Trapped Between Two Alphas (6 page)

BOOK: Trapped Between Two Alphas
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his eyes Kris waited for his control to snap. Taking deep breaths he forced his
beast down. His wolf didn’t like the fact she was ill or upset. They would both
do everything in their power to keep her safe.

call us when you need us,” he said.

nodded her head.


watched both men leave her house in the same direction. She’d missed them in
the last few days since they had taken her shopping. They were carrying the
leftover food she’d given them. She was so damn tired, and all she wanted to do
was keep them company.

let the curtain fall into place as she made her way to the sink. Her heart
hammered inside her chest. Whenever they were close she grew aroused. Her dreams
were filled of both men and wolves. She understood why she dreamt about Matt
and Kris, but the wolves threw her.

stared out of the kitchen window to the forest behind her house. There were
times late at night she was sure she heard the sound of wolves howling. Shaking
her head in confusion she finished the dishes before sitting down in her
sitting room.

rest helped her get through the day. She remembered the last time her energy had
lessened. The desire to phone Dr. Martin was strong, but she ignored it. If her
doctor knew how fast she was deteriorating then he’d call her in for tests. She
knew she wouldn’t last long. The way her body was rebelling frightened her a
little. The only time her fear lessened was when Matt and Kris were around.

the first moment she’d met the men they’d had an impact on her life she
couldn’t explain.

You want to have sex with both men.

You’re a slut, Cynthia.

No woman wants to have two men.

I do!

chuckled at her own inner conversation. Matt and Kris were the only men to
spark any real attraction inside her. Some of the men who worked for them had
stopped by asking if she needed anything. None of the men made her feel
anything. She looked at them and felt like she wanted to protect the men, which
confused her more. Why would she feel protective of men she didn’t know?

her illness she’d not been responsible for anyone. Her parents had ordered her
to get well, and they’d fallen ill themselves. These men evoked such
protectiveness it startled her.

heart pounded inside her chest as a migraine started to thicken her skull.





days passed slowly. Matt and Kris visited her as much as possible. In fact they
spent breakfast, lunch, and dinner with her. They ate so much, and they distracted
her away from the fear of what her declining health meant. Neither man touched
her other than to give her a kiss or hug her. She wanted more, and it was
getting harder for her to put her need into words.

did you ask a man to sleep with you?

her troubled thoughts aside she returned her gaze to Kris. He’d come alone that
lunchtime. She hadn’t even started lunch.

watched as Kris leaned up to grab down the large stock pot. She admired the
bulge of muscles in his arms. Her pussy grew slick with arousal. She wanted him
badly, but then she wanted Matt. He put the stock pot on the side then turned
to her. Kris grabbed her hand pulling her tight against him.

went without argument, gasping when his body stopped her. He was rock hard and
pressing against her stomach. Her hands touched his stomach. She felt the
rippling of his muscles with her touch.

you smell so fucking good. I want to lick every inch of you.” He leaned down to
her neck inhaling her.

and Kris had a habit of sniffing her when she walked by. Her nipples beaded
when he threaded his fingers through her hair.

want me as well, don’t you, Cynthia?”

whimpered her answer. Words were not for her at that moment. She didn’t know
what to say. Should she push him away or pull him closer? Her mind and body
were in a constant battle.

at me,” he said.

glanced up into his brown gaze. She frowned when she saw the amber tints of his
eyes. They had changed colour before.

free hand cupped her cheek and moved down to her neck. Her pulse kicked up as
she stared into his eyes. Neither of them spoke when his hand moved down to
cover her heart beat.

couldn’t pull away when his hand moved down to her breast. No man had ever
touched her like this. Staring into her eyes she wanted him to continue. His
thumb ran over the tip of her nipple making her gasp. Kris spun her fast and
pinned her against the counter. He lifted her up onto the counter so she was
eye level with him.

hand moved from her breast to the strap of her dress. Without looking away from
her he pulled down the strap of her dress. Her chest heaved as he moved the
dress down farther. When her breast popped out she let out a moan. The small
breeze in the room chilled her.

so beautiful,” he said.

do you know? You haven’t even looked.”

cheeky smiled played over his lips. “I’ll take that as an invitation.”

she could refuse his gaze moved down to her exposed breast. In one quick
movement he tore the dress from her body until she stood before him in nothing
but her conservative cotton panties.

her lip, she stared into his eyes. He wasn’t wearing a shirt because of the
heat. A pair of jeans and a pair of work boots were all that he was wearing.

was the first man to see her naked. Staring up into his eyes she was shocked by
the heat in his gaze. There was heat and something else she didn’t quite

hand in her hair tightened making her gasp.

he pulled her close until her body pressed against his. She felt his hard chest
against her soft body. Closing her eyes she absorbed every single sensation the
contact evoked. His large arms surrounded her swamping her with his warmth.

ran her hands up his shoulders. Her pale skin looked out of place against his
tanned flesh.

never done this before,” she said.


didn’t ask her what she was talking about.

never hurt you, Cynthia.”

nodded her head. “I’m not looking for anything, Kris. Please, don’t make this
about anything else.”

tensed under her arms and then pulled away to gaze down at her. “What do you

throat felt tight with the suppression of her tears. “I’m … not … this is so
hard.” She gazed down at the floor feeling uncomfortable.

sick, Kris,” she said. The words blurted out of her fast.

know, and I’ll take care of it.”

mean it. You can’t become attached to me.”

the next moment his lips slammed down on hers cutting off her words.

going to take care of you the way I should,” he said, breaking from the kiss.
She felt him pressing kisses along her jaw to her neck.

body went up in flames from his touch.

so damn responsive. I’ve got to have you.” He cupped her cheek.

want you, too,” she said. Staring into his eyes Cynthia realised this was her
chance to finally rid herself of her pesky virginity.

your bed?” he asked in between kisses.

You know where the bedroom is.”

giving you time to back out. If I get into your room, Cynthia, I’m not stopping.
I need you too fucking bad to stop. I want to fuck you badly.”

body shivered with anticipation. “I’m not going to back out. I want you, Kris.”

picked her up in his arms and carried her up the small flight of stairs leading
to her bedroom. She giggled as he dropped her to the bed.

stepped back removing his jeans. She stared at his cock. His cock stood to
attention. He was long, thick, and proud. The tip leaked his pre-cum, which
glinted in the light. She moved up the bed to make room for him.

large hands came out to grab her hips. She laughed as he pulled her close. Kris
was so strong. She felt that strength as his arms banded around her waist. His
mouth slammed down on hers making her moan.


didn’t know how he was containing himself. He felt Matt close by. Their bond
was growing with every second they spent with Cynthia. He felt the bond growing
with their packs. The packs were uniting while the alphas were claiming their
mate. The strength of their packs was startling.

down into her blue gaze Kris knew she was the one responsible for the growing
power among them all. Her body called to him. Running his hands down the curve
of her breasts to her tiny waist Kris scented her arousal.

wasn’t lying when she said she wanted them. Her innocence lay between them
waiting to be claimed. He wouldn’t do it without Matt. Her virginity was
something they both intended to take together.

are you waiting for?” she asked.

chuckled. “You’re innocent, baby. I’m not going to take advantage of that.” He
took her lips once again to silence her.

stalling,” she said.

back he stared down at her. He pressed his palm against her pussy. “I’m waiting
for Matt to come.”

watched her eyes widen and felt her pussy grow moist at the mention at the
other men. “You don’t need him to take me, Kris.”

his head he circled the tip of his finger to her clit. “No, but it’s what we
all want.”


right, baby. I want Matt to be here when we take your virginity.”

do you know about that? I didn’t tell you I was a virgin. I only said I’d never
done it before.”

chuckled. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at us, babe. You’ve been
thinking about asking us to take you. I see it in your eyes. There’s no denying
what you want.”

eyes closed as she let out a breath. He took that moment to circle her nub. Her
scent was driving him crazy.

sound of the door opening and closing made her jump. Matt was home.

walked up the stairs. From the sound Kris knew the other man was taking them
two at a time.

the next instant Matt stood at the doorway.

started without me?” Matt asked.

tore off his shirt and then his jeans. Cynthia stared between them.

both want me?” she asked.

shock in her voice made Kris frown. “Don’t you think we’d want you?” he asked.

had no idea.”

shook his head amazed. Since the moment he’d scented her she’d been driving him
crazy. He would have taken her that first day if it wouldn’t have frightened

got naked and joined them on the bed.

need to know that you want this, Cynthia,” Matt said.

waited for her answer. Kris remained still with a finger on her clit. She
stared between them and then nodded her head.

going to need you to say the words aloud,” Matt said, refusing to go further.

want you both to fuck me.”

smiled. “Come here and show me.”

hesitated for a second and then moved from under Kris to move to Matt.

he even kissed you yet?” Matt asked.

nodded her head. “He’s kissed me.”

kiss me, Cynthia.”

watched as she moved in close. Her lips open on a gasp as Matt sank his fingers
into her hair. She looked so beautiful. He couldn’t stop touching her. Placing
a hand on her hips Kris felt the bolt of electricity sparking between them.

lips touched Matt, and the spark grew.

his hands over the curve of her ass Kris watched as Matt deepened the kiss. Her
head was tilted backwards exposing the flesh of her neck. He leaned in close
and licked along her pulse feeling the beat pick up.

moaned and one of her hands searched for him. Kris took her hand holding her in
place as Matt made love to her mouth. They were all naked on the bed. His cock
pulsed at the sight of her in his friend’s arms. That was what Matt had become
once again, his friend. Their past disagreements meant nothing in the light of
claiming a mate together.

is not real,” she said, pulling away.

not real?” Matt asked. He ran his hand down to cup her breasts. “Is this not
real?” Matt leaned down to suck her nipple into his mouth.

BOOK: Trapped Between Two Alphas
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