away, the friction soon becoming the best kind of torture. He shivered every time the crown of Jeremy’s cock nudged his hole on the down stroke.

Jeremy straightened with a gasp. “Whew, got a little carried away there. Forgot what I was supposed to be doing.” He chuckled at Erik’s frustrated groan.

“Did you hear me complaining?” he grumbled.

Still grinning, Jeremy shifted down his legs, massaging his glutes, thumbs dipping into his crack. Erik couldn’t stop the jerk of his hips as he raised up to meet the touch. His eyes slid closed as Jeremy explored him, tentatively at first, but then with firmer pressure. But he wanted to watch too, so he forced his eyes back open and focused on their reflection. He held his breath as Jeremy bent his head, braced himself for the wet flick of his tongue. When it came, light as feather, Erik expelled the breath he was holding.

“Like that?” Jeremy asked.

In response, Erik reached both hands back and held himself open for Jeremy’s tongue. The kid had no hang ups about rimming, that was for sure. Erik squirmed with every lick and probe. Jeremy made little grunting noises as he buried his face in his ass.

When he raised his head, he finally noticed the direction of Erik’s attention. His eyes swung to the mirror and widened as they met Erik’s. “Oh,” he said. Erik felt him shudder. “Were you watching this whole time?”

Jeremy’s cock flexed excitedly. He continued to hold Erik’s gaze in the mirror as he raised up on his knees, took his dick in one hand and then rubbed the head up and down between Erik’s ass cheeks. Erik jerked, as if Jeremy had flicked a switch and his entire body had been flooded with an electric current. He arched his back. A whimper escaped from his throat.

“Turn over,” Jeremy demanded, making enough room so that he could flip over onto his back. Almost instantly, Jeremy settled back down across his thighs, mashing their balls together, lining up their cocks. He drizzled more oil over Erik’s chest and began rubbing it in with slow firm strokes.

In this position Erik could finally get in on some of the action. He ran his fingers up the outside of Jeremy’s thighs, splayed his hands over that smooth, young torso and then back down to give Jeremy’s cock a slow tug.

Jeremy hissed. “You’re distracting me. This was supposed to be about you.”

“If it’s about me, shouldn’t I get whatever I want?”

“Um. I guess that depends.”

“I want to suck your cock.” With a touch to his hips, Erik urged Jeremy forward. He knee-walked up Erik’s body until he sat on his chest. Then Erik craned his neck the rest of the way and took Jeremy deep, all the way to the back of his throat. His balls knocked against Erik’s chin.

Jeremy’s cock was so fucking hard it threatened to choke him. He loved it. Couldn’t get enough. He pulled back so he could breathe again, swirled his tongue over the vein that snaked up one side of that delicious cock, and then swallowed him deep, burying his nose in Jeremy’s pubes. Jeremy clutched the headboard, moaning. He couldn’t stop himself from thrusting into Erik’s mouth, and Erik relaxed his jaw so he could take him comfortably.

A few seconds later Jeremy pulled away with a strangled gasp. “You almost made me shoot.”

Erik’s heart thundered from lack of oxygen. “Already? I thought you said you’d been experimenting,” he teased.

“About that. I might have exaggerated a little. Most of my experiments have been on my own.”

It was totally irrational, but Erik was elated. In his younger days, he never would have had the patience to deal with someone as inexperienced as Jeremy. Now, however, he found he rather enjoyed playing the teacher. And Jeremy was definitely an inspiring student.

Breathing heavily, Jeremy lay down on top of him. Erik locked his arms around Jeremy’s back, fingers sliding over the knobs of his spine, and kissed him until they both calmed enough to continue. It was a slow, thorough exploration of mouths and lips and tongues, each of them learning the other. He sank deeper into the moment. So deep, he never wanted to climb out. Eventually, he felt Jeremy grasp his cock, press it against his own and then slide the heads together. His lips curled into a smile, even through the kiss.

“Know what my fantasy is?” Jeremy asked, taking his mouth away from Erik’s. “One of them anyway.” He squeezed Erik’s pectoral and then slid his palm down to his stomach. “I want to come all over you. Save up a big fucking load and then cover you with it.”

Erik didn’t know if Jeremy actually meant it, or if he was just trying to talk dirty. It didn’t matter. His stomach muscles jumped as if feeling the hot lash of Jeremy’s come.

“And then,” he continued, inching downward, licking and kissing as he went. “I might just lick it all up.”

Erik shook under the onslaught of sensations, mental and physical. Fuck, that sounded good. He’d be on board with that. Jeremy kissed his right hip bone, licked his way over to the other. Erik threaded his fingers in his hair. By the time Jeremy reached Erik’s straining cock, he was a quivering, frantic mess.

BOOK: Touch Me
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