Read Triple Stud Online

Authors: Tawny Taylor

Tags: #Book/Menage

Triple Stud (2 page)

BOOK: Triple Stud
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Soon the room was empty. Everyone else had left, and out of the blue she felt guilty for monopolizing Hayden, Sergio and Troy. How many other women had come tonight, hoping to steal some time with them? She’d bet at least a dozen.

Swiveling in her seat, she looked over her shoulder. “We’re alone. I’m sorry if--”

Yes, we are.” Hayden stood, and, bending at the waist, offered her a hand. “Ready to play some Triple Stud, Jecelyn?”

Once again, Jan’s heart slid down to her toes and her stomach twisted into a knot. Such perceptive, devious men. They’d known exactly what they were doing, talking to her all this time, putting her at ease and helping her relax.

I...uh...” Her hand resting in his, she stared into his eyes. Had this been Hayden’s plan all along, from the moment he’d seen her in the foyer? If so, she supposed it was a huge compliment.

Oh my God, she was about to have a foursome with three amazing, rich, gorgeous men.
she had the guts to go through with it. At the moment, that was a big if.

It’s okay if you’ve changed your mind,” Hayden said, sliding his hand under hers until her palm rested on top of his. Such a soft, innocent touch. And yet, at the same time it was also sensual enough to send a shiver up her spine.

She’d poured so many hours into planning for this night, from finding a way to get an invitation--a monumental task--to working up the courage to get into her car and drive here. And everything in between.

No, she wouldn’t crumple into a quivering heap if she didn’t go through with this. She wouldn’t spend the rest of her life so deeply regretting not living out her secret fantasy that she’d be forever scarred. It wasn’t as though her life depended upon her having a foursome with three men she didn’t know. Three glorious, perfect, beautiful men.

But she’d hoped, dreamed, and planned for this day for years.

And sadly, no one understood why.

Stars glittered in her peripheral vision, threatening to thicken and shut off her sight as she gazed first at one man and then the other. She’d just spent the past couple of hours with these men, talking, laughing, flirting. They had treated her like she was the only woman in the room, made her feel so special. Yet, they had hardly touched her.

How would they make her feel as they stroked her shoulders, caressed her thighs, pressed their hips between her legs and teased her with their cocks?

This was the chance to find out a lot of things. If casual sex in this kind of setting was truly something she’d enjoy, or if the notion of it, the fantasy, was better than the reality. What it felt like to be the center of attention in the bedroom for once. And just maybe why she’d been fantasizing about being taken by three men at once for as long as she could remember.

She was over thirty years old now. Still, there were some things about herself she didn’t understand.

She wanted those answers. Needed them.

Firming up her wavering resolve, she nodded. These three men had gone out of their way to make her comfortable. Surely they’d have as much respect for her in the bedroom as they did out of it.

I haven’t changed my mind. Let’s go.” She pushed to her feet and walked down the hall, flanked by the three men who would soon be her lovers.







Chapter 2

Hayden Ross’ bedroom was like none she’d ever seen. More a suite than a room, it was bigger than her entire apartment. There was a sitting area with a couch and a couple of chairs. Through a set of double doors was the sleeping area, furnished with a pair of dressers and the bed. The latter was big enough to comfortably accommodate at least four people, maybe five. A tapered post stood at each corner, their pointed tops soaring toward a cathedral ceiling painted to look like a nighttime sky. The bed was dressed in deep jewel tones, midnight blue, deep burgundy, and shimmering gold.

Hayden led her to the couch, positioned in front of a gorgeous stone fireplace. A small fire flickered and snapped, soft yellow flames dancing on an imperceptible breeze. He waited until she sat before dropping on one knee before her. “No matter what’s happening, it’s never too late to stop. Do you understand?”

She nodded. “Sure.”

Sergio leaned his rear end against the arm of the couch.

Troy sat on the other side of her. “A drink? It might help you relax a little.”

She shook her head. “I think I’d rather be completely sober when I do this.” Twitchy, and not sure what to do with her hands, she started playing with the hem of her dress.

How exactly would this work? Would they just strip off their clothes? Or strip her? Would it be mechanical? Empty? Were they waiting for her to make the first move?

Oh, God.

Hayden lifted his hands to her face, cupping the sides of her head gently. His thumb brushed across her lower lip, and out of reflex, she licked it. His eyes glittered with sensual hunger. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

Did he really mean that?

She searched his eyes, looking deep, expecting to catch some shadow of deception, but all she saw was desire. Her face warmed. Her heart thumped against her breastbone. She couldn’t help smiling. “Thank you.”

His hands slid down her face, following the contour of her jaw, the slender column of her neck. They rested heavy on her collarbones.

Troy didn’t touch her with his hands, just let his thick thigh lean against hers. It was oddly intimate. Distracting. She slanted her eyes to the right.

Have you ever had multiple lovers before?” Sergio asked her, lifting an arm and draping it over the back of the cushions.

Her gaze slid back to Hayden, who was now kneeling on both knees, his chest inches from hers.

Nope. I’ve wanted...been thinking about...”

Troy looked pleased as he nodded. “We’re your first. I thought so, but I didn’t want to assume anything.”

No assumptions there.”

Have you ever been intimate with a man you didn’t know?” Sergio asked, his hand sliding down to cup the swell of her shoulder.

Out of pure reflex, she glanced at his hand before looking him in the eye. “No.” The men gave each other a look. She resisted the urge to squirm in her seat.

Hayden gathered both her hands in his. “Why did you come here, Jecelyn?”

To play Triple Stud?”

He shook his head.

Oh no, he wasn’t going to back out on her. No way. She was not going to be the only woman in history to go to Game Night and leave alone.

She sucked in a huge lungful and locked her eyes on his. “No one’s making me do anything I don’t want to do. I’m here because I want to be. Because I need to be. I’m just nervous, and I don’t know what to expect. It’s...awkward.”

At least a dozen seconds dragged by, each excruciating one counted with a thump of her heartbeat.

Hayden tipped his head and leaned in, slanting his mouth over hers. His kiss was soft, teasing, a fleeting caress followed by a tickling brush. Even though it wasn’t a hard possession, it took her breath away and made her head spin.

She thrust her arms out and grabbed Sergio’s and Troy’s knees to steady herself. Her blood was warming with each touch of Hayden’s mouth to hers. Heat pulsed through her body in waves. And erotic images of herself, lying on the bed nude, Hayden, Troy, and Sergio surrounding her, played through her head.

This was going to happen. Oh God.

A buzz of energy charged from her center out to the tips of her fingers and soles of her feet. She hooked her fingers, digging the tips into the rock hard thickness of Sergio’s and Troy’s thighs. A pleasant, tingly warmth was gathering between her legs, and, needing to rub the intensifying heat away, she rocked her hips forward and pressed her legs together.

The hem of her dress slid up her thighs, higher, higher. Male hands explored her neck, shoulders, arms. Tickling touches everywhere made her skin pull into puckered gooseflesh, and she slowly let her head fall back, eyes closed, surrendering to the pleasure blossoming through her body.

Soft kisses trailed down the side of her face, along her jaw, down her neck. A tongue dipped into her ear, and her shoulder tightened. A giggle slipped up her throat.

Her mind was blank, except for the word,
echoing over and over in her head. Sensation drowned out thought, washing over her in increasingly intense waves.

Troy covered her hand with his, gently forcing it up his sculpted thigh, over to the right until it settled over the prominent bulge pressing at his fly. Instantly, a bolt of heat charged through her, exploding like fireworks between her legs.

Fingers crept up the inside of her thighs and she inched her knees apart. Every throbbing cell in her body ached for those teasing touches to move up, to find her swollen tissues, to dip into her slick heat.

Yes, oh yes.

What are you looking for, sweet little Jecelyn?” Sergio whispered in her ear, his tone gritty with lust and yet playful and taunting at the same time. “Are you looking for something slow and soft? Gentle and tender? Or are you looking for a fuck? Three men who will possess you, ride you hard, and make you come over and over, even if you don’t want to?”

Ohhh, both sounded wonderful. Could she have both? Maybe one time soft and tender and the next hard and wild? “Soft this time. Hard the next,” she said as she fought to draw in a deep breath.

Mmmmmm. Next? I like the way you think.” Hayden cupped his hands around the insides of her knees and pulled them apart, wider, until the lace crotch of her g-string was cooled by a current of air wafting over it. He traced the edges of the cotton panel protecting her most sensitive parts, the soft touches igniting mini-blazes everywhere in her body. Her stomach, chest, throat, head, deep within her womb.

Mmmmm,” she echoed, her lips pulling into a smile of contentment. Already, she could tell that having not one but three men focused solely on her pleasure was going to blow her mind.

While Hayden continued to tease her by tracing swirling lines along the insides of her thighs, Troy and Sergio tormented her nipples through the fabric of her dress. She’d worn no bra. The snug latex was unforgiving when it came to underclothes. So it was almost as through they were touching her skin-to-skin.

Her nipples stiffened, little blades of pleasure zapping from their sensitive peaks and coursing through her body with every flick of their fingers. She rubbed Hayden’s hard rod through his pants, anticipation making the heat pounding through her limbs that much hotter. Soon, very soon, she would hold that thick erection, would maybe taste it, feel it stretching her pussy as it worked its way into her tight canal.

Ohhhh, this was agony. No, ecstasy. Both. Yes, both.

She was hot, so unbearably hot. Her muscles were tugging into trembling knots. Her senses were growing increasingly acute. Sounds louder and definitely more sensual. Touches more powerful. Scents filling her nose, invoking erotic images of three men, naked, their eyes glowing with fierce hunger.

She moaned softly and arched her back, eager to press her burning cunt into Hayden’s hand.

Her body craved a quick release, but she knew it wasn’t coming. The crotch of her g-string was sodden, soaked through with her juices, and yet Hayden hadn’t torn it away or slipped his fingertip beneath it to trace the seam of her nether lips.

She was empty. Achingly empty. Her inner walls tightened and relaxed in time to the pounding of her heartbeat.

Troy traced soft circles over her pebbled nipple. “How long has it been since you’ve felt a man’s touch?” he whispered.

Too long,” she confessed, arching her back even more. “Touch me. I’m so hot.”

We’ll do anything you want. All you have to do is tell us.” Sergio pinched her other nipple, and a spear of pleasure-pain shot through her system.

Yes, more. Please. Like that.” She hooked her fingers under the hem of her dress and yanked, dragging the clingy material up over her stomach. But they stopped her before she’d pulled it completely off.

Cruel bastards!

Hayden dragged a fingertip down the center of her satin-covered labia. She almost cried it felt so good. “You said you wanted it slow, tender this time.”

She thrust her hips forward and lifted her bottom off the couch, hoping he’d get the message. “I changed my mind.” If someone didn’t take her g-string off
right now
, she’d do it herself. Couldn’t they see she was dying?

Three sets of hands left her body, and she whimpered into the heavy silence. Her thighs were too shaky to hold her weight, especially in the odd position she was holding, her head thrown back, shoulders supported on the couch, lower body lifted, feet planted wide apart on the floor. She let her bottom fall back to the couch and blinked open her eyes.

All three men were sporting flushed faces and some seriously hungry eyes.

She smiled. So, the torture hadn’t been all one-sided.

Please, take off my clothes,” she whispered. “I want you to touch me all over.”

BOOK: Triple Stud
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