Read Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2) Online

Authors: Rayne O'Gara

Tags: #womens fiction, #biker romance, #new adult romance, #new adult contemporary, #motorcycle club romance, #multiple partners, #mfm

Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2)

BOOK: Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2)
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Two Sides of Noelle


Demon Rebels MC

Book Two


by Rayne O’Gara



Published by JK Publishing, Inc.



© Copyright May 2016 Rayne O’Gara

Rights & Permissions © May 2016 JK Publishing, Inc.

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Cover by Dream Color Designs

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ISBN #978-1-311-37467-7

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To my readers for pushing me to write this story (Wood, Noelle, and Caveman thank you too for getting their story out). To the best sounding boards evah, Amanda and Jerri, without you I would have been all over the place. To Hubs, for letting me escape and create my worlds. For WIFI, for without you there would be no Netflix and without Netflix my kids wouldn’t have stayed in the same place long enough for me to get words wrote. My mom, without her this book and all before it would never exist. And not least but last for now, Jana Leigh, for talking me into trying my hand at MC—I love writing it!


They say poetry is the food of love

But tears are the food of heartbreak

They say that monsters live under your bed

But truly they live inside your head

When your mind creates its monsters they go to your heart

You fall for them and the tears start

For that is why your heart is inside a cage

To stop your monsters from breaking your soul

His eyes have turned my ribs to feathers and my monsters are free

I have fallen too deep and I fear he'll see

-His Eyes


by Terralee Nichole



Table of Contents





Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen


Books by Rayne O’Gara

Taming Her Two Fires

About the Author





Are we really going to do this?

Inhaling a deep breath, I open my eyes and dissect the image in front of me. My wide brown eyes stare back at me from the floor length mirror attached to my bathroom door. A royal blue strapless dress clings to my midsized breasts, flat stomach, and ample hips. I don’t know why God gave me such wide hips, but I know it just has to be a sick joke. I have nothing to balance out my shape. Like a pear. Ugh. My mother’s voice floats to me from the past.

Another perfect recital costume ruined by your ass. We apparently have to move onto a new diet, this one is just not working. Are you sneaking food again? Do you want your huge ass to mess with all our future plans?

No, mother, they were all your plans. Not mine.

Turning to the side, I analyze my backside in the tiny dress. It’s not that large. After years of hard mental work, by myself and my shrink, I am finally at a good place, a comfortable place, with my body image. I am still sorry about my mother’s passing at such a young age and in such an awful fashion, but I’m not sorry she is gone. Does that make me a horrible person?

I push all the negative thoughts from my head and continue to get ready. One day I hope to have her chastising voice out of my head. I wish to be free of her. With a hair flip to add volume, my blond curled locks rest softly around my shoulders. I don’t wear my hair down often, it’s mostly always pulled up into a ponytail. It’s not really practical to have it down every day.

But tonight is not just your typical average day. Tonight we—Stacy, Jaycee, and myself—are going to go do something incredibly stupid. And dangerous. We are about to try to temp rough motorcycle club bikers into a night of, well, fucking. Basically that’s what it is. No emotions. No sweet words. No romance. Just come at me, bro.

Which I am totally alright with. Really. I need this. It has been way too long since my last sexual encounter, and with myself doesn’t count. On top of that, my last encounter was with a woman, so to say I need a good hard real cock is an understatement. I am not one for bar scenes or blind dates, hoping to connect with someone who could potentially be my life long mate. Hell no. I am not at the point in my life where I could even possibly attempt to manage that. But one night with sexy as sin bikers? Hell yeah. I know I’m safe with them. Well safe as in they don’t want any more than I can give, because they want what I want. Wam-bam-thank-you-peace-out.

One last check on my light make-up and I’m out the door. My sweet little car purrs to life, and I am away to pick up Stacy and Jay my two BBF’s. They are ready for me and we make good time on the drive from our small little town to Wichita.

Following my inner directions, we pull into the gravel parking lot of the biker bar, Road Hogs. We have been there once before and was warned of what would happen if we ever came back. The big scary dude who leaned close to Jay kept her attention, but left mine to wonder. Yeah he was hot, but you could tell that he and his friend had eyes only for Jay. That is awesome for her. She needs a good hard fucking. She gets way too wound up, I can’t even remember the last time she said she had gotten laid. A girl has needs too, ya know.

Now what my eyes caught onto, in my opinion, was even hotter than the two talking to us. One blond, that looked like a sex god. And the other red-headed, looking like he was full of passion. Mmmm, I wanted them. Then with the ultimatum of come back and be ready to be fucked, which I wasn’t sure if that applied to just Jay or all three of us, it only made me burn to come back and see just what they could do between the sheets…or over their bikes…or against the wall. Basically anywhere and everywhere.

BOOK: Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2)
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