Twisted Souls (The Alpha Boss Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Twisted Souls (The Alpha Boss Book 2)
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If not for her bonds, she would have run her fingers through his locks of midnight hair and pulled his face in to kiss.

“Oh, Caden, I’m very attracted to you.” She shook her hair from her face and then lowered her lashes. “Please, take me down and I’ll make you feel good. I’ll do whatever you like.”

“If you want me to think about doing that, show me how you need me.” She heard a mocking tone in his voice, but let herself go anyway. She opened her legs as far as her bindings would allow and pushed back into his renewed thrusts. Anna clenched her teeth. She was acting like a whore. After being spanked and humiliated, why did her body keep reacting like this? Responding, helpless, to Caden’s touch, she felt her inner muscles flutter and an oncoming tension built toward release.

The dominant sound in the room was the slippery wet spurt of his fingers moving into her, and the tempo of her ragged breathing. Caden leaned in close, and Anna’s nose tingled with the smoky scent of his cologne. Didn’t his fragrance smell more like cinnamon before? He must use one of those new, expensive formulas that mix with the owner’s secretions and then change scent over time.

She could also smell her orchid perfume, blended with her sweat and the musk of her juices. A stronger scent than she liked to make. If he found her accumulated pheromones and various dried excretions no longer well-hidden by her perfume and deodorant disgusting, it was his fault for attacking her at the end of a long work day.

Though they looked smooth and silky on him, Caden’s pin-striped pants scratched between her thighs. A delicious irritation rubbed along her flank, and she realized it was the spiky thatch of his closed cropped belly hair, rubbing against the soft skin on her side.

He pushed another finger into her, making her gasp. Another digit, it must be his thumb, circled her rectum. She’d never had anyone pay particular attention there before today and fear shot up from the spot. If he stuck his huge dick in her tiny hole, would it hurt? She wanted to stop him and ask questions, but she couldn’t find the right words.

“The punishment has made you so wet, I could take your ass now with no need for fresh lubrication.”

It’s not the punishment, it’s the punisher.
“You could,” she cried. “Let me down and you can do it.” At least she wouldn’t be tied to this nasty paint spattered ladder.

“Tilt your hips up, Anna,” he whispered. “You’ll like this more.” Again, he rubbed up and down, bringing more of her flowing juice and spreading it on her sensitized circle of muscle.

Where he teased me before, now he means to enter. And now I want him to.

Anna held still then and he eased his finger inside with a slow and steady pressure. She felt a sharp bite of pain when he moved his digit through her outer ring, then a pleasurable sensation of invasion. A million nerves fired a salvo that crashed all doubt right out of her mind.

“Has anyone ever taken you here before?”

She shook her head, holding her breath while his finger slid in and out. “Feels good,” Anna whimpered, her body pushing her with primal need for the release of orgasm.

Caden’s other busy fingers rubbed her clit and pumped in and out of her. Anna’s every muscle shivered and she shook against her bonds. Being strung up on the dirty ladder with those tiny metal teeth caused her stoked up endorphins to surge. An explosion shot through her with delirious force and her mind filled with a pinkish glow, promising, like the first shine before sunrise, there more would be coming.

Caden laughed, removing his digit with a pop. She ached to have him stay there, it had begun to feel…comforting.

Hanging on the ladder’s metal rack, her eyes closed, a sharp pain crashed into Anna’s chest. Gasping and looking down she saw his thick finger pressing her swollen right nipple down on the rung of the ladder. Caden stared into her eyes and grinned. He moved to the other nipple and repeated the same torture. The gritty, pointed foot grips bit into her, driving away the pleasure of the orgasm and yet, somehow, like a wave rushing back, a new explosion rose within her as the initial spike of sensation in her nipples transformed into yet another novel pleasure.

What was happening to her? What was this man doing to her? She’d read the books and rubbed herself. Pondered adding spanking to her bucket list. But nothing like being tortured on a ladder had ever crossed into her darkest fantasy. Not even close. Before tonight.

And yet, here she writhed, gasping and…'orgasming' with her boss as he drove her crazy on a twisting road with no guard rails.

“You would come again if I keep going. But you need more punishment first.”

Anna hadn’t hated him yet, she’d just been mad when he hit her. More angry at herself for her stupid mistake, both in taking the money and in signing the contracts. The way this man teased her, making her want him to throw her on the crumby table and take her every which way, and then flipping back into his bossy role and returning the moment to the purpose of their meeting was the last straw. She hated him now.

“Let me go, you asshole.” The tears that always betrayed her strong emotions cascaded in sheets down her cheeks.

“Do you quit?”

“Is that all you care about?” Her wail echoed off the walls and she clamped her lips shut, imagining a night cleaning crew-person somewhere looking around for the source of her screams. She pulled in a shaking breath through her nose, getting her temper under control.

He wants me to run. Then he wins. I’m not going to let him make me go.

“No, I don’t quit. Get your fucking whip. Grab your other perverted toys. Let’s finish this thing!” she yelled with more courage than she felt. Caden Morning could not be one-hundred percent sane. Maybe he was stark raving nuts and would pull out a knife instead of his damn cane.

A humming throbbed through the break room. The air conditioner.

We must be heating the place up.

Cool air poured down her naked back. Then Caden stepped up behind her, pressing his torrid skin to hers.

“I’m different, Anna. Me touching you, you coming, the simple interaction would be enough for a normal man. A decent man wouldn’t need to tie you up, he wouldn’t beat you, and he’d be fulfilled just by pawing your sweet body and spurting his seed.”

His breath blew the hair from her ear.

“But I’m not a man completed by the act of sowing my genes. My goal is to do more than continue…I am what I am, and I can’t change. What turns me on is seeing your alabaster flesh burn red. Seeing you jump and cry out. Don’t ask me to try to change, it would take an act of God, and He is not interested in playing with me.”

Hate turned to a flood of pity and caring. His voice was full of such sadness. Crazy as his back and forth from sweet to mean drove her, she wanted to find out what made him tick.

I know what makes him angry. I know what turns him on. What makes him cry? What makes him laugh? What does he dream about at night? What makes him give up his godforsaken control?

He rested the whip below the curved globes of her ass.

“I’m going to give you the last fifteen strokes of your standard company punishment.” His voice had been ragged with emotion seconds before. Now, he flipped back to business-presentation drone. The man switched his emotions off and on with machine-like control. She wanted to grab his throat and squeeze until he choked. Yet, her body still craved his touch.

While I’m figuring how to get under his skin, all he’s thinking about is criss-crossing mine with welts.

Caden Morning teased her with the long, single tail of the whip, brushing up the cleft of her ass. A tingle raged from her anus up to her brain when he pushed the rough tip against her hole.

“Step up one more rung of the ladder. This will make you push your sweet apple out, tighten your skin, and make my strokes more effective.”

“Painful, you mean, wicked man,” she whispered.

“What? Do you understand?”

“I do, sir. You should let me down, though. You could spank me,”
With your hand.
“I would let you do that.” She winced at yet another lame attempt at seduction. Of course, he wasn’t going to take her offer to trade a hand spanking for his diabolical plan to whip her on the rungs of a dirty old step-ladder. He was Caden Morning. The Sick and Twisted.

Caden laughed. “Maybe we can go on a date some time, with dinner, the opera, and a spanking. Tonight, we are working late on your punishment. We’re not here for you to have fun.”

He rubbed the whip’s tail between her widespread legs. Anna’s traitorous pussy was still pouring like a tributary. Caden twirled the leather in the flow, and then trailed it down her inner thigh.

Her hands tingled, going numb. He’d tied them in a position that left her able to grasp the top of the ladder, and she shifted to change her grip.

Anna had given up trying to keep her breasts off the dirty ladder, and now they rested on the rung below her chin, offered up like a pair of peaches on a grocery shelf. Her choice was to set them there or have them hang below the horizontal metal rung and get scraped by its sharp bottom edge every time she moved.

The ladder smelled like old paint and whatever the painters had walked in. Breathing it in, Anna had a vision of men laboring with their hands. Honest men who wouldn’t call whipping a woman ‘work’.

Or maybe they would, after all Darco employed them. Who knows what the company janitors have going on late at night?

Nothing in the break room. Not tonight.

On the table in front of her, Caden placed his single-tail horsewhip.




“I almost forgot,” he murmured. For a moment, Anna thought he might be changing his mind about the punishment. Her offer. A vision of them rolling together in a fluffy white, soft bed flashed through her mind.

The sound of his case opening cut through the scene. A narrow and solid object pressed the into skin between her ass cheeks.

Just a dream.

“Previously, I said I’d cane you for moving your hands.” He swished the lacquered stick through the air. “When I used this earlier, they were light strokes. Just to get your attention. These will be punishment strokes. They will make the ones I gave you before seem like love taps.”

Harder? He is going to hit me with more force than the car crash hard blows I already suffered from his evil device?
Anna gasped and pulled at her bonds.

“Please, Caden, you said you wouldn’t if I obeyed.” Anna shook the ladder, making a sound like the chains in a horror movie.

“If.” The thing touching her moved down and between her thighs. “If can be a big word. You moved your hands.”

His tone sounded childish, bordering on petulant.

“Remember what I said about scarring?”

Right. The cane can leave permanent marks. The quitting words formed on her lips. She wanted to know more about Caden, his secrets, to see feelings in his eyes she knew must be there. But not at the price of scars she’d wear the rest of her life.

“Please don’t. Caden, really, I can’t take that. What kind of terrible man are you, who would do such vicious things to me?”

Laughing, he said, “What kind of man am I? Good question. Yeah, I’m dire. Awful. Evil. But this isn’t about my crimes.” Slashing the cane through the air, his expert hand stopped short of the table, the last third of the tip humming in the air.

A million tiny bugs crawled all over her skin. Every cell in her being tried to move her bound body away from the flashing tip.

“I said I’d give you a choice. If I use this rod hard on your ass or thighs, the end might well break the skin and leave scars.”

Again, he placed the point of the thing between her legs.

“If I use the cane here, any scars won’t show.”

“Between my legs? How can you be so cruel? I thought we had something.”

Caden moved behind her, kissing her ear. “I believe we do. I think we could be an item. Anna, my sweet, I’m moved by your cries and your words.”

Moaning, she pushed back at him. This was more like her fantasy.

“But I live this life being what I am. This is me. I need this.”

A sharp pain slammed her when Caden’s fingers again pressed her nipple into the metal rung. He lifted her nubbin up, pinching it. Rolling it. She pushed forward now, giving her sensitive skin to him.

Am I learning to relish his chastisements more than I should?

“Where do you want the cane?”

This man with his one-track mind. His fingers touched her gently now, rolling instead of pinching. His chiseled chest pressed against her back.

Caden’s solid member pressed into the cleft of her ass. Anna smelled more smoke now, and worried for an instant that the building must be on fire. But, the green light from the smoke detectors still flashed in the flickering break room.

“Do you smell smoke?” she whispered to him.

“The smoke’s from me. Happens when I get excited.”

Not at all relieved, she thought about what he meant and what to say next as he moved back away from her.

“The choice?”

“Oh, God, Caden, you’re driving me insane.”

“Good. Sanity is overrated. Stay focused on the subject. This is also something we desire to develop in our staff, the ability to lean in to the difficult tasks during stressful times.”

BOOK: Twisted Souls (The Alpha Boss Book 2)
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